Thorn will be known as Daun from now on, guys!

Oh, and this chapter contains mentions of FangxBoBoiBoy Tanah. Just a heads up. Future chapters might contain this pairing as well. So.. Be warned? if you're not into this...

Petir crosses his arms over his chest as Air places his hands on both sides of his waist. Both brothers are looking at their two other brothers, Api and Angin, under the shadows of the bills of their respective caps.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Air asks. "Can't you guys just wait till next weekend?" Petir sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.

Api shakes his head profusely, "Nuh-uh, I don't wanna wait anymore. We've delayed this camping trip for 2 weeks already!"

Angin nods, "Besides, we're not causing you or anyone any trouble. We'll just camp out in the lawn and uh..." Angin glances at Api with a little comical sweat drop. "We'll try not to let the campfire spread..." He finishes lamely.

"How unconvincing," Petir says frankly, clearly lacking any faith in his brothers to keep to that promise. Air cocks a brow, "So you guys are firm on your resolves, huh? You're just gonna... camp out... right in our front lawn?" like idiots... Air refrains from adding that last part.

Petir pulls the bill of his cap over his eyes as he sighs defeatedly. His brothers aren't gonna listen.

"Alright, at least let me help you set up the campfire," Petir says, walking over to Api who's piling up the sticks and dry leaves for the fire. A firm hand shoves itself in Petir's face. "No way!" Api says, voice a bit higher than necessary.

Petir growls at his younger septuplet brother, "Why the heck?!" The elder demands.

"You're not 'helping' us do anything if you refuse to camp out with us!" Api scowls.

Petir glares lightning daggers at his brother, he hisses "Don't be stupid. You'll end up burning everything within the radius of our home if you even attempt to start a fire by yourself, you dolt."

Api remains unfazed by his brother's intimidating aura. "Angin is here to help me," Api asserts defiantly, eyes narrowed at the eldest.

Air and Angin notice that both of their brothers in red look just about ready to throttle each other and if they don't do something about this, things're gonna get ugly. In all honesty, as funny as watching siblings fight, when Petir and-or Api is involved, it just gets ugly rather than funny all too fast.

Angin pats Api's head as Air grabs Petir's arm. "Come, let's go in and get something to cool you down. I'll make iced drinks, how does that sound, Petir?" Air quickly says as he pulls his fuming brother away from the 'campsite'.

"You'll make drinks? Oh please," Petir rolls his eyes as he lets Air lead him inside anyway. "You'll just have Daun do it..."

Air laughs, "Won't even deny it~"

Angin claps his hands once. "All righty! Let's set up camp and light the fire afterwards, yea?"

Api nods with a toothy grin, completely forgetting about his earlier minor dispute with the eldest. "Aye aye~!"

"I've no idea how to set up a tent though," Api admits with a carefree shrug, not even the slightest bit sheepish or embarrassed.

"Neither do I," Angin adds and they both laugh. Completely unabashed.

And unbeknownst to them, at the front window of the house, Tanah is looking out into the front lawn at them. He shakes his head. "Will they even survive the night...?"

Behind Tanah, Solar grins as he peeks out the window over his worried brother's shoulder. "Nope," the brother in bright flashy clothing shrugs nonchalantly.

Looks like confidence in Api and Angin is lacking within their dear brothers...

"So what're we gonna do now, Angin? Ask for someone else's help..?" Api asks his brother. Angin blinks at Api then grins. Api gives the other a questioning look, "What?"

"Oh, PiPi~" Angin shakes his head laughing as if Api just asked a really dumb question. Api gripes, "Don't call me that..."

Angin ignores his brother's complaint and continues, "Don't cha know? The whole point of camping is to get closer to nature."

"Sounds like something Daun would say..." Api murmurs with an awkward smile, still not getting where his brother is going with this.

"Maybe," Angin admits, "..And! what better way to get closer to nature than to sleep under the stars~" he finishes with his hands thrown up.

That's when hypothetical stars form in Api's eyes. "That's amazing!" He cheers.

"So since we're not setting up any tent," Api begins eagerly, "should we start the fire now?"

"Ah, the fire?" Angin squeaks. Api nods enthusiastically, "Mhmm!"

That's when Angin has a short flashback about what happened when he gets too close to Api when the latter's about to start a fire.

"Hey, Api, you seriously gonna cook dinner?" Angin asks when he steps into the kitchen and is greeted by the sight of Api by the stove. "Yup!" His brother nods and makes to start the stove...

Aaaaannnndddd, the next thing Angin remembers is that there was a loud explosion and everything else was a blur. Which is good, actually, because he himself wishes to drive away those unwanted memories from his mind. Luckily, being normally forgetful, the details of the horrifying event are forgotten now, but he'll never forget about how Api plus fire equals BAD.

"..ngin.. Angin.. Angin!" Api starts to lose his patience when his brother keeps on staring into space. Angin finally jolts and comes to when Api finally raises his voice.

"Ah- what?" Angin questions when he looks at his brother again. "The fire," Api reiterates.

"Oh..." Angin pales. That's when Api grabs him by the shoulders. "Oh no, you don't! When you went pale just now you've been staring into space for 5 freaking minutes! Don't do that again..!" Api snaps impatiently, shaking Angin to prevent his brother from going off to La La Land again.

Angin shakes his head profusely, "Alright, alright..!" He says defensively. "I won't..!"

Deeming Angin won't repeat his irksome state, Api let's his brother go. "Why were you spacing out anyway..?" He prods, raising a sceptical brow. Angin awkwardly laughs the question off, "N-no reason~" He tries to sound casual.

'How am I gonna make Api forget about the fire...?!' Angin practically wails in his mind. He doesn't wish to get involved in a fire hazard again. He'll pass up on that, thank you very much..!

