Marco's Choice

Chapter Six: The Big Decision

Marco spent the next few days feeling deeply conflicted, his thoughts veering wildly between Star and Jackie. It didn't help that he would continually interact with them both over that time. He had his dates with Jackie, and while Star was still acting frosty towards him, she was at least willing to sit beside him at the dining table and couch, and even share some civil words with him, even at school. Although that was a promising development for their friendship, it only further complicated Marco's feelings.

'What should I do?' He thought as he stood in his room over days of indecision. 'If I stay with Jackie, it would mean denying all those feelings for Star, which won't exactly help our friendship in the long run. But if I choose Star, it'll break Jackie's heart. And after she's been so good to me... How can I just dump her after all those good times?' Marco closed his eyes in exasparation. 'Come on, Diaz. You've got to choose...'

Marco's mind flooded with images of times with both Star and Jackie. He had been enamoured with Jackie for so long, and the times they'd shared as boyfriend and girlfriend had been wonderful. But he had been through so much with Star; They had saved each others' lives so many times, gone on unforgettable, amazing adventures, and had always supported each other when the chips were down. There was no-one Marco trusted more to have his back in a sticky situation, and he knew the feeling was mutual. All of a sudden, it was plain to see how they could have fallen for each other.

'But Star and I live together.' Marco reminded himself. 'In the same house. It'd be a little weird, wouldn't it, us being... together-together? And then there's the question of what happens if things don't work out. Our friendship would be ruined. But if I stay with Jackie, it could be ruined anyway. ...Could I really take that kind of risk? I don't know. Risk-taking's never really been my strong suit, but maybe it'd be worth it...'

Marco fell back on his bed, clutching a photo of him and Jackie in one hand, and a photo of him and Star in the other.

'Star or Jackie, Jackie or Star...' He thought. 'And it's my decision to make...'

Marco struggled to decide, glancing between the two photos of the girls as corresponding memories flowed from his heart to his mind. Finally, he made a decision.

'This is it.' He thought. 'I've made my choice. And there's gonna be no turning back...'

After school the next day, Marco decided to act. He caught up to Jackie just outside the building.

"Jackie, can we talk about something?" He asked.

"You can talk to me about anything, sweetie." Jackie smiled.

Marco cringed slightly, Jackie's use of such a pet name not helping his resolve.

"Let's go somewhere private." He suggested.

They walked a short distance away, to an empty street corner.

"So, what's going on?" Jackie asked.

"I... I... I think we should break up." Marco sighed.

"What?" Jackie asked, a look of surprise and dismay appearing on her face. "Why?"

"Look, these last few weeks have been wonderful." Marco admitted, feeling awful about saying such things to Jackie. "But I've... well, fallen for somebody else. I can't be with you any more."

"...Oh, right." Jackie bowed her head.

"I know this is a lousy thing to do, but I can't help how I feel." Marco sighed.

"I understand." Jackie said quietly. "If you don't feel that way about me anymore, I guess there's nothing either of us can do about it."

"Wow." Marco remarked. "You're really taking this well."

"No, I'm not." Jackie rose her head, revealing tears in her sea green eyes (to Marco's regret). "I'm barely holding it together. I really loved being your girlfriend, Marco. You were the sweetest guy I've ever been with."

"I'm sorry, Jackie." Marco said, overcome with guilt. "I never wanted to hurt you."

"It's okay." Jackie put on a weak smile. "Like you said, you can't help how you feel. The heart wants what it wants. And at least you had the guts to just come out and say it, and not string me along or something lousy like that." The smile faded. "We really had a good run though, didn't we?"

"Yeah, we did." Marco nodded sadly. "And... we can still be friends, right?"

"Right." Jackie kissed Marco on the cheek. "Boyfriend or not, you're still a great guy, Marco. Knowing you has definitely been one of the high points of my life."

"Thanks, Jackie." Marco smiled. "And for the record, you were a great girlfriend."

