DISCLAIMER: I own Nothing. The character mentioned here in are and will always be belonging to J. k. Rowling. If you wish to read the true story of Harry Potter please read her most amazing books.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is AU starting after Harry's First Year. It is a story of Severus as a father/mentor for young Harry and takes place in the summer between first and second year. It is AU and will deal with themes of abuse (child) as well as a small little war.

WARNINGS: Mentions Child Abuse. Some Fighting and Violence will occur. Mild Swearing.

Severus was leaning back on his favourite straight back chair. It has been a long four weeks. For that matter it had been a long month and a half. Starting with the end of term feast when he'd held Harry back telling him to come to his office. Where he had talked to the boy about staying with him over the summer. Something Severus wasn't sure he should have done at the time. Now looking back he was relieved. The things that had come to light in the short time he'd had Harry were really troubling Severus. It reminded him too much of himself. What he'd seen in the boy the first times he'd been in his classroom had shocked Severus to no end. All his preconceptions about the boy were false. The child was not spoiled and he certainly wasn't James.

It was so hard to believe that the underweight child in his arms that looked more like an eight year old boy then the eleven year old he really was, had suffered the same if not worse abuse then Severus himself had as a child. Looking at the child of his best friend Lily Evans he felt tears forming in his eyes and a lump in his throat. That he'd allowed this precious boy to be harmed like that was almost too much for him.

He had filled for guardianship based on a paper he'd revealed to Albus when he'd learned of the boy's home life. The paper was a legal document Lily had sent him the morning of her death. It listed three people who were to take Harry if something happened to her. Her sister Petunia if she desired to raise her nephew, Severus himself as Harry's second godfather and Sirius Black Harry's other godfather. Severus had thought like Lily evidently did, that Petunia would be able to offer Harry a real family. Sirius was in Azkaban and Severus was a bachelor who had never had any experience with children younger then eleven.

Now though he refused to allow Petunia to have the child again. The papers had been filled and his letter from the Ministry stating that one Harry James Potter was now the responsibility of Severus Tobias Snape sat on his table along with the two empty cups from their earlier tea before the boy had fallen asleep in his arms. Severus was going to take Harry over to visit Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy tomorrow to introduce Harry to his extended family. Lucius was after all Severus's adopted brother from his third year when Lucius's father had seen the evidence of the abuse Severus had suffered, the summer after his second year, and thus had filed for a formal adoption to remove Severus from his abusive home. With Severus's mother being dead at the end of the second year Severus had nothing left at home and readily agreed. In all but blood Lucius and Severus were brothers.

Just as Severus was considering putting Harry to bed and following suit himself the floo in his hearth turned green. He'd just risen to his feet wand out when Narcissa Malfoy cradling a crying Draco in her arms stumbled out. Severus quickly set Harry on the chair. The child starting to wake up at the sudden change in position. Severus took two steps forwards and pressed Narcissa behind him. Pushing her towards Harry. Putting up charms and wards between Narcissa, Draco, Harry and himself so that whatever came through the floo next wouldn't have a chance to get to them without going through him. A ready stance and his wand held in a death grip Severus faced the floo. Ready to duel.

Lucius stumbles through covered in blood and wearing tattered clothing. Falling to the floor with a scream. "Seal it. Seal it NOW," filling the shocked room. Severus took one step forwards his wand pointed towards the Floo. A single look spared towards Lucius before he acted. A flick of his wrist sent the spell.

The blast of red light flew through the floo. The powerful hex hitting its mark as a sharp terrifying scream sounded from the fire. A moment later a blast of blue light hit the floo and the flames died as a solid wall cut the fireplace off. Another quick flick and Severus's doe patronus stood before him.

"The Malfoy's have been attacked. There are serious injuries to deal with. We need emendate access to the infirmary. We will be apparating to Hogwarts in five minutes," Severus said calmly to the patronus. "Go straight to Albus Dumbledore," Severus commanded and watched a moment before the doe left through the wall and vanished from sight.

Narcissa wanted to run to her husband but the barrier that Severus had erected prevented her from doing so. She screamed out in fear when the scream resonated through the room, but instantly calmed at Severus's soft voice. After the patronus left she stood stock still holding her hysterical son in her arms as he wailed uncontrollably.

"Harry," Severus called out turning towards the chair where the child was palming his eyes blinking rapidly. Pulling on his glasses he met Severus's concerned gaze with a confused and lost expression. "Get your invisibility cloak and your wand. Hurry. We don't have time and we are in danger. Do not ask question, do not take anything else. Go now." After those words were spoken by that steady voice Harry jumped down off the chair and ran as fast as he could.

