"Hey, Abs."

Tony gave her a wave. "Let me grab the cake."

Abby had spent the day at the church serving a Father's Day dinner. Tony had called to thank her for the socks and had offered her a cake for the evening snack at the local men's shelter. "Hey, Zuma. What you doing?"

Zuma looked up. His minion! "Look, Rocky! Auntie Abby is here." He dragged Rocky to her feet and she knelt down. He offered her the slightly damp sock. He has asked and Rocky didn't mind the saliva.

"What are you doing?"

Zuma looked at her. "Well, duh! I'm trying to put my old Superman socks on Rocky. He is feeling a bit left out. I told him he could borrow my other pair."

"Oh, is Rocky the only one in the family without Superman socks?"

"Rocky, I think minions are a little slow. Isn't that what I just told her?"

"Here you go, Abby!"

"Tony, what did you do?" Abby looked at the stack in his arms.

"I had a few bundt cakes in the freezer and I made a few of that new cookie recipe you liked."

"The squash apple triple chip? They're still warm!" Abby moaned.

Tony slapped her fingers as she went to open the bag. "These are for the shelter. Yours are on the table. Grab the iced cake while you're in there. Is your car open?"


"Grab Zuma."

"Daddy, Mommy is leaving and won't take me. Daddy! Auntie Abby is helping Mommy abandon me! Help! Daddy!"

"I could hear you all the way to the patio. What's wrong silly thing?"

"Tony ran the cakes out to my car and he freaked."

"Daddy, I did not. I thought you should know Mommy is leaving us. Now march out there and order him to come back. Now! Or I'll call Grandpa."

"I think he's still a little unsettled from Palermo and then the Mabus situation. I'll walk him out and show him that Tony is still here. Need a hand with the rest?"

Abby smiled. "No, I'll be okay. Did you see what he did? How did he become such a good person?"

"He's Tony."

"Daddy, fetch Mommy now!"

"Okay, we're going outside." Jethro stepped out the front door. "See there's Mommy. He's putting stuff in Aunt Abby's car. Just calm down."

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tony put the last on the back seat and came towards his husband.

"Someone was a little worried."

"Zuma, I was just helping Auntie Abby." Tony accepted her kiss as she passed him.

"Thanks, Tony! Happy Father's Day!"

Tony wagged Zuma's paw. "Zuma says thank-you."

Zuma was indignant. "I already told her that, Mommy. Let go of my paw. I could wave if I wanted, but I don't want to. That is so lame. Now put me down." Instead, Zuma was forced to suffer the indignity of being carried around the house to the back patio. Daddy had a fire going. That meant cuddles under the stars. "Well, okay you can carry me for now. I want cuddles. Mommy, you can hold me first and then you have to let Daddy hold me because it is Father's Day." Zuma ordered.

Zuma yawned. Daddy had finally made Mommy get up saying it was time for bed. Zuma stopped in the kitchen. "Mommy, I need a quick snack and a drink before bed. Oh, and a cookie, please, for Rocky." Wait a minute. Where was Rocky? "Rocky. Rocky!" Zuma called. "Rocky, where are you?"

Zuma took off running to the living room. Maybe Rocky was where they had watched his new movie. "Rocky. Rocky. This isn't funny. You answer me right now, Rocky Raccoon!" The pup nosed in under the couch and then dragged himself up onto the couch and searched there. "Rocky! Mommy! Rocky's missing. Moooommmmyyy! I need Rocky!" He ran back to the kitchen to check his high chair and then back to the living room.

"Calm down, Zuma. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? I can't find Rocky. Rocky is lost. I need Rocky. Rocky." Zuma eyes Mommy suspiciously. "Did you put Rocky out that thing again? I tell you, I am NOT going out there by myself. Now, you just trot out there and get my Rocky."

"What's wrong?" Jethro came to see why the pup was throwing a fit.

"Daddy. I can't find Rocky. Rocky can't sleep without me. I need Rocky! I think Mommy put him out that thing ago. Please, Daddy go get my Rocky."

"I'm not sure what it is." Tony shrugged his shoulders. "I told him it was bed time and he went to get some water then he just went spastic."

"You're not sure what it is? Are you deaf? Rocky's missing! You're agents, find him. Now! It's an emergency."

"What in tarnation?" Grandpa left himself in the front door. After watching Zuma's new Superman movie, he had gone out with Ducky to the theatre. At least that's what he had told the boys. It wouldn't do to set a bad example. They had a very nice evening with cold drinks in a nice club watching ladi… the scenery.

"Sorry, dad. He just started barking for no reason."

"For no reason! Grandpa, Rocky is missing! Help me find Rocky, please! I need… Rocky needs me to sleep. I can't go to bed without Rocky."

"Oh, this was on the door handle." Jackson handed Jethro a grocery bag.

Jethro reach inside. "I know what Zuma's problem is." He started laughing.

"Rocky's missing!" Zuma howled. "It's not funny, Daddy. I need my Rocky!"

Jethro reach out and pulled the top of a familiar figure up. "This what you were looking for?"

"Rocky! Wow, Grandpa, you're good." Zuma made a lunge for his friend who was sticking out of the bag. "Rocky, are you okay? I've missed you all night. Was it Mommy again? Did he put you in the bag and put you out there."

Jethro juggled the pup and Rocky slipped back into the bag. "Easy, Zuma. Hold still. I'll get him out."

"Why would anyone hang his toy on the door handle?"

Jethro managed to secure Zuma. "I think Zuma's helper did it."

"His helper?"

"She of the black ribbon."

Zuma was stunned his minion kidnapped Rocky! He would definitely be having a long talk with her. There are things you just don't do. Primarily, you don't steal Rocky. Zuma watched as Daddy lifted Rocky clear of the bag and was stunned again. Zuma didn't care if Mommy, Daddy and Grandpa laughed. Rocky was now wearing his very own pair of Superman Socks with a cape. He LOVED his minion.