Pairings: Jasper/Krista. Neville/Luna. Ethan/Susan.

Warnings: AU Universe. OC characters. Some character bashing. Non-canon. Mature scenes. Violence.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Twilight and any of the characters, but the OC characters belongs to me

Chapter Eleven: Laying Down the Law

Needless to say that Carlisle Cullen was very nervous when he faced the stony expressions of the Nightshades' agents. There is even a hint of anger visible in the eyes of the two Enforcers, and Carlisle grew even more nervous upon seeing that.

More than anyone else, he knew exactly how ruthless Nightshades are; particularly the Enforcers, and that they have no qualms about giving second chances or mercy. To that end, they are a little similar to the Volturi—just that they're much more ruthless, if that is even possible.

The fate of the Salem survivors years ago had spread throughout the Downworld extremely quickly, even for Downworld standards—and it only caused more to be wary and afraid of Nightshades, which is also probably what works in their favour. In a way, Carlisle can understand just why they have the reputation they did—in the same way that the Volturi has the reputation that they did amongst the mundane vampires—if they are feared, those under their rule or jurisdiction will be less likely to break the law.

Even the Volturi is wary of pissing Nightshades off; last that Carlisle knew when he'd spent some time with them in Italy. From what little that Aro had let slip; Carlisle knew that it is actually Nightshades that had assisted them in becoming the rulers of the mundane vampires by dethroning the Roman vampires who have been in power at that point of time.

Due to the Roman vampires' actions by hunting down humans and killing them, Carlisle could understand why Nightshades had done that. Most likely, they have then crossed paths with Aro and his two brothers, and have assisted them in taking power. After all, it is a known fact that Nightshades and the Volturi have a form of peace agreement between them.

Even Carlisle had came across Nightshades and their Enforcers from time to time—particularly back when he had been a nomad vampire travelling on his own back during the aftermath of the Salem War when Nightshades is on high alert.

Ethan Nightray cleared his throat, staring straight at Carlisle whilst ignoring the rest of his coven. "Start talking, Carlisle. Neither Krista nor myself are in the mood to listen to excuses."

"Who are you?" The only human in the midst finally spoke.

"Bella, quiet." The pixie-like vampire—Alice Cullen shushed her human friend, giving the three from Sin City wary looks; though it is the look in her eyes when she looked at Jasper that only caused Krista to dislike her further.

A muscle in Krista's cheek twitched as her green eyes roved over the human, studying her intently instead of just roving over her like she did earlier when she'd first entered with Jasper and Ethan.

She looked like any ordinary mortal girl that one would pass on the streets. Krista honestly didn't understand what is so appealing about her. From the information she knew about the Cullen coven when she'd kept tabs on them throughout the decades, this human is Edward Cullen's Singer—and here, she is really amazed at his self-control at not draining this human dry.

Older and stronger vampires have given into the temptation when they had the misfortune to run into their Singer; and they are those who feed on human blood—and hence, are stronger. With Edward on this 'vegetarian diet'—and hence, would never really be full, and not as strong as a vampire should be; his willpower and self-control must be really good if he could stand being in his Singer's vicinity for long; and dating her furthermore!

No, the only temptation that Edward Cullen had for Isabella Swan should only be for her blood, and the fact that she could keep Edward out of her thoughts. Because unlike all the other pairs that Krista knew of and had witnessed the establishment of mate bonds over the years; the human and vampire pair before her doesn't feel like a real pair.

Brown and green connected with each other even as the only human blinked innocent doe-like eyes at Krista.

Krista slipped through the human's memories as easily as wadding through water.

For all that the Potter Family is one of the Old Families, and is unusually gifted in Mind Magicks—more so than any other vampire—if Krista could enter this easily without meeting some resistance, Edward with his gift in reading minds even without requiring eye contact should be able to do the same thing easily. But unlike those who were raised in Sin City however, Edward simply didn't have the training to learn how to do that.

"…Me and Edward… Forever… I want to be with him—stay by his side forever…"

"…Eternal youth and beauty… I can have that… And Edward too…"

"…Who are they? Why does Carlisle seem so afraid of them? They don't seem like much…"

Krista slipped out of Bella's head easily, immediately severing their connection.

