I hope you all have enjoyed this story I have tried to bring forward. I have really enjoyed trying to bridge two great love stories together in the hopes others, like yourselves who have read this story, will continue to love and cherish both classic literature and new. After reading this last chapter, please give me your honest opinions on how you felt I did with this story.

Also, for many of the readers of my first story 'Baby on Board' who have asked if I was going to make a sequel? I want to let you know I will be starting on a new story about the Wilde family. Hope to have it to you all in the coming weeks. Enjoy the last chapter.


"Mrs. Otterton! Mrs. Otterton!" Tabitha shouted as she quickly rushed along the lonely second floor corridor, the following morning.

"Tabitha, what are you shouting about? You are going to wake up Miss Hopps and Sophie." Nick called out suddenly as he made his way quickly from his office. Reaching Tabitha, Nick suddenly noticed something was troubling the young housemaid. "Tabitha, what has happened?"

"Sir, Judy…I mean Miss Hopps, sir, is not in her room. She is gone." Tabitha replied back.

"What do you mean, gone?" Nick replied back, shock in his eyes. "Did you check the wash room down the hall, or Sophie's room?"

"Yes, sir. She was not in either place." Tabitha replied once more. "I was going to check on…"

"Tabitha, why are you shouting?" Mrs. Otterton called out as she stepped off the staircase onto the second floor landing. Quickly noticing Nick standing next to Tabitha, Mrs. Otterton suddenly froze. "I…I am sorry, sir, if we disturbed you so early this morning. Tabitha, why were you shouting, girl?" Mrs. Otterton asked angrily turning to the young rabbit as she watched Nick rush down the hall toward Judy's bedroom door.

"Miss Hopps, Mrs. Otterton." Tabitha said quickly. "She's gone."

Opening the door to Judy's bedroom slowly, Nick simply stood still as he peered inside. Taking deep breaths Nick, feeling the pain in his chest as if each beat in his heart made the pain grow ever stronger, slowly entered. Walking toward Judy's small table, his head hung low, Nick's eyes turned toward the open wardrobe closet.

"Mr. Wilde? Is there anything I can do?" Mrs. Otterton's low voice suddenly called out as she stood in the doorway, tears forming in her eyes.

"No, Mrs. Otterton." Nick replied. "Excuse me." Nick said quickly as he rushed past the elderly otter. Rushing along the corridor and down the staircase, Nick burst through the large front doors. Running along the front grounds, he suddenly stopped as he quickly dropped to the ground, his pants quickly becoming soaked by the morning dew of the ground's grass. Breathing heavily, Nick collapsed as he arched forward, breathing in quickly the crisp morning air. Raising his head up suddenly, Nick arched his back up, as his claws ripped up the earth tightly in his paws. Simply sitting there on his knees, Nick let out a horrifying scream, as he cried out…"Judy!"

One Year Later…

A school bell began to ring loudly along the small township of River Bridge as the laughter of small cubs and kits quickly began to erupt from the small school house along one of the small town lanes. Judy, rising from her desk, positioned just shy of two enormous chalk boards, smiled as the last of her students wished her good-bye. Waving back to them, Judy slowly began to walk along the rows of desks as she began collecting each of the small slate boards along the rows, singing to herself. Walking over and setting them down next to her desk, she slowly began to sing her tune a little louder.

Lavender's green, dilly, dilly

Lavender's blue.

If you love me, dilly, dilly,

I will love you

"You sing very well." A voice suddenly spoke from behind her.

Jumping slightly, Judy quickly turned to the figure standing by the open door. "John!" Judy called out quickly, seeing the familiar dark haired bunny walking towards her. "Oh, no John, only a little, I am afraid. But that is what all schoolgirls are taught to say." Judy replied back. As she finished her sentence, Judy felt her heart falter slightly at her own words. Her memory quickly bringing her back, as she sat in the large ballroom back at Casterly Manor, listing to Nick saying words to that affect. Hesitating slightly, Judy suddenly turned to the window along the far wall.

"Is there something the matter, Judy?" John asked as he gazed at Judy.

"What? Oh no John, its nothing." Judy replied back as she walked along the desk a further time. "I just suddenly remembered something that happened a while ago, that is all."

"Judy, please." John said as he began to slowly follow her around the room. "You know neither I nor my sister asks you much about your past. We know, when you are ready, you will tell us everything. But my sisters and I just want you to know that no matter how hard you difficulties were back then in your life, the wonderful things you are doing now…" John stopped as Judy turned to stare back at him. "Look around you Judy. Please do not allow your past to affect the wonderful things you are accomplishing now. Your understanding and unwavering patience with the young here at the school, it is so unique."