Severus turned to Narcissa and spoke softly, "Lucius cannot apparate in is current state. I will take both Harry and Draco with me. You will apparate Lucius to the destination as soon as I have confirmation from Albus to bring you. Can you do that?"

"Yes," came Narcissa's too soft reply. Severus got a good look at her then. Draco was covered in dust. Wearing only pyjama bottoms. Narcissa herself was wearing a long pink nightdress that was torn and covered in dust and dirt.

"Are you or Draco hurt?" Severus asked. Narcissa shook her head adamantly. "Good give me Draco Narcissa, everything will be alright. Go help Lucius to stand."

Harry came running back in panting for breath and held out the cloak towards Severus. Who took it and handed it to Narcissa as he took Draco from her. Draco seemed to calm slightly as he felt the strong calm embrace of his godfather enclose him as he was placed on Severus's left side.

"Shh Dragon everyone is safe now. Just calm down and breath child. Soon we'll be at Hogwarts and you'll be save little one. Do not fear. Everything is ok now," Severus cooed gently to the little boy in his arms. Feeling the tension ebb away. He turned his gaze to a much calmer Narcissa.

"Once I pick Harry up cover both children with the cloak. Make sure they are both covered. Then none of them will be identifiable," Severus said and Narcissa nodded. He cast two disillusionment spells over Narcissa and Lucius before turning to Harry and motioning him closer. "Harry I need you to hold on tightly just like Draco is. When the cloak covers you both I want you both to take a hold of it in one hand and keep a firm grip on me with the other understood," Severus said gently.

He got two soft and scared whispered yes's and bent down to pick up Harry when a Phoenix patronus came flying into the room. Severus straightened with Harry held firmly on his right side as the Phoenix spoke in Albus's voice.

"The wards are down. Apparate straight to the infirmary. You have less then twenty minutes to do this before the wards will reengage."

"Narcissa did you catch that?" Severus asked her and she nodded that she did. "Good cover the children. Then take Lucius and take two steps outside my door. You'll be outside the apparation blocking ward then and apparate straight to the Hospital Wing. No matter what happens outside that door do not stop, do not hesitate, just go, understood?" Severus instructed in a commanding no nonsense voice.

"Yes," Narcissa stated. Walking up to Severus and tucking the cloak around her son and Harry quickly. Both boys grabbed hold of the cloak and tightened their hold on his robes burying their faces against his shoulders. He could feel both boys shaking uncontrollably against him.

Severus nodded and Narcissa goes over to Lucius who's already put his wand back into his cane to use it to stand back up. Narcissa stabilizes her husband and together they make their way out of Severus's house. Taking two steps outside his door and apparating away.

Severus fallows with both children held tightly in his arms. He doesn't stop as he steps out the front door and it slams shut behind him. Taking two strides forwards off his front porch he turns and apparates away to Hogwarts. Not disturbing the quiet in the night with anything more then two loud pops.

Once Severus apparates to the infirmary he heads straight over to the nearest bed and sets down both boys. Removing the disillusionment charm from Narcissa and Lucius as he two boys cling to each other as they cry softly. Fear and uncertainty making them seek comfort in the only other person near them. Both looking after his retreating form with longing. Wanting nothing more then his comfort. One because he is all they have, the other because he is the only calm and collected presence in the whole situation. Severus's unemotional control over the situation giving comfort and strength to the terrified child who just witnessed his home being invaded, his father attacked, and his home laid waist to before disappearing into the floo.

Severus quickly walks to the storage cupboard in the infirmary after setting the boys down to retrieve two sleeping drafts mixed with calming droughts for the boys. Casting a quick glance at a shaken Narcissa who's barely holding herself together standing hopelessly in the middle of the room watching as Poppy lays Lucius down and begins a diagnostic. Having not moved from where she had apparated. He would deal with her after he'd taken care of the boys Severus decided.

Not for the first time since they tumbled out of his fireplace Severus thanked his skills at Occlumency for keeping him going throughout the crisis. Allowing him to push every emotion behind solid walls and leaving him free to think and act without reaction. He knew that is what calmed his godson, what let them all escape his home without incidence before anyone could follow the Malfoy family there.

He grabbed the vials and walked back to the two boys. Who looked at him with lost and terrified wide tear filled eyes. "Shh it's alright. I'm going to give you each a sleeping potion. You'll sleep for a good eight hours and wake up rested. You've both had far too much excitement for one night. Now drink," Severus said softly, but with a no nonsense voice that insured both boys reached out and took the offered vials.

