Hey all! Here's chapter 2!

Chapter 2

The first thing Harry saw when he exited the train was the enormous man calling for the first years.

The man stood at a monstrous two-and-a-half meters tall, at least, and was built like a concrete wall. His biceps bulged, even under his handmade coat, and his hands were the size of hubcaps. Harry couldn't see very much of the man's face, owing to the equally large, shaggy beard that covered it. When he spoke, his voice sounded like a cannon.

"Firs' years! "Firs' years, over here!" he boomed, waving a thick arm over his head, as though no one could see or hear him. Harry made his way over to the man but stopped a fair distance away to avoid being stepped on.

"Righ', you lot. Ev'ryone here? Yes? No? …Yes? Righ', follow me," the man said, and began marching down a well-worn path at the end of the platform. His strides were so large, that many of the first years were jogging just to keep up.

Eventually, they came to a lakeshore, where a few dozen wooden rowboats were moored along a dock.

"Righ' then. Hop in, no more'n four to a boat!" called the giant. After a moment of confusion, the first years began to board, most scrambling to either sit with their friends or to avoid capsizing.

"Alrigh', ev'ryone seated? Righ' then…FORWARD!" the giant roared, making many of the first years to clap their hands over their ears.

With a slight lurch, the ropes mooring the boats disappeared into thin air, and the boats themselves began to silently glide through the water. Harry grinned; no matter how many times he saw it when he was with Anna, magic always amazed him.

"Yer gonna get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a mo'," called the giant, who had a boat to himself. "Jus' round this bend here!"

The boats rounded the bend and a chorus of amazed exclamations erupted from the first years, Harry included. Sure, he had seen Wizarding photos of Hogwarts Castle, but seeing it in person was something else entirely.

The first thing he took note of was the castle's sheer size. The fortress itself was absolutely gigantic, with towering spires and an equally large drawbridge, crossing over a moat. The path the boats followed took them under the drawbridge and around the side of the castle, towards a medium-sized cave cut into the rock.

"Watch yer heads!" called the giant, who had to nearly press himself flat into his boat to avoid braining himself on one of the stalactites. Harry, being smaller than average, had no problem at all.

Eventually, the boats stopped alongside a stone dock, where they exited.

"Ev'ryone accounted for?" called the giant, examining the boats as the first years got out. "Oi! You there, this yer toad?"

After the toad had been returned to its rightful owner, the giant turned and knocked three times on a pair of gigantic oak doors.

The doors immediately opened to reveal a stern-looking woman wearing green robes and a black pointed hat. A pair of spectacles rested on the bridge of her nose. Harry got the distinct impression that crossing this woman would not end well.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," said the giant, his massive chest puffed out in pride.

"Thank you, Hagrid, I will take them from here," replied Professor McGonagall, before stepping aside and allowing the sea of first years to flow through the doors, which closed behind them with a loud, ominous boom.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said McGonagall, looking out over the first years. "My name is Professor McGonagall. You are about to be Sorted into your new Houses, which will take place in front of the rest of the school. There are four Houses, each named after one of the four Founders of our school: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Your House will be your family during your stay here at Hogwarts. Your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule-breaking will lose points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points wins the House Cup, a great honor." She paused to make sure everyone understood.

Satisfied, she continued. "You are to wait here until I come to retrieve you. I would suggest making yourselves…presentable." Her gaze lingered on a red-haired boy who had dirt on his nose, before she left the room with a sweep of her robes.

Harry fidgeted in place, invisible wings fluttering nervously as he attempted to give his hair some semblance of order, but he eventually gave up. According to Anna, all Potter men were blessed (though some would say cursed) with eternally messy hair.

Suddenly, he tensed and looked up, just in time to see a group (flock?) of ghosts stream through the wall above them, causing many people to shout in astonishment.

"…I implore you, Sir Nicholas, can't we just give Peeves one more chance?" asked the ghost of a friar to one wearing a ruff. Said ghost shook his head in exasperation.

"My dear Friar, we've already given Peeves…how many chances again?"

"As of the most recent incident, the count stands at six thousand, four hundred and seventy-two," said the ghost of a woman. The ruff-wearing ghost, Sir Nicholas, nodded in thanks.

"As the Grey Lady said, he's had six thousand, four hundred and seventy-two chances! I don't think we can…oh, hello there!" he exclaimed in surprise, finally noticing the nervous first years. "New students, I presume?"

There were a few tentative nods from the braver eleven-year-olds. The Friar chuckled heartily. "Hope to see you in Hufflepuff! My old House, you know," he said, smiling warmly. His smile got wider when a few of the students relaxed.