"Oh John, I wish that could be true about myself. But I feel other mammals may have a slight different opinion of me." Judy replied back, as she began to remember the letter from her uncle she had received shortly after taking on the post of school teacher here in River Bridge.

"I find that very hard to believe, Judy. Now, I have business to attend to at the office, so I must leave." John said turning toward the rear of the classroom. "Oh, yes, I almost forgot, I wanted to stop in quickly and ask you to please let my sister know I will be late for dinner this evening."

"Of course John, but I should remind you of the last time you were late though. Diana nearly had to restrain Mary from attacking you." Judy answered back laughing slightly. "I will do my best to break the news, but I would recommend bringing flowers for her to help soften her anger."

"Thank you, Judy. Yes, I feel Mary does take after our dear mother a little too much." John laughed as he exited the classroom, waving back to her.

As Judy watched John exit the room, she walked slowly toward the rear door to close and lock it. Turning around, Judy simply stood by the now closed door as she glanced about the small classroom. Thinking deeply in her mind, she remembered her uncle and how joyful he was to learn of her safety. Judy felt a sudden chill overcome her. "How long has it been since his last letter?" She asked herself. "It must be at least two months?" Judy answered herself back. "Should I be worried?"

Later that night, as all three female bunnies sat around the warm fire, Judy among them sat quietly in one of the high backed chairs reading and book when suddenly John quickly entered the cottage house.

"Oh my dears, I think a storm is brewing." John said as he walked swiftly to the fire to warm himself. "I feel winter is coming early this year. The chill in the air seems too unnatural."

Walking back to the front entrance, John took off his long frock coat and hung it up before heading to the kitchen. Reappearing minutes later, supporting a small dinner tray, he lightly leaned down and kissed each of his sisters gently on their cheek before taking a seat by the fire.

"I am sorry to you all, for my severe tardiness tonight. Mr. Gregson had me go over next year's budget analysis." John said to the group of ladies. Noticing Judy sitting off near the dining room, he called out to her. "What are you reading, Judy?"

"I found this book on the pawhili language in one of the shops the other day." Judy said raising her head up from the book. "I thought of trying to learn the language."

"What for? You are not thinking of leaving us so soon?" John asked jokingly.

"I don't know. I always thought of seeing more of this world and the cultures across the waters." Judy replied back.

"Judy, pay no attention to him and study whatever you want." Diana said as she smiled toward Judy. "Do not let him bully you. And with those last words I will bid you all goodnight. Mary, remember we have an early start tomorrow."

"I know, Diana, I am heading up now also." Mary replied as she sat down her knitting on the small side table next to her, watching her sister climb the stairs. "Goodnight John." Walking over to Judy, Mary gave her a hug as Judy remained seated in her chair. "Goodnight Judy. If he continues to bully you, kick him in his knee."

"Judy, I hope you are not mad at my last comment?" John asked as he put his tray to the side. "I…I was…I am sorry, but may I be truly honest with you, Judy?" John asked as he leaned on the edge of the chair. "The thing is I do not wish to see you leave us, Judy."

"John, I am flattered, I…" Judy started to say.

"I have been meaning to ask you for some time now, but I noticed how busy you have been lately, settling in at the school." John continued as he rose and walked up to where Judy still sat. "I was scared I might distract you. But now, I feel I must ask of you something I feel would be the greatest thing to happen to me, Judy."

"I am sorry, John, but I don't know what this could be." Judy replied back softly to him.

"I would like for you to be my wife, and live here with me, Judy." John replied back.

"Wife?" Judy replied back, surprised. "But John, you barely know me at all." Judy, quickly standing, turned and walked slightly away from him.

"Judy, I know enough of you to know all I need to." John replied back standing firm. "You were sent to me, I feel, by some unknown force. Judy, do you see it."

Hearing those last words, Judy stood there, her thoughts quickly questioning everything that had happen to her in the past year since leaving Casterly Manor. "Has fate really brought me to John, after learning the truth of Nicholas? His sister and he have cared for me, given me a place and the opportunities to escape my past and prove myself in this world." Judy asked herself. "He is a good mammal, and a considerate mate. What more could any mammal like I want in life?"

Suddenly, from the corner of her mind, the voice of Nick suddenly began to burst forth from her mind. "I stand here before you Judy, ready to offer you my heart, my soul, everything I hold dear in this world. Please love me for who I am, and nothing more."

