Severus released a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. Theodore Nott would be retrieved tomorrow night in an elaborate ruse that would take place at the Nott family manor. Severus had to make contact with Hector and Theodore Nott in order to make sure that both father and son were aware of the upcoming 'removal'. They trusted that Hector could make the raid look real. He just hoped that Kingsley Shacklebolt and Nymphadora Tonks were prepared to handle the resistance they would face even if it was fake resistance. A tired sigh escaped his lips as he stepped out of the door. Apparating to the Nott residence.

He paused a moment and looked up towards the towering mansion. The rich white marble walls that faced the drive and the expansive gardens out front looking like a picturesque place to live. He could only vaguely remember walking up to such a mansion for the first time when he'd been six years old. He shoved those memories away. He couldn't bare to think on them. Too much pain lay in the reason that the six year old boy had accompanied his mother to the Prince Estate. Slamming his shields down over those memories Severus walked purposefully forward. His steps deliberate. His black robes billowing out behind him as he moved. Reminding him that he was not that six year old boy. He was a fully grown man. He was in a position to save the child in that house. He could do something now. Unlike his six year old self for his mother's unborn baby.

His hand had barely reached forward to knock on the door when it flew open. His narrowed gaze took in the tall figure standing before him. Aged beyond his years, Hector Nott looked like an old man. He had seen too much death. Too much loss. Hector was broken from the cruel loss of his wife and two daughters due to a muggle explosion. Something so senseless had caused so much grief. It was years of hatred and despair that had led the single father of an infant son to the Dark Lords side. Hector had only been a Death Eater for a year when the Dark Lord fell. His wife had been dead for two and Hector had a two year old son to attempt to raise alone. Now that son was sixteen years old and he would soon be branded a Death Eater against his wishes. All because it was expected.

"Severus. It is good to see you," came Hector's refined, but scratchy and aged voice.

"And you old friend. Might we have a private word?" Severus inquired politely in his velvety tones as he stepped over the threshold and into the manor. As Hector stepped aside and bid him to enter with a sweep of his hand. The door closed behind Severus before Hector spoke again.

"Come to my study, Theodore is finishing up his summer homework inside. I trust you wish to speak with him also?" Hector stated. His last comment a question that led Severus to believe he knew the reason for Severus's visit. Severus fell into step next to his host as they walked up the grand staircase towards the second floor.

"Of course. It would give me a chance to check in with my student to see how he is doing with his summer work," Severus replied. Not wishing the walls to know the true reason for his visit. Hector nodded. Remaining silent. Catching onto the fact that this was a delicate topic. Severus was glad for the silence as they entered the study. Four quick spells later and he was certain that the room couldn't be listened in on. No means of eavesdropping, muggle or magical, could be employed.

"Care to take a seat Severus," Hector inquired from where he sat next to his son, who looked nervously up at Severus. He looked like a much younger version of his father.

"Are you still wishing to vanish?" Severus asked without preamble or taking a seat. His eyes focused solely on Theodore.

"Yes sir, I don't want to be a Death Eater sir. I don't want to kill or torture or whatever," Theodore said. Tears in his eyes. He looked scared Severus noticed. He regarded the young face. At sixteen Theodore looked older, but he was still just a kid. A child who would now be forced into a situation that most adults could never be prepared for. Severus gave a terse nod.

"Good. Your extraction is to take place tomorrow. You will not have time to take anything with you. Not your school books, not your notes and certainly not your summer homework. Whatever is on your person at the time is all you will have with you until term starts. At that point I will have retrieved your belongings from your father's residence at his request in the hope that your ministry captives will have allowed you to return to Hogwarts. Since Hogwarts will be heavily guarded by Ministry Aurors during this upcoming year you will not be allowed to leave school grounds. I expect you to make a fuss over this when you are there. I expect you to respect this and not leave school ground under any circumstance. It is the only way that we can insure you can attend Hogwarts to finish your education and keep you from the Dark Lords hands. Do I make myself clear?" Severus demanded. His tone blunt and clear. Not a note of emotion lacing his words.

"Yes sir," came the timid voice. Looking at him with eyes of a much younger child. Severus nodded.

