A/N - So this is the sequel to aggressive negotiations, this can also be read as a stand-alone story as references are explained. I have been meaning to write this for some time but alas I have been very busy with exams and updating my other stories. This will probabaly be 6 or 7 chapter's although future chapters are looking longer than this one, hopefully I will be able to update every couple of days if my schedule remains free! Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

'A Jedi shall not know anger. Nor hatred. Nor love. a Jedi shall not know revenge…'

The mantra continued in Qui-Gon Jinn's mind over and over again, berating him for his unsavoury thoughts. He glared into the depths of a rapidly cooling mug of tea, the usual calming scent of the leaves did not seem to be diminishing his temper today or thirst for revenge. 'A Jedi shall not know revenge' his own mind reminded him.

Qui-Gon scoffed at the phrase, evidently every Jedi who had ever lived by this code had never encountered his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was brought out of the perilous musings by a slight cough from the room's other occupant, Tahl Uvain.

"Brooding again?" Her harmonic voice was like sweet music to Qui-Gon's ears, if there was one person in the entire galaxy who could aid in calming his frazzled nerves then it was her.

"Nothing so extreme." He replied whilst pushing aside the chilled mug.

Tahl's amber eyes narrowed as she critically inspected her life-long friend, supposedly reaching a conclusion after just mere moments.

"Definitely brooding…" She murmured decisively.

Qui-Gon resigned to look away as of course Tahl was close to unearthing each and every one of his thoughts, the action did not do much to dissuade her.

"Is this still about Obi-Wan?!"

Her incredulous expression had Qui-Gon redirect his burning gaze to her direction, 'of course this is still about Obi-Wan…' He mused quietly to himself, temper threatening to re-emerge at the thought of his Padawan.

"He's gone too far Tahl, he always does." Qui-Gon claimed making an effort to calm himself before continuing. "He borders dangerously closely to disrespect."

Even though he could sense Tahl was attempting to suppress a grin one inevitably found it's way onto her graceful features. It was not long until the grin transformed into a light chuckle, obviously finding humour at her friend's expense. He actually glowered at his friend when she imagined the moment Qui-Gon was discussing, well one of many moments…

"It's not funny." He growled.

"Oh I agree, it's hilarious." Her amber eyes twinkled with mirth, easily melting most of Qui-Gon's anger away.

Qui-Gon attempted to banish the remaining unsavoury thoughts, failing more often than not. He at least managed to calm the vast majority of his frazzled nerves and ceased glaring at Tahl, knowing she would never deserve his wrath. The obvious query then hung over the pair, 'Why had he done nothing about it?'

Of course Qui-Gon had, or rather had attempted to. Each and every time Obi-Wan deserved the discipline or punishment he had somehow or another escaped justice.

"Every time it comes to punishing Obi-Wan he has either been caught up in an horrific accident or succumbed to injury…"

"Which of course is your weakness, pathetic life forms." Qui-Gon was interrupted before he could come to a conclusion by his still smirking companion.

"He idolises you, he's got you wrapped round his little finger Qui…' She continued brutally, unearthing every perilous truth about their apprenticeship.

"I never taught him such blatant disobedience." Qui-Gon huffed in a last ditch attempt for a defence, staring directly into his friend's gaze willing for her to back down.

Of course Tahl only smiled at the attempt before mercilessly continuing.

"Never? Did you really think that after watching you rebel against your fellow Jedi, hells the Council, that he wouldn't pick up anything along the way?"

Qui-Gon huffed as the words rang true, the force singing with the new-found clarity Tahl was gifting him.

"You are the legendary maverick and he stands dutifully by your side throughout it…" She leaned forward to deliver the final crushing line, not sparing his feelings in such a crucial moment. "You really only have yourself to blame".

Qui-Gon scowled out of his balcony doors as the truth confirmed what he already knew, it was his fault that Obi-Wan's mischievous streak remained. When the time came to correct the fault his own attachment to the boy stopped him, whether it be through paternal worry or simply the dangerous fault of guilt Qui-Gon had never been able to set aside his feelings.

