Hi everyone! I'm so excited to introduce my new story, The Orphanage. I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing the first few chapters!
I'm still working really hard on my other story in progress, My Name is Bella. This is just an extra idea that I had that I didn't want to wait to start writing. As always, I try to write stories that have twists to them. I'm going to warn you all that this is a J/B story, and it will contain all of the twists that those two bring about together. I strive to be weird enough that you've never seen it before, but just normal enough to read. Have fun!
I was a ghost. I didn't run or play with the other kids. I didn't eat at their tables, and I didn't watch their favorite movies. I was the freak. I simply existed.
The only time I ever smiled, or even felt any emotion was when Mrs. Rose was working. She was the only caretaker who noticed me, who paid me any attention. I could still remember the first day she came into my life like it was yesterday- my sixth birthday, just six short months ago. No one had made a fuss, and orphans weren't really given calendars, so I didn't even know it was my special day.
It was her first day working at the orphanage, and she seemed so nervous that she didn't really know how to approach us. I had sat in my chair in the corner of the playroom, my nose in a book, watching her from the corner of my eye with amusement. I couldn't figure out why she was so hesitant to talk to us, but it was obvious she wanted to. The other kids seemed to notice her as well, but didn't quite know how to take her.
On one hand, she was a very pretty lady. Prettier than any women I had ever seen on the covers of the magazines I wasn't supposed to see. She had long, glowing blond hair that trailed down her back, and really pretty pale white skin. Her eyes were a warm medium between honey and golden, and her lips were big and red. It was easy to see why we were prone to look at her, though I couldn't figure out why such a pretty woman was choosing to spend her time with just a bunch of orphans.
On the other hand, she had something about her that made her seem just a little bit different. Kind of like myself, she struck me as an outsider. Someone who didn't have a someone, though the ring on her hand told me otherwise. Either way, it was a strange enough quality that it stopped the other kids from running into her embrace.
In the midst of her surveying the room for a kid to entertain, she spotted me looking at her and smiled a very awkward but genuine smile. I gave her a wave, then returned to my book. I didn't want her to feel bad for me or feel like she had to come talk to me- I hated when they lingered because I was so obviously the unpopular one. Yet, much to my chagrin, she soon found her way to me and took a seat in the chair next to me. "Hello." She smiled, less awkwardly this time. "I'm Mrs. Rose. What's your name?"
I barely looked up from my book as I answered her. "Bella." I knew I was being rude, but it was okay. They always gave up after a while anyways, might as well speed up the process.
Despite my harsh manners, she seemed cheered. "Hi Bella." And that was it. She didn't push me to talk or ask me countless questions about my hobbies and interests. She just sat next to me, silently pledging her friendship to me. It was nice, and I found myself confused by her behavior after an hour or so. She still seemed content to just be next to me, occasionally getting up to break up a fight or something but always returning to me.
I didn't understand it, but I didn't mind as long as she didn't bother me while I was reading.
When dinnertime rolled around, she gently tapped me on the shoulder. "Bella? It's time to eat. Would you show me where you usually sit?"
I gave her an unimpressed face, and then led her to the cafeteria. I realized everyone else had already filled the room, and my confusion must have played evidently on my face. "I waited until the other children left the playroom to ask you to eat with me. You don't seem like the type to want to get stuck in the crowd." She said, winking at me with a secret grin.
I was stumped. Who was this woman and how did she know me so well? The caretakers weren't supposed to be this intelligent. I simply nodded and continued the way to my usual table, far away from the bigger groups of kids. Once I was seated and had my hot bowl of whatever misery they decided to make into soup today, I pulled out my book and continued reading.
If Mrs. Rose was surprised that I ate alone everyday, she didn't show it. She just sat next to me with her sandwich, and happily watching my peers go about their days. She didn't seem to eat any of her food, and I asked her about it. She said she wasn't really hungry, but I could have it if I wanted it. It seemed like a trap to me- as if she thought if I ate her food I'd be her friend. I wasn't falling for it. I politely declined and went back to my book.
When we finished dinner, she launched another attempt at conversation. "What are you reading? You seem to really be enjoying your book."
I decided to be a little friendlier now that we were walking and I couldn't exactly read and do that at the same time. I wasn't that great at walking to begin with. I didn't need to take any chances. "It's called Dracula."