"You know, deep in your heart I am right, Judy." John replied to her, watching her stand there by the fire.

"I am sorry John, but my heart will not speak to me. I…I am confused."

"Then let me speak for it Judy." John said walking over to her, Judy suddenly turning her head away. "You will marry me and live here with us." John said grabbing hold of her paws. "Just say yes."

Once more the voice of Nick began playing in her head. "Look into my eyes Judy, look into them, and tell me you do not love me anymore." Judy, quickly turning her head back to face John, was on the verge of tears. "I cannot marry you John. I am sorry." Freeing her paws from him, she slowly began to back away from him. "I cannot marry you John, because my heart still remains with another." Judy said now crying. "I know now it was a mistake leaving. I have to go back."

As Judy continued to run up along the winding lane toward Casterly Manor, her chest aching from the winter's bitter cold air, she slowly began turning along the final blind curve before suddenly coming to a complete stop. Judy suddenly began reliving the last near thirty hours since leaving River Bridge.

"Judy, please be careful on your journey." Mary said to Judy on the train platform wrapped in her heavy winter cloak. "And please do not think too ill of John. I think deep down, he truly felt you would want to return to your past one day."

"Please tell John again how sorry I am." Judy said sorrowfully "And I am sorry to the both of you."

"Oh Judy." Diana said, grasping Judy in a tight embrace. "Just promise me you will find your happiness once again, wherever it may be."

"We will always love you my dear. You were such a blessing to have in our lives." Mary said, also grasping her also in a tight embrace.

"I will never forget all of your kindness." Judy said as the whistle began to blow along the platform.

"Hurry Judy, quickly!" both female bunnies called out to her as she quickly rushed to jump on board the train.

Waving back to both Mary and Diana, Judy watched through the bitter cold winds from the train's acceleration as both bunnies slowly began to disappear as the train began to pick up speed.

Breathless and shaking from the bitter cold weather, Judy slowly began to walk the final length to the manor before suddenly stopping once more to gaze shockingly as she approached the once grand wrought iron gate of Casterly Manor, now loosely chained together. The sight that stood before her, not brought on by the cold winter air, sent an ice cold shiver down her spine. Her eyes were not able to fully believe the sight before her. Where once stood the most elegant manor house in the county, now stood nothing more than a blacken ruin of stone and timbers where Casterly Manor once stood.

"Nicholas!" Judy spoke softly as she approached, grabbing hold of the icy cold iron gate.

Sliding herself gently through a small gap between the massive gates, Judy, wrapping herself tighter in her winter cloak, slowly began to approach the ruins of the manor house. The manor's great walls and ancient battlements were blackened by fire. The once glimmering windows, many of them shattered, simply gaped as they welcomed nature into the house's hollow walls.

As she approached the large front doors cautiously, due to sheer visible damage, Judy pressed lightly on the half charred doors. Creaking loudly, the doors struggled slightly and swung gradually open. Peering her head slightly through, her eyes quickly glancing upward, saw snow lightly begin to fall from a giant opening from which the house had collapsed inside itself. Taking a few steps within the hanging doors, Judy continued to stare, frightened, as she took in the horror and distress of the place she once called home.

As Judy stood just inside the once grand house, a silent and eerie feeling began to slow overtake her. Glancing toward where the once striking staircase stood, only the bottom landing now remained. Glancing to her left, she slowly began stepping cautiously, venturing further inside the manor, almost everything covered in a layer of black soot. Throughout the damage, Judy saw many of the house's once elegant artifacts and ornate furniture smashed and scattered along the now earthly floor. The once beautiful pianoforte, Judy observed as she stood in the main parlor, was now nothing more than an empty shell, broken in half. As she slowly made her way back to the great hall, stepping gently along the floor, a distant clatter suddenly erupted as she began to turn about in fear, searching for the source of the sound. Standing there, cold and apparently alone, she suddenly noticed something lying upon the ground close by her. Walking over to the object, she slowly reached down and picked it up. Shaking it slightly free of dirt and snow, the charred remains of a little mammal doll gleamed back at Judy.

"Sophie." Judy whispered as she began to clutch the blackened doll tightly to her chest. Lowering herself down Judy suddenly collapsed onto the floor as waves of emotions and tears began to flood over her. For nearly ten minutes, Judy simply sat among the ruins of the manor house, alone as the snow and darkness began to fall more thickly.

