1. Run faster and run zig-zag if an archer is aiming at your back. Remember this, Rickon!

2. Feed your dogs every day so that they won't eat you when they are put in your cage. Remember this, Ramsay!

3. Trust a woman who is wise enough to remain a virgin after two marriages. Her warnings and advice are reasonable. Remember this, High Sparrow!

4. If a sinner does not show up at his/her trial, leave the Sept immediately. He/she is probably about to blow the whole Sept up with Wild Fire. Remember this, High Sparrow (again)!

5. Do not be Cersei's children. Joffrey and Myrcela were poisoned. Tommen committed suicide.

6. If you want to keep your child safe in the room, lock the door and the window. Remember this, Cersei!

7. Do not be Oberyn Martell's siblings and nephew. Elia was raped and murdered. Doran and Trystane were betrayed and killed.

8. A leader should never be easily irritated and charge at the enemy without caution. Remember this, Jon Snow!

9. Do not assume children to be harmless. They can stab you and leave you to die in a dark tunnel. Remember this, Lancel!

10. Have a vault in your home to hide if you live near the Sept of Baelor in case it explodes. Your safety is the number-one priority.

A/N: I was intending to write bonus chapters for both season 7 and season 8. Yet the two last seasons were a disaster so I quit. The story ends here. Have fun with all the rules of survival in Westeros!