"Good, tomorrow Hector you should be prepared to react rather poorly to the invasion of Aurors into your manor and the removal of your son. Though I would appreciated it if you didn't kill them. You do after all want them take Theodore into hiding now don't you," Severus informed Hector coldly.

"Of course Severus, I will aim harmless curses at them and deadly curses I shall aim wide to insure enough damage to the property is made to validate the claim I will make to the Dark Lord that Theodore was kidnaped by the ministry," Hector replied with a cold deadly certainty to his voice.

"When you face him Hector he will dig the memories of the attack from your mind. You must not hide them. Do not let yourself feel anything that would make you a suspect and if you are unable to keep this meeting from your thoughts I will lock your mind myself, it will be highly unpleasant for you if I am forced to do so." Severus informed him. He couldn't risk the Dark Lord growing suspicious with him.

"Do so, I don't care how painful it is. Lock my memories Severus. I do not have the Occlumency skills to be certain he will not pull these memories from me," Hector said his voice shaking. "I cannot risk my son. His safety lies with you, therefore I must be certain that he will not discover your part in this."

Severus gave a firm nod. "Look straight into my eyes and do not move," Severus instructed as he placed one cold finger against Hector's forehead and met the mans eyes. He whispered the spell and found himself sinking into Hector's memories. With quick deft skill Severus extracted the memories of import and locked them behind thick walls of Occlumency within Hector's mind. Walls he knew would stand up even to the Dark Lord's spells. Finished he drew back and could see the man sweating and his eyes drifting closed in pain. He was slumped almost bonelessly in his chair. "I am sorry that I had to cause you pain. It was necessary. Theodore get your father a pain reliever and see that he is in bed. He will need to rest."

Without another word Severus left the room. He did not look at the sixteen year old boy as he left. He couldn't face the boy. He hated that he had to hurt those he considered friends. He knew even doing this it was likely that Hector would not survive his son's extraction and Severus knew that Theodore knew that as well. As he passed the boy he felt a gentle touch on his wrist.

"Thank you Professor," Theodore whispered before his hand fell away. Severus nodded and left quickly. One more battle in a long war.


Remus was getting ready for his dinner date with Severus. He couldn't help the light laugh that this thought caused. He knew that Severus would likely be stressed by the events of the last two days. Yesterday the successful extraction of Theodore Nott had been completed and now the teen was sitting at Headquarters. Remus was proud of Harry and Hermione who had made Theodore feel welcome and included. He knew it would take time for Ron to come to see the boy as an ally. At least his parents and older siblings had made an effort to make Theodore feel welcome and accepted. Ginny in her usual way had also tried to befriend Theodore and though he was awkward with the younger girl Remus was pleased to see that the Slytherin was being civil.

Remus had seen Severus a couple of times today coming and going from Headquarters to speak with Kingsley, Tonks, Molly and Theodore. The last had been a hard conversation. Remus could still see the tightening of the skin around Severus eyes even though his face had been blank. He had seen the tears in Theodore's eyes. Both knew that Hector wouldn't survive the summons that would be happening any time now. Remus wanted to scream at the fact they couldn't get Hector out. He had refused to come into hiding with his son. He claimed that it would be too dangerous. That they would be hunted until he was found and used as an example. Remus knew Hector was correct in his assumptions, because Severus had told him so in no uncertain terms. It still hurt to see Theodore who was close to the same age as Harry. One year older. Soon to be as alone as Harry was. Yet another family this war had claimed.

Remus took the jar of floo powder down and stared into the flames. He was ten minutes early. Maybe he could go see Severus early. He really wanted to see how the man was. Remus wondered what the man would think of his musing knowing that this was only their second date. Sighing Remus wished that things would be different. That the war wouldn't colour everything. Grabbing a handful of powder Remus replaced the jar and tossed his handful into the flames. Stepping through and calling out "Severus Snape's Quarters Hogwarts" before being whisked away in a whoosh of green flames.

Remus stepped out and dusted the ash from his clothing before stepping out of the fireplace. He caught sight of Severus sitting in his chair facing the fire with a book spread open on his lap. His eyes darting across the page. He looked up met Remus's gaze before turning back to finishing his chapter. Remus took in the more casual light forest green robe over a black silk button down shirt and black trousers. Noting that Severus wasn't wearing heavy robes. The honey coloured eyes took in the sight of the relaxed black haired man.