It was at that moment, another distant clatter suddenly awoke Judy from her grief. Quickly turning toward the sound, she began listening once more, diligently. Remaining where she was, her ears raised fully, she slowly began to feel for the first time since arriving back to the manor as if something was watching her. Getting to her feet, she quickly began making her way back toward the partially collapsed foyer, the charred doll still clutched tightly to her chest. It was then, suddenly out of the corner of her eye, Judy saw something move slightly, is if someone or something was moving along the main front doorway.

"Hello?" Judy called out, fear echoing in her voice. "Who's there, h…h…hello?"

Climbing over the last of the debris, Judy slowly peered into the foyer as she listened carefully for the slightest sound. What met her eyes brought immediate shock deep down in her body. Standing there between the half charred front doors, Mrs. Otterton who, wrapped in a think winter cloak, was showing equal sense of shock and unbelief.

"Miss Hopps? Is it really….but…how?" Mrs. Otterton called out breathlessly, unable to believe what she was seeing before her. "I thought thieves were here to…but I saw you sitting among the debris. I thought, how can this be, it must be a ghost?"

Judy, her face weak with emotions, rushed up to the elderly otter, both of embracing each other tightly. "Mrs. Otterton…please, what happened here?" Judy asked desperately as she slowly withdrew from their embrace.

"Come my dear, let us go somewhere warm and out of this weather." Mrs. Otterton said as she slipped her small paw under Judy's right arm. "And I will tell you what I can."

Walking along the outer ruins of the house, Mrs. Otterton slowly lead Judy toward a small carriage house near the rear of the house grounds.

"Do you live here alone, Mrs. Otterton?" Judy asked as she entered the warm two room carriage house.

"No dear." Mrs. Otterton replied, taking off her traveling cloak. "I come here on my days off to try and salvage anything from the house that can be useful. Tabitha and Benjamin were coming here early on to assist me at times, but they are now far more occupied." Walking over to a small cast iron stove in the middle of the room, Mrs. Otterton placed on top a small kettle and began placing fresh coal in its open door. "Please dear, sit down."

"When you left Miss Hopps…" Mrs. Otterton started, taking a seat next to Judy.

"Please…Mrs. Otterton, call me Judy." Judy said, quickly interrupting.

"Very well then, dear. When you left...Judy…Mr. Wilde was never the same. For nearly several days he just simply walked the corridors, calling out you name. He even wrote to your uncle asking if he had any knowledge of your whereabouts. It was if you were a lost jewel to him. He searched desperately to find you. Slowly as the days turned into weeks, he began to lose hope when no word came back. He turned in on himself, at times making himself erupt savagely from the disappointment." Mrs. Otterton, staring at the fire burning in the stove, took a sorrowful deep breath. "He sent Sophie away to some boarding school, somewhere in the south. After that he just simply cut himself off from society. Many a night I felt frightened to even go near him. More often I would find him sitting outside your bedroom door, late into the night, talking silently to himself."

As the tea kettle slowly began to whistle, Mrs. Otterton rose up and poured two small cups of tea. Handing one to Judy, Mrs. Otterton sat once more next to Judy. After taking a few sips from her cup, Mrs. Otterton continued with her story.

"No one knows how the fire truly started. It happened one evening barely two months ago now if I remember well. Young Sophie had returned home from her boarding school two nights prior for the autumn holiday. Anyway my dear, what many of us still believe was that, Mrs. Wilde had gotten loose from Anna during the course of the night and set fire to the house when,.."

"What happened to Anna?" Judy asked frightfully.

"I am afraid no one knows." Mrs. Otterton replied back. "Her body was never recovered. We think she is still buried somewhere under all the rubble. The third floor had completely collapsed due to the intensity of the fire. "

"So Martha set the fire?" Judy said nervously. "How did you all get out?"

"It was Mr. Wilde who saved us all." Mrs. Otterton replied back. "We would have all died if Mr. Wilde had not risked his own life to ensure we all made it out to safety. But when he went back into the fire to get Mrs. Wilde, the flames had grew so high in the air, mammals from the nearby village said the flames could be seen for miles." Mrs. Otterton rising slowly from her seat, walked toward a small square window along the carriage house wall. Turning her eyes toward the ruins of the manor, she let out a shaking breath. "I still can see her clearly in my mind, Mrs. Wilde, dancing along the upper floor battlements as the fire continued to engulf the house. As the fire rose higher and higher, those of us outside could do nothing but simply watch as she began screaming out words none of us could recognize, as the flames flickered around her. All of us gathered there could hear Mr. Wilde, screaming, begging for her to come down." Turning her gaze from the manor, she stared back at Judy. "I watched as he climbed up along the wall, reaching out for her in between the battlements, yelling for her to grab his hand. Mrs. Wilde just simply stood there, laughing as the fire grew all around the both of them. Mrs. Wilde simply turned away from him, flinging herself off the top battlements to her death below.