Just then, Professor McGonagall returned. "Move along, now. Move along," she ordered, shooing the ghosts from the entrance hall.

"We are ready to begin the Sorting ceremony. This way, please," she said. The first years scrambled to follow her as she swept from the entrance hall once more.

Eventually they came to another gigantic set of doors, which opened automatically as they approached, revealing an enormous dining hall packed with students, who turned as one to stare at the new arrivals.

Professor McGonagall strode to the front of the hall. A raised table sat at the end, which was undoubtedly where the other teachers sat. In front of the table was a simple wooden stool, and on the stool was a very old, very tattered witch's hat.

Suddenly, a tear near the brim opened wide, and the hat began to sing.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave of heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart.

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil.

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning

Will always find their kind.

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

As soon as the hat finished its song, the entire hall burst into applause. The hat bowed slightly before becoming still once more. Professor McGonagall retrieved a list from inside her robes and unrolled it.

"Abbot, Hannah!"

A blonde haired girl with pigtails stumbled out of line, looking extremely nervous. Harry could see her shaking as she made her way to the stool. Professor McGonagall put the hat on her head, but it slipped right over Hannah's eyes.

There was a moment of awkward silence, then…


Harry, along with several other first years, started in surprise as the hat suddenly screamed the word to the Great Hall. A table consisting of students wearing primarily yellow and black cheered happily as Hannah shakily got off the stool and made her way over to them.

"Bones, Susan!"


And so it went. Harry only was only partly paying attention, choosing instead to gaze up at the Head Table, focusing on an old man with a remarkably long, silvery beard.

'So that's Albus Dumbledore,' Harry thought as the Headmaster applauded when a boy was sorted into Ravenclaw. Dumbledore caught his eye and winked, making a tiny motion with his head to continue watching the Sorting.

Harry looked back to the Sorting Hat as "Granger, Hermione" nearly ran up to the stool. He recognized her as the girl he had met on the train. 'Let's see where she goes.'

The hat was silent for almost a full minute, then shouted "GRYFFINDOR!"

The table containing red-and-gold-wearing students exploded with cheers. Harry heard a groan come from the red-haired boy behind him and assumed they'd had a less-than-pleasant meeting.

The Sorting continued down the alphabet, eventually coming to "Parkinson, Pansy", who became a Slytherin, followed by "Patil, Padma" and "Patil, Parvati", a pair of twin Indian girls who went to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, respectively. Professor McGonagall looked back at the list, and her eyes widened as her breath caught.

"P-Potter, Harry," she stammered.

Instantly, the Great Hall was abuzz with whispers.

"Potter, did she say?"

"The Harry Potter?"

Harry ignored the mutterings and the people standing on their seats to get a good look at him, and made his way to the stool, where Professor McGonagall stood with the Sorting Hat.

She put the hat on his head, and he was left feeling quite foolish for a moment, before he heard a small voice in his head.

'Well, well, what have we here? I've been awaiting your arrival for quite some time, Mr. Potter.'

Harry stiffened in surprise. 'Who's there?' he demanded.

'Oh, relax. It's me, the Sorting Hat. By the way, good on you for thinking your response; I had to remind the one before you six times before she finally got the hint. Kept whispering to herself and whatnot. But, I digress. You are here to be Sorted, and Sorted you shall be. Let me see here…"

Harry waited with bated breath as the Hat examined his mind.

'Hmm…difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent—oh my goodness, yes—and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting…so where should I put you?' asked the Hat.

'Er…are you asking me?' asked Harry. The Sorting Hat chuckled.

'Maybe. Maybe not. If you have any comments, I would be happy to hear them.'

Harry gazed out over the House tables. Which one should he go to?

'If you don't mind, Mr. Potter, I'd like to dig a bit deeper into your mind. Just to see what else there might be…WHAT?!'

Harry winced as the Hat's shout echoed through his head. 'Is…something wrong?'

'What in the nine levels of hell? A celestial?! In Hogwarts! I never thought I'd see it!' cried the hat. 'My apologies, milord. I know where to put you now. Better be…'

And cut! That's it for this chapter!

I know, I know, I suck for leaving you guys at a cliffhanger, blah blah blah. I'm just evil like that.

Anyway, on to the Author's Note.

I have decided that Harry will not have an eye technique. His angel powers are already overpowered enough, especially with what I have planned.

For those of you wondering about any more Supernatural characters, just wait and see!

In the next chapter: Harry's Sorting, introductions, and the first week at Hogwarts!

See you next chapter!