Chapter one: Go

It was nighttime in New York City and a young man walked down the streets wearing a grey sweatshirt and blue sweatpants. He had his hood up covering his face and his hands in his pockets, trying not to be noticed.

As he continued to walk he heard something down an alley.

He followed the sound until he reached an electronics store that was being broken into by a series of masked thugs.

The men were taking everything they could as the employees sat on the ground tied up.

"Take everything!" A small boy wearing a green jumpsuit with goggles shouted.

The young man walked on as the robbers turned to him.

"What do you think you're doing to Eddie's electronic's shack? This is my favorite electronics store."

"Get rid of the crud muncher!" The boy shouted as two of the robbers ran at the young man.

They tried to punch him onto to have the young man grab their hands and hold them in place.

The robbers cried out in pain as he squeezed their hands together.

The young man grabbed their heads and smashed them together, knocking the robbers out as two more ran at him wielding bats.

The young man held his forearms up as the bats hit and broke off on them.

The two robbers looked dumbstruck as he punched them both, hurling the robbers across the room.

The fifth one took out a gun and shot the young man only to have the bullets bounce off his chest.

He now looked angry as he grabbed the gun and crushed it in his hand.

"That was my favorite sweatshirt." He said before throwing the robber through the wall.

He turned to the small boy who was now standing on the counter.

"Big mistake loser, I got ten more guys out back."

"You're a but young to be a robber."

"They call me Gizmo, and anything electronic is mine by right of being the coolest tech guy on Earth." Gizmo said as four metal tentacles flew out of his backpack and crashed into the young man's chest, knocking him into the wall.

Gizmo grinned as his tentacles dragged the young man up and smashed him into the wall again.

"Not so tough now are you." Gizmo started before the young man grabbed the tentacles and ripped them clean off the backpack.

"Hey you barf licking loser! Those are expensive!" He shouted before the young man aimed his hand at Gizmo and unleashed a blast of blue sonic energy that smashed into him, and hurled Gizmo through the wall.

"Little creep." He said as he walked over and ripped the robes off the employees.

"Call 911."

The young man went out back to deal with the other robbers only to find all ten were laying on the ground unconscious in front of a truck they had been loading electronics into.

"I took care of them for you." The young man turned around to see a man in his twenties with light skin, and black hair standing in front of him.

He had a muscular tone and wore black armor similar to that of Batman with a blue bird symbol on his chest and a mask over his eyes.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I don't go by my real name on duty, you can call me Nightwing."

"Wait, you're the Night Wing, the one who works for the Justice league."

"I use to, before I took some time off. Now I'm looking for more potentials."

"Potentials for what?"

"Potential heros."

"Ohh I see, you tracked me down. Well I'm no hero, I'm just a freak."

"A lot of people on the Team use to think of themselves as freaks. But you're capable of helping a lot of people, don't let fear of what others think of you keep you from achieving your full potential, Victor." The young man's eye widened.

"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot about you Victor, the accident, your father."

"That's none of your business."

"I only want to help you Victor, help you be among those who will accept you. Live a more fulfilling life, and become a real hero."

Victor looked at his hands as he thought for at least a minute.

He finally turned to Nightwing.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Just give me a chance to show you what your life would be like. If it doesn't suit you, I'll never bother you again."

""Sigh" I don't see what I have to lose." Victor said as he followed Nightwing.

Meanwhile Gizmo woke up in the back of a police car.

"Aww crud back to jail." He said before he realized the car wasn't moving.

He sat up to see both the police officers in the front seat were dead with two bullet holes in the windshield.

"Huh?" Gizmo said as he got out and looked around.

"I guess it's my lucky day!" He said smiling before he saw another man step in front of him.

"Who the heck are you?" He said before he was slammed into the car by a powerful kick and knocked out.

The man dragged Gizmo away into a dark alley.

Elsewhere in Haiti several Haitians were working together as they built a church near a forming village.

As two men tried to move some heavy wood boards they felt the wood become weightless as black energy surrounded them and they were lifted up.

The wood set itself in place as two other men began hammering them together.

A young woman perhaps fourteen years old stood a few yards away with her hand up as it and her eyes glowed black.

She wore a blue hooded cloak and ha pale grey skin.

After the boards were together she lowered her arms as another man came up beside her looking very pleased.

"Very good work Rachel, you're help will make this house of God be built in record time."

The girl didn't respond.

"Alright everyone, the time has come to break for lunch." The man said as all of the men and woman came together.

"Let us pray. Bless us oh lord and these our guests, as we're about to receive our bounty through Christ our lord, amen." They said together.

"Thank you Lord for bringing us together, helping my and my brothers and sisters around me spread your word." The man said before the others began eating.

The man noticed the girl sitting alone under a tree.

He brought some food over to her and sat down beside her.

"You really should eat Rachel, you're looking a bit tired."

The girl slowly began to eat as the man looked at her with more concern.

"Rachel, I know you face great inner demons, and I am glad you have found some peace in the Lord's work. But I am always here to help you, just as Jesus is always here to help you. You can talk to me about anything, no matter what it is. It will always stay between the two of us and God."

The girl looked down slightly before looking at the man.

"Thank you Father Jackson." She said before they heard a crashing noise.

The two got up and saw several of the men and women running as building material flew through the air.

They rushed over and saw several blasts of pink energy hit and destroy the foundation of the church.

"No!" Father Jackson shouted as he and Rachel saw another young woman standing in the rubble.

