Kuroko tetsuya, a local male prostitute stepped out of his small apartment and into the frosty air of the city. Kuroko shivered at the cold breeze that blew his way and threw on his long dark green overcoat and black scarf. He walked down the street to his favorite corner, right in between the liquor store and a rundown sushi shop. This street was one of the least popular places for Normal people, but a hot spot for everyone else. Gang members, mafia members, drug dealers, rapists, smugglers, and pimps you name it. Kuroko sighed and leaned against the dirty brick wall of the liquor store. Now that he was there, all he had to do was wait for some stranger to pick him up and pay him, devour him, and hope that he woke up ok enough to walk home. Kuroko would take any customer willing to pay. He's gotten fat, snobby, rich ladies looking for a break from their husbands; he's had men who needed something to destroy. Sometimes he even gets the gang bangers who trick him into a group gathering. But even though this job is extremely dangerous, it's the only one that makes good money in this run down city that has been separated and controlled by opposing mafia organizations.
Kuroko looked up from the ground and to his right were in the distance he could see a tall pinkette walking towards him. Kuroko pushed himself off the wall and waved to the woman.
"Momoi san!"
The girl looked up from her phone with a smile and ran over to kuroko, her stilettos loudly panging with each step.
"tet-chan! I haven't seen you in ages! Why are you out on the corner? It's freezing!" to emphasize her point a chilling breeze went passed them making them both shiver.
"What about you momoi san, aren't you cold wearing that pencil dress?" momoi giggled and gestured to her body.
"Unlike you i have a little meat on my bones to keep me warm; seriously when was the last time you had a decent meal?"
Momoi said as kuroko looked down to the ground.
"i get decent meals every time i work, it's just i work my body so much, that it can never store up fat. You're lucky, you have a pimp who treats you well." momoi sighed and looked up to the sky.
"mmm well...i guess you can say that...but i wouldn't really use the word lucky...well it was nice talking to you tet-chan! I got to get to the other side of town! Bye bye!" kuroko looked up just in time to see momoi wave good bye and run off into an ally way.
"mmm...bye bye." kuroko sighed again and took his position against the wall. he looked at his legs and arms. He was extremely skinny and he knew it. Any skinnier and he wouldn't be able to do his job right.
Kuroko slid down the brick wall and curled his knees into his chest. He listened to the sounds the city made. The yelling, the honking, the screams, the crashing sounds, the gun shots…. All normal things to be heard in this city, but what kuroko heard next was very unfamiliar to him, it was the sound of a group of classy people walking. Kuroko looked up only to see the infamous elite mafia members taking a leisurely stroll through the rat's nest. Even for kuroko this was a first. He had never seen elite mafia members up close before. He could tell that they were elite because the amount of weaponry they were carrying. Only the mafia could afford such luxury items. Not only that, but also the matching tattoos on their neck made for a dead giveaway. There were a total of eight men each with a different color of hair that matched the shirt that they wore under their fleece coats.
As each of the eight people passed by him, none of them noticed him except for the shortest of the bunch. A redhead with piercing eyes of fire and gold. The man stopped and looked down at kuroko with an unknown look in his eye. It wasn't too long after the man stopped that the rest did as well, waiting for their squad member.
"Oi Akashi! What's the hold up!?" the man who yelled at the redhead looked down the were Akashi was looking.
"What the hell? Why are you stopping for some dirty whore on the corner?! I. ..although i will admit he is fucking sexy"
The man with navy colored locks and tan skin squatted down next to kuroko and grabbed his chin.
"What's up sexy? Wanna come home with me?"
Kuroko jerked his head away from the hand and stayed silent. The man clicked his tongue and stood back up.
"Man this one's no fun to play with! Probably broken." kuroko lifted his head at the comment about to respond when the blonde of the group slapped the latter on the back of the head.
"What the hell was that for Kise?!" Kise huffed and crossed his arms.
"This man has feelings too aomine-chi! Don't go acting like he's a thing!" the two males began to fight, but soon stopped to the voice of Akashi.