She started giggling to herself, but I didn't really get the joke. I kept walking. "Wait, Bella!" I slowed down and looked back at her. "Is that your favorite book? It looks pretty well worn." She said, and I could tell she was honestly trying to be nice to me. I appreciated that, but this conversation would probably shut that down. It always did.
I sighed. "Well- yes. It's actually my only book."
Her face scrunched up. "What do you mean?"
I didn't want to tell this story, but I found myself doing it anyways. "My daddy gave it to me before they took me away from him. The orphanage doesn't buy us books, because I'm the only one who really likes to read. So they buy bikes and toys, and I read my book."
She leaned down so she could be on my level. "Bella, why did your daddy give this book to you? Why don't you ask for new books?"
I ignored her first question, and delivered the line that warded off any friendships. "Because I like vampires."
After that we were sent to our rooms. One of the great things about being the outcast was that no one wanted to be your roommate. Most of the girls shared rooms with four others, but I was the odd one out and they stuck me in my own room. I didn't mind.
It was later that night, while I was still buried in my book, that I heard a soft knock at my door. "Yes?" I called out in a disinterested tone.
"Bella? It's Mrs. Rose. Could I come in? I have something to give you."
I tried not to roll my eyes in shock at the woman. Did she have any sense at all of protocol? She was probably breaking the rules by coming to my room without being called…
"Hello?" She tried to speak again from outside the door.
I sighed, and grumpily got out of my lumpy bed to answer the door. I opened it, and there she stood in all her glory. She looked nervous, but excited with her arms held behind her back. I couldn't imagine what was exciting about seeing an orphanage bedroom, but she seemed pleased. "Hi Bella. I'm sorry to bother you. I hope I didn't wake you."
"Nope." I said, popping my lips extra obnoxiously on the p. "I was just reading."
"That's what I suspected. Well, I was just going through some files after dinner before I went home. And do you realize what today is?"
I raised my eyebrows, already bored. She took that as a no. "Today is your birthday Bella! You're 6 now!" She took a package out from behind her back, wrapped up in red and black wrapping paper with a card addressed to me on top. "Happy birthday Bella."
I looked up at her, in a state of pure shock. This was the first present I had gotten since I came here a year ago. "Why did you do this? I don't get it."
"Because everyone deserves to have a special birthday. Even the girls who are smarter than everyone else." She gave me a sly smile, apparently proud of herself for figuring out the way to my heart.
I carefully opened the present, still half expecting it to be a prank that Jessica or Lauren was pulling on me. Those girls could be so mean. Imagine my surprise when I opened up to see a book. "The Definitive History of Vampires."
I looked up, filled with complete joy.
She said, "I just thought maybe you'd want another one. My dad is a bit of a vampire-expert himself, and he said this would be a good book."
"Th-thank you." Stuttering over my words, I could feel the tears springing to my eyes. "Thank you so much Mrs. Rose."
"Of course Bella. It was my pleasure. Have you had a good birthday?"
I mulled it over. It had been an interesting day, no more different than the last other than my new acquaintance. "Yes. No one here has ever talked to me this much before."
My words seemed to affect her smile as it faltered, but she kept a positive outlook. "Well, I will be back tomorrow morning. Thanks for making it a good first day for me. Maybe sometime I'll bring my dad to meet you, and you can tell him all you know about vampires."
I just nodded, hoping this wouldn't all disappear in the morning.
"Goodnight, pretty girl. See you tomorrow." She ruffled my hair a bit and then left. And my world was changed forever.
Mrs. Rose and I had fallen into a pattern after that. She came to work every weekday, and I always saved her a seat at meals. She had started bringing extra food to share with me, which I eventually began accepting. I even started reading parts of my new book to her, and we would discuss whether or not we thought the vampire facts were true or not. She seemed to be really interested in the subject, which was really different. Everyone else who had learned about my obsession thought I was crazy, and labeled me as the weird girl. But she listened, and treated me more as a friend than a responsibility.
I even got bullied less when she was around. Jess and Lauren stayed away, and I didn't know how Mrs. Rose did it but I was grateful.
The one thing I never did was tell her was why I loved vampires. I could never tell anyone that, and I wasn't going to risk losing my only friend because of it.
Yes, I know this chapter was mainly flashbacks so sorry. Haha, not all chapters will be that way at all, it was just a way to get the ball rolling. Please review... They make the next chapters come quicker! I always love to hear your opinions!