She was pale with grey skin, braided pink hair, and a black outfit.

"Well that was fun, I guess this isn't your lucky day." The girl said laughing.

"You dare destroy the house of God!" Father Jackson shouted.

"What, I wanted to have some fun, destroying it sounded fun."

Rachel's expression grew enraged as her eyes glowed black.

"Rachel!" Father Jackson shouted as he grabbed her shoulders and snapped her out of it.

"Control yourself, violence is never the answer. No matter what she has done, she is a child of God just like you and me."

Father Jackson turned to the girl and walked towards her with open arms.

"I do not know what power you posses, but you do not need to do this. You seek enjoyment in destruction and the suffering of others. But you need not follow this path, the Lord is forgiving and will always seek to guide his children back to the light. I can help you girl, I can help you find peace."

"You want to help me after I destroyed your church?"

"So says the lord, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." Father Jackson started before he was hit and hurled back into a frame that wasn't destroyed by a blast from the girl.

The frame collapsed onto him as Rachel ran over and tried to move the wood off him.

Her eyes began to tear up as she saw the priest's eyes shut and blood coming from his mouth.

"No." Rachel said as she felt his neck with no pulse.

She heard the other girl laughing.

"I guess God wasn't on his side." She started before she saw Rachel's eyes glow black with her hands.

Several pieces of the wood started to glow black as well before Rachel hurled her hand forward and unleashed them at the girl.

The girl unleashed a blast of her own pink energy that shattered the wood and knocked Rachel onto her back.

"Well this is exciting, I was getting so board going from place to place destroying this with my Jinx." She said as Rachel got up now floating.

Jinx unleashed three more blasts with flicks of her wrists at Rachel, who did her best to avoid them with her flight.

She then used her powers to lift four large rocks up and hurl them at Jinx.

Jinx blasts the rocks apart with her own powers before grinning as she looked up at some trees.

She unleashed her jynx into the branches above Rachel that caused six to snap and fall onto Rachel, forcing her into the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jinx shouted before she saw Raven lift the branches off herself.

Her eyes and hands were still glowing black as more of the magic formed around her in the shape of a massive Raven.

"Oh shit." Jinx said as Rachel flew through her blasts and smashed into Jinx, hurling her back into a tree.

As Rachel lowered herself, she kept staring at Jinx with malice. She raised a large rock over her before she felt someone grab her arm from behind.

" Don't do it."

She turned to see none other than Nightwing standing there.

"Who the Hell are you?"

"My name is Nightwing, I've been tracking your for a while Rachel, or do you prefer Raven."

"Don't get in my way of Justice."

"Is this the justice he would have wanted?" Nightwing said as Rachel's eyes teared up.

"He was the only one who ever saw any good in me. Didn't see me as the monster I am."

"You're not a monster Raven."

She turned to him with a serious look.

"You have no idea who I am, what I am?"

"I know you're a girl who's clearly seen some trauma, someone who's clearly been through a lot. I know a lot about trauma."

"What do you know?"

"I watched my parents die in front of my eyes."

Rachel's expression changed.

"Look, everyone has a dark place inside them. But everyone has good inside them too. Father Jackson saw good in you Rachel, I see that good in your too. Give me a chance to show you that you can do good in this world. Do it for him." Nightwing said as Rachel looked back at father Jackson's body.

She took a deep breath.

"What did you have in mind?"

Hours later Jinx woke up and saw she was inside a jail cell that had been opened.

She slowly walked out and saw two dead guards, they had clean slash marks across their necks, making her smile.

"Get out jail free." She said before something grabbed her head and smashed it into the wall, knocking her out before she was dragged away.

Elsewhere in the Florida everglades an alien spacecraft was floating several hundred feet above the ground.

Sitting at the helm of the craft was a large black and green alien resembling a sentient fish.

"Captain Trogaar, we believe we've found the Troq below."

"This one has been allusive, but she is worth a fortune to the right buyer." Trogaar said as he flew the ship lower and shined several spotlights over the everglades.

He and ten of his men got into hovercraft and flew down over some tall grass coming out of the water.

"We can do this the easy way , or the hard was Troq, but you are coming with us." Trogaar said.

Moments later three blasts of green energy flew out of the grass, hitting three of the aliens and knocking them off their hover boards.

Moments later Trogaar saw his target. A young woman with orangish skin , deep red hair, glowing green eyes, and wearing very revealing clothing. Only covering her breasts, her waistline in the front and around her rear end, as well as fingerless gauntlets and boots around her feet.

She had a very serious expression on her face as her hands and eyes glowed green.

She shouted out in an alien language as she flew up and smashed her fist into one of the aliens, knocking him off his craft.

"Blast her!" Trogaar shouted as his men aimed metal staff like weapons that fired red lasers.

The alien girl was hit in the back and grunted before she unleashed a blast of green energy from her own hand that flew through the air and destroyed the alien's hovercraft, making him crash into the water.

Moments later metal tentacles flew from the other hovercraft and tried to entangle her.

The young woman kept shouting out in her language before she used her immense strength pull herself free of some of the tentacles.

Moments later the other tentacles let out electricity, shocking her as she screamed in her native tongue.

Trogaar flew down and grinned as he got close to her.

"You belong to me Troq!" He shouted as he punched her into the water with his own immense strength.

"Get her back on the ship." He said before 3 black hawk shaped devices slammed into three of the hovercraft.