Mind Magicks is a delicate thing. Even most experienced Occlumens like Severus and even Viktor Krum as well as Xatis will cause the recipient to suffer from a headache or two as they enter and leave minds. The Potter Family however is different. They could enter and leave, planting suggestions and wiping memories without anyone being the wiser.

Vampires are generally extremely skilled at Mind Magicks—more than any other. The best in Sin City have been Viktor Krum, Ethan Nightray and even Severus Prince. But the Mind Magicks that the Potter Family are capable of makes what they're capable of looks like child's play.

Krista's lip curled. Pathetic. Typical of a human—always wanting more and more, and always seeking ways to extend their remarkably short lifespan.

If there is one type of humans that the human hunters steer clear of when Nightshades exact their brand of justice—it is those that went to insane lengths to seek immortal life. It definitely won't be the first time when the Enforcers were activated and sent to end the life of a mortal when the lengths they went to in order to seek eternal life is beyond comprehension.

Krista remembered her paternal grandfather telling her of a man named Frankenstein that is a human that had gone to great lengths to seek eternal life during his time. It actually took two Enforcers and four Nightshades' agents to take him down. It is also why Intelligence kept a very sharp eye on the Philosopher's Stone ever since its creation; and anyone seeking it will be quietly eliminated.

Eternal life in the hands of a human is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

"Well?" Krista turned her attention towards Carlisle who looked very nervous. "I'm waiting."

"Well, you see—"

"I see that there is a human amongst your midst—sitting amongst you, and she's still alive." Krista deadpanned.

Lips quirking, Ethan took a step back and leaned against the wall next to Jasper. The Cullen coven is under Krista's jurisdiction. He can give his partner additional support—not that he thinks that Krista needs it—but he can't interfere directly unless Krista asks for it.

"They're in for it now." Jasper sighed, knowing his mate's temper whenever it comes to those of the Downworld flaunting their rules. And with the fiasco that is the Salem War and then the next half-century after that of the aftermath, Jasper can understand why Nightshades had such harsh rules about exposure—as is the Volturi.

"Don't I know it?" Ethan murmured in a voice low enough so that only Jasper can hear him.

"Who are you?" Bella couldn't contain her curiosity anymore. Furthermore, the way that this…unknown says human like it's some kind of filthy word.

The three of Sin City stared at Isabella Swan for a long time without saying anything before looking at the rest of the Cullen coven. Half of them shifted uneasily where they stood or sat; whilst Rosalie Hale seems to be trying to hide a smirk. Her bear of a husband seems torn between amusement and worry.

"I see." Krista turned her attention back to Carlisle who looked as if he wished to be anywhere but here. "You hadn't exactly been telling her anything about our world, have you?"

"Well, she's human, and—"

"The moment you bring one measly human into the know and into our world, it also becomes your duty to educate her about our laws!" Krista interrupted Alice's rather weak argument. "Does she know anything at all? About our laws? The rules governing our world? The punishments that awaits those who breaks it?"

There was an uncomfortable silence as the Cullen coven shifted uncomfortably, refusing to look at the only human in the room and at the angry Enforcer. Next to Ethan, Jasper restrained a groan. He only remembered one time when Krista was this angry; and last that he'd heard, the poor fool is still unable to go anywhere near Krista without shaking in his boots.

"Answer. Me."

"Been awhile since I've seen her this angry." Ethan murmured, watching warily as Krista lit into the Cullen coven. It is funny seeing Krista angry with someone—though if that anger is turned onto you, it isn't so funny. "Though considering that they've essentially broken one of the most important laws, I don't blame her. If things get out of hand, they would have triggered the start of another witch hunt when we've barely recovered from the last."

"With what that moron had done in Volterra?" Jasper murmured back—having been briefed about the entire fiasco that is the Cullen coven, and what one moronic vampire had done just a year earlier. "I'm almost surprised that no human had seen his true nature when he walked out into the sun, sparkling like a goddamned disco ball! Thank the heavens that the Volturi managed to cover it up."

Ethan gave a snort when he remembered the look on Krista's face when Demetri had rang her up when they were both in Norway taking care of a banshee incident, and told her everything that had happened. His partner and distant cousin looked ready to take their plane to Volterra, Italy and kill said vampire then.

"—phone call from Demetri a year ago. What were you thinking?!"

