A/N: So this idea hit me like a honking brick upside the head and I couldn't get rid of it ever since. Basically, in a science experiment gone wrong, Lisa makes a portal to the Ghost Zone where Danny was working on his map. Him along with Sam and Tucker are sucked into Lisa's room. Right after they come through the portal becomes unstable and explodes leaving the trio to have no other choice but to stay at the Loud House.

I wanted a couple parts where Lucy and Danny have some odd conversation about ghosts and stuff since my origional idea for this was that Lucy summoned Danny XD. I decided to go with Lisa messing up, though.

No Phantom Planet!

The idea for a DP and LH crossover originally came from a suggestion by a guest named DisneyDreamer. Thanks for the suggestion X3

And I'm going to say this just because I am almost certain this is going to happen due to Lincoln's white hair, no this is not a Lincoln Phantom story.

I swear if anyone makes a story where Lincoln was secretly born half-ghost they need to give me all of the credit. If they don't then make sure they do! Unless it already is a thing...I bet it is...unless this is the first LH and DP crossover...

With that said, let's get right into this!

"In a house with 10 sisters, it can be hard to do anything without something blowing up in your face. That's why I've created the ultimate shield against it," Lincoln said, breaking the fourth wall. The boy held up what looked kind of like one of Lynn's old football helmets with layers of tape wrapped around it.

"The multiple layers of duct tape are practically invincible against any of my sister's crazy food fights or random pies that come seemingly out of nowhere. I chose a football helmet for a 'just in case' kind of scenario," Lincoln said tapping the top of the helmet,

"With this I'm prepared for anything. Lily's diapers, Lola's obsessions with makeup, Lana's mud pies, Lucy's...yeah I got nothing for that yet, Lynn's balls..., Laun's tendency to throw pies, Luna's stage dives, Leni's...yeah I haven't figured out anything for Leni and Lori yet but I will eventually. I just feel like there's someone I'm missing..." Lincoln thought for a couple moments before a loud chemical explosion came from Lisa's room.

"Lisa!" He yelled surprised that he had forgotten about the one girl who makes the most explosions.

All of the kids in the Loud household came rushing to Lisa and Lily's room to see what had happened.

What they saw surprised everyone, even Lisa.

Danny was flying alongside the Specter Speeder with his two friends Sam and Tucker on the inside. The halfa had a piece of paper and a pen in his hands. The paper resembled that of a homemade map, mostly colored with purple marker and pencil.

The group started heading down to a random floating rock to write down the next part of their map when a portal opened up that seemed to be trying to suck them in as if it was a vacuum—which is pretty odd for natural occurring portals throughout the Ghost Zone.

The trio screamed as they were sucked in. Danny tried to turn intangible in hopes of getting into the specter speeder easily so they could fly away but he just ended up accidentally turning the whole thing intangible causing Sam and Tucker to fall out.

They all fell through the strange portal and left the specter speeder drifting throughout the Ghost Zone.

When they landed on the other end, they were surprised to see what they found, and what they had found was surprised to see them.

About 10 or 11 kids stood staring at the strangers that just fell through Lisa's portal.

"Mom is going to flip when she finds out about this," Lincoln finally spoke up.

"Yeah but look at the bright side, Lucy finally has a few people she can relate to," Lori tried to find a bright side.

"No one will understand the sheer darkness that I feel," Lucy said which made everyone in the room get awkwardly silent for a moment.

Danny then took this as an opertunity to speak up, "What just happened?" He asked his friends who shrugged so he looked over to the girls (and boy) standing in front of him.

"Long story short; Lisa did it," Lana blamed.

"I may have miscalculated," Lisa said awkwardly, blushing a bit.

Everyone in the room, except for Danny Sam and Tucker, looked at Lisa with wide eyes. This was the first time she had ever miscalculated something. It was silent a bit longer until Leni spoke up once more, "Wait what is a miscalculated?"

That was when everyone face palmed. Even the new guys.

"Okay, quick question, what year is it?" Danny decided to ask considering the Ghost Zone can take you through time. If it wasn't 2007 then they had definitely time traveled.

"2016," Came Lincolin's reply and Danny looked around the room really quick.

"Y'know, I'd expect it to be more...future-y than this," The halfa admitted.

Everyone, except for the trio, exchanged confused looks, "Who and what are you?" Lola asked a bit angrily.

"I'm Danny F..." He took a quick glance at his jumpsuit just to see if he hadn't changed back yet, "Phantom. I'm a ghost and-"

He was cut off by a gasp from the crowd, the loudest being from—big shocker—Lucy. It sounded more excited though.

"Anyways, these are my human friends Sam and Tucker," Danny finished. Tucker gave Leni a smile and a wink, who cringed in disgust when she spotted this. Sam waved awkwardly without saying a word.

"And who are you?" Tucker asked in a flirting kind of way, mostly based towards Leni.

Lincoln stood in front of his sisters and introduced them, pointing to each one as he went through the group, "Here we have Leni, Lori, Lana, Lola, Lucy, Lily, Lynn, Luna, Lisa, Laun and, yours truely, Lincoln Loud."

"Wow that's a lot of people," Sam said quietly to herself.

"You get used to it," Lucy suddenly appeared right next to Sam who yelled in fear when she was jumpscared, causing Danny and Tucker to crack up in hysterics.

"Sorry about Lucy, she tends to do that a lot," Lynn said and started to slowly pull Lucy back into the crowd.

"So...tell us about yourselves," Lisa suddenly said getting out a pencil, paper and clipboard, getting ready to take notes on anything they could find out about the mysterious trio.

Danny thought for a moment before speaking up, "Well..."

A/N: Yep. Cliffhanger. Sorry and you're welcome. If you have any suggestions for what could happen in the next chapter, feel free to tell me! I'd love to hear what you guys wanna see!

R&R and tell me what you think!

And if you wanna read more Danny Phantom fanfics, I have plenty of them. Here's a few (crossovers included):

My Ice Core (Regular/One-Shot)

No Ghosts Allowed (Regular/One-Shot)

Random Run-In (Regular/One-Shot)

The Ghost Boy and the Ninja (Crossover with Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja/Multi-chap.)

The Secret Trio Revealed (Crossover with Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja and American Dragon Jake Long/Multi-Chap.)

Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading and I'll hopefully see you all in the next chapter!