Thank you to AusllyBeliever, ktmyldy28, and two guests for your reviews! This is a request from one of the guests, and it was so cute I couldn't resist!

(F/n) = First name

(L/n) = Last name

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Kyoya Ootori loved the winter.

That might come as a bit of a shock to most people, considering Kyoya seems like the type of person who'd scoff at something as trivial as a "favorite season". But he does. And it's definitely winter, above anything else.

Not many people know of this, of course. And they often don't find out from being told outright. His older sister, Fuyumi, and his friends from the Ouran Host Club were the only people who both knew and had received a verbal confirmation of Kyoya's seasonal preference.

They were also the only ones to make fun of him for it.

"It makes total sense," they'd remark, typically in a teasing fashion, "Such a cold outer appearance, it makes sense that you prefer chillier weather."

And then they'd laugh and attempt to hug or otherwise touch him, reassuring Kyoya that they only teased him out of love. Kyoya knew that, so he didn't mind the annual rounds the joke made once the stores started selling calendars for the new year.

Still, for all their words and smiles, the one thing they've never figured out was why Kyoya likes the cold weather so much. Oh, they've guessed plenty of times, but not once did they get it right. Sure, the snowfall is pretty every year and the Christmas festivities made for some really nice seasonal-themed Host Club parties and sales, but those aren't his reasons.

No, what Kyoya loves the most about the winter is his ability to finally open his closet and start tackling his stockpile of warm winter clothes. As he was more averse to touching people than some others he could mention, most everyone was unaware that Kyoya's hands and feet were almost perpetually freezing. It was rare that he had proper feeling in both, let alone one.

And yet, he didn't like the summer. In summer, while it was nice to get the feeling in his fingertips back, he hated being sweaty and dealing with sun burns and not being able to breathe because the air was always either too stuffy or humid.

But in the winter? He could throw on multiple layers under his school uniform and no one would be the wiser. Wrapping himself up in sweaters and fuzzy socks when he got home was acceptable and expected, even with the heating system running full blast. No one batted an eye when he stashed heat packets inside his mittens for him to hold. His numerous scarves and hats and earmuffs ensured that he'd never be in a situation without a pair of each. Said scarves also served as the perfect thing to nuzzle and hide his face in as he walked down the street. And if he ever did miscalculate and end up sweating beneath his coat and the four layers beneath it, there were no A/C units running to immediately freeze it to his skin.

It was the one time of year where Kyoya felt warm. Not too hot, not too cold, and he loved every second of it.

Of course, there was also the issue of (F/n) (L/n), who happened to look ridiculously cute in winter clothes.

Not that she doesn't always look cute. It's just that, during the winter, all bundled up and with a scarf wrapped around the lower half of his face, Kyoya was more willing to indulge himself and risk giving (F/n) more than a brief glance out of the corner of his eye. And he could also focus more of his attention on her that way, rather than being forced to spread it to his other guests so as to not seem like he was playing favorites.

If he wasn't so worried about how his attraction would be received, Kyoya might've actually done something about his little crush by now. Sure, he was her official host during club activities, but since he knew that a majority of his guests were merely there for his looks and had no actual interest in his "cold" personality, that didn't necessarily mean anything.

Somedays he wished he'd never developed feelings for (F/n) in the first place, but he also knew well enough that he never could've predicted where his emotions were headed before it became too late to stop it.

Back when (F/n) had first arrived at the Host club, being dragged there by her closest friend, (B/f/n), Kyoya had only seen her as a potential new client. Which is why he was the first to notice how she obviously wasn't "clicking" with Tamaki. Kyoya reasoned, correctly, that it was due to the overwhelming and "cookie-cutter" attention the blond was giving her.

Having narrowed the field down, Kyoya gave her a charming smile and offered to set up an appointment with Mori for her the following afternoon. Honey would also be included, as a package deal, but (F/n) had agreed, willing to try again.

To Kyoya's interest, however, the next day he was quick to realize that (F/n) once again wasn't enjoying the club's activities to her fullest potential. Before confronting her for a second time, Kyoya had done a brief background check on her. To his surprise, she wasn't betrothed to anyone, nor did she have a significant other, or even a crush as far as Ouran's rumor mill could tell. Which mean that any lack of pleasure was due to a personality difference, rather than an outside interference.

So, deciding that a direct course of action was necessary to maintain their newest client, Kyoya elected to be blunt when asking (F/n) what she wanted from her time with them.