"I-I thought that Bella is dead and—"

"If you want to die so much, go and do it where no one can see you, and stop creating so many problems for me!"

"Edward thought he lost his mate!" Carlisle cut in the middle of Krista's tirade, trying to defend his son. "That's why—"

"That's why he used his good and kind heart to seek his death instead of his good for nothing brain?!"

"T-That's not…"

Ethan and Jasper both raised an eyebrow each, looking at each other before turning their attention towards Bella and Edward. "Mate?" Jasper murmured, perplexed. The human and vampire pair before him doesn't feel like a mated pair.

Ethan groaned, resisting the urge to rub his temples. "Please tell me we haven't landed smack in the middle of a teenage drama," he grumbled, much to Jasper's amusement. He studied the Cullen coven carefully.

As Krista is his partner, and this particular coven is under her jurisdiction, he knew a fair bit about them, and knew that Krista had never approved of them living so closely with humans. With the Denali coven, even though they also follow the animal diet and isn't exactly a small coven, they at least live away from humans. It is probably one of many reasons why Krista has a permanent tag on the Cullen coven, to have their activities reported to her the instant something happens.

And out of all of them, it seems to Ethan like it's only Rosalie Hale that seems to have common sense, and had totally agreed with what Krista is saying. And from what Ethan knew, the blonde vampire doesn't like Isabella Swan from day one. Most probably, Rosalie is like Krista—despising humans and their ways, and felt that the human girl only seeks something that she feels is beyond her reach.

Even for Ethan, he doesn't feel any true love between the pair; and he has seen enough mated pairs in Sin City to know a true pair when he sees one. It is why most of Krista's friends knew who Jasper is to her when she'd first brought him to Sin City.

"You can't blame Edward for doing what he did!" Alice protested. "He thought that Bella died—"

"Like all humans do, I might add." Krista growled, eyes flashing. "And if you don't want her to die so badly, why didn't you just freaking turn her, you moron?!"

Jasper stifled a snort of amusement. Honestly, it will probably save them all some headaches if this human is turned. Though on the other hand, if she is turned, there will be a whole other package of headaches to contend with.

Unknown to both Ethan and Jasper, both of them have the same thoughts. Ethan however dislikes and is wary of the human girl for a different reason—most likely the same reason that Krista had. She seems to be some sort of trouble magnet—having some kind of allure that lures all supernatural beings to her.

It reminds Ethan of the sirens of legend—beautiful sea maidens with beautiful voices that lure unsuspecting sailors with their enchanting voices to their deaths. Dhampirs have that same allure in a way—the only difference being that they were regularly hunted down; but Krista never actively sought out danger, and by now, she is skilled and strong enough to defend herself. With this human however…

Ethan had met others with that same allure before. As did all Enforcers at least at some point in their lives. And the supernatural beings that involved themselves with beings like that never met a good end. The allure like that of a siren is enough to drive them insane.

And if the Cullen coven isn't careful, this human girl whom they're so obsessed over might just be their downfall.

Ethan glanced at the human girl whose expression is like that of a stone statue as she sat on the sofa, listening to the argument going on around her—Hell, he hadn't seen her change her expression much since he'd first stepped in here with Krista and Jasper; and it honestly gives him the creeps a little. It is not normal for humans to have non-expressions like that.

Rosalie Hale who had been standing the closest to the pair looked over at them, seemingly able to guess what they're thinking, and she silently agreed with their views about the human girl that everyone in her family is so obsessed about for a reason that escapes her; and the moron that calls himself her brother.

She had objected right from the very beginning when the entire family had learnt of Edward's obsession with a human girl whom he couldn't read the mind of. And then when he had decided that he's too dangerous for her, he had decided on a whim to move the entire family away, not caring who he hurt.

While Rosalie doesn't like Bella that much, even she knew that doing such a thing would hurt Bella tremendously. They are both adults, in an adult relationship. Edward has no right to make all decisions himself in that relationship. It is only by sheer chance that Alice had found out what Edward had been planning to do when he had assumed that Bella is dead, otherwise, Edward would have chosen to end his own life over something that isn't even true.

"I won't do that! I won't damn Bella's soul!" Edward cried.

Several moments of silence reigned as every single pair of eyes in the room (save for one human) turned towards the soon-to-be-dead vampire.