"With a guy like you with me, it was easy." Jackie grinned.

The two hugged each other.

"So, who's the lucky girl who's stolen your heart?" Jackie asked.

"It's... Star." Marco confessed.

"Whoa, really?" Jackie gaped.

"Yeah, really." Marco admitted sheepishly. "And honestly, I'm surprised, too. It just... kinda happened, if you want to know the truth."

"Y'know, I actually feel a little better about being dumped now." Jackie smiled. "Of all the girls to come in second to, there are way worse candidates. And let's face it, Star is pretty awesome, isn't she?"

"She really is." Marco smiled back. "And it's time I let her know just how special she is to me."

"Then go get 'er, lover boy." Jackie grinned.

"I will." Marco nodded, as he headed back home.

"That Star's a lucky girl." Jackie admitted to herself, wiping more tears from her eyes. "Hope she realises just how lucky she is..."

Marco rushed back home, heading upstairs and knocking on Star's bedroom door.

"Star?" He called. "I need to talk to you!"

"Not now, Marco." Star retorted.

"Star, please." Marco begged. "I really need to say this."

There was a moment of silence... then Star's door opened.

"Okay, just make it quick." Star insisted.

"I'll try." Marco nodded, as he stepped into Star's room.

"So, what is it you need to say so bad?" Star asked.

"...I broke up with Jackie today." Marco announced.

"You did?" Star gasped, barely containing a feeling of elation. "..So what? Finally got tired of the awesome skater chick?"

"No." Marco shook his head. "I broke up with her because I realised I'm in love with someone else."

"Really?" Star's eyes lit up, hoping beyond hope that she knew who the girl was. "Who?"

"You." Marco smiled.

Star gasped with joy... before turning around and folding her arms.

"Oh, so now I'm supposed to just fall into your arms?" She huffed. "You rejected me when I blurted out my feelings, but you expect me to swoon over your little delayed reaction? Yeah, right. It's not gonna be that easy, Diaz."

"Okay, I kinda deserved that." Marco cringed. "You're right, though: It was a delayed reaction."

"Huh?" Star turned around. "What do you mean?"

"It took a while for me to realise that I felt the same way." Marco declared. "I've been struggling with that feeling for days."

"Days?" Star frowned. "Really? Why didn't you say anything before now?"

"Because I was worried things wouldn't work between us." Marco admitted. "After you distanced yourself when I pushed you away, I thought it would be hard enough being friends again, let alone... something more. And then there was Jackie. I didn't think throwing her aside for you was the right thing to do."

"Doesn't seem to bother you right now." Star scoffed.

"Well, I've done a lot of thinking since then." Marco admitted. "Jackie will always mean something to me. She was my first crush, after all... But if I stayed with her, I'd be living a lie. Because I don't love her like that any more. I love you."

"...You do?" Star whispered.

"Yeah." Marco smiled.

"Oh, Marco..." Star smiled... but the smile became a frown. "But what if you were right all along? What if we're only supposed to be friends? What if it doesn't work out? What if we have the worst break-up ever, and we wind up never speaking to each other again?"

"I guess we'll just have to take that risk." Marco shrugged.

"Risk? You?" Star smiled in spite of the seriousness of the situation.

"Yeah, I know." Marco smiled back. "Not really my thing. But taking the risk is better than just denying our feelings. I don't know about you, but it was driving me nuts, keeping it held in."

"Yeah, me too." Star admitted. "But still, it could end up ruining everything."

"Or it could make them better than ever." Marco pointed out. "We just have to have faith that our bond is strong enough to survive the ups and downs of a real relationship."

"That's a pretty big risk." Star sighed.

"I know." Marco nodded. "But it's nothing compared to the size of my feelings for you."

"Okay, that was just corny." Star snorted.

"I mean it, though." Marco admitted. "Star, you changed my life in so many ways. Thanks to you, I've known adventure, excitement, fun, seen things most can barely imagine... There's no-one more important to me in the entire world."

