A/N: Yo! So, I haven't had much time to write lately due to end of the school year projects and finals(and planning for Nalu week), but I was finally able to write a thing, hence this fic! Hope you enjoy! Oh, and I don't own Fairy Tail.

"Girl, the movie will be over by the time it takes you to get out the door. Hurry up."

Lucy rolled her eyes as she slipped on her boots.

"Levy, we still have an hour before it starts, calm down." She replied to her best friend, who was standing in front of the entrance to her apartment, tapping her foot with her hands on her hips. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes again at the sight of it. Lucy loved her, but it sometimes drove her crazy how much of a drama queen Levy was.

"We've been raving about this movie coming out for months!"

It was true. Ever since the duo learned of their favorite book being adapted into a movie, it was pretty much all they could talk about. But did the premiere really have to be at 11:45pm? Lucy always considered herself more of a night person, but it just wasn't a natural time to go out to see a movie. Nevertheless, after she had her boots on and purse on her shoulder, Lucy let herself be dragged out the door by a certain eager blunette.

It didn't take long to arrive at the theater, considering it was only a few blocks away. One of the perks of living in the middle of town. As soon as they entered, Levy raced to the ticket counter. By the time Lucy made her way next to her, Levy had a solemn expression on her face.


"It's sold out."

No way. Lucy knew they should have preordered tickets online. In fact, she had insisted they do so to Levy, who merely replied that she hated shopping online. She was about to respond when she noticed Levy's gaze was no longer on her, but somewhere over her shoulder. Lucy turned just in time to see a tall head of unruly black hair disappear from the lobby to the hall leading to the theaters. Levy had already whirled back to the ticket counter before Lucy could ask her about it.

"What other movies are playing?" Levy asked the lady behind the counter. Lucy scanned the list of movies and found that the only other one with a time similar to the movie they were planning on seeing was a horror. The ticket lady confirmed it.

When Levy turned to her with hopeful eyes, Lucy shook her head. "Levy no. You know I loathe horrors."

She continued to look up at Lucy with puppy-dog eyes. "Come on, Lu-chan! Live a little. I was really in the mood to see a movie, so what if it happens to be horror? Besides, we came all the way here."

"We walked three and a half blocks."

"Well… yes. But you took the time to get dressed and do your hair and makeup. Do you really want that to go to waste?" Levy countered.

Lucy had to admit that the girl had a point. And if Levy had the nerve to beg like this—seriously, she was fluttering her eyelashes and everything—then she must have really liked whoever it was Lucy caught her staring at.

With a resigned sigh, Lucy nodded. "Fine, but you owe me."

"You're the best!" Levy squealed, tackling her in a bear hug. After she caught her breath, they paid for their tickets and bought snacks. The two hesitated at the entrance for a few moments as Lucy waited for Levy to seek out the man. It didn't take long, what with him being the tallest in the room. Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy saw her friend's face light up for a split second before making her way to his row. She followed, even if feeling somewhat awkward about it. But Lucy would have her friend's back just like she knew Levy would have hers if their roles were reversed.

So Lucy didn't protest when Levy asked the man if they could sit there, or when they sat down after he grunted a response. She slid down in her seat, worrying her thumbnail and trying not to think about her impending doom.

It wasn't a secret that Lucy was easily scared, and it didn't make it any better that she had no idea what this movie was about, thus having no idea what she was in for. She may as well have been a blind person walking into a haunted house. She supposed that if push came to shove, she could always just leave the theater with the excuse of having to use the bathroom. But then again she didn't want to be that person that disrupted the middle of the movie to use the bathroom. And Mavis knew that she had a scarce amount of money, so she might as well watch what she paid for… no matter how bad the nightmares might be after.

Lucy was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice that the man that held her best friend's interest had come with a friend, or that said friend muttered something to the man about food before exiting the theater. She may have noticed when he sat down next to her, arms full of popcorn, nachos, boxes of candy, and a drink, except she had her face in her hands, trying not to scream in frustration at how utterly pathetic she was. Only when he spoke did she realize his presence…


…and jump so high she almost fell out of her seat. Lucy felt her cheeks heat up and tried not to face palm. The movie hadn't even started yet and she was already jumping at scares. She must have said this aloud, because the stranger that had spoken to her started to laugh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya," he told her with his hands in the air, as if to emphasize his innocence. How he managed to do that without spilling the abundance of food on his lap was beyond her. Then his expression changed to a sympathetic grin. "Your friend dragged you here too, huh?" She nodded. "I'm more of an action-adventure guy, but Metal Face insisted." He continued, lacing his hands behind his head. She assumed "Metal Face" was the man Levy was currently chatting up.

Lucy's face lit up. "I love action-adventures!" she exclaimed. He beamed at her. Lucy couldn't help but notice that he smiled with his whole face, and that it was contagious.

"I'm Natsu."


They shook hands and it didn't go unnoticed by her that Natsu held on to her hand a few seconds longer than was probably necessary. Not that she was complaining. The two talked about inconsiderate friends and other random things that came to mind and sooner than Lucy would have liked, the lights dimmed.

Natsu must have seen her tense, because he took her hand in his. "Don't worry," he whispered when she looked over at him. "I've seen this movie before, and it's actually pretty funny. And by funny, I mean the characters are morons and the villain is so unbelievable that it's practically a joke." His smile faltered when she gave him a skeptical look. "But if you get scared, you can hold onto me for comfort if it makes you feel better."

Had anyone else told her this, she would have assumed they were hitting on her. However, his tone and serious look in his eyes told her that he was sincere. And even though she just met him, she had a feeling that he wasn't that type of guy. So she nodded and felt herself relax.

It turned out that Natsu wasn't just trying to make her feel better when he said the movie was practically a joke, because Lucy found herself frequently wincing in second-hand embarrassment at the decisions of the characters. Seriously, why would you hide in the shed when there was a conveniently placed car right there with the keys lying on the ground next to it? And she had seen stray cats scarier than the villain.

Sooner than she had expected, the movie was over. Lucy first blinked at the credits scrolling down the screen, then down at her right hand when she realized that Natsu hadn't once let go of her hand throughout the two-hour movie.

"Ready to go?" Levy asked. Lucy hadn't realized how tired she was until she was yawning and stretching in her seat to wake up her muscles.

"Yup, whenever you are." She replied. Levy maneuvered around legs still in chairs and other people getting ready to leave until she was in the aisle leading out the door. Lucy was about to follow when a hand took her arm. A hand that belonged to Natsu. "You can go on ahead; I'll meet you in the lobby." She called to Levy, who gave her a smug once-over and a knowing look at the hand still on her arm, but shrugged and walked out anyway.

Lucy looked at Natsu questioningly. He just grinned up at her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I don't have your number."

She stared for a second before chuckling at his blunt statement.

"No, I don't believe you do. We should probably change that, shouldn't we?" She replied, holding out her hand for his phone so that she could add her number.

"You free tomorrow?" He asked after she returned his cell.


"Lunch good?"

"Sounds great."

"That Italian place across the street?"

"It's my favorite."

"Pick you up at noon?"

"It's a date."

"I'll text you." He said before she waved and left the theater.

Lucy was sure she had the dumbest grin on her face when she met Levy near the front entrance. To Levy's credit, though, she only said one thing. "You still loathe horrors?"

Lucy replied with a shake of her head before the two pushed open the doors and stepped into the night. No, she most definitely no longer loathed horrors.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Sorry if Levy seemed a bit OOC; I was just in the mood for a feisty Levy. I hope we can all agree that Feisty Levy is Best Levy.

Oh, and I might make this into a two-shot, so please let me know if you would be interested in another chapter.