If there is anything that could render Krista Potter speechless, this is it.

"I beg your pardon?" Krista said incredulously, staring at Edward Cullen like he'd grown two new heads, "you're trying to tell me that all the troubles I've been having for the past two years is essentially because of you having some Judeo-Christian belief about souls?"

"We're vampires! We're just nothing but soulless monsters!"


Everyone present jumped as Krista slammed her hand down hard onto the coffee table in the sitting room that a crack actually formed down it. The expression on her face is murderous. And judging by the wafts of anger that Ethan is giving out next to Jasper, obviously, the leader of the Enforcers is none too pleased either.

"Do you want to repeat that to my face?" Krista growled, and Edward gulped nervously. "I'm half vampire. Ethan and Jasper are both vampires. My father and grandfather are vampires. So are several of my friends. Are you calling us all soulless monsters?!"


"Insult my mate again, and I'll bury you so deep into the ground that it'll take you an entire century to dig yourself out." Jasper's soft voice tinged with warning and anger caused everyone in the room to turn towards the blonde. His crimson red eyes flashed with warning, and Edward gulped. He can understand now why this vampire is known as the God of War.

"Wait, you're vampires?!" Bella blurted out, staring from Ethan to Krista and back again. Obviously, she can tell that Jasper is a vampire, due to the similar traits that he'd shared with the Cullen coven.

A slow smirk crept on Ethan's face. "Someone's been amiss, I see," he coolly noted. "Why didn't you tell your human pet about the other type of vampires, Carlisle? You afraid that she'll run into one and get killed because she knew about the supernatural world?"

"Bella's not a—"

"There are two different types of vampires." Krista interrupted, cutting across Alice's indignant statement, "There's the type like the Cullen coven—the ones that sparkle under the sun and can only consume blood and don't require sleep. They're what we call mundane vampires. Then there's the type like Ethan and myself—the magical variety." Bella's eyes bulged out at the mention of 'magic'. "We don't require as much sleep as humans does, and can consume both blood and human food. And unlike them, we can use the sorcery arts—magic." Krista narrowed her eyes at the sudden gleam in Bella's eyes, making a mental note to keep a very close eye on this human. "And unlike Ethan, I'm not a full vampire. I'm half-vampire, and I'm also a witch from my mother's side. The stories of the Salem witch trials from centuries ago aren't myths. Clans of witches do exist—though there aren't that many left now. And majority resided in Sin City where they help to maintain the wards and barriers that had protected our sanctuary for thousands of years."

Rosalie frowned when she saw the look in Bella's eyes. It's the first time since she'd met the girl when she had a different facial expression; and Rosalie decided that she really didn't like the look on her face. The blonde recognised that look; after all, how many times had she seen it since she was a human when every healthy human male came after her like a dog in heat with that expression on their face?

Rosalie recognised that look on Bella's face as one of greed and want.

"If there are humans in the know about our world as well, and still stayed human, why can't you make an exception for Bella?" Edward demanded.

Krista's eyes flashed red, and Edward gasped as he suddenly felt all the air in his lungs whoosh out, and he felt as if a tremendous weight was laid on his shoulders, and he was forced to his knees.

"Edward!" Bella cried, rushing to her boyfriend's side.

"Because they are witches. Human they might be, but they belong to the supernatural world due to their abilities. And they're sworn fealty to Sin City since the time of their ancestors, with their magic having protected the world for thousands of years. And it will still protect the world after they're gone." Ethan was the one to answer, eyes flashing murder. "Your pet human doesn't fall under either category. She's a normal human with no magical abilities. She is not one of us. Thus, she doesn't fall under our jurisdiction and protection; and we are honour bound by the law to take steps to ensure that we don't risk exposure."

"She's known about us for two years!" Esme Cullen tried to argue for her children's sakes, sensing, along with everyone in the room, that Bella is just this close to getting killed. "She hasn't said anything yet!"

"The keyword here is 'yet'." Krista pointed out; releasing her Gravity Spell on Edward, and allowing his sister and girlfriend to help him to his feet, though his legs were shaking like someone had just cast a Cruciatus Curse on him. "And I don't trust the word of humans, since from my experience, they have a tendency to lie and betray when the mood suits them."