The girl's face had gone a soft pink as she thought up an answer. Her eyes flickered around the room, starting and ending with Mori and Honey before lifting back to Kyoya. Her voice quivered with embarrassment as she admitted that she was looking for some attention from her host. Just… not to Tamaki's overwhelming extent. She wasn't looking for someone to just tell her she was pretty or cute, but she did want to talk. Real conversations. One on one, if possible.

She wanted to be heard.

At the request, a solution immediately appeared in Kyoya's head, and yet he hesitated for a moment before offering his services. He didn't have many guests signed up under his name, most of the club's clientele preferring to only hear a few smooth words from him here or there while reveling in his companion's attention the rest of the time. As for the ones who did prefer his company over the others, more often than not they just wanted him to say romantic, refined empty words and compliment them on whatever hairstyle or make-up they'd had done to themselves that morning. It was the only way Kyoya found himself capable of keeping his sharp wit out of the conversation and scaring the guests off.

But to have a guest that just wanted to talk? Have a real conversation? For an extended period of time? Even as Kyoya offered to host (F/n) the next day, he couldn't help but wonder in the back of his head how long it would take for her to leave and never come back.

Only, the end result hadn't exactly worked like that.

A week later and Kyoya found himself enjoying (F/n)'s company more than he had anticipated. The girl was smart, witty, an enjoyable conversation partner, and even when he slipped up and something less-than-respectful came out of his mouth, she merely giggled and relaxed her own standards. She was officially first client that made him feel comfortable.

Even when she started showing up to speak with him every day of the week during their morning, free period, and after school hours, it had been no skin off Kyoya's nose to accommodate her. If anything, he supposed she might've been accommodating him. Kyoya had often found himself letting their meetings run over the time limit or even jotting down the latest topic so they could pick up where they left off the next time they saw each other, both actions which upset Kyoya's other guests.

He supposed that after one to many interruptions from other guests who felt the need to butt into their conversations, it was simply easier for her to be there every available hour, so they could talk whenever the opportunity presented itself.

He hadn't realized at the time that he was slowly falling.

But by the time the weather turned cold, it was too late.

She had breezed into the club room that fateful morning wearing a grey peacoat over her uniform that went down to what he assumed was her mid-thigh. As she drew closer to his table, he couldn't help but notice the flashes of black leggings peeking out above her black buckled boots with every step. Her black scarf and earmuffs were draped around her neck, holding down her hair which she hadn't bothered to fix just yet. (F/n) had cheerfully waved at Kyoya with her matching black mittens, and when he noticed the cute red color across her cheeks and nose he could've sworn he'd been frozen to his seat, despite the warm flush spreading through his body.

Five minutes later she told him that winter was her favorite season and Kyoya was officially gone.

And he knew it.

That had been two months ago and Kyoya still had no idea what to do about it. Enjoying conversations with someone wasn't the same as liking them personally, and Kyoya felt that he couldn't risk losing whatever he currently had with (F/n) by confessing. And yet, he wanted to confess all the same.

It was a horrible dilemma, he thought to himself as he walked up the school's lawn that morning, same as always. Ever since that day where he'd realized his feelings for (F/n), Kyoya found that almost all of his free time was suddenly preoccupied by thoughts of (F/n) and what he should do about his situation. Sometimes the thoughts went beyond his free time, too, which was another problem in and of itself.

He'd already humiliated himself by having to ask Tamaki for math help after he'd daydreamed his way through the first lesson on a new chapter. That hadn't ended well at all. Not just because that was the day Tamaki learned of Kyoya's "crush".

Taking in one more deep breath of the crisp air, Kyoya buried his nose into his dark green scarf, shutting his eyes for a moment and letting himself enjoy the warmth. Through his earmuffs he could still faintly hear the snow crunching beneath his boots as he made his way to the main school building. The heating packs placed by his toes were at just the right temperature below burning, as were the ones his hands were curled around inside of his mittens. Opening his eyes, Kyoya isn't surprised to see that his warm breath had escaped from the top lip of his scarf, fogging up his glasses, but neither could he be bothered enough to care about it.

Pulling his nose back out of the scarf, letting his glasses clear up on their own time, Kyoya was given another five seconds of silent thoughts before someone brushed past him, calling out a name.


