'Looks like Ichigo and Rukia are missing.' I thought as the lunch bell rang. leaning on my arm, I yawned. 'Fucking Rukia, kicking me in her sleep, why cant she just take the couch like I told her.' I thought, only to see a shadow to my left...right where the window was. Turning around, I punched at the shadow, hitting Ichigo in the face and sending him back down, shocked that I had just killed him with everyone screaming. "The flying fuck!?" I yelled as I backed away.
"Murderer!?" some of the students yelled at me, with me facing them.
"The hell, he surprised me, I didn't know what it was, it was a reaction!?" I yelled, looking at the window, only to see Ichigo jump back up.
"The hell was that for, you could of killed me!?" he yelled, me with knowing that it wasn't Ichigo as his voice was different. "Seriously, who punches another person out of surprise!?" He yelled as he landed on the window frame.
"Who the fuck jumps into the window on the third floor!?" I yelled back, grabbing him and tossing him into the room. 'Ok, so he has to be a hollow. I don't know what happened, but it might have something to do with Ichigo missing with Rukia.' I thought as I narrowed my eyes at him.
"YOU WANT A FIGHT!?" He yelled, standing up.
"BRING IT STRAWBARRY!?" I yelled as we ran at the other, throwing punches at the other. I dodged a kick from him, with him breaking a desk, shocking me. Grabbing his other leg, I twisted and sent him to the ground, where I climbed on and put him in a head lock.
He then vanished, shocking everyone. Turning around, I punched up, hitting him in the stomach, with him gasping for air. "W-wha!?" He said, shocked as I grabbed him and then kneed him in the face, sending him back.
'Ichigo knows how to actually fight, but this thing is just throwing punches.' I thought as I narrowed my eyes at it. Jumping up, I spun around and kicked at it, only for it to duck. 'Its fast, but dumb.' I thought as I kicked the podium, sending everything flying off of it. Using it as a distraction, I landed with a crouch and pushed myself up with one hand, kicking him in the jaw and sending him flying. Jumping with him, I grabbed his waist and leaned back, where I then slammed him into a desk, breaking it. Standing up, I glared at it. "Had enough?" I asked a I rolled my wrists.
"Stop!" We heard, with me looking at the door to see Rukia. "Its over." She said, with me looking at it, only to see I turning away. "Ichigo, look out!" She said, with me standing behind it just as Ichigo, soul reaper, stood in front of the window.
"Stop, there's no place to run." He said, with me smirking.
"Finally calming down?" I asked, seeing that everyone was watching. "I don't know what kind of drugs you were given, but I'm sure we can talk this over, after I finish with you that is." I said, with Ichigo, soul reaper glaring at me.
"The hell do you mean, were you two fighting!?" He yelled, with it turning to face me. It smirked, then quickly kicked me, sending me into the chalk board.
Landing in the next class, I groaned. Opening my eyes, I spotted nothing but panties of different colors. "The fuck?" I said as I sat up, only to get grabbed, pushed down and beaten on by the girls, with me crying for help but I was ignored.
Later, infirmary
"The hell!?" I yelled as I sat up, shocking the nurse. "Fuck this, I'm out of here!? fucking bastered kicking me into a wall, I'll kill him!?" I yelled, only for my vision to change back to the dunes. 'Looks like I'm back here.' I thought as I looked at Lilinet, who was looking up at me.
"Your back!?" She said, shocked.
"I think this is going to be a regular thing." I said as I rubbed my head. "Right now, Stark is possibly going to sleep on the bed in the infirmary." I said with a groan.
"Infirmary, did you get beat-up?" She asked, with me glaring down at her.
"I didn't get beat up...ok I got kicked threw a wall and jumped by a bunch of girls, but it wasn't my fault!" I said as I clenched my fist. "Fucking soul reapers leaving me to die by the hands of the pissed off girls, who the hell do they think they are!?" I yelled, just taking notice of something. "Its sunny here?" I asked, with her nodding.
"We took Aizen's offer." She said, with me looking at her. "I was going to tell you as soon as you traded spots with Stark, but were doing recon on him, I give you the information and give it to the soul reapers, they way they can stop his madness." She informed, with me nodding.
"Only problem with that plan is that I'm not working for the soul reapers, but with person who knows a lot about them and is after Aizen." I said, shocking her. Looking at my hand, I saw a one on it. "So, I take it that this means that you're the strongest?" I asked, with her shaking her head.
"Yami is the strongest, his number is zero." She informed, with me looking at her, before taking notice of another hollow walking up to us in white clothing and green hair like Lilinet, but darker.
"Stark, Lilinet." She said, gaining her attention. "Lord Aizen wish's to speak to you about your agreement to join." She said, with me nodding.
"Ok Nel, well be right there!" Lilinet said, before kicking me in the but, pushing me forward. "Get moving ya lazy bastered!?" She yelled, with me walking, groaning at being hit by another girl.
As we walked, we got some distance from Nel. "Whos that?" I asked as I rubbed my butt.
"That's the third Espada, Nel. Her names longer, but I prefer to call her Nel as its shorter." She said as she looked at me. "And if you meet Aizen, act lazy, because that's Starks attitude, serious but lazy guy." She said, with me nodding.
"Serious lazy type, got it." I said with a fake yawn.
"Not that lazy!" She said, puffing her cheeks out.
"How am I suppose to be a guy who I have never met?" I asked as I looked at her. "Seriously, its like saying be Batman when you never heard of Batman." I said, with her tilting her head.
"Whos Batman?" She asked, shocking me.
"Ok, seriously, I need to get you into TV, you will fall in love with it." I said as we turned a corner.
"What's TV?" She asked, confusing her self even more.
"Trust me, its something that you and Stark will both enjoy. "One gets to be lazy, the other gets entertainment out of it. Its a win-win if you ask me." I said as I rolled my neck, with it popping. "Man, I'm still tired in Starks body even when I'm not in mine. A nap actually sounds good right now." I said as I stretched my arms out.
"Closer, but your no Stark." She said, with me looking at her.
"That's me, I didn't get much sleep last night, that soul reaper kept kicking me." I said, with her rolling her eyes.
"So you two did the bonding?" She asked with a smirk.
"No, just no." I said as we reached a big set of doors. "This is it?" I said, with her nodding. "What, am I suppose to say open or something like that?" I asked, with said doors opening, with a man with white hair and a snake like face walking out.
"Lord Gin? Lilinet said with a surprised look.
"Oh, your here." He said with a smile...that he already had. "Lord Aizen is inside waiting for you, now chop chop!" He said as he walked past us, keeping his eyes on me.
As soon as the doors opened, I found my self on the roof of the school, laying down. 'Seriously, I was just getting to the good part.' I thought, before closing my eyes and getting some sleep.