"And Nicholas? Judy asked her breathing quickening.

"He simply stood there along the battlements, motionless for a time, his paw still open and outstretched. Unfortunately, as he was rushing back down from the roof, the staircase gave way…and he fell..." Mrs. Otterton suddenly stopped at that moment as she collapsed in tears. Judy, seeing her in distress, quickly rushed to her side. "He is still alive, Judy." Mrs. Otterton said breathing deeply. "He sustained heavy burns to the eyes and muzzle in the fall. Benjamin and a few villagers risked their own lives to find and save him."

"Where is he…please?" Judy asked as she looked into Mrs. Otterton's eyes.

"He moved the household to a modest house in the neighboring county. Please, Judy dear, you look so tired, you need to rest. Leodore will be by in the morning to collect me from the carriage house here." Mrs. Otterton replied back. "But I must warn you, the scars, both inside and out have taken a heavy toll on him, my dear. The doctors have said he may never regain his sight. As for his muzzle, the amount of damage from the fire and fall has caused him to lose his sense of smell."

As the crisp morning sun rose over the cluster of tree along the carriage, Judy and Mrs. Otterton stood both wrapped in their heavy traveling cloaks as an auto car slowly began to make its way up and along the gravel path from the main gate. Smiling happily, Judy raised her paw as she began waving to the tall lion as he brought the auto car to a full stop next them.

"Judy!" Leodore shouted as he quickly exited the driver seat, rushing over to her.

"Leodore, I missed you so much." Judy said jumping up and grabbing hold of him.

"Oh, Judy, I am so happy to see you again." Leodore said as he sat Judy back on her feet. "Mrs. Otterton, did you know?"

"No, Leodore, I was as amazed to see here as you are now." Mrs. Otterton replied back as she slowly began loading the auto car with valuables.

As Judy and Mrs. Otterton slowly arrived at their destination, Judy slowly stared up at the small manor house as she stepped down from the auto car.

"Mrs. Otterton, what is the name of this house?" Judy asked, her eyes transfixed own its ancient stone walls.

"I am not quite sure, my dear." Mrs. Otterton said, stepping down next to her. "Tabitha I think has heard the mammals from the surrounding area call it 'Scatter Lodge', but again, I am not too sure."

Following closely behind Mrs. Otterton, Judy, her paws held tightly together, entered the house. As they entered through the small entryway, a deep voice suddenly called out from the neighboring room.

"Mrs. Otterton? Is that you?" Nick's voice called out.

"Yes, Mr. Wilde." Mrs. Otterton replied back.

"Did you find anything else at the manor?" Nick voice called out once more.

"A few things, sir, but I…" Mrs. Otterton called back, before quickly being interrupted.

"Will you find Tabitha, and have some water brought to me." Nick suddenly called out.

Judy, motioning to Mrs. Otterton to leave her alone, slowly began to walk toward the sound of Nicks voice. Entering the large but simple sitting room, Judy slowly approached Nick as he sat close by the room's large fireplace, a large blue colored blanket lying across him.

"Tabitha? Are you there?" Nick suddenly called out softly, as he began to stare about the room, his ears turning slightly to the sound of Judy's footsteps.

Judy, now fully able to see what the fire had done to him, resisted her primal urge to rush to his side and embrace him.

"Tabitha?" Nick called out once more.

"Yes, Mr. Wilde I am here." Tabitha suddenly entering the room stopped in complete shock as she caught sight of Judy, nearly dropping the tray she was carrying.

Judy, motioning back to Tabitha pressed a paw finger to her lips. Walking up to Tabitha, she smiled widely as she took the glass from the tray as she turned and approached Nick.

"Tabitha, come closer, please." Nick asked, his voice tired, as his head leaned slightly on the side of the wingback chair he sat in. Reaching out with his right arm, Nick searched to find the glass of water Judy held just in front of him. Slowly slipping the glass into Nick waiting paw, Judy watched as Nick began to drink. "Thank you, Tabitha."

"You're welcome, sir." Judy spoke strongly as she smiled back at him.

"Judy?" Nick's head suddenly propped up quickly, his ears raised. Breathing heavily, Nick slowly lowered his head back down against the chair, as he began to tremble with fear. "I have finally gone mad."

