Chapter 35: Finale

In Metropolis Superman was going through Lex Luthor's crates looking for signs of the transmitter.

As he used his X-ray vision he finally found it.

"There you are." He said before he was about to open it.

The area in front of the crate burst into smoke as Superman saw Batman desperately land in front of him.

"Clark don't open the crate!" Batman screamed.

"What?" Superman said.

"It's not a transmitter, I interrogated Joker, he made it. It's a fear toxin emitter, it would have made you think Diana and your family were all Doomsday making you kill them, then get wrecked with grief and take over the world."

Superman raised an eyebrow.

"Well good thing I didn't open it. I mean it was almost like there was something bigger planned but something else came up so we just have to go past it." He said as he pushed the crate into the water.

"That's a serious injustice. We should get back to the watchtower."

Inside the watchtower, the League and the Team saw as the War-world and the Light's fleet approaching earth.

"Wow, I can't believe it finally happened." Beastboy said.

"So what's the plan?" Green Arrow asked.

"Simple, we go inside and stop them." The Ace of Spades said.

"If I can get access to the War World's power core I think I can overload it. Destroy it and their fleet." Captain Atom said.

"How do we get aboard?" Black Canary asked.

"I can boom tube us in." Cyborg said.

"This is it, we win or the Light takes earth." Batman said.

"The Team is ready to help, however we can." Nightwing said.

"The entire league shouldn't go aboard. Just a single team, to engage the Light council." Superman said.

"He's right." Batman said.

"I'll go." The Ace of Spades said.

"I will Join in as Well." Wonder Woman said.

"I'm going." Batman said.

"I will come." Dr. Fate said.

"I am coming." Aquaman said.

"I'll be coming." Superman said.

"Me to." The Flash said.

"Who from the Team is coming?" Batman said.

Nightwing looked at the others.

"The original team." Nightwing said.

Batman nodded.

Damian stood in front of his father.

"Don't die." Damian said.

Batman knelt down and hugged Damian.

Kori was hugging Nightwing.

"You better come back this time Dick."

"I will Kori." Nightwing said as he kissed her.

The team and league group came forward as Cyborg held his arm out.

"Ok here we go, boom tube way." Cyborg said as he unleashed a Boom tube.

The Team and Captain Atom entered one as the league team entered another.

"Alright the rest of us are heading down to Earth." Black Canary said.

The Team stepped out of the Boom Tube and saw they were in the War World's core.

"Alright Cyborg, that was easy." Flash II said.

Captain Atom walked up to the core and slammed his fists inside of it.

He then began to glow red as he grunted.

"Give me a few minutes." Captain Atom said before Man of Steel heard something with his advanced sense of hearing.

"We've got company." He said as the others turned.

Standing at the entrance of the room was Eclipso, The Whip, Black Manta, Talon, Zoom, and Cyborg Superman.

"Look who's here." Eclipso said.

Aqualad and Black Manta eyeballed each other intensely.

The Whip saw what Captain Atom was doing.

"He's hacking into the core!" She shouted.

"Stop him!" Black Manta shouted.

" I can't be interrupted!" Captain Atom shouted.

The Team formed up in a line.

"This is it guys, we win here or we lose everything." Nightwing said.

"I glad it's you guys I'm fighting beside." Connor said.

"One last time?" Wally asked.

"Go!" Nightwing shouted as they charged forward at their opponents.

Tigress leapt up, but the Whip lassoed her whip around Tigress's leg and hurled her into the ground.

Tigress tried to get up, but the whip was hurled around her arms and she was hurled back again.

"Come on bitch, you couldn't beat me last time, what chance to you have now!" The Whip shouted as she hurled her whip forward again.

Tigress smiled as she whipped out her sword and cut apart the whip as it came at her.

The Whip's eyes widened as she held the handle of her cut up whip.

"You know in my experience, someone in the league who used just a weapon and nothing else, is pretty shitty without that weapon." Tigress said as she sheathed her sword and walked towards the Whip.

"But who knows, I might be wrong." Tigress said as the Whip tried to strike her before Tigress easily blocked each of her strikes.

Tigress leapt up and smashed her foot into The Whips face, hurling her onto her back and knocking her out.

Eclipso unleashed energy blasts at Miss Martian who did her best to avoid them.

"Come on, you already tried this Martian, you can't hurt me." Eclipso said as he prepared a larger energy blast.

Miss Martian had an idea, she used her psychic powers to rip part of the core's panels off and put them in front of him. The panels absorbed Eclipso's energy before hurling the panels around Eclipso, who tried to turn intangible. However, his own energy absorbed by the panels kept him from doing so as his eyes widened.

"Oh shit!" Eclipso said as he was hit by the metal and his own energy.

Eclipso burst out of the metal looking hurt, but still going.

He screamed as he ran at Miss Martian with his hands glowing.

Miss Martian transformed into her true form as Eclipso stopped with his mouth dropping.

"Oh this is gonna be bad."

Miss Martian slammed him back with her large white arms before pouncing on top of him and blasting him with a brain blast.

With Eclipso down , Miss Martian transformed back into her humanoid form.

Talon was exchanging strikes with his talons and Nightwing's sticks.