"Ryouta, daiki...shut up."
"Yes, sir."
The redhead looked into kuroko's eyes like he was thinking about something, and then calmly spoke.
"You have caught my eye street rat. It's pretty cold out...why don't you come with us? Of course you can't say no, you have no choice. But there's a free meal in it for you, so what do you say?"
Kuroko looked up to the man in front of him. From the look in his eye he could tell that this man was not going to give up on him, so kuroko did what any prostitute would do. He agreed. Kuroko stood up and brushed himself off and fixed his hair, before smiling a fake sultry smile and hooking his arm with Akashi's.
"Whatever the boss wants I'll give. Anything. However, as a prostitute with some morals, I would like to be paid upfront." kuroko said emotionlessly and seriously. The men were silent before laughing at the words. Even Akashi giggled a little as they ignored the comment and ushered kuroko with the family to their destination.
It turned out that their destination was home, because right there in front of him was the large mansion that kuroko had only ever seen from afar. The closer kuroko got to the house, the more he wanted to run away. He knew what was in that mansion, and he really didn't feel like getting gang banged or shot today. Kuroko pulled his coat tighter, its embrace keeping kuroko calm as he entered mafia territory. Inside the mansion was a large foyer. The only thing in the room was a Chandelier and a staircase. As soon as everyone got in, everyone except for Akashi, aomine and Kise went upstairs, leaving kuroko alone with three strangers. Akashi watched as his group walked up stairs, then looked to the remaining.
"Daiki, Ryouta...we're going up to my office...keep guard." the two men bowed.
"Yes sir."
Akashi looked to kuroko with a smirk.
"Well then, after you." Akashi pointed a hand to the staircase. Kuroko looked from Akashi to the staircase once, twice, and then slowly began to walk up the stairs reluctantly.
The group approached a hallway in which at the end of it was a large wooden door with two men standing guard. Akashi walked up to the two men who in return bowed.
"Welcome back boss." Akashi nodded and reached for the door handle.
"You two, you are relieved of duty, daiki and Ryouta will take your place." the two guards bowed again and moved away from their spots were aomine and Kise took their place. Kuroko figured that those two other guards were decoys to make it seem that the boss was in the room. They probably weren't even trained to fight. Kuroko took a good look at aomine and Kise before entering into the office. 'Those two look like real bodyguards though.' kuroko thought before taking in his surroundings. The office was simple; a large Maplewood desk with a lazy boy desk chair facing the window behind it, a couple of potted plants here and there, and two armchairs in front of the desk. Akashi offered for kuroko to take a seat as he took his own in the desk chair. Kuroko sat in front of Akashi awkwardly. He felt like he was at an interview for a high class job. Akashi leaned forward in his chair, causing kuroko to jump slightly. Kuroko looked into Akashi's eyes. They were glossy and full of want and domination. A shiver ran down kuroko's spine. The thought of this man taking advantage of him made him fall into lust. For the first time in kuroko's career as a prostitute, he actually had a desire to have sex with someone.
"eh-hem." kuroko jerked his eyes away from the stare and blushed. He knew he wasn't supposed to get attached to clients, but at the moment, kuroko's heart was pounding fast in his chest and his mind wasn't thinking clearly.
Akashi spoke up.
"You know...i never asked your name."
Kuroko kept his eyes pinned on the chair next to him, refusing to look akashi in the eye in fear that he would do something he would regret.
"My name is kuroko tetsuya…" Akashi hummed and leaned back in his chair.
"It's nice to meet you tetsuya. My name is Akashi seijuro, boss of the generation's family of the southern mafia" kuroko looked up from his spot and looked to Akashi with awe that soon disappeared without a trace.
"...Akashi Kun...i hate to change the subject, but i don't believe you brought me here just to exchange names…"
Akashi huffed and pushed his fingers through this gelled back hair.
"It's only the polite thing to do. But yes, i did not bring you here for idle chit chat, the reason i bring you here is because I have job position for you."
Kuroko was confused. Was he not supposed to be this man's whore for the day? Why was he being offered a job position by the boss of the generations?