The devices exploded, destroying the hovercraft that held the alien girl as Trogaar turned to see a young man wearing black armor pull himself onto one of his men's craft with a grappling hook.

He smashed his foot into the alien's face, knocking him off his craft.

"Somebody forgot to yell you slavery is illegal in the USofA."

"Kill the human interloper!" Trogaar shouted as his other men on the ground fired up at him.

Nightwing flew down and drew his fighting sticks.

"Fun time." He said as he charged them with electricity.

He leapt into the water and smashed them into he first alien's head, filling him with electricity that was worsened by the water.

"Thank you Lucius for the non conductive suit." Nightwing said as he quickly and acrobatically moved from alien to alien, fighting them off one by one and eventually knocking them all out.

As he fought he saw the alien girl get back up with an enraged expression she flew up and smashed into one of the other hovercraft tearing it apart.

Nightwing's eyes widened as he saw her clearly for the first time.

"My God, she's beautiful." He said.

The alien girl blasted two of the last three hovercraft with her energy bolts before turning to Trogaar.

"Just try me Troq." He said before she flew at him.

Just before the alien girl could reach him, Trogaar smashed his fist into her, hurling the girl back into the water.

He grinned before he heard something moving behind him.

He turned just in time to see Nightwing soar up, propelled by his grappling hook, and smash his foot into his face.

Trogaar was hurled off his craft into the water.

As he got up growling at Nightwing, the alien girl got up and smashed her fists into his back.

He turned and slapped her across the water with his hand before Nightwing landed on his back and filled him with electricity.

"Can you feel the electricity in the air." He said smiling as Trogaar tried to shaking and knock him off.

Nightwing leapt off the alien and kept moving around acrobatically avoiding his strikes.

"Stay still!" Trogaar shouted before Nightwing let himself fall underwater.

The moment he did, the alien girl flew into Trogaar and smashed her fist into his chin so hard the alien soared up, crashing into his own ship and making it loose control before crashing into the everglades.

Nightwing came up shaking the water off him.

"Whew, that was a good fight." He said as he turned to the girl.

She began speaking in another language as Nightwing's expression changed.

"Oh right, alien girl. Doesn't speak english, I'll bet M'gaan could help, but how do I get her to this alien girl." He started before the alien girl grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him forward , pressing her lips against his.

Nightwing's face shot red instantly as the alien girl kissed him for almost a minute before withdrawing.

"I am most grateful for your assistance human, Trogaar is a vile slaver and I am grateful to be rid of him." The girl said in perfect english.

"What you can speak english now?"

"Indeed, I am Tamaranian, I have the ability to learn new languages through physical contact."

"Ok so that's why you kissed me." Nightwing said still blushing.

"My name's Nightwing, or that's what I go by at least. You are?"

"My name is Koriand'r. Please inform me of your true name, I have informed you of mine."

"Uh, the thing is it's a secret identity. I don't want just anybody knowing who I am."

"Why is that? Are you trying do disrespect me?"

"No!? Look it's complicated and , "Deep breath" Ok let me start over. I'm Nightwing, I am one of Earth's guardians. I work with other guardians of Earth known as the Justice league. We tracked that alien's ship and heard about an escaped slave. I came to help you."

"Well I appreciate your help Nightwing, I may not have been able to defeat him without your assistance. You fight very well for a being with no natural enhanced abilities. Very well." She said looking at Nightwing in another way.

"So uh, if you need assistance getting back to your home world, the League can help you."

"No!" She almost shouted.

"I mean, I have been traveling to different worlds recently, I am interested in this new world I am on."

"Well, if you're interested in staying on earth, you've got quite the set of talents. Super strength, flight, and some kind of energy attack. You're a very impressive girl." Nightwing said as Koriand'r blushed a little.

"You are too kind."

"If you'd consider it, there are others on earth like me, and some like you, with extraordinary abilities. They're guardians like me who protect this planet. I could show you this team and if you like it, maybe you'd consider being part of it."

"I will give your Team a chance Nightwing, on one condition."


"You must be the one to show it to me, not another of your guardians."

"It's a deal." Nightwing said as Koriand'r blushed a little again.

Inside the crashed ship, a young man wearing a red jump suit with a divisor symbol on the chest crawled out rubbing his head.

"Dam aliens gonna abduct me, I won't let nobody get the drop on me no more, no siree." he started before something hit him on the back of the head and he was dragged off.

In a modified warehouse, Victor sat on a cot as he glanced around.

Sitting on another cot was Rachel who was floating just above it with her legs crossed as she read a book on Julius Caesar.

"So uh, you ever been to Bludhaven before?" Victor asked.

"No." Rachel asked.

"Ok, so you ever been to America before." Rachel gave an irritated look.

"Please don't disturb me, Caesar just destroyed Pompey at Pharsalus." Rachel said as she continued reading.

"Recognized Nightwing." The computer said as they saw Nightwing come in with Koriand'r.

"Another one." Victor said.

"Guys, this is Koriand'r she's a Tamaranian."

"Greetings fellow guardian candidates, I am honored to become acquainted with you." Koriand'r said as Victor and Rachel stared at her strangely.

"Hello, I'm victor. Koriand'r that's a mouthful, anything else we can call you?"

"Well I also have a battle name like Nightwing does. You may refer to me as Starfire!" She shouted.

"So what are your abilities? Or are you like Nightwing, and skilled without enhanced abilities?"

"Well, my abilities aren't natural." Victor said as he removed his cloths.