Remus found he was able to ogle Severus's relaxed posture and keen interest in his book as it softened the planes of his otherwise emotionless and hard features. His long fingers flicking the pages of the book at an alarmingly fast pace as his eyes danced across the words. It was truly startling how fast Severus seemed to be reading through the material and Remus found himself staring almost open mouthed.

"I wouldn't advice opening your mouth to stare, you might start drooling," came the wry voice from behind the book a moment before Severus's black eyes looked up and a smirk curved his features. Remus found himself blushing as he realized he'd been standing in the centre of Severus's living room and scrutinizing the other man. Remus coughed.

"What were you reading?" Remus inquired to cover his embarrassment at being caught.

"Elementary Draughts by Alarian Grace," Severus replied succinctly as he set the book down on the teetering pile next to his chair and rose. "It is rather dull and incomplete a work, but a good basic introduction to draughts. I was considering it as an advanced read for my second year students who showed promise in their first year course and seem rather bored with the courses regular content."

"I didn't know you assigned alternate advanced texts for independent study," Remus stated truly fascinated.

"There is much that no one knows Remus, I do not advertise the fact that I teach independent Defence Against the Dark Arts to all of my Slytherins. Yet that is exactly what I do," Severus replied. He indicated the dining room they had used the last time. This time as Severus led Remus into the room he noticed steamed vegetables and fried filleted fish. It looked divine and the sparkling glasses of white wine seemed just as tantalizing.

"That is certainly true. I noticed your Slytherins seemed far more advanced in Defence then even the Ravenclaws and I know for a fact that they were getting regular study sessions with Filius." Remus stated enjoying the easy conversation. Severus began to fill first one plate and then another setting down the first in front of Remus.

"Yes, I might teach them a little more practical then theory," Severus replied dryly. Remus laughed. "Only half of what they learn is from textbooks. The rest is practical exercises overseen by the prefects and myself."

"Have you been doing independent potions only with your Slytherins then?" Remus inquired. Truly curious.

"No, Miss Granger is in my advanced independent study program. She has been since her first class. Though her insufferable attitude is constantly driving me to distractions, she has a keen mind and a decent grasp of advanced materials," Severus responded. Knowing Remus would soon inquired about the girl. She was after all part of the gold trio.

"Now that is something I had not expected," Remus laughed lightly.

"Just because she is an insufferable know it all doesn't mean I am incapable of seeing the girls potential Remus," Severus growled dangerous.

"Then why do you insult her Severus?" Remus inquired gently.

"If you think I will mollycoddle the dunderheads Remus you are not as intelligent as I had assumed," Severus said darkly.

"I was not imply that Severus," Remus said gently. His hands raised in a placating gesture to show he had not meant anything by it.

Severus glared darkly at Remus for a long moment before nodding. He turned to his meal once again taking a forkful of food into his mouth and chewing pensively while he watched Remus quietly. Remus regarded Severus for a long moment trying to judge the man's mood before he returned to eating. They ate in silence for a few minutes the only sound the slight scraping of forks against plate.

A sharp hiss of pain followed quickly by the clang of falling metal and the scrapping of a chair against stone made Remus look up towards Severus. Meal forgotten as he caught the cold black eyes flickering down towards Severus's left arm. Where his right hand pressed almost painfully tightly over where Remus knew the mark to be.

"You're being summoned?" Remus asked in a tiny voice. Surprising even himself with the level of fear in his tone.

"Yes and he is really displeased about something. I must go, I would not advise waiting here for my return it might not be till late," Severus said simply as he walked over to his desk. Took a piece of parchment and tore a small section off. Took his quill and wrote quickly. A brief trip to the fireplace and a muttered spell later Severus cast the parchment into the fire and watched it vanish in a puff of green flames. "You may remain if you wish."

Without another word the man shed his green robe. Threw on the thick black velvet robes of a Death Eater and slipped out a door Remus hadn't even known existed in the stone and was gone a moment later. Leaving Remus standing there with tears falling from his eyes. He walked to the fireplace and hesitated before grabbing the jar of floo powder and throwing some in.