Jasper winced, knowing that to be true, since he had been a soldier prior to his change into a vampire, and he knew exactly the lengths that humans would go to in order to achieve their means.

"The wolf shifters from the Indian reservation knew about us and Bella—"

"Yes, and they have a lot to answer for as well." Krista growled when Esme mentioned the wolf shifters from La Push that she had been quite annoyed with for years. "Including why they let a human know about them, and not follow protocol. And I've been hearing things about them for the last half century that I'm less than pleased with. I'll be having them present me with every single one of their laws and rules, and have them explain to me why they're there. If they won't or can't explain it to my satisfaction, and won't change their bigoted and racist ways, they can find a new place to live."

Every single member of the Cullen coven including one human stared at Krista, speechless for several moments. As much as the relations between the Cullen coven and the wolf shifters were pretty strained, they do still have a treaty in place, and it is thanks to them that they could live in Forks without inviting suspicion; with the Cullen coven doing the same for the wolf shifters.

"Who do you think you are anyway, coming in here and making demands of us?" Bella demanded, ignoring Alice's continuous tugs and attempts to silence her. "You can't tell me what to do! You can't tell us what to do—"


With a snap of Krista's fingers, Bella's mouth continued opening and closing, but no sound came out. Her hands flew to her throat, as she stared at Alice and Edward, horrified.

"Bella!" Edward was quick to go to his girlfriend's side. "What did you do to her?"

"Sparing our ears from the abuse that is her screeching voice." Krista stated calmly. "I'll lift the spell once we're done."

Jasper winced. Okay, Krista must be really pissed if she's using her magic on them.

"You know the rules, Carlisle." Ethan's cool voice caused all to turn their attention towards him. Ethan is staring at Carlisle calmly. "You aren't some new vampire that is new to our world. You know the rules. And you know what we do to those that breaks them."

"We can never risk exposure." Jasper spoke for the first time in the Cullens' presence; never removing his eyes from the coven leader. "That is the ultimate law. For both Nightshades as well as the Volturi. And the law is there for a damn reason."

"How bad can it be if humans know about us?" Edward demanded, placing a comforting arm around Bella even as she tried to speak, but no sound came out each time. "You said yourself that there are humans in the know at Sin City—"

"Those 'humans' are witches; and hence, they belong to the supernatural! Haven't you been listening?" Krista snapped. "And 'how bad can it be'? Buddy, I got news for you. There is a reason why that is the ultimate law—the one in which no human can know about us! It only takes one. Just one. Just one human to learn about the Downworld—about the supernatural. And then, whispers about vampires and the supernatural will spread. And before we know it, we will be back during the time of the witch hunts, only ten times worst, as this time around, humans actually have the technology to destroy us! We'll be back during the time of the Dark Ages."

"It's part of the reason why Nightshades are known amongst the mundane world, and why only the top brass of each country's mundane agency actually knew about us." Ethan piped up. "It's to keep our secret; and to keep those we protect safe. It'll be the end of the world if the humans ever knew about us, and that vampires and the supernatural still walks amongst them." His eyes shifted to Carlisle who looked very uncomfortable. "You were there during the witch hunts. You saw what happened. You know exactly the lengths that humans would go to when they're afraid and angry. You had a front row seat to all of it. You know the dangers. The life of one measly human isn't worth the fate of the entire supernatural world." His eyes shifted to Bella—with Edward and Alice trying to shield her as a result. "One human isn't worth the price of our secret."

"And I've warned you before, Carlisle." Krista said irritably, "back when you started living in such proximity with humans, and you started adding more members to your coven. Expand your coven all you like; but if you do that, you stay the hell away from humans. Humans aren't idiots. They see a bunch of good looking and beautiful people. Do you think they wouldn't be curious? How many times do you think I've actually sent the Memory Reversal Squad out here to clean up your messes?"

The Cullen coven shifted uneasily on their feet; staring at each other before turning to their 'father' who doesn't look surprised. So that's why all the past 'incidents' were just swept under the rug like that? Nightshades had interfered? And Memory Reversal Squad? Did they tamper with the memories of humans or something?

"And not forgetting the incident with James and Victoria two years ago." Ethan reminded Krista.