When he did he revealed grey and white armor that covered all of his body except half of his face and parts of his arms.

"Incredible , you are a Cyborg!"

"Yeah it's not so incredible for me." Victor said.

"I apologize, It is not often I come across a cyber warrior." Starfire said before she flew over to Rachel.

"So whom might you be, and what are your abilities?"

Rachel gave an irritated look.

"Raven, call me Raven and nothing else."

"Raven it is then, what are your powers?"

She didn't respond.

"Please do not be shy with me, I will show you mine." Starfire said as she unleashed two Starbolts into the ceiling, making two holes.

"Oh, I did not mean to."

"it's fine, I hardly use this place anymore." Nightwing said.

"Please tell me of your powers Raven." Starfire said.

"She can fly and manipulate objects with dark magic." Nightwing said.

"How incredible, the ability to wield magic." Starfire said.

"Recognized, Robin, Beastboy, Bluebeetle."

Victor, Raven, and Starfire turned to see three young men enter the building.

The first was a teenager with green skin, green hair, and monkey arms and legs wearing a red and white suit.

The second was a young man completely covered in blue armor with a backpack that was shaped like a scarab beetle attached.

The third wore a red and yellow outfit with a R on the upper chest corner, a black cape, and a black mask. He had spiky black hair and a yellow toolbelt around his waist.

"So these are the new potential Teammates." The third one said.

"Guys, these are Beastboy, Bluebeetle, and Robin. They're members of the Team, I asked them to come here so you could see what members of the Team are like." Nightwing said as he approached Beastboy.

"Beastboy can transform into any animal."

"Extinct or still alive." He said as he transformed into green Utahraptor.

"Dam." Victor said.

"Bluebeetle's armor gives him the ability of flight and various weapons."

"I see I'm not the only one with power armor anymore." Bluebeetle said as he and Victor exchanged glances.

"Robin is like me, no powers, but lots of skills."

"Nice to meet you guys." Robin said.

"This is Raven, Starfire and."

"Cyborg, call me Cyborg." Victor said.

"Huh , not very creative, but it fits." Beastboy said.

"So now that you've met members of the Team, you can ask them questions about the team, and maybe later if you'd like, run a mission with them."

"Alright so where do we start." Beastboy said.

Robin went over to the corner Nightwing had walked to.

"Dick, it's been three years, are you finally ready to come back to the Team?"

Nightwing took a deep breath.

"Look Tim, what happened with Wally…..Look I'm just not ready to come back yet."

"We miss you Dick, we're your friends, your family. You've spend the last three years cleaning up Bludhaven and nothing else. I hoped you finding these guys meant you were coming back."

"Tim, I just need to get away from the Team, do something else." Nightwing said as Robin gave a sad expression and walked back to the others.

Starfire over heard their conversation and slowly flew over.

"I do not mean to eavesdrop, but I overheard you saying that you are not a part of this Team anymore?"

"I help out when I can, but I'm not with them right now?"

"Why is that?"

"something happened to a close friend of mine. It just didn't make being on the Team feel the same."

"You lost a close friend, I have lost close friends before in battle, fighting on is never as easy without them. But you honor their memory by continuing the fight."

Nightwing took a deep breath.

"I haven't stopped the fight, I just stopped doing it with them. It's a bit more complicated than all of this." Nightwing said as Starfire gave a slightly concerned expression.

Elsewhere in a hidden location Jinx, Gizmo, and the red suited young man woke up inside a dark room beside a massive nearly eight foot tall young man with long orange hair and a black one piece suit. A young man in a white jumpsuit with a green helmet on and a single eye in the center, and young man wearing a black uniform with a yellow helmet and a yellow shield.

"Where the hell are we?" Jinx asked.

"Who the crud are you losers?" Gizmo asked.

"Call me loser again, I'll squish you like a bug." Mammoth said.

"Enough!" A loud voice shouted as they saw a man step in front of them.

"I have assembled you all here for a reason, you each possess a particular set of skills or abilities. You hold great interest to my employers and I've been told to turn you into a team to serve them. The HIVE. See-more" He said looking at the one with the helmet.

"Gizmo, Mammoth, Jinx, Billy Numerous." He said looking at the young man in the red jumpsuit.

"And Private HIVE." He said looking at the one in the black uniform and yellow shield.

"Why should we do that?" See-More asked.

The man walked into the light as they gave terrified expressions.

"Because, the Light will either make use of you, or dispose of you. The choice is yours."

"So uh where are we going?" Gizmo asked.

"Jump city."

Back in Bludhaven, the members of the Team were still talking with the potential members."

"Dam there are a lot of you." Cyborg said.

"Maybe too many." Raven said.

"Too many?" Robin asked.

"Wouldn't it be more effective to have multiple smaller teams."

"We have sub teams within the Team."

"But you all stay together, wouldn't spreading out, having more than one Team be more effective." Cyborg said.

As they talked, Starfire was focusing more and more on Nightwing.

She walked over to him as he looked on the computer.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for any potential missions you guys could run. Get a good idea of what the Team does firsthand."

"Will you be joining us?"


"Why not?"

"Because you won't need me. Robin will do a good enough job leading you."

"But you were the one who brought us together."

"I know, but it's like I said. I'm not ready to be part of a team again."

"Perhaps being part of a team is exactly what you need."

Nightwing turned to her.

"In my experience being with others when dealing with hardships is far better than being alone."