Cursing under his breath Sirius got up sleepily and stumbled down the steps towards the screaming voices that resonated through the house. He glanced at the clock on his way past it and cursed. How the hell could he have been asleep this early in the night. It wasn't even seven yet. Sighing he sank to his knees by the fireplace and looked towards Remus's tear streaked worried face.

"What the hell Rem?" Sirius growled. "Are you trying to wake the dead?"

"It's happening," Remus said in a broken whisper. Sirius had to think about what he was saying. Then it made sense. Severus had been summoned.

"Alright, are you coming back over or what?" Sirius demanded. Molly had stuck her head into the room from the hallway where she'd been screaming Sirius's name between lecturing the portrait of Sirius's mother, when Sirius had finally come down the stairs.

"No, I..." Remus began and sniffled. He swallowed but Sirius knew what he was going to say and said it for him.

"You want to be there when he returns," Sirius said gently. "It won't be pretty Remus. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Maybe you should go over and be with him Sirius," Molly said gently. "It's not safe to talk like this. Go on, go over in your animagus form and stay with him. I'll inform the others." Sirius nodded and looked over to the fireplace to find it empty, but the connection still firmly in place. Nodding again Sirius transformed and dove into the flames. Coming out the other side with a bounce before returning to his normal shape. Remus was sitting in the chair that Severus had occupied when Remus had first stepped through. He idly stoked the cover of a book. Sirius turned and observed the room. It didn't look like what he'd have expected Severus's quarters at Hogwarts to look like. His eyebrows rose into his hairline at the flimsy green summer robe sitting draped over the sofa.

"Why am I not surprised that the only colour Snape would wear was green?" Sirius commented idly. Remus laughed. It was such an odd comment for the situation. "You ok Rem?"

"No," Remus whispered shaking his head. "What if he doesn't come back? What if he's too hurt to make it up here? What if..."

"If you're going to dwell on What if's Rem you'll be sitting here all night listing them off. The only thing we know for certain is that he's been summoned," Sirius said sternly. The whoosh of the Floo caused both man to turn around and start as Albus Dumbledore stepped out, followed by Minerva McGonagall.

"What are you two doing here?" Minerva demanded glaring from one to the other sternly.

Remus looked down at the ground as he slowly began to explain his growing relationship with Severus.



Severus wasted no time in making his way to the gates of Hogwarts. At least the castle was quiet and empty of students in the summer and therefore he didn't have to worry about being seen. Making his trek through the hidden passageways and out into the open yard of the castle much simpler. His swift movement took him to the gates in mere minutes and he stood stock still looking at the road beyond the closed wrought iron gates. He composed his mind into an empty mask as easily as he let the same cold darkness fill his features and turn them into stone.

The crack of apparition took him to the front gates of Riddle Manor. The old manor was in relatively good condition for such a decrepit old build. He swiftly made his way to the 'throne room' where the Dark Lord sat upon his large throne the head of his snake resting in his lap as the thing coiled around his throne. A few others had already been in the room and had drifted to stand in their places in the loose circle. It seemed that only the inner circle had been called as of yet. No doubt in time more would be called. The dark angry blood red eyes met his a second before Severus glided into place. No this would not end well. For anyone present. He had been wrong, it was likely that no one else would be called. For that matter it was likely that many would either be tortured, killed or worse.

They were dealing with a madman Severus concluded mere seconds after he'd taken his place as a chain bound man was dragged in bleeding profusely from various wounds. Severus recognized him instantly as Hector Nott. His empty and glassy gaze was unfocused and clearly his mind was long since gone. He probably didn't even know where he was as he was dumped unceremoniously onto the floor in the centre of the circle which was completed a moment later with the arrival of four final individuals. Two of them had been the ones to drag Hector into the room.

"For those of you," the cold hissing voice resonated in the stillness that the silence had brought. Severus's keen and empty black gaze flicked to look at the throne. "Who have just arrived to grace us with your presence, I would have you know why you have been summoned." There was a long pause as the cold blood red eyes fell on Antonin Dolohov first, then traveled to Lucius Malfoy, then shifted over to Helix Lestrange, and then to Severus. Severus made certain to notice who had not been there. Knowing that it would likely be very important.