Akashi smirked at kuroko's confused face and leaned back in his chair.
"I'm sure you're job now will prep you for this line of work, and it will pay twice as much as the current, without all the...side effects. But before i offer this job to you...i must ask… are you clean tetsuya?"
Kuroko paused in thought.
"Sexually clean or drug free?"
Akashi laughed lightly at the question.
"I mean sexually. I don't care about what you're getting high on unless you stole it from the family."
Kuroko nodded his head and put a hand on his cheek in thought. He recalled all of the sexual encounters with both male and female and found that mostly all of them only had one partner or none at all.
"I'm 90% sure I'm clean Akashi Sama." Akashi raised a brow at the answer.
"You're not 100% sure? Well that's not good enough for me to give you this job...however, since you are a perfect match...I'm going to have you tested and if the results come back negative, i will hire you on the spot. Deal?"
Kuroko nodded his head in agreement.
"Yes, but what exactly is my job description?"
Akashi smirked before standing up and grabbing kuroko's chin. He pulled kuroko close to his face so that kuroko was looking him straight in the eyes.
Kuroko merely shivered at the close contact and roughness. He was used to being treated like this.
"Tetsuya...what do you think your job will be? I pluck you off the streets and out of the rats nest, and offer you a job that requires you to have clean genitals. What do you think?"
Kuroko gulped and shifted his gaze to the fascinating chair next to him.
"I'm i going to be your personal slut?" Akashi huffed and pulled kuroko close enough to whisper in his ear.
"Maybe i might want you all to myself later on, but the first thing on your job description is to whore for the family elite's. I dare say if you can make it through all of them and their partners, then you will have a chance with me. But i must warn you, not one slut that i have picked up has ever made it to me. But who knows? Maybe you will be the first?"
Akashi pulled away from kuroko and let go of the boy's chin, before sitting back down and picking up his cellphone. He pressed one button and put the phone to his ear.
"Ryouta, bring shintarou. ...no i don't care...no… I'm hanging up…*click*"
Akashi shut his phone and placed on the desk. Kuroko sat down again, only this time with a fully erect posture. His hands folded neatly in his lap. He now had a bit more respect for Akashi and felt like he should sit properly in his presence.
A few minutes pass before a knock sounded at the door. It scared kuroko but not Akashi as he held his head is his palm and waited for the second set of knocks. When they sounded, in a different pattern than the last, Akashi complied.
"Come in shintarou." after Akashi spoke, the door opened revealing the green haired man with glasses that kuroko had seen with Akashi. The man bowed fully to Akashi before rising again and awaiting orders.
Akashi looked at kuroko for a moment before looking to Midorima.
"Shintarou, i would like you to test tetsuya here for any STDs or anything of the sort. If he comes back positive for anything you are to execute him. Is this understood?" Midorima nodded and bowed once more.
"Yes, sir!"
Kuroko stood up suddenly, making both men look at him.
"Executed?! You never said anything about that! You would kill me just because I'm positive for an STD?"
Akashi, unfazed by the outburst looked up to face kuroko.
"Of course. We kill scum all the time, and a slut like you is no different. If you are positive, we will kill you. We're actually doing society a favor if we do. One less person carrying and transmitting horrible diseases." kuroko's eyes widened when he realized when he had been dragged into. Kuroko tried to push his way through Midorima to escape, but effort was futile and soon he was restrained.
"Tetsuya, please be a good boy and go with shintarou quietly. I don't want to take any drastic measures today." Akashi placed his gun threateningly on the table. Kuroko froze, and then relaxed in the choke hold he was in. Kuroko knew better than to resist when someone has a gun.
"Take him out of here shintarou, and if he resists, you know what to do."
Midorima nodded his head and proceeded to drag kuroko out of the room. Kuroko got one last look at Akashi before the door closed.
Kuroko walked close behind Midorima who was leading him through third story of the of the building. The house was very quiet and everyone that they passed bowed their head slightly before continuing on their path. No one stopped to talk. No one made eye contact. But that was probably the norm around here, kuroko thought.