Nightwing sighed as he turned back to the computer.

"Hold on, I've got something. Someone's breaking into the S.T.A.R lab in Jump City. They aren't your average criminals. Robin I want you to take point on this one. Cyborg, Raven, Starfire. Follow his lead, and remember to work as a team." Nightwing said.

"Get ready to see veteran heros at work." Beastboy said as Raven gave him an unimpressed look.

The six went outside to see a large orange craft floating there in a similar to a T shape.

"This is our new baby." Robin said as he got in the main seat and the others each got into a seat.

"Hang on." Robin said as Cyborg connected himself to the vehicle.

"Aww yeah, I like this vehicle." He said.

The team made their way across the country towards jump city as Robin opened up the com lines.

"Alright we've got a while before we get there, so I suggest we take this time to get to know each other more. Seeing as you guys might end up joining the Team."

"No." Raven said.

"I would be interested to learn more about each of you." Starfire said.

"Well we've been on the team for over three years now." Bluebeetle said.

"How long has the team been around?" Cyborg asked.

"Almost nine years." Robin said.

"Nine years, who were the founders?" Starfire asked.

"Nightwing was one of the founders, as well as my sister." Beastboy said.

"Nightwing was a founding member, and he left?" Starfire said.

"Kid Flash was another founder, he was close friends with him for a long time. When he died, it wasn't the same for him." Robin said.

"Perhaps coming back would do him good." Starfire said.

"Good luck, we're been trying to get Nightwing back for years now." Bluebeetle said.

"Shouldn't we focus on the job at hand?" Raven asked.

"She's right, S.T.A.R labs in Jump city are being robbed by meta-humans. This won't be easy. Stick together and do your best to work as a team with us." Robin said.

Inside S.T.A.R labs, the H.I.V.E were moving through the halls past security guards.

Mammoth smashed through four guards as he charged down the hall and knocked two doors down.

A large security door began to close down as Gizmo came in with four large metal spider legs coming out of his backpack.

He used them to walk up to the security counsel.

"Let me slice us in." He said as a tentacle flew into the counsel.

A few moments later the doors began to open revealing three armed security guards on the other side.

A pink jynx hit their guns and made them explode, hurling the guards onto the ground as Jinx and the others walked into the labs themselves.

"Whewee we're in boys, let's start takin." Billy Numerous said as he made ten copies of himself that all began taking technology.

"The boss man's gonna be so happy when we come back with all this." Gizmo said before he was hit and hurled back by a blue blast.

The others turned to see the six young heros enter the room.

"Aww Crud it's that loser from New York!"

"That goth girl from Haiti."

"Ain't that the pretty alien lady from the ship?"

"You know them?" Beastboy said.

"Barely." Cyborg said.

"I don't know who you guys are, but this stops now." Robin said as he drew his staff.

"Boss man said to get the job done. Let's get it done!" Mammoth shouted as he charged at the team.

All of them except Beastboy moved away. Beastboy transformed into a large silverback Gorilla and grabbed onto Mammoth's shoulders as the two struggled to overpower each other.

As this happened Cyborg ran at Gizmo with his arm brought back.

Gizmo grinned as he leapt up and over Cyborg as his punch missed.

Gizmo slammed two of his metal legs into Cyborg's back, knocking him to the ground.

As Cyborg got up he tried to aim his sonic cannon only to have Gizmo unleash metal tentacles from his backpack around both Cyborg's arms.

Cyborg tried to rip them off like last time, only to have electricity flow from the tentacles, shocking Cyborg before using the force from his robotic legs to hurl Cyborg into the ceiling.

Meanwhile Starfire was exchanging blasts with See-more.

"You will regret challenging a Tamaranian warrior!" Starfire shouted as she intercepted two blasts from his goggle with her star bolts.

She then flew down at him with her fists glowing green.

Just before she could reach him, twenty copies of Billy Numerous came out from behind him and dog piled onto Starfire, forcing her onto the ground.

"I see you." See-more said as he blasted at Starfire's exposed head.

Raven was flying through the air doing her best to avoid Jinx's blasts.

"This won't turn out like last time goth girl." Jinx said as Raven used her magic to pick up pieces of lab equipment at Jinx.

Jinx unleashed her blasts into the debris before unleashing one more into the ceiling that crashed debris into Raven, forcing her into the ground.

When she tried to come up in Raven form she was blasted from behind by See-more and knocked onto her stomach.

As Cyborg rubbed his head and got up he was irritated at their lack of progress. At least until he saw the other three.

Beastboy kept struggling with Mammoth as Private-Hive leapt over Mammoth trying to slam his shield into his face.

Robin leapt over Beastboy first and slammed his foot into Hive's chest, knocking him to the ground.

As this happened Beastboy transformed into a snake and allowed Mammoth to move over him before Bluebeetle flew in from behind Beastboy and slammed his hand mace into Mammoth's head, hurling him onto his back.

Three Billy copies tried to attack Robin from behind only to be pounced on by Beastboy as a lion.

"They're winning." Cyborg said.

"They're more experienced than us." Raven said.

"No it is because they fight as a team." Starfire said as the three looked at each other.

"Get em!" Gizmo shouted as he, Jinx, and See-More ran at them.

Cyborg and Starfire smiled.

"Together!" Cyborg shouted.

He aimed his sonic cannon at Gizmo, who entangled his arms in the tentacles again.

Before he could unleash the electricity, Starfire hurled three Starbolts into Gizmo's stomach, knocking him back.

