Chapter 1: My Story

For as long as I could remember I lived my life on the run. At the age of 4 I was kicked out of the orphanage where I had lived since the day I was born. Luckily I was smart beyond my years. After a few days of near starvation I began to steal. I wasn't perfect at it but was able to run faster than the civilians but when the Konoha Police did catch up I would get a beating.

Time passed and I got better at stealing and running. It wasn't like I was stealing stuff I didn't need to live and with that realized a few of the Anbu took pity on me and wouldn't report me though not like the Uchiha run police. A group I always see together would even bring me things like clothes and toys once they realized I found my own little place.

That team was made up of 4 members. Cat always brought me wooden toys and plants. Snake would always bring me sweets and other food. Boer would bring me books and some stuff the last member would always take away. The last member was Dog and he was the one who came to me the most and was the only one to know where my shack was. Dog was the member that risked everything for me last year and I fear he did.


Today was my 5th birthday and for the most part I was looking forward to it. It also marked the day of the Nine-tails attack which meant they were likely to come after me but Dog had assured me that nothing would happen this year and that after we would have cake after the festival.

I began my walk to the Fourth Hokage's head just as the sun was setting to see the fireworks. To me it was the best spot to watch but I turned and saw a group of men coming up just before the fireworks started.

"Well well looks like we found the demon brat," one of the men said spatting the last part.

"Please I just wanna watch the fireworks in peace," I said standing up looking for a place to run but they had blocked my only way.

"Like you let us live in peace 5 years ago," said another.

"I lost my fiancé,"

"I lost my young son," all at once they started to rattle off those they lost. That's when one of the men, who was a Chunin, took out kunai. I couldn't dodge all the blades coming at me. 3 skimmed my sides well one imbedded its self into my left shoulder. Soon the rest of the group came forward and started stomping and kicking me well I lay helpless on the stone head. Last thing I saw was the silver haired Dog Anbu before I blacked out.


I woke up a few days later in my shack with a medic attending to me. Her name was Rin and she said Dog had brought her to my home after the hospital refused to see me. I shrugged it off knowing he was just doing what was best but then later asked she said Dog was gone and wouldn't tell me anymore.

Now I am turning 8 this year and joining the academy all with Rin's help as she is the only person to know my secrets now that Dog is gone. I have kept my "demon" hidden thanks to her and she helps me hid my other secret. If they found it out I would no longer be able to be a ninja and I would surely be killed.

My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I am a ninja in training at Konoha's Ninja Academy. The day I was born the Nine-tailed fox was sealed in me but that's not my big secret. My big secret is that somewhere near my 8th birthday I will be totally blind to this world and I can't let anyone know until I have proven that I can still be a ninja.

So this now makes three stories I am writing but I just cant stop. Got tons of ideas in my head but I am sticking to the theme of ideas harder to find then others. So review if you like it and don't worry not giving up on my other two going.

~Covley Hatake