"Yes." Krista's eye twitched. "Would you like to explain why I hear from some of my informants that one of my best informants ended up dead at your hands?!"

"It's not our fault!" Alice protested. "James was trying to kill Bella! What else were we supposed to do?"

"And if you lot hadn't taken it upon yourselves to involve this human girl with your affairs, we wouldn't be in this mess now." Ethan interrupted, peeling himself off the wall and standing next to his partner as an intimidation tactic. "No one is above the law. James was hunting Bella—because that's what he does. He's a vampire. He feed on humans. And you bunch of morons think you're well within your means to kill one of your own kind just because he's following his instincts." Ethan shook his head. "I hope for your sake this piece of news don't get out. You'll be considered pariahs even amongst your own kind if so."

Carlisle winced, knowing that to be true.

"And it sounds to me like this entire mess, along with whatever supernatural troubles for the last two years stems from one stupid mortal girl." Krista glared at said girl. "I'm going to report this directly to the head of Nightshades."

"You can't do that!" Alice protested. "They'll kill Bella!"

"Well, you should have thought of that before you did what you did, you fool!" Krista thundered, and Alice flinched back at the anger. "Our priority now is the Seattle incident. We're going to be around to take care of that." She gestured towards her partner and mate. "And you have until we finish this job to come to a decision that you should have already made when you revealed yourselves to her." Krista looked from face to face. "Turn the human or kill her. I don't care which. If you don't, I'll end her miserable life myself; and trust me when I say you don't want me to do that. I'm out of patience and time to care."

"We need time at least to come up with a believable story and a cover for Bella's disappearance even if we turn her." Alice protested. "Can't you—"

"No," were the simultaneous responses from the three from Sin City.

"Aro should have issued you this ultimatum a year ago." Krista said. "And I'll be having words with him about this. Stay out of trouble, and continue living quiet lives. Because so help me, Edward Cullen. If I have even a minor incident happening that leads back to you and that human pet of yours, I will drag you before the Wiccan Council to stand trial because it's you who revealed the supernatural to your human pet!"

Edward flinched at the mention of the Wiccan Council. Like all those in the supernatural world, he was briefed about the judges and police force of the supernatural world, and knew just how ruthless they could be.

"And I honestly doubt you want to face the Wiccan Council in a full trial." Jasper added. He had witnessed the Wiccan Council in the courtroom before. While he isn't the one standing trial back then, even he felt really intimidated and tiny in the face of their ferocity. If the Volturi are ruthless, one has to find another meaning for that word when it comes to the Wiccan Council. "Because from what I know, none in Sin City has been in relatively good moods for the last decade now, especially the members of the council. They'll tear you apart in a trial."

"That's all we came to say. And it seems like all the troubles plaguing Forks leads back to you." Krista gave Bella a scornful look, snapping her fingers to release the silencing spell on the human, and Bella coughed harshly, massaging her throat. Alice immediately hid her behind her frame. "Stop sticking your nose into everything and you might just survive long enough to see your twentieth birthday."

"Is that a threat?" Edward bared his teeth.

"Who knows? Trust me that if I want her dead, you'd never see it coming." Krista said coolly. "Stay out of trouble and keep a low profile. Because unlike Aro, I will not stay my hand if you break the law."

Ethan gave a quirk of his lips. "Let's go."

Krista and Jasper nodded even as they turned to leave. Even still, the vampires in the residence could still hear their voices as they left—as none of them were bothering to keep their voices down.

"I'm sending a message to La Push before we show up to inform them that we're coming. Both of you are vampires, and I'm half vampire. And from I know of the wolf shifters there, they tend to attack vampires on sight. And if they do that to us, Xatis is going to blow a gasket."

"Yeah, he's not been in a good mood lately."

"With everything that's happened lately? Who will be?"

Their voices trailed off slowly before there was then the sound of a car engine.

Rosalie Hale turned her attention back towards her siblings. All of them looked worried and even afraid, Carlisle particularly. Rosalie however had her attention on Bella.

It is the look on her face that she doesn't like.

Rosalie narrowed her eyes as she studied Bella intently. The uneasy feeling that she had from day one is returning tenfold even as the human stared at the door that the three from Sin City have exited.

Yeah. She doesn't like that look on her face and the feeling she's getting from Isabella Swan.

Not one bit.