See-more and Jinx tried to blast Starfire only to have two tables float in front of her and absorb the blast.

Raven's eyes and hands glowed black as she held the tables up.

Now free, Cyborg let out two rocket launches from his shoulders and fired them into his opponents. The explosions hurled Jinx and See-More back.

"Aww yeah now we're gaining some yards!" Cyborg shouted.

"Looks like the new guys are starting to get the hang of it." Beastboy said.

The six formed up as the H.I.V.E did the same.

"All together now , go!" Robin shouted as he and his companions charged at their opponents.

Back in Bludhaven Nightwing was staring at a picture of him back when he was still Robin.

It was of him, Superboy, Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Kid Flash, back when they had first formed the team.

He sighed as he looked at Kid Flash.

He thought more and more about what Starfire had said.

He put the picture down as he held his face with his hands.

"What have I been doing?" He said before he gave a serious look.

A minute later he was driving through Bludhaven on his motorcycle as fast as he could.

Back in Jump city, the two teams were clashing inside S.T.A.R labs.

Robin was blocking Private-Hive's shield strikes with his staff as four copies of Billy-Numerous came up behind him.

Before they could strike Robin, black magic surrounded each as they were lifted into the air.

"Woah nelly, put us down!" One shouted.

"Alright." Raven said as she hurled the four copies through the air.

Bluebeetle flew above Jinx exchanging blasts with her.

"You're lucks about to run." Jinx started before she was hit with the four copies of Billy that Raven hurled.

"Out, I don't think so." Bluebeetle said as he turned to Raven and saw ten copies surrounding her.

"Guess it's time to return the favor." He said as he unleashed two blasters on the copies, hurling each including the original into the walls.

Mammoth kept swinging his arms at Beastboy who was now a Polar bear.

"You ain't go the Muscle to beat me." Mammoth started before his eyes widened. Beastboy had transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Oh." Mammoth said before he was hit by Beastboy's massive tail and hurled into the wall.

Cyborg climbed onto his back and grinned as he saw Gizmo.

"Alright let's go get him!" Beastboy also smiled as he charged at Gizmo with Cyborg on his back.

"Ahhhh!" Gizmo shouted as he ran away as fast as he could.

See-more was exchanging blows with Starfire again as Jinx got up rubbing her head.

"Don't just sit there back me up!" See-More shouted as Jinx tried to blast Starfire.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" They heard as Raven floated over Starfire with glowing hands and eyes.

Large pieces of the floor broke off from the black magic before smashing into See-More and Jinx.

As the two reeled back, Starfire flew at them, hands and eyes glowing green.

"Take this!" She shouted as she smashed her fist into See-More's helmet, smashing it apart before flying into Jinx' and hurling her into the wall.

As Beastboy continued to chase Gizmo, he gelt something grab his tail from behind.

Cyborg turned to see Mammoth holding his tail.

"I got you now big lizard."

Cyborg fists began to charge up.

He revealed a jump back on his back that propelled him forward into Mammoth while unleashed changed punches into his face.

Mammoth soared through the air before smashing into the wall so hard he was embedded into it.

"Booyah!" Cyborg shouted.

As this happened, Beastboy snatched Gizmo's mechanical legs in his massive jaws and flung Gizmo out of his own backpack right at Cyborg.

Cyborg caught Gizmo in his hand as Gizmo looked terrified.

"Goodnight." Cyborg said as he punched Gizmo in the face once, knocking him out.

Robin ducked under Private-Hive's shield strike before locking his foot under Hive's and sweeping him off his feet.

As Hive hit the ground, Robin electrocuted him with his staff end.

After Hive was out, Robin hurled four electric Birdarangs into the last four Billy copies, electrocuting them and knocking them out.

"We're clear." Robin said.

"We are victorious!" Starfire shouted.

"You guys aren't half bad." Bluebeetle said.

"You're not to shabby yourselves, I wouldn't mind working with you guys." Cyborg said.

"Imbeciles." They heard above them.

"Who said that?" Beastboy asked before four grenades flew down at them.

"Get down!" Robin shouted as they all tried to get onto the ground.

After the explosions went off a hail of gunfire flew down at them all.

Robin, and Beastboy found cover as Cyborg covered his non mechanical face half with his arms , and Raven formed a barrier of magic around herself.

The bullets bounced off Starfire, though they did look like they hurt, as the bullets also bounced off Bluebeetle's armor.

"Return fire!" Robin shouted as Bluebeetle, Cyborg, and Starfire fired up at where the bullets were coming from.

After the bullets stopped, a man burst out of the ceiling and landed in front of them.

The man was large and wore a set of black armor with patches of orange stripes over his chest, arms, and legs. He had a series of ammunition on his belt and two sheathed swords attached to his back.

On his face was a helmet that went around his entire head and one had one eye hole for his left eye. Half of the mask was black and the half where his one eyehole was, was orange.

"I guess it's true what they say, if you want something done right. You have to do it yourself." The man said as Robin's eyes widened.

"It's Deathstroke!"

"You made fools of my students, they'll be punished for their incompetence later. Now, you all die." Deathstroke said as he drew his two swords.

"Go!" Robin shouted as all six tried to rush Deathstroke.

Deathstroke blocked Robin's staff with his left sword, before forcing it aside and round house kicking his face, knocking Robin back.

Starfire tried to fly into Deathstroke only to have him slide under Starfire and grab her leg.