Judy, still staring at Nick, looked into the hazed over green eyes she longed so much to see once more. Lowering herself down onto the floor she kneeled next to him. "You are not going mad, sir."

"I am dreaming than." Nick spoke as his head rose once more as his paw reached out searching around him. Grabbing hold of Judy's face, his breathing quickening further, he began feeling her soft fur in his. "Is that Judy's cheek, her lips, her little nose, I feel?" Nick called out as he held her face gently in both paws.

"And her voice, Nicholas. You are not dreaming. I am here by your side." Judy replied back happily grabbing hold of his paws in hers. "I have come back to be your companion…your nurse…your eyes."

"I do not need a companion, nor do I want a nurse!" Nick shouted suddenly as he jerked his hands free. Rising up from his chair, Nick stumbled as he grabbed hold of a side table next to him. Quickly regaining his balance, Nick turned around, unable to fully see Judy except for a slight haze before him. He stood staring toward it. "So you came back have you? I suppose to take some form of pity on a poor defenseless blind fox, have you?"

"No Nicholas. I have thought about you, and fought myself, every day since I left. When I saw Casterly, I feared…" Judy began.

"A complete ruin…much like myself." Nick spoke, interrupting her as he grabbed hold of his ears, pulling at them as his paws began to glide down his face. "

"You are not a ruin, Nicholas. Yes you are wounded, but you still have life left in you, I see it in you, please." Judy replied back pleading.

"So…" Nick said in his raised voice. Grabbing the back of his chair as he walked behind it, trying to find the dark haze Judy was once more. "I would have thought you, of all animals, would have married some young fellow by now."

"It is true, I did meet a fellow mammal that wished to marry me." Judy answered back lightly. "He was an honorable mammal."

"So why are you not with him?" Nick asked back.

"I needed to see you." Judy replied back.

"Well good. Take a good look, Judy. Think how lucky you are to have escaped this…" Nick gestured to himself. "…hideous, blinded, excuse of a fox." Nick said, suddenly bursting into tears.

"I could think of nothing better for me than that." Judy replied as she began to approaching Nick. Grabbing hold of his face, Judy slowly felt Nick's soft red fur as it slid through her paw fingers.

"Please Judy, I am thankful for your visit, but I feel it would to be less painful for the both of us if you would leave me to my misery." Nick softly spoke grabbing hold of her paw and removing it from him.

"I will not go, Nicholas. Say what you will but I wish never to leave your side again, dear sweet Nicholas." Judy replied back as she gently held Nick tightly in her arms. "I want no other mammal, Nicholas, I love you."

"How can you love me as I am now?" Nick asked "How can I take care of you?" Nick said as tears began to fall greater than before.

"Nicholas, you are not your wounds. My only danger is that I will love you more than ever before. You are everything in this world to me." Judy replied back as she laid her head against his chest, feeling his heart beat strongly within him.

"Judy, I feel I will burst if I could only see your face once more." Nick cried out, grabbing hold of her head as he felt the softness of her ears lying against her back.

Raising her face to his, she reached and grabbed his paws in hers. "Here, Nicholas, touch it." Judy placed his paws against her cheeks as her tears began to fall lightly over the back of his paw. "See with your hands, for I will never leave you." Lowering his face down to hers Judy felt the softness of Nick's lips once more against her own. Both of them standing there remained for what seemed a life time, embracing one another, never wishing to let go.


Ten years later…

It had been nearly ten years since the marriage of Nicholas and Judy. As both of them slowly walked along the lonely, shallow creek where they ventured each year, they laughed to one another over the moment many years before, when they first met. As she promised Nick the day she returned to him, wounded and helpless, she never once left his side.

During the latter part of their third year together as mates, slowly, Nick started to regain the use of his right eye. It was not until during their fifth year, when their firstborn was placed into his arms, he was able to see his own likeness looking back at him.

As the two of them stopped along the grass, Judy turned to Nick as she gazed deeply into his eyes. "Do you still love me, Nicholas?"

"I do, without fear or hesitation." Nick said back softly.

"Do you love our son?" Judy asked once more.

"I love him with every breath I take. And I will continue to love him as much as you, my beautiful Judy, who brought him into this life, and gave to me."

Kissing Nick softly on his lips, Judy held tightly to his side as they both stood there along the narrow path, continuing to gaze at the shallow brook.

"Come, my dear." Nick said as he began to lead Judy away. "Sophie and little Charles will start to worry if we do not return soon."