The latest of his apprentice's blunders had ended with him chasing the boy down, intent on giving him a good thrashing in the dojo so the young Padawan would finally learn his place. When Qui-Gon had eventually found his wayward apprentice, the boy had succumbed to injuries received on their latest ill-fated mission. Naturally Qui-Gon raced his Padawan to the healers and remained by the boy's side until he woke, all past deeds forgotten for the time. Obi-Wan had escaped justice once more all because of his Master's failing…

Qui-Gon's murderous scowl transformed into a slight grin as he continued to stare out of his balcony windows, specifically at his vast collection of plants. He had just had an exceedingly bright idea, one that was serving to cheer him up no end. Of course it didn't take long at all for his companion to sense his increasingly joyous mood, she glared suspiciously at her friend's abrupt change in behaviour until she discovered the terrible truth for herself.

"Oh Qui, you can't! That is evil even for you." She admonished, willing Qui-Gon to choose a different path.

"Nonsense." Qui-Gon shrugged off, eyes gleaming with a new-found way forward. "It will do us both the world of good."

Tahl snorted at Qui-Gon's use of the word good, evidently not fore-seeing the same outcome that he was.

"You have a very different meaning for that word Qui." She stated worryingly, shaking her head over the many possible disastrous outcome's of his plan.

"Obi-Wan has a deficiency in his training, I am simply correcting it." He grinned, knowing full well there were other personal reasons why this idea had popped into his head. "He needs more time communing with the living force."

Tahl sighed deeply willing for her stubborn friend to change his mind, knowing that he would not.

"He will hate you for it you know?"

"A Jedi shall not know hate," he quipped back reverting his gaze to meet her's, positively beaming over the idea.

"A Jedi shall not know revenge," she quoted straight back at him, un-nerved by his penetrating stare.

Qui-Gon simply shrugged off the implications, resolute in his decision and new found-plan to show his mischievous Padawan who exactly was calling the shots round here. Tahl of course held his gaze, urging him to turn back from the deadly path he was walking on, sighing when she found no chink in his armour she could capitalise on.

"This will all end in disaster." The Jedi Master warned firmly.

At that moment the Jinn/Kenobi apartment's front door swished open, admitting a swaggering Padawan. The surefooted apprentice noticed the company immediately and proceeded to bow and greet both Master's. Obi-Wan furrowed his brows as he registered the atmosphere, noted the looks on both of the Master's faces. Tahl held a pitying gaze, whilst Qui-Gon simply beamed, adorning a look mirroring his Padawan's most common pose, devious planning.

Obi-Wan dropped his bag, subconsciously moving into a defensive stance, hand hovering over the hilt of his light saber. He did not know what in the seven hells was going on, but whatever it was could not be good. He suspiciously glared at Qui-Gon which caused the elder Jedi to chuckle darkly, almost evilly.

"Master what's going on?" Obi-Wan questioned, not once relaxing his posture.

Tahl's pity blasted into him in waves whatever was about to happen was obviously not going to be good news for him, it worried Obi-Wan immensely. Instead of answering Qui-Gon stepped up from the breakfast bar and turned to meet his Padawan head on, Obi-Wan's confusion only grew with the action. That was until however the Jedi Master started to project images across their bond, Obi-Wan averted his attention to them. Looking for an answer to his question, any answer would quite frankly do.

The thoughts translated into images in his own mind, lusciously green rainforests, majestic waterfalls, night's under the stars… Obi-Wan recoiled and wrinkled his face in disgust, How uncivilised…

That was when he realised just why his Master had showed him those images, why everyone in the room looked the way they did. With the truth came horrifying realisation, he questionably looked at his Master hoping and wishing that this was some kind of sick joke. The resigned look from Tahl however informed him otherwise. Obi-Wan's face lost all colour to turn white, ashen, as his Master confirmed his worst fears.

"We're going on a trip Padawan."

A/N - Poor old Obi-Wan... he never catches a break! If you enjoyed this/are wondering where it's all going feel free to drop me a message or review :)

Until next time...