Just when Angin is clawing at his mind for a good excuse to not have a campfire or find a distraction so Api would forget the whole fire thing, an unexpected saviour of his shows up and successfully manages to direct Api's (and his) attention away from the campfire dilemma.

"Hey, is Tanah home?" A bespectacled boy questions by the gateway of the front lawn.

A playful smile is quick to earn its place on Angin's face despite the boy's previous internal panicking. Angin also can't help himself from teasing the newcomer for his question, too, "Duh, ain't it obvious?"

Fang frowns at the septuplet in blue. "Rude," Fang murmurs under his breath, his brows creasing just a tad.

"Fang!" Api begins excitably, suddenly starting to bounce in spot. "What're you doing here?"

That's when Angin playfully nudges Api by the side, "Ain't it obvious?" He begins, an amused grin making its way on his face. Api stares at him and blinks owlishly. The younger brother shakes his head slowly, "No... Why?"

"Fang is here to see his boyfriend~"

"What..?!" Fang and Api exclaim in unison. Fang's face crimsons and his tone sounding rather scandalized while Api just sounds way too excited to hear that. Angin laughs at Fang's expense. "See? He's going red in the face, I must be right!"

And as if on que, the front door opens to reveal Tanah slinging one of the straps of his back pack over his shoulder and readjusting the position of his cap.

"Fang, sorry, did I keep you waiting long?" Tanah questions as he jogs over to the three in the lawn. He turns to face a grinning Api and Angin. "What's up?" The third born brother asks, head tilted slightly to the side.

Api giggles and points at what his brother is sporting. "What's up with the bag?" He questions in a playful tone. Hand gripping on one of the straps of his bag slung over his shoulder, Tanah just looks at his brother in a way that says 'you're weird, why're you even laughing about this' and is just about to say so when Angin cuts him off by saying, "He's staying over at his boyfriend's place, of course~"

"Wh-what!" Comes the indignant half-squeak from the third born. To say Tanah is taken aback by his brother's words would be an understatement. "N-no! What makes you think that-? I- Fang and I are just going to do our project!" He tries to defend himself, his voice raising a few octaves as he does so.

Angin and Api are now grinning wide and mischievous as they just continue to lean in forward to peer up at their blundering brother in the face as the latter burns bright red.

"Right~" Angin drawls with a roll of his eyes. "What kind of project, huh?" Api inquires as he leans down to peer up at Tanah with a curious glint to his eye. "Well, it's a science pro-" Tanah makes to explain and then Angin cuts him off by being mortifyingly stupid.

"You mean this kind of project?" Angin chirps.

Without prior warning, after readjusting his cap into the same fashion Tanah always sports, with the bill of the cap at the back, the brother in sky blue promptly does a 180 turn, from facing Tanah to Fang who's standing not so far behind him and jumping closer to the startled boy to close the distance between them. The bespectacled boy stiffens as the brother in blue suddenly grabs him by the sides of his head.

Looking down at the shorter boy, Fang tries to muster the will to glare at the spinning mess of a friend, but instead, lets out an embarrassing yelp as Angin suddenly pinches his cheeks. "I love you!" Comes the loud, faux confession from the hyperactive brother.

After the exclamation, only then, Angin finally turns to face Tanah with a raised eyebrow and an expectant look. An impish grin overtakes his visage as he ultimately adds, "says Tanah."

"No!" Tanah shouts and yanks his brother away from the stunned spiky haired male. Angin just laughs hard and hearty as he stumbles back and away from his mortified brother, all the while clutching his stomach. Api is covering his mouth and seems to be suppressing an oncoming laughter. However, that halfhearted attempt of his not to bust a gut doesn't last long as he, too, ends up joining Angin doubling over on the ground, laughing just as loud as the elder in blue.

Tanah and Fang, both- can finally- glare at the tactless two once both of their separate blushes have subsided.

"Let's just go already, Fang..." Tanah says in finality as he readjusts the strap of his bag on his shoulder, proceeding to walk right out of their front yard.

Choosing to remain quiet and just letting his disapproving look do all the talking regarding his opinion of their current situation, Fang, then, follows suit.

It takes Api and Angin a good couple of minutes after Tanah and Fang have left to stop laughing.

By the time they're done laughing, they're catching their breaths so hard it looks like they're competing on who can consume the most amount of air... from Petir's point of view anyway -who is currently watching them from the same window Tanah and Solar had been not too long ago.

With his hands closed around a mug of warm cocoa, Petir shakes his head slowly, eyes not leaving the two in the lawn. He takes a sip from the beverage in hand.

"Come now, brother. I'm sure they'll do fine." Comes the familiar, cheery voice from another one of his many brothers. Petir peers over his shoulder off handedly to see Daun approach him with a drink of his own.

"Tell me you're joking, Daun..." Petir murmurs, his voice showing lack of amusement. Daun laughs mirthfully, "Look at you, being a worried mother hen as usual~"

Petir's cheeks colour faintly at that embarrassing comment that's way too fond-sounding in his opinion.

"D-Don't!" The eldest chokes involuntarily, only to stop himself from saying anything else any further. Petir warily looks away from the other for fear of his blush worsening.

Smiling, Daun brings a hand up to cover his amusement, making a conscious effort to refrain himself from flustering his brother even further. He understands the other's sentiment.

Now the only thing Petir could do to lessen his awkward embarrassment is to act as if he's casually taking a sip from his lukewarm drink.

And that, he does. He takes an especially long sip. Eyes never leaving the two in the lawn who're now proceeding to climb up the single tree in the front lawn.

Petir almost chokes on his drink.

"For goodness' sake, you two!"