I got the plot bunny for this in not only a strange way, but also in a strange place so once I worked the basics through in my brain I quickly took out my phone and wrote down the outline for this. And I know that I have three other stories to finish, one that I haven't updated in over a year, which I apologize for, but I just wanted to get this oneshot out anyway. So hope you all enjoy it, and if you do let me know! I love to hear comments from you guys!
Obligatory Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight
Strong, calloused hands placed the swaddled bundle down on its plush bed, trying to be as gentle as possible to prevent the two month old child from waking up. With a feather like touch, the mother brushed a soft strand of chocolate hair out of the infant's face and offered a small smile as her son shifted slightly.
Taking a minute to ensure that the baby monitor was on and working, the young woman exited the nursery. Once the door was closed without a sound, the silverette felt like she could finally breathe. Running a hand through her short cropped hair, the hunter thought back to when she first brought her Ryuu home. It had been a real struggle, suddenly going from having a caring husband acting as a strong support to being a single mother who hasn't even gotten a chance to grieve the death of the man that she thought she would spend the rest of her life with, and raise a family with. But Zero knows that life doesn't always work out that way and she can't control irresponsible people driving drunk.
Despite the resent life altering tragedy, the hunter seemed to be coping rather well. There were a good few people in her life that were willing to help her, to be her support and reason for moving forward. They kept Zero grounded and stable as she fumbled to balance being a mother, Level D and working hunter for the Association. The most prevalent people were her adoptive sister and father, her former Master Yagari, and strangely enough, the pureblood Kaname Kuran.
That fact itself was something that still shocked the ex-human greatly but they were no longer young and stubborn, having graduated from Cross Academy six years ago and everyone had grown and matured, for the most part.
Zero still didn't believe there was any hope for Aido.
But thinking back the Zero she was back at the Academy would probably shoot the present silverette, thinking that she had lost her mind. Sure she was a successful and well paid vampire hunter, something she had always dreamed of, was able to find a deep motherly love for her son, had a nice two bedroom apartment and friends that were dear to her.
The thoughts of her friends brought the athletic woman back to the present, seeing as one was still waiting for her in the kitchen with a meal that was surely starting to get cold.
Being sure to be silent, waking up Ryuu would be something detrimental to the tired parent, Zero eased her way out of the hallway, through the living room and into the kitchen where her guest was waiting for her with a gentle smile adorning his handsome face.
"Is he finally asleep?" The deep baritone questioned as the hunter plopped herself down in one of the chairs that surrounded the rounded kitchen table.
The hunter nodded quickly before scooping a large bite of the beef and vegetable stew that she had put in the slow cooker early in the morning. "We should have a four hours before he wakes up for another feeding." Looking at her companion as he offered an acknowledging nod before dipping his own utensil into the meal Zero had provided in exchange for the pureblood prince helping out with Ryuu for the first part of the night while she was out on an assignment from the Hunter Association to destroy some Level E's in a nearby town. The brunette had only changed slightly over the years, his handsome face shifting to get rid of the last traces of boyish charm that had been clinging during their years in school. The vampire that sat across from her now was a man, someone she considered her equal now even though he was something that she had fundamentally hated. But with her pregnancy and the birth of her son, Kaname had been their when her late husband could not, walking her through what had happened to his mother when she was pregnant with Yuuki and filling her in on things anyone raising a young child with vampire blood running through their veins.
"That's good." The pureblood commented between bites of stew, enjoying the good flavors that the silverette had created for them to share. "He was pretty anxious earlier, maybe he knew were you were out hunting." Throughout their years Zero had changed greatly in comparison to the prince. When the brunette had first met the silverette he had mistaken her for a small boy when she had stabbed him with a kitchen knife, only to be surprised when Chairman Cross had scolded his 'daughter' for being so violent. During their years at the Academy the former prefect had taken on a tomboy persona, refusing to wear the girl's uniform in favor of the panted boy version, claiming that she was more comfortable and could move easier. That fact making the pureblood regret not enforcing the correct uniform more. So that couples with her silver hair being chopped short with pair of scissors herself made many people think she was just a pretty boy. Now the boyish teen has bloomed into a glowing woman that had the happiness in her crystalline eyes that only a mother does, the stunning hair was still kept short for convenience with her busy lifestyle but it had a distinct feminine style to it. Of course she had developed well over the years, growing from the flat chested and boyish figure to a shapely woman with strong muscles and a well-rounded chest hidden beneath her pale grey cotton button down. One of the biggest differences was the smile that Zero was now willing to give to those she considered close, the people she wanted to protect and cherish.
"Pfft. He's only two months old, sure he'd know I'm not there but I doubt he realizes I hunt bloodsuckers." The mother laughed slightly. Looking up Zero saw Kaname had stopped eating, his right hand holding onto the silver spoon as he gave her a disapproving look.
"What! They were all Level E's! They were the definition of bloodsuckers, it's not like I call you that anymore." Zero scoffed, not worried about offending her companion.
"Liar." The Kuran heir pointed spoon at the silverette in an accusing manner. "I believed you said 'See ya later bloodsucker' before leaving."
"Well you can handle it." And with that the two went back to their meal, paring it with a comfortable and teasing conversation.
Taking a brief moment to embrace before separating, Zero offered a small and tired smile to the brunette. "Really Kaname, thank you for covering for me tonight. The Association sprung that emergency mission on me and no one could watch Ryuu, and I know you're busy with your whole pureblood thing-"
The man cut Zero short with a gentle hand on her strong shoulder. "Please Zero, anytime you need me to watch Ryuu I'll be there." At his steady words the hunter couldn't hold in the larger grin that bloomed on her face. The endearing expression overtook the brunette's sense of logic as he leaned down to place a chaste kiss on her forehead. "I mean it. Anytime Zero. And thank you for the meal. It was delicious as always." And with that the charming man was out the front door and into the early morning, disappearing in the palest light with the door shutting behind him.
Reaching up a battle worn hand to touch where Kaname's soft lips had grazed her forehead, taking a moment to feel the fluttering of her heart. Brushing off the emotional glow that had fogged her mind over, the hunter wandered through her apartment while fiddling with the golden ring on her left hand. Lilac eyes drifted to the small series of framed photos, only four in total. One of her original family, her parents and beloved little brother before everything was torn apart. The next featuring a slightly older Zero with her adoptive family on Yuuki's birthday, the female brunette's smile lighting up the room. The one to the right of that showed most of the Night Class, the two prefects, the Chairman and Yagari at their graduation, all with polite smiles to hide the uncertainty of the future.
The last was one the silverette was strangely found of even though it showed her in an unflattering light. The hunter was over six months pregnant, with longer hair that had reached just passed her shoulders was thrown up in a messy tangled bun, there were dark circles under her violet eyes from being ill with morning sickness, reclining on a couch covering in plush pillows. Despite having felt horrid all day the exhuman could only smile up at the man behind the camera because it was a moment when the fact that Zero and her husband were creating a life, and they were excited about it.
Eyes shifting to glance at the small watch on a pale wrist, Zero decided it would be best to try and get some sleep before Ryuu had to wake up again for another feeding in a couple hours. So keeping her focus on the task at hand.
With naturally silent footsteps, the went throught her nightly routine, brushing her teeth thoroughly with the only toothbrush in the bathroom attached to the master bedroom, checking the baby monitor one last time before opening the door to the one closet that was filled with her clothes, shoes and miscellaneous weapons to grab a fresh night shirt. Then with a tired sigh Zero pulled back the cottony white covers to snuggle up with the sole pillow before drifting into a strange but easy sleep.