"You know I beat Deathstroke, do you really think you can beat me?" Nightwing said.

"Of course I can." Talon said before his forearms were knocked back and Nightwing smashed his sticks up across Talon's helmet, knocking it off.

"You sure?" Nightwing said smiling.

Talon scowled as he took out his sword and tried to strike Nightwing repeatedly.

Nightwing blocked each of the strikes while hitting Talon back.

"Seriously, after Deathstroke, you're just a letdown." Nightwing said as he knocked the sword out of Talon's hand and smashed his now charged sticks across Talon's face, knocking him out.

Flash II kept trying to run and avoid Zoom, but the older Speedster was too fast. He kept striking Flash II and knocking him to the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha! Flash II, you're not even as fast as Flash I. You're so slow!" Zoom laughed as he grabbed Wally and began charging up his hand.

"Even with your pathetic speed, I can feed off it enough to finally be faster than the Flash!" Zoom said as he began siphoning Wally's speed.

Wally grunted as Zoom continued.

"That's it." Zoom said before he saw Wally grab him with his own charged arm.

"What?" Zoom said as Wally forced himself onto his feet.

"Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine!" Flash II shouted as he began siphoning Zoom's speed.

"What! Noooooo!" Zoom shouted as Wally finished and began moving faster than he had ever moved before.

"Wohooo!" Wally shouted in excitement as he strike Zoom again and again. The tables had now turned, Zoom was as fast as Wally had always been, and now Wally was as fast as Zoom. As fast as Flash I.

Zoom was hurled back into the wall as Wally took off his goggles.

"That was awesome, and the best part is, this is permanent." Wally said.

Man of Steel and Cyborg Superman kept clashing, Man of Steel smashing his fist into the cyborg and knocking him back.

As Cyborg Superman got up Man of Steel tackled him to the ground and grabbed his head.

"Luthor's controlling you! You're his slave! I'm your brother , let me help you!" Connor shouted before the Cyborg blasted him with heat vision and punched Man of Steel, hurling him back.

Cyborg Superman flew at Man of Steel only to be blasted by Heat vision from his brother and knocked off balance before Man of Steel flew forward and grabbed Cyborg Superman by the head and hurled him into a wall.

As Cyborg Superman got up, he held his head and saw Man of Steel in front of him.

"Please, let me help you." Connor said.

Cyborg Superman lowered his head before turning to the wall and smashing it open.

He turned to Connor.

"Brother, goodbye." He said before flying out of the room.

Connor flew after him but saw with his X-ray vision that Cyborg Superman had just flown out into space and away from the War Wold.

Connor gave a heavy look as he saw his brother fly away.

Black Manta kept exchanging blows with Aqualad.

"You're making a mistake my son! You're on the wrong side! I'll give you one last chance!" Black Manta shouted.

"I'll give you one last chance too father. Stop this madness!" Aqualad shouted.

"Very well, you leave me no choice!" Black Manta shouted as he tried to blast his own son.

Aqualad formed an aqua shield over him but was knocked back by the blast.

Black Manta came at him , but Aqualad used his legs to flip Manta over him.

As Manta got up Aqualad smashed his water maces across his face and body until Manta was hurled back into the core.

Black Manta screamed out in pain.

"Father!" Aqualad shouted as he tried to help him, but there was a blast and he was hurled back.

When Aqualad got up he saw his father's armor laying on the ground with a skeleton inside.

Aqualad was speechless as the others came up behind him.

"Kaldur." Connor started as he put his hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Nightwing asked.

"Our mission is safe again. I can cope later." Aqualad said.

"Almost done." Captain Atom said.

Elsewhere on the command deck Vandal Savage was piloting the Warworld with the rest of his council beside him.

They looked on the view screen where they saw their forces fighting the League and the Team.

"The day is finally here, when Earth takes its place at the center of the universe." Savage said.

"A glorious day." Queen Bee said.

"Yeah we'll teach all those goody tushoes who's in charge." Klarion said.

"Welcome back to the council Oceanmaster." Ra's Al Ghul said.

"Good to be back." Ocean Master said.

"The Warworld is almost in range." Savage said before a Boom tube opened up in front of them.

Their eyes widened as they Superman, Batman, The Ace of Spades, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Dr. Fate come out.

"Mind if we crash you're little party?" The Flash said.

"What? How?" Klarion asked.

"This ends now." Batman said.

"Kill them." Savage said as he began moving the War World closer.

Lex luthor was wearing a large set of armor with a superman Symbol on the chest.

"You like my new suit?" Luthor said before Superman flew at him and Lex hurled him back with a punch.

"My ultimate creation, all your precious strength and durability, in my hands now." Luthor started before Superman flew back and hurled him into the walls.

Lex grunted as he ran at Superman and the two exchanged strikes.

Despite having Superman's strength, Lex's found his strikes were blocked by Superman and his attacks redirected.

"You may have my strength Luthor, but you don't know how to use it." Superman said before he beat Luthor down and blasted the back of his armor with heat vision and Superbreath.

He then smashed his hand into the back and ripped the armor open before he pulled Lex out.

"No fair." Luthor said.

