Welcome everyone to the last day of CoLu week.
I just have to give a huge thank you to everyone who reviewed and loved this couple as they were written. The idea for this prompt struck from a conversation with coworkers and then this was born lol.
On to the reading!
It was the odd, prickling sensation of being watched that pulled Erik from his sleep. As he became aware of his surroundings, he could feel the hand of his wife resting on his stomach, her soft but steady breathing tickling the edge of his bare shoulder. The house was quiet, no creaking or settling. There was just the heavy sound of breathing to the right accompanied by a soft nasal wheeze. He didn't even need to open his eyes to know who it was. She'd been sneaking every night for a week. The little evil troll that she was. Cute as fuck but evil none the less. "Aurora Madeline Fernandes…"
A soft glow shone through his eyelids and his brows furrowed. It wasn't bright enough to be the overhead lamp and too dim to be her trusty flashlight. His eyes snapped open to find his and Lucy's three year old daughter leaning over him. Her maroon hair looked like she'd been riding on the back of the wicked witch's broom and he wouldn't doubt that she had. Her wide, amethyst eyes were narrowed with the angelic smile that dimpled her cheeks. The source of the light was that stupid ass glow bear that her uncle and his wife's brother insisted she needed. "What are you doing, Creeper?"
Her full, little lips poked out in a pout as she clutched her bear tighter. "I not cweepah."
"You are if you sneak to watch people sleeping."
The little girl's head canted as though his words confused her and a tired chuckle slipped from his lips. Despite needing to be back up in a few hours for work, he couldn't exactly be mad. Even if it did give him the fucking willies that she was watching him. That was the kind of shit Bundy did to his parents. Reaching over, he smoothed her tousled hair. "Why are you out of bed, kitten?"
"You fart, Daddy," she giggled softly.
There was no denying that she was as insane as his wife. "So do you," he grumbled as he glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. Three-fifteen. Every night, it was the same time. It fueled his belief that the child should've been named Damian. She was the spawn of Satan or something close to it. That's what all of Lucy's scary movies had taught him. "Again, why are you out of bed?"
"I not tired."Three and somewhere round abouts was the Devil's hour. "Again, why are you out of your bed?"
"I not tired."
Because that made all the sense. The child had boundless energy, running him and Lucy ragged on a daily basis. His brother often said it was their mother's curse visited upon him but he vehemently disagreed. He wasn't a bad kid. He'd been nothing but angelic, at least in his mind. "And you just decided that watching me sleep was more fun?"
She gave bob of her head and smiled. "Uh-huh."
"What's wrong?"
The tired, yawned voice of his wife preceded her warmth suddenly attaching itself to his side and his arm naturally went about her shoulder. "Nothing," he grumbled before planting a kiss atop the blonde head laid on his chest. "Except for the fact your creepy ass kid decided to come in and watch me sleep."
Lucy's head lifted, her eyes narrowing up at him in warning before she turned her attention to their child. "Aurora, Baby. You should be in bed."
"Daddy fart ina sleep!"
Erik was barely able to contain his groan. He didn't pass gas in his sleep and if one slipped, so fucking what? Everyone had to let one go at some point. It's what the human body did but he sure as hell didn't need his three year old daughter telling the damn world about it. "And that's all she'll say," he added. "It's creeping me out."
His wife shook her head and rolled away to lift the covers on her side of their king sized bed. "Come on, Kitten. Come get in on Mommy's side."
"Better watch out," he smirked. "She's gonna start saying redrum next."
Lucy's elbow forced its way into his side, purposely. "Would you hush it?"
"What redrum is?"
"See what you did?"
He bit at his lips when his wife's head slowly turned and she curled her lip at him. He didn't exactly relish pissing her off but she was pretty fucking sexy when she was angry. Of course, this really wasn't the opportune time. It would be a little hard to rip her night shirt off and pound her into the mattress. His arousal seemed to disagree when it twitched in his sleep shorts. Damn kid… "Told you," he shrugged. "Creeper."