Severus watched as both drank the potion and slumped over onto the bed. Taking the empty vials he set the on the bedside table. Picking up Draco who had fallen on top of Harry he went over to the next bed and set down the boy tucking him in and kissing his brow. He repeated the same with Harry transfiguring his clothing to pyjamas while he tucked him in. Kissing him on the forehead. Severus stood up and cast a series of wards over both boys to insure they would be safe. Without another word he turned and walked over to Narcissa. Gently drawing her into his arms.

The moment Narcissa felt Severus's strong hold and could hear the soothing calming beat of his heart against her ear where he pressed her to his chest, she broke down into desperate sobs and clung to him. "Shhh Cissa I have you," Severus whispered knowing this had been too much for her. No doubt she had been near hysterics herself when Lucius sent her and Draco through. For all her strengths and motherly love Narcissa was no warrior. Her strengths were in other areas. Though she was a powerful witch and knew many hexes and no doubt would fight to the death for her family, she was not made for this kind of fear.

Severus walked calmly over to where Lucius was lying guiding Narcissa as he went. His eyes met Lucius's hazy gaze. Staying slightly back so Poppy wouldn't be disrupted from her work by their soft conversation. "What happened Lucius," Severus said gently.

"Use Legilimency Severus, it will be easier," Lucius whispered in a broken voice.

Severus nodded. Shifted Narcissa so he could raise his left hand, which still held his wand and whispered softly, "Legilimens" as his gaze focused on Lucius's. Images flashed into his mind. He saw the front door to Lucius's manor flying open shattering upon the floor. Heard Lucius scream at Narcissa to get Draco. Saw Lucius take a fighting stance facing the stairwell leading upstairs. They had all been getting ready for bed. Draco was evidently woken up, since he could be heard screaming in fear. Lucius casts spells after spells towards the men and women entering his home and racing towards him. He counted five in total. He recognized their leader. The duel kept going as Narcissa returned screaming at the sight. Draco crying hysterically as parts of walls exploded around them from spells. Lucius screaming for Narcissa to take him to Severus's. Their backwards flight towards the upstairs library and floo. Narcissa flooing with a distraught Draco into his home. Lucius being injured as he duelled five madman.

Severus withdrew from Lucius's mind looking over at Poppy. "They will both need strong sleeping droughts. I'll inform the headmaster and see to the defence of Hogwarts. They will come here next to finish the job. Poppy I trust you will remain here."

"Yes Severus. I have at least an hour of work on Lucius, before I look over the others," Poppy replied.

"I know you do not like Lucius Poppy, but he is my brother. Please. I beg you watch over my family. These four in this room right now are all that I have left in this world to live for. Take care of them," Severus told her truthfully. She looked up sharply at that. Seeing the dour and most feared professor showing true human emotion on his face. Fear, concern and the most powerful one for her love.

"I will guard them with my life Severus," Poppy assured him and he nodded taking Narcissa over to the bed next to Lucius's and setting her down gently. Helping her to sit back against the headboard. Accioing a dreamless sleep he gently coaxed her to drink it and helped her lie down. Covering her up with the blanket as he held her hand she gently fell into a dreamless slumber. He tucked her hand under the blanket. Turned to Lucius and gave him a reassuring smile. "No harm will come to any of you. I'll set wards over the infirmary before going out with the Headmaster to face these foes. Do not worry Lucius. Draco and Narcissa will be safe here," Severus reassured his friend. Turning to go.

"Make sure you're safe too Severus," Lucius says as he watches his brother leave the room. He can hear his brother's voice from the other side of the door. As Poppy finishes healing him holding out a vial of the same potion that Severus had given his wife. With one final look around the room wondering who Harry was to Severus he drinks the potion and falls into slumber.

Severus is just finishing with the wards on the Infirmary when Albus, Minerva and Filius join him outside the doors. Severus turns to face them.

"How are they?" Minerva asks.

"Lucius was badly injured. Narcissa, Draco and Harry are fine. They are all asleep, but that is not my greatest concern. Albus we must head to your office. I need to flow Hector Nott's residence to insure his family is safe. They need to be evacuated here right now," Severus states.

"Tell us what is going on on the way dear boy," Albus said and starts to lead the group to his office as Severus begins to explain.

"After the fall of the Dark Lord most of his followers went into hiding. However, his werewolf pack did not. They continued the reign of terror they had begun under his watch. Though many of the pack were captured five remained on the loose. Led by Fenrir Greyback. It seems that something must have happened with them, because they are actively seeking out the remaining Death Eaters. Luckily for us only two residences are under threat," Severus began.