As they arrived at the lab, kuroko found himself surrounded by pure white light. It was blinding. Kuroko was led into a small office where he was seated on a bed. The light in the office had a yellow tint, that wasn't as blinding as the rest of the room.
"Kuroko, I'll be checking your blood, urine, skin and genitals today so please be prepared."
Kuroko gulped. It had been a long time since he had been in a doctor's office and being in one now in his situation was terrifying. Midorima handed kuroko a transparent cup and pointed to the bathroom behind him.
"Please hurry up and do this, i don't have all day." kuroko silently obeyed and scuttled to the restroom, closing the door gently. Kuroko sighed and looked the object in his hand.
Being in a bathroom makes me want to pee...i guess that's a good thing.
After a few minutes kuroko exited the room with a jar a quarter full of yellow fluid. Midorima held open a plastic bag in which kuroko placed the cup. Midorima set the bag aside, washed his hands, adorned new gloves, and picked up a small metal blade and swab stick.
"I'll be testing your skin now, please hold out your arm." Kuroko complied and soon the blade was being pressed against his skin. It was excruciating for kuroko. He was glad when Midorima finished and set the sample aside. Kuroko watched as Midorima picked up a syringe and needle, along with rubbing alcohol wipes, and three little tubes.
Ah…he's going to take my blood…
Kuroko inched away from the doctor as he placed the supplies on the bed. Midorima took up the needle in his hand along with the wipe, and roughly cleaned the crease between kuroko's upper and lower arm before quickly and swiftly jabbed the needle into the vain. Kuroko didn't even realize he had been stabbed until he looked down and saw the blood rushing into the syringe. The syringe filled with blood and was taken out of kuroko's vain. The blood was transferred to the tubes and gently mixed. Midorima put the tubes aside and put on a fresh pair of gloves.
"Kuroko put on this gown and leave your underwear off."
Kuroko's eyes widened as he scooted back on the bed slightly.
"I-I don't want to…"
Kuroko looked away from the man. Kuroko heard Midorima click his tongue.
"You will do it, you know your punishment for disobeying!" kuroko remembered the gun and his eyes with his bangs.
"Forgive me, I'll undress…" kuroko quickly took off his coat, scarf and shirt and trough on the gown before taking off his pants and underwear. Kuroko sat back up on the bed awaiting the doctor's orders.
"Good, now spread your legs." Those words crushed kuroko. They were all too familiar and they always came with pain and suffering. Kuroko instantly became frightened by the words.
"Dammed whore…stop acting like a virgin! Spread your legs! I don't have all day!" kuroko watched as Midorima pulled out his gun from his belt and pointed it care freely at kuroko.
"You are in no position to say no to my orders." Kuroko bowed his head and huffed. A strange giggle erupted from his throat.
"Ah…I'm sorry, I forgot my place. Please do what you wish." Kuroko leaned back on the bed and spread his legs for Midorima. Midorima huffed and began to check kuroko.
"Really though, I don't wish to do this to you…I'm just doing what I'm ordered to do." Kuroko smiled and looked up to the ceiling.
"I understand…wait- where do you think your touching?!" Midorima took his free hand and pushed kuroko back down.
"Calm down. I'm just checking." Kuroko pouted and waited for Midorima to be done. As soon as Midorima was finished, kuroko pinned his legs together and blushed. Midorima noticed and looked to kuroko.
"What? Not used to being looked at like that?" kuroko gave Midorima a dull look.
"Of course I'm not. I'm used to being ravished, not looked at." Midorima huffed and picked up all of his tests.
"Well kuroko, you look clean down there none the less. It seems you take good care of yourself." Kuroko smiled and began to put on his underwear.
"Well it is part of my job to look nice for my costumers." Midorima nodded in understanding and made is way to the door.
"In any case, I'm going to get these tested; the results will come back in two days. In the meantime you will stay at the mansion under strict observation, is that clear?" kuroko nodded his head and put on the last bit of his clothing.