"As you know two young man have been selected to be graced with the honour of joining our ranks early. They were selected for this honour because their families were some of my most respected followers. One of those young man have decided to desert our cause," The Dark Lord growled his hand flicking towards Hector's bloodied body laying at his feet unmoving. Severus wondered if death wouldn't have been a mercy at this point. He was a shell. "He allowed the ministry to take his son away. No doubt he has turned traitor against our cause. Can anyone tell me what we do to traitors?"

"We make examples of them," Bellatrix declared in a sing-song voice. Seeming to be proud of this fact. Delight shining in her otherwise dead eyes. Her mad hair flying about as she danced from foot to foot.

"Yes Bella, we do," Purred the hissing voice as the Dark Lord rose. Hissing at Nagini as he did so. The large serpent wound her way back around the base of the throne after her master had left it's dais and walked down. Her large head rested on the seat of the throne looking out at them all. She hissed out angrily at the sprawled form of Hector just beneath her. The Dark Lord stepped over Hector without even looking at the fallen man. The Dark Lord walked right up to Bellatrix and she froze facing him. A sickening simpering expression of adoration covered her features as he raised one long fingered hand to trail a long pointed fingernail down her cheek leaving a trail of blood in it's wake. "A few of my faithful found Hector in the ruins of his entranceway. Tied up. They brought him to me."

"I was inclined to believe that it had been a tragic loss to our side. An unprovoked attack," The Dark Lord continued. His voice a hissing angry sound. He turned to face each member of the circle in turn as he spoke. "I searched his mind and found some disconcerting facts. He did not fight the Aurors. Oh certainly he made it look like he did. He made it seem like he tried. So he could whimper and whine that he'd given it his best. That he'd tried to stop them from taking his precious son. At that point I was going to call you all to witness the interrogation of our traitor, but something became disturbingly evident. Someone shielded portions of his mind. My faithful amongst our number is another traitor!"

The Dark Lord had stopped his speech coming to a stop right in front of Lucius. His hand reached out and he grabbed Lucius's chin, pulling off his mask with the other and sending it crashing to the floor. Sharp nails dug into the pale flesh of Lucius's face where his fingers closed tightly. A faint flinch shuddered through Lucius.

"Lucius Malfoy. Tell me, have you betrayed me?" The Dark Lord hissed inches from Lucius's face. His blood red eyes meeting the grey eyes dead on.

"No my Lord. I am faithful to you and you only," Lucius replied smoothly. Though Severus could see the fear shimmering in the other's tight frame.

"Legilimens," The Dark Lord hissed then said in a whisper. "Are you betraying me? Are you faithful? Did you shield Hector Nott's mind?" The questions were spoken slowly. Giving the Dark Lord time to view the memories each question would bring. He dropped Lucius's chin and drew his wand to the man's throat. "Crucio!" He hissed. Repeating the questions again.

"No-oh my Lor-ord. I swea-ear. I am faith-aithful-ul," Lucius stammered from his fallen position on the floor. The Dark Lord had broken the curse only to cast it again. Until Lucius screamed. He then recast the Legilimency spell and questioned Lucius again. Repeating the same questions. Following this up with another Cruciatus curse. Seemingly satisfied he left the screaming Lucius lying on the floor panting for breath.

"Get up Lucius," the Dark Lord hissed coming to face Severus. "Tell me Severus have you betrayed me?" The Dark Lord asked. His hand shooting out to grab hold of Severus's chin. Severus felt the sharp pain of his nails digging painfully into his skin. His mask was ripped off and cast to the floor just as Lucius's had been moments before. Exposing his face which held a cold emotionless expression. Severus didn't react to the contact or the painful hold.

"No my lord. I am faithful to you," Severus answered immediately without hesitation.

"Legilimens," The Dark Lord hissed and pain slammed into Severus's mind, a slight almost imperceptible flinch was the only outward sign besides a tightening of his jaw. "Are you betraying me? Are you faithful? Did you shield Hector Nott's mind?" The Dark Lord hissed inches from his face. Flecks of spittle landing like too hot rain on his skin. Severus was certain that his shields would hold against the invasion. He allowed a few benign memories of Death Eater meetings. Brewing potions for the Dark Lord. Researching in his private library. Researching in the Malfoy library, the Nott library, the Lestrange library. Countless memories of books and notes flashed through his mind to fast even for Severus to keep track of. More Death Eater meetings. More potions, more research, more meetings. Everything that Severus allowed to show of his Death Eater activities. None of his secrets.