As this happened Batman was blocking Ra's Al Ghul's sword strikes with his forearm claws.

"Once I kill you detective, I'll reclaim my grandson and remove the weakness you instilled in him." Batman locked Ra's sword in his spikes.

"You will never go near Damian again!" He shouted as he pulled his arms apart and shattered the sword.

Batman came forward with furious strikes at Ra's, smashed his head again and again until he was hurled back beside Lex Luthor.

"Stay down." Batman said.

Mallah and the Brain kept trying to blast the Flash, but his was too fast for them.

"Stay still!" Mallah shouted before he fired a grenade round at the Flash.

The Flash sprinted forward and grabbed the grenade before it went off and hurled it into the brain."

Mallah's eyes widened as he saw the Brain's case burst open.

"Mon amour!" He shouted before the Flash sped into him and unleashed a hurricane of strikes, hurling Mallah back.

Aquaman and Ocean Master exchanged strikes with their tridents.

"Your pathetic sidekick is not here to save you this time brother, once you're dead, Atlantis will be mine!" Ocean Master shouted before Aquaman locked his trident in the center of Ocean Master's and whipped it to the side.

He then blasted Ocean Master and smashed his fist into him, hurling him back.

"Silence, spoiled bastard." Aquaman said.

Wonder Woman exchanged blows with Queen Bee. Using her forearms to block Bee's strikes before slamming her foot into Bee's chest.

"You dare touch royalty!" Queen Bee started before Wonder Woman whipped her lasso around her and into the ceiling, the ground and then the wall.

"Shut up you bitch." Wonder Woman said.

Klarion kept blasting dark magic at Dr. Fate who absorbed it with his cross shaped shield.

"Come on Nabu, is that all you've got?" Klarion stared before Dr. Fate launched a blast of his own magic and hurled Klarion back.

"Klarion, I have said this before, but this time it is true. This ends now." Dr. Fate said as he saw Klarion's cat.

He raised his hand and began chanting as a glowing cross symbol formed on the cat.

"Dingle!" Klarion shouted as his cat shrieked before it burst into white energy.

Klarion saw the same cross symbol form on his chest.

"No!" Klarion shouted before he too burst into light.

"And so ends Klarion." Dr. Fate said.

Savage began to sweat as he moved the war world closer and closer to Earth.

"Almost there." He said before the Ace of Spades in his centurion form leapt up and slammed his arm shields across his face, knocking him back.

Savage got up and saw him.

"So, you're the Roman I've heard about."

"And you're the caveman." The Ace said.

Savage took out two blades as he and The Ace charged at each other.

Their blades met as they moved incredibly fast and agile, each blocking the other's strikes.

"You will not win! I bring empires to the ground so they can be raised up stronger. I destroyed Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Maciadon, and Rome" Savage shouted.

"You really shouldn't have said that last one!" The Ace shouted before he knocked Savage's blades aside before leaping up and smashing his shields across Savages head, destroying the controller and knocking Savage out.

"Diu vivere Romae." The Ace said.

"Warning, warning, core overload, core overload. Evacuate immediately." An automated voice said.

A Boomtupe appeared.

"Let's go." Superman said.

"What about them?" The Flash asked.

"Bring them." Batman said before the Boomtupe sucked them inside before they could grab the light.

In the core Captain Atom removed himself from the core.

"That did it!"

"Now we need to leave!" Nightwing shouted.

A Boomtupe appeared and sucked them all inside.

The War World began to glow red before exploding and destroying all of the ships around it.

In Washington D.C, the League and the Team were battling what was left of the Light's forces.

Green Lantern smashed Solomon Grundy back with a train creation as Cyborg was knocked back by a blast from Sinestro, who grinned as he floated over him.

Cyborg rubbed his head and looked up to see the Light ships above them get blown apart by a larger ship.

"What the?"

"It's Superman's reinforcements!" Black Canary shouted.

Several large humanoid being flew down from the sky in all black heavy armor.

They landed on the ground and began smashing away at the Light's men with super strength.

One in particular hurled Sinestro into the ground and blasted him with heat vision before grabbing his ring hand.

"Kneel before Zod!" He shouted as he broke Sinestro's arm and took his ring off.

Before long, with the reinforcements, the Team and the League rounded up what was left of the Light.

"Is , is it over?" Impulse asked.

"It is over." Batman said.

Thousands had gathered in front of the capital building as the president of the United States stood in front of the League and the Team.

"People of the United States, people of the world. Over the last several years, our world faced a danger it had never known before. A danger from within. The Light threatened to destroy our civilization so they could rebuild it in their image. But they were stopped, by these heros behind me. These men, woman, even young men and women, put their lives on the line, some even gave their lives, to protect us. These heros, these guardians, these saviors, will continue to protect us. We are in their eternal gratitude. I president Donald Trump, am in your eternal gratitude." The President of the United States said as the crowd cheered.

The League and the Team stood together, as the protectors, and guardians of Earth.

Author's note

And that's the end of Titans, the good future you saw in How long is forever is the future that happens now if you're wondering.

If you liked my take on DC I will soon publish the redone DC cinematic universe here so keep your eyes open