Hello, so this is my first fanfiction. Ever. And I really hope you like it. I was hesitant at first to write this story, but I ended up doing it anyway. Though just so you know, English is not really my language, so I'm very unsure if I am writing it right or wrong. And I don't know if I'm gonna keep writing if no one likes it, but I can try, I guess.
Well, anyway, enough about that. let's start, shall we?
Summary: Natsu Dragneel, is the prince of the Dragons' kingdom. One day the kingdom is attacked, by a dragon. And Natsu's parents send him away to get help from the guild Fairy Tale, which lies in the kingdom of Fiore. What will happen? Will Natsu manage to get help? And will Fairy Tale help him?
Runaway Prince
Chapter 1:
400 years ago, there were two kingdoms who came together as one, creating one big kingdom together.
Despite being former enemies, neither kingdoms were as foolish as to simply brush each other off in their fight when they both knew they'd need each other in a certain time.
Their fight was nothing compared to what was happening around the world, so they had no choice but to grudgingly accept each other.
The kingdoms in which the stories surround are named The Kingdom of Fiore and The Dragons' Kingdom.
The Kingdoms was vastly different from one another, for in Fiore there was something called wizards Guild. Now wizards weren't uncommon, in fact, there were estimated that there were more magical people than there were people who didn't have magic.
Guilds were what wizards came to, to earn money, make friends and train.
Now, the Dragons' Kingdom didn't have Guilds, although there were no more few magical people than in Fiore, in fact, there were much more magical creature that lived there, such as Dragons – big, beautiful, majestic beings – and flying, talking cats, which were more commonly known as exceeds.
There also lived people known as Dragon Slayers.
Dragon Slayers were just as the name suggests, it was magic used to slay dragons. Now that would bring up some questions, as it was dragons that were teaching them.
Why would dragons find the time to teach humans magic that can be used to kill them? That didn't make any sense, but then again, not everything has to.
Though, there was a simple answer to that.
The dragons simply liked humans. They were fascinated by them, entranced and enchanted. They trusted humans; they had no qualms teaching them their ways.
That was their mistake.
Now, the two kingdoms lived in harmony with each other for many years, despite the tense and sometimes hostile feeling that was present there with the fact that they were former enemies.
They didn't actually have anything against each other; it was simply a childish squabble between the two kings, who had actually been childhood friends. It wasn't anything big, just something either of them said and they hadn't let go of it since.
Now also take into mind that, as weird as it sounds, the King in the Dragons' kingdom was actually human. Though not a normal human, mind you, his mother having been a dragon, while his father had been human.
The dragons didn't have anything against the humans of Fiore and the humans, in turn, didn't have anything against the dragons.
Now, back to the mistake the dragons made. Their problem was that they were too trusting. They were naïve, stupid, thoughtless.
They didn't think it through, they were never suspicious of anything or anyone. Just because they liked the humans, it made them blind and careless.
They never thought they'd ever be betrayed by one of their own.
Acnologia had always been special, in the way he'd grasped the concept of Dragon Slayer magic as fast as he did. He'd been nothing but kind to anyone, selfless even.
But that was all an act, for underneath, there lied a darker side that no one had ever seen.
No one knew it, but at night, when everyone was asleep, Acnologia went on a killing spree.
He killed many humans in his time, so much in fact, that he eventually lost his humanity.
He went mad, his form was changing and though the elders had warned him of this, he had never listened. They had told him that should he do certain things, he would be changed.
His mind would shatter, and he would transform into the being his magic meant to slay. He turned into a dragon, the first of many humans to do the same.
The Dragon played waste on the land. He spared no one and killed everyone.
The few survivors that had gotten away from Fiore began hating the dragons, told them it was their fault, that hadn't they been as naïve as they had, then their loved ones would still be alive.
But the humans who lived with the Dragons protected them, told them that they shouldn't blame all for one man's actions.
That little argument eventually turned into a full-fledged war. It was only to be expected, after all. They had already been tense before, something had to push them over the line and it seemed Acnologia would be the cause of that.
The war held on for 20 long years. The two kingdoms separated so they no longer had to see the other and the people continued living like nothing had happened at all.
The Dragons lived with its people, though having learned their lesson, they weren't as open-minded as they had been.
But they continued living, cause there was nothing else they could do and they managed to stay happy, though they could no longer leave their border.
That was fine with them, however, as long as they were left alone, it made no difference to them.
But they all shared the same hope in their hearts, that the dragon who started the whole war would never be seen again in the future.
They could only hope...
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