Stopping her before throwing her into Cyborg as he came behind him.

Deathstroke sliced two pieces of metal Raven hurled at him in half with his swords before round house kicking Beastboy's face as he tried to pounce on Deathstroke as a tiger.

Bluebeetle came in at the same time Robin did as they both tried to unleash their attacks on Deathstroke.

Deathstroke used his swords to block each of their strikes before forcing Bluebeetle's arm mace aside and Robin's staff.

He then brought his swords together in a double ended blades as she sliced across Bluebeetle's armor and then at Robin.

Robin brought his staff up just in time to keep the sword from his face, however, the staff was sliced clean in half and his body armor was sliced down the center.

Robin's face was smashed by Deathstroke's foot again as he was knocked onto his back.

Bluebeetle's armor repaired itself as he reformed the mace.

"Make him pay." The scarab said as Bluebeetle tried to fly into Deathstroke.

Just like with Starfire, Deathstroke slid under Bluebeetle and grabbed his leg, hurling him into Raven and knocking them both into the wall.

Cyborg came in trying to punch Deathstroke, who avoided each strike or knocked them aside with his swords before sheathing one and slamming his palm onto Cyborg's chest.

"You're gonna have to do better than that." Cyborg said before he saw an explosive device attached to his chest.

The device went off and hurled Cyborg into the wall.

"That's better."

Starfire came in hurling star bolts as Beastboy charged in as a Rhino.

Deathstroke acrobatically avoided each star bolt before leaping onto Beastboy's back and smashing his sword hilts into the back of his neck.

Beastboy shouted in pain as he lost control and crashed into Starfire.

Deathstroke leapt off him and looked around at the young heros.

"Not even worth my time, and yet you fools failed so spectacularly." Deathstroke said as he walked over to Robin.

"I shall bring Batman your head, maybe then he'll grace me with a real battle." Deathstroke said as he raised his blades.

Just before Deathstroke could bring down his swords, someone else leapt down from he ceiling and slammed his foot into Deathstroke's chest, knocking Deathstroke back.

As Deathstroke regained his footing he saw none other than Nightwing standing in front of him with his fighting sticks out.

"Sorry, Batman's not coming. You'll have to settle for me."

Starfire slowly got up and saw him.

"Nightwing!" She shouted.

"Nightwing, you're beneath me as well. But perhaps you'll provide a greater challenge than these weak children." Deathstroke said as he charged at Nightwing.

When Nightwing and Deathstroke met, they exchanged several fast and powerful strikes with their weapons.

Despite how fast Deathstroke moved, Nightwing was able to block each of his opponent's strikes or evade them acrobatically.

He returned a few strikes but Deathstroke was very fast, blocking each of his blows.

"You can't hope to beat me, you're still just a boy. I'm a man. Only Batman is worthy of facing me." Deathstroke said.

"If you faced Batman he'd take you down in three moves." Nightwing said as his sticks and Deathstroke's swords were locked together.

Deathstroke pushed Nightwing back only to have Nightwing acrobatically leap backwards while hurling a Nighterang at the ceiling.

As Deathstroke came forward he heard a small explosion and looked up to see debris falling at him.

"Oh shit!" He shouted as he dove out of the way.

As Deathstroke got up he saw Nightwing leap at him and his foot crash into his face.

Deathstroke stumbled backwards as Nightwing tried to keep the pressure on him.

Deathstroke was able to block Nightwing's strikes but kept moving backwards.

Finally he caught Nightwing's sticks and the two were locked together again.

"This fight ends now." Deathstroke said as he pushed Nightwing back and slammed his fist across his face.

Nightwing regained himself as Deathstroke put his swords together and began slashing at Nightwing with both ends of his doubled bladed sword.

Nightwing fought defending against this was much more difficult than even two swords.

Finally Deathstroke knocked one of his sticks away from his chest before delivering a powerful roundhouse kick there.

Nightwing landed on his back as each of the H.I.V.E got up and came behind Deathstroke.

"Did you really think you could defeat me alone." Deathstroke said as Nightwing grinned.

"I'm not alone, go!" He shouted as Mammoth was smashed into the wall by a Beastboy as a Triceratops.

Starfire flew in and blasted See-More with Starbolts before punching him into the wall.

Cyborg charged up his fist and smashed through Private-Hive's shield before continuing on into his face.

Robin kicked Gizmo into the wall as Bluebeetle blasted Billy Numerous and Raven used her magic to hurl Jinx back.

Deathstroke turned back to Nightwing who was now up and violently unleashed a furry of strikes with his sticks, electrifying them and hitting Deathstroke in the arm.

The blow not only delivered a lot of force, but also electricity.

Deathstroke tried to move back, but with his arm down, Nightwing smashed both his sticks across his face.

Now really reeling back from the blow, Deathstroke left himself open for Nightwing to acrobatically leap up and smash his foot into Deathstroke's face.

Deathstroke landed beside the H.I.V.E and noticed there was a crack in his mask.

"This isn't over, the Light has plans for Jump city." Deathstroke said before he hurled a smoke grenade into the ground that filled the entire room.

Bluebeetle and Cyborg used their thermal vision but Deathstroke and his students were gone.

"They got away!" Bluebeetle shouted.

"Doesn't matter, I swiped the tech back from them." Beastboy said holding the bag of stolen technology.

"Great work." Robin said as Nightwing came forward.

"Alright it looks like you guys handled yourselves well, at least until Deathstroke arrived."