The Dark Lord broke the spell and released Severus. Severus stood stock still, his eyes locked onto the blood red eyes of the snake like man before him. Unwavering. Focused. Cold and Emotionless.

"Crucio," The Dark Lord hissed after a pause. Severus bit down hard on his lip to keep from screaming as pain rippled deep inside. Spreading down every nerve ending. Flashing through his blood like liquid magma. Slashing through every tissue like knifes being driven through his skin, tearing him apart from the inside out. Bones grinding against bone. Feeling as though they were being crushed into powder. He stayed standing for about half a minute before he collapsed to the floor twitching and shivering. Blood seeping from the deep cuts into his lip where his teeth dug in. The sharp metallic tang a counter to the sickening pain. He barely felt his head smacking against the stone of the floor. His back arching.

"Legilimens!" The Dark Lord hissed breaking the Cruciatus curse a moment before casting the new one. Severus felt the stabbing pain of the invasion as questions were asked, but he couldn't hear them. The buzzing in his ears and pounding of his blood through his head made it all but impossible to focus. The same sequences of images flashed in horribly fast snatches through his mind's eye leaving him disoriented and dizzy. The pain flashed through him again white hot. His world was awash with pain. The spell lasted until he felt his blood would boil out of his body and his bones would turn to ash. He had started screaming somewhere along the line as his throat felt raw when the spell finally ended. Severus was fairly certain it had been held far longer then the first time. Or maybe cast a few times. He couldn't be certain.

"...Helix," The Dark Lord said some undetermined amount of time later. Severus pushed himself back up to his feet grabbing the fallen mask and replacing it over his face. His body still shook uncontrollably from the force of the spells. He noticed that Lucius and Helix were both trembling uncontrollably as well. Clearly having been hit by the Cruciatus Curse.

"Antonin," The Dark Lord hissed darkly. "It seems you are the last, the only who hasn't proven himself yet. Could it be that you were still jealous of Hector winning Elizabeth Lestrange?" The Dark Lord continued.

"No my lord. I am loyal to you. I would never betray you," Antonin growled out darkly. His voice rising into hysterics as the first Cruciatus Curse hit him. He fell screaming to the floor to lie at the Dark Lord's feet.

"I do not tolerate lies Antonin. You should know better then to lie to me!" Growled the Dark Lord angrily. "Bellatrix take him away and teach him some manners my pet. Do make sure he lives. I have use for him still."

"Of course my Lord," Bellatrix purred dancing towards Antonin before levitating him away cackling madly. That sound sent a shiver down Severus's spine. Leaving him doubly glad for both the Cruciatus Curse's tremors to hide his bodies reaction and glad he was not the one being taken away to be Bellatrix's plaything.

"Now let's get back to business. Nagini," The Dark Lord began before hissing in parseltongue. The next moment when the harsh hissing finished the large serpent slithered down and slowly began to consume Hector. Severus looked up at the Dark Lord who had seated himself once again on his throne, deciding not to look at the snake consuming the human. He shivered involuntarily again, glad for the twitching in his body once again. Severus never thought he'd be glad to have been under the Cruciatus Curse.

Half an hour of planning and threats later saw the Death Eaters being dismissed. Severus left casually with Lucius at his side. The two man nodded to each other before Severus apparated to Hogwarts. Shedding his thick black Death Eater robes Severus was glad for the slight breeze. The long sleeve black button down dress shirt clung to his thin frame, wet with sweat. The trembling from the Cruciatus Curse was still making his hands shake and his walk less graceful then usual. He made his way to his quarters intent only on going to his private potions stores for a pain reliever mixed with the nerve regenerator draught. His own invention to combat the effects of the Cruciatus Curse. He considered taking a few drops of the Draught of Peace to ease his mind.

As soon as he reached the hidden entrance to his quarters he knew instantly that something was off. The wards indicated the there were four people in his quarters. Drawing his wand. A binding curse ready he slipped silently into the deep shadows and slid the door open a breath before stepping through and taking aim.