"Daddy creeper!"
A smug smile rose on Lucy's face before she turned to tuck the child in beside her. "That's right, Baby," she cooed. "Daddy's a big creeper."
"You've got room to talk, Evil Alley Cat," he grumbled. The urge to slap her ass pulled at him strong but he fought the sudden urge, knowing where it would end up. Sexless and bedless. She liked spankings. A lot. He liked giving them to her even more. But it was definitely a huge no-no with the kids anywhere around. "And what about your brother?" he questioned as he turned over to spoon against his wife's sexy backside.
"He sweepin'," Aurora yawned as she snuggled down.
At least someone is. He grimaced at the fact that he was now firmly wide awake and was down to only two and a half hours left to sleep. The next day was going to be hellacious given he had more than a full day of appointments. He punched at his pillow and settled down, a groan slipping from his lips when his wife's ass squirmed against him. "Probably already kil-" he started to mumble before a heel connected with his shin. "Ow! Goddamn it that hurt."
"Erik…" came Lucy's warned reply.
"Dat's not Ewik, Mommy. Dat's Daddy."
It was Erik's turn to don the smug smile as he reached over his wife to pat his daughter's head. "You tell her, Aurora."
"Oh god," Lucy groaned. "Don't encourage her."
If that wasn't the pot calling the kettle black, he didn't know what was. She was the world's worst when it came to encouraging the little spawn of hell. It certainly didn't help that the two seemed to feed off of each other's crazy. "Why?" he asked with a poke to her side. "You do."
"That's completely different."
He stared at the back of his wife's head before he lifted up on his elbow. "How the hell is it different?"
Lucy turned her head to look up at him, that scary ass I just ate a baby grin spread across her face. "I'm her mother, we do those kind of things."
There were a ton of smart ass comments he could make but the little munchkin staring up at him from the opposite side of the bed held him fast. They'd learned the hard way just how fast little ears picked up on foul language, their little mouths too quick to repeat every fucking word. Lucien, their son, was a damn parrot and Aurora was no better. He fell back to the bed and mentally resigned himself to attempt getting back to sleep.
"Hemmy fart like Daddy."
Oh god. Please just go to fucking sleep!
"See?" Lucy said sleepily.
The only thing he saw was that his evil minion of a daughter wasn't going to just go quietly to sleep. "Yes," he grumbled. "And she's creepy like you."
"I Mommy's good girl," Aurora giggled happily.
The sound of a kiss followed before his wife replied. "Yes you are, now let's go to sleep."
"I not tired."
I could make you tired. Really quick. Just one good hit to the head. He'd never do it but there were times that she tested the very limits of his patience. Their son had been a fucking cake walk compared to her, night terrors and all.
"Yes you are," Lucy yawned.
Eric gave another groan before reaching to pull his pillow over his head. He'd gladly take a kink in his neck if it meant he'd get a couple of more hours of sleep. It was all his wife's fault anyway that the child insisted on crawling into bed with them every night. "Then watch Mommy sleep," he said before pulling his leg back to avoid another kick.
"Don't tell her that."
His wife's shrill reply was muffled by the pillow barrier and he sighed contentedly. "Why?"
"It's creepy."
That's exactly what I've been fucking saying! His teeth clenched to keep himself from being the smart ass he always was. The possible argument just wasn't worth it at that point. He just wanted sleep. "Exactly," he said as he righted his arm around Lucy's waist. "Now can we go back to sleep, please?"
Cobra as a daddy was too cute to pass up and he needed a kiddo that was just like him to complete things LOL. And I know… two shorts featuring their children but for those of us that have them… They sort of become your life to a point.
The next update for Sound Pod should be coming along soon. I've started working on my personal project and I am rather enjoying it. Outside of SP though, it will be a little bit until I see you guys again. You can always reach me via PM here on fanfic or on tumblr. Thank you very much for understanding the need to take a step back for a while. I promise I'm not going away permanently, just need a break to regroup. I love you all and will see you later!
Big hugs,
Princess Nana