"You saved us Nightwing." Bluebeetle said.

"Why did you come?" Starfire asked.

"Because I realized you were right, I've been running away from what happened to Wally for three years now. I am part of something bigger than myself and realized I needed to return to it. You made me realize this, thank you." Nightwing said as Starfire blushed a little.

" Did you hear what Deathstroke said, the Light isn't done with Jump city." Robin said.

"I know, we have to inform the league." Nightwing said.

Elsewhere in a secret location, the HIVE members were their knees as Deathstroke walked in front of them.

The HIVE members shook as he walked in front of them.

"Robbing a lab, robbing a fucking lab! I don't think I could have come up with an easier task for you imbeciles , yet you fail!"

"Uh, well sir. In our defense, the heros were there and."Private HIVE started before the others heard a gunshot and saw Private HIVE fall to the ground with a pullet hole in his forehead.

"I didn't say you could speak!"

The others were shaking as Gizmo felt his jumpsuit grow wet.

"If you want to serve the Light, you'll have to do better than you did today. You're lucky you caught me in a good mood. Now get out of my sight, and take him with you!"

The remaining five quickly got up as Mammoth picked up Private HIVE's body and brought him out of the room.

Deathstroke walked over to a computer screen as it lit up.

"Deathstroke, how goes your recruitment drive?" Ra's Al Ghul asked.

"I've gotten some , but they aren't stacking up."

"Well you have your mission Slade, we need another army. One already on earth. Complete this task and you'll be made the leader of the Light's army."

Deathstroke nodded as the screen turned black and two of his men walked up to him.

"Start the search for more potentials. We have a lot of work to do."

Nightwing was in front of a computer inside S.T.A.R labs with the others behind him.

"That's everything we know Batman." Nightwing said.

"I see, well it appears Deathstroke is gathering meta-humans and humans with good skill sets. I can only imagine they are building some kind of army to serve the Light. If they are recruiting in Jump city then we'll need a team to make residence there and combat the Light's actions."

Nightwing turned to the others who were all deep in thought.

Nightwing turned back to the screen.

"Batman, I would be more than happy to volunteer for the position of senior team leader. I could watch over whoever's in the team. Guide them, train them, oversee their work."

"You're experience would be invaluable Nightwing, thank you. Now we just need volunteers from the Team."

"I"ll volunteer." Robin said as he stepped forward.

"I could use a change of pace." He said.

"A new team does sound pretty cool, I'll join." Beastboy said.

"Eh who am I without you two, I'll come." Bluebeetle said.

They looked at the other three.

"You guys are all crazy, but you're the right kind of crazy. I think I'll stick with this hero business, I'm in." Cyborg said.

"Why not." Raven said.

"I will gladly join this team of Heros!" Starfire shouted.

"Well I'd say that's more than enough. I'll inform the rest of the league." Batman said.

After the screen went black Nightwing turned to the others.

"Alright so this is a new Team. As I said I'll be acting as the senior leader, I'll be overseeing the team, training you, and running the missions. But I'll only be on serious missions. Pick a leader amongst yourselves to act as mission team leader."

"I vote Robin." Beastboy said.

"I second that." Bluebeetle said.

"Any objections?" Nightwing asked.

The others were silent.

"Alright Robin you're team lead. Now you just need to pick a name for yourselves."

"I've got it, the Super Six!" Beastboy said.

"Oh God."

"No hermano!"

"No way."

"Not happening."

"That sounds most dreadful."

"Alright fine, any other ideas?" Beastboy asked.

"I've got one, how about the Titans." Nightwing said.

"I like it."

"Sounds good."


"Most powerful sounding."

"Let's use it."

"That's a good one."

"Alright I hereby christen you the Titans." Nightwing said.

Six months later inside the bay outside of the city was a small island.

Built onto the island was a tower in the shape of a large T.

Inside the main room, the seven stood in front of the windows looking out at the city.

"It's finally finished, our new base!" Beastboy shouted.

"Yup, the Titans Tower is ready." Robin said.

"Now that our base of operations is ready, we'll be able to conduct our work here more efficiently. Each of you has a room, I suggest you start unpacking." Nightwing said as each of the Titans left the room, except Starfire.

"I've got some serious upgrading planned for this place." Cyborg said.

"No one is to enter my room, ever." Raven said.

When Starfire and Nightwing were alone, she flew over and beside Nightwing as he stared out at the city.

"It is strange, I have only been on this world six months and yet it already feels like home."

"Being part of the team probably helped with that."

"That's not all that helped." She said as she moved her hand into his.

Nightwing turned to her.

"I have heard you talking with your friends still on the Team. You plan on staying with us, staying as our advisor Dick."

"Batman thinks it's a good idea, and I do to. But it's like you said, it's not the only reason."

Starfire blushed a little.

"What reason would that be?"

"Let me show you Kori."

Dick wrapped her arms around Kori's back and on the back of her back as he came in and passionately kissed her.

Author's note

So there's the first chapter

I hope you liked it

Now this will be as it is described Teen titans mixed with Young justice, many of the chapters will be somewhat parallel to the Teen titans series , but it takes place in the Young Justice universe

Now bear in mind this is a fanfiction, if I did something with a character you think I shouldn't have, like they aren't strong enough or are overpowered, they end up with someone or don't end up with someone, bear in mind this is my vision of the characters

I'm sure many of you have many questions and I will be happy to answer them

So until next time,

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