Kyoya's shoulder's stiffened on reflex, and as he stared through his gradually clearing glass lens, he realized exactly who he'd been walking behind for the past minute or so. (B/f/n) was now hanging off of (F/n)'s arm, rattling on about something or another that Kyoya couldn't hear, (F/n) smiling happily at her friend.

Kyoya can't help but admire her cute outfit once again. It was almost exactly the same as it was the first time Kyoya had seen in on her, save for the white earmuffs and mittens combo, which only supported just how deep Kyoya was getting, considering his only thought was good lord she's so adorable.

He quickly buries his nose back into his scarf as soon as he feels the blush welling up on his cheeks. Unfortunately, the move disrupts his earmuffs just enough that he could now hear the conversation coming from in front of him. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the girl's voices sort of carried around the empty, snow-covered yard.

"(F/n), are you going to the Host Club today?"

"Well, yeah. Of course."


"Oh, shut up. I go every day."

"Yeah, no kidding. I barely see you anymore now that you spend all your time with-"


Kyoya's heart beat solidly and rather painfully in his chest, like it was suddenly hitting against the lung it was tucked behind and his body couldn't tell whether the collision hurt his lung or his heart more. (F/n) had a crush… on someone in the Host Club. And as much as Kyoya wanted to hope, there was no guarantee-

"Oh, please. Everyone in class already knows you like him."

"(B/f/n), shut up! And there's no way everyone can know or else he'd know by now, too!"


"Don't even joke about that."

"Oh, come on! You're super cute and smart! Why wouldn't he like you?"

"You're just saying that because it's your job. And I'm not the only girl he talks too. He probably wouldn't even remember my name if I didn't talk to him so often."

Kyoya's eyes widen and he lifts his head a little, catching the hint of a dark flush encompassing (F/n)'s cheeks. Possibly her whole face.

"Oh, pul-lease! I've seen the way Ootori looks at you! He's not nearly as relaxed or animated with any of his other guests."

"You're seeing things again, (B/f/n)."

"Yeah, because they're true."

"I asked you to drop it. There's no way-"


He made the mistake of stopping when he heard his name, which gave Tamaki ample time to catch up and throw his arms around Kyoya's shoulder in a rather chaotic form of hugging. And, to Kyoya's horror, the girls in front of him turned around at Tamaki's shout just in time to see the blond accidentally tug on Kyoya's scarf until it unwound completely from his face.

(B/f/n)'s mouth was open in shock and regardless of how large (F/n)'s blush had been before, it most certainly was bigger now, even reaching her forehead as they stared at Kyoya.

Despite the surprise attack and the embarrassment wriggling in the back of his mind, Kyoya managed to compose himself enough to hum, "Good morning, Tamaki. Before I forget to tell you, during club hours today I'm expecting a special guest, so I'll be sending most of my clients over to you."


Tamaki's questioning noise was answered by a rather startled yelp, making him peek over Kyoya's shoulder to look at the two girls watching them. Immediately his eyes brightened, a smile reappearing even as he "casually" knocked his elbow into Kyoya's side and greeted both his and Kyoya's guests.

"Ah, hello (B/f/n) and (F/n)! Oh, wow, (F/n), your coat looks truly adorable with your uniform. I'll admit, I first thought Kyoya was just playing favorites when he mentioned it but- mmmph!"

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." Kyoya spun Tamaki around, careful to keep the blond's scarf pressed tightly against his mouth as he hastily shoved him up the steps and into the school. Tamaki nearly lost his balance at the doorway, and when Kyoya went to hoist him up, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder at the two girls they'd left behind.

(B/f/n) is wearing a gaping smile, excited eyes zipping between him and (F/n) in a jerking, almost comical motion. If Kyoya had to bet, she was probably thinking along the lines of this being the best day of her life.

And (F/n)?

Her whole face is a dark pink, which perhaps was an improvement from the deep red from before, and the question on whether it's from the cold or something else is answered when she gives Kyoya a small, shy smile and waves before he manages to slip inside the school, dragging Tamaki along.

AAAWWWW! How cute! I loved writing this out and I hope you enjoyed reading this, especially as the weather grows colder! Now, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to put any future updates on the backburners from here on out. If I'm struck by inspiration I'll do my best to write it, but updating this story is no longer going to be a priority. I'm sorry, but considering I will be writing a novel this month for NaNoWrimo (which I highly encourage to any of you who are also writers), and I have an idea for a Kaoru x Male OC story, I hope you'll understand!

Thank you all so much for your support, and I hope you continue to enjoy my work!

See you next story!