"During the reign of the Dark Lord, three safe houses were disclosed to all members of the Dark Lord's regime. The Malfoy's Manor. Which is in a state of ruins after tonights attack. The Lestrange's Manor. Which is under heavy scrutiny from the Ministry of Magic due to Rabastan, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange's attack on the Longbottoms. The last of these was the Nott's Manor house. Where Hector and his son Theodore and his wife Elizabeth Nott reside. I fear if they attacked the Malfoy's they will go after the Nott's next," Severus went on to explain.

"Why do you believe they will come here?" Filius asked.

"Because they know this is where I would take the Malfoy's once they had turned up at my home," Severus explained as they entered the Headmaster office. Severus went straight to the floo as did Albus. With a wave of his wand Albus unlocked it allowing Severus to grab a handful of Floo powder. "Nott Manor," Severus called throwing the powder down. Severus did not kneel down or put his head into the fire he called out. "HECTOR ARE YOU THERE?"

"Severus? Is that you?" comes a small shaky voice Severus recognizes as Theo. The boy's head appears in the floo next. Dirt and tear stained with a small amount of blood leaking from his nose.

"Come through Theo and tell your parents to follow. Do it now," Severus orders the youth not waisting any times.

"O-okay," the frightened pre-teen says in a shaky voice before leaning back out and screaming to his father. Next thing Severus knows Theodore Nott comes running through the floo and lands in his arms clinging to him crying desperately. Following on his heels is a shaky Elizabeth who looks far too frail and sickly. Next moment a bedraggled, but unharmed Hector Nott floos over. Calmly looking at the floo with his wand pointed at it as if fearing something else would come through.

Severus points his wand calmly at the floo while holding Theodore to himself with his right arm. Casting the same hex as before with the satisfaction of hearing a sharp yelp before Albus casts a charm that severs the connection and closes the floo to Hogwarts. Sealing the fireplace once more from the floo network.

"Are you harmed Hector? Elizabeth?" Albus asks gently.

"No I am not. I was about to have Theo floo to Lucius's place when you called Severus. What is going on?" Hector asked. Meeting the Slytherin's cold gaze. Elizabeth simply shook her head and slumped down to sit gracefully on the floor. Elizabeth was a very petite woman of gentle disposition who scared very easily.

"I'm afraid that something has caused Greyback to decide to attack the safe houses," Severus replied.

"Does that mean that Thaddeus Lestrange is in danger as well?" Hector inquired.

"No, there are Auror's outside his home even now," Severus explained. "Lucius is in the infirmiry and I would like to get Theo to Poppy," Severus went on quickly. "Headmaster may we use your floo again?" Severus inquired.

"Of course my boy," Albus said smiling.

"Thank you Albus, this is now the only way in or out of the infirmary until the castle is secured once again. Minerva can you and Filius rouse the other teachers and begin fortifying the defences? I will meet all of you outside as soon as I have seen to Theodore, Elizabeth and Hector," Severus stated grabbing a handful of floo powder. Minerva nodded curtly and she headed out of the room. Filius on her heels.

"I will stay and fight with you Severus," Hector says. "Take Theo and Lizy and I'll go with the others outside to see about defences."

"Very well, I will be out shortly Albu," Severus says before vanishing into the floo to the infirmary. Followed quickly by the tired and reluctant Elizabeth.

Meanwhile Albus leads Hector out onto the grounds where he is met by Hagrid and Fang. Soon many of the teachers are coming out of the school along with Minerva and Filius. In the infirmary Severus is met with Poppy who heard the floo and went towards her office wand in hand.

"Oh dear, is he alright?" Poppy asked catching sight of the pre-teen held tightly in Severus's embrace. Looking at the woman who follows them with a worried frown at her pallor and state of shakiness. Poppy heads straight for her taking her over to the bed next to Narcissa and getting her to lie down while Severus answers her question.

"He is injured, his home was attacked like Draco's," Severus explained leading Theodore to the bed next to Draco and setting him down on it. "Madam Pomfrey will look after you and get you to drink a sleeping drought. Don't worry about anything Theo, everything will be fine. We will all talk in the morning alright," Severus said gently and the young boy nods. With one final hug to the young Slytherin boy Severus heads back out of the infirmary doors quickly dispelling and then reactivating his wards.

Out on the grounds stands Minerva McGongall, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Rolanda Hootch, Aurora Sinistra, Rubeus Hagrid and Septima Vector all in a line behind Albus Dumbledore facing the gates of Hogwarts. Severus walks down and joins them standing next to Minerva facing what will soon be a small pack of savage werewolves.