"Aww..." Star blushed. "You really mean all that?"

"All that, and more." Marco smiled.

Marco placed his hands on Star's cheeks, slowly pulling her toward. Star didn't fight it, instead locking eyes with Marco. Marco pressed his lips against Star's, and they both closed their eyes, overcome by the greatest feeling either of them had ever felt. It was like fireworks were going off in their hearts, like they were both walking on air. It all felt so perfect.

After what seemed like a glorious eternity, their lips parted.

"Wow..." Star sighed, eyes still locked with Marco's.

"My thoughts exactly." Marco said breathlessly. "Speaking of, still think this won't work out?"

"Right now, I don't think that at all." Star smiled. "I'm thinking we could be together forever..."

"Here's hoping." Marco smiled, embracing his new love. "I love you, Star Butterfly."

"And I love you, Marco Diaz." Star smiled back. "Now, how about another kiss?"

"With pleasure." Marco grinned.

The two of them pressed their lips together once more.

"You are a really great kisser." Star purred.

"You aren't so bad yourself." Marco stroked her golden locks. "Guess this is it. The big change."

"Yep." Star nodded. "No going back now. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Me neither." Marco nodded.

The two embraced, kissing for the third time in a row.

Unbeknownst to them, Marco's parents had been listening outside the door. Normally, they were above eavesdropping, but the emotional turmoil between Star and Marco had concerned them. They had listened in, hoping that the two would reconcile, but hadn't expected this.

"Ohh, that's so sweet!" Angie cooed.

"Si." Rafael grinned. "Marco has a way with the ladies. Just like his papa."

"Mom, dad, we can hear you!" Marco called from inside. "Please go away! We're kinda having a private moment here!"

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz!" Star called.

"Sorry, kids!" Rafael chuckled.

"We'll just be going now." Angie smirked. "You kids have fun..."

"We already are." Star smiled, kissing Marco on the cheek.

"Oh, yeah.." Marco grinned in spite of the interruption. "And nothing's going to ruin it."

The next day, Star and Marco walked down the halls of Echo Creek Academy, hand-in-hand. Naturally, since a gesture wouldn't go unnoticed. Some of their fellow students whistled, while others cheered.

"You go, Diaz!"

"Aww, they make such a cute couple!"


"Hey, you two." Jackie approached them.

"Hi, Jackie." Star smiled weakly. "Hope there aren't any hard feelings between us, since I kinda stole your man..."

"Relax, Star." Jackie smiled. "If anyone had to be with Marco instead of me, I'm glad it was you."

"Thanks." Star smiled. "I really appreciate you saying that."

"Yeah, Jackie." Marco added. "I still say you're taking this whole thing pretty well."

"I wasn't your true love, Marco." Jackie admitted. "And I accept that. And if you're happy, I'm happy. You two just take care of each other, okay?"

"More than okay with me." Star hugged Marco tightly.

"And me." Marco chuckled.

"You two are so sweet." Jackie rolled her eyes. "I'd better leave you to it before I get cavities."

"See you 'round, Jackie!" Star waved.

"And thanks... for everything!" Marco added.

Once Jackie left, the new couple gazed at each other lovingly.

"So... we've got english first period." Star noted. "Think Miss Skullnick'll mind if we hold hands under our desks?"

"Only one way to find out." Marco smirked, kissing Star on the cheek. "Shall we, milady?"

"We shall, lover-boy." Star playfully toussled his hair.

The two continued their path down the halls, arm-in-arm. And they continued their path in life in exactly the same way, both secure in the knowledge that their newfound relationship could handle anything fate could throw at them. It was a new chapter in both their lives, a chapter they would be writing together, and were determined would have a happy ending. Whatever the future held, they would face it together: Star and Marco, their hearts finally joined as one.

The End.

(Star vs. the Forces of Evil and all associated characters belong to Daron Nefcy and Disney.)