I do not own Fairy Tail.

It belongs to Mashima-sama. I'm just a fan trying to make a story about my OTP!


Rogue sighed as his call went to Juvia's voicemail once more. It had been days since Juvia started ignoring him after what transpired between him and Gray. He thought Juvia would go on his side after what happened but the very moment that Fullbuster guy left the apartment after he got an earful of lecture from the bluenette he got his own.

Juvia was furious with the two of them but mostly to him. He chuckled at the memory of her angry face. He had seen her happy, lonely, helpless and hurt before but that was the first he saw her that furious. He actually knew that it was his fault. He provoked Gray too much and he kind of enjoyed it but maybe he went too far. What can he do, the guy got into his nerve.

He dialled Juvia's number again and when it went directly to her voicemail he finally gave up.

Maybe he'll go back again to Magnolia after finishing some important work at the laboratory just to apologize and of course to see his son who loves to stay with Juvia. He can't stand her anger and cold treatment. He's not used to it.

He put down his cell phone and his eyes darted on one particular picture among the many others that displayed in his office. It was a picture of him and Juvia the first time they met. She was just sixteen then and he's not yet a doctor. They were at the party that Juvia's stepfather threw for a reason unknown to him because he was really not interested. He just attended it because his father threatened him that if he don't he'll be really sorry.

The Juvia in that picture was way too far from the Juvia he knew now. The past ten years made a lot of difference. She'd been through a lot. She changed a lot. The light in her eyes were different.

His mind slowly drifted back to the time he met her again when she transferred back to Oak Town after years of staying at Magnolia. The time he first noticed the changes…

"I don't understand," Sting, Rogue's closest friend, whined as they walked along the almost empty corridors of the admin building of Phantom University. "Why do we need to be here? We have more important things to do at the laboratory. More interesting things other than giving lectures to those uninterested bunch of college brats who were only trying to look cool all the time."

He eyed his friend with very little interest. He's quite used to his whining and complains after so many years of being together. They'd been classmates and partners in crimes during their university times and became doctors together and currently working at the same Neuro Laboratory. "It's part of our project and you know that. Quit complaining, today is our last day here anyway."

"Yeah, whatever," he snorted. "You're only saying that because you're not the one who has to endure going back to a quiet hotel room after a whole day of talking where probably only five percent of the participants are actually listening. Having a wife do have its perks."

Rogue only shook his head with what his friend said. It's not his fault that he's grumpy because he's single and it's certainly not his fault that he already has a wife while Sting can't even find himself a steady girlfriend.

And speaking of wife, he remembered that Kagura said she'll meet him at the University gate after his lecture so they can go out for dinner. "Sting," he called out to his still mumbling friend. "Kagura and I have plans today so I—"

"Hai hai. Go on. Have some fun and I'll drown myself in misery back in my hotel room," he cut him off waving his hands in all direction like a silly child instead of a doctor that he is. "Just say hi to your wife for me and to that little you inside her tummy."


They went on different directions as they reached the exit of the building. Rogue quickly walked towards the gate because he doesn't want to keep Kagura waiting. His wife is always on time and she hates waiting. In his haste he failed to notice the young woman walking with her attention on the ground and they bumped into each other.

"Sorry," the woman squeaked. "Juvia wasn't looking where she's going. Juvia's really sorry."

His brows furrowed. That voice was familiar. He knew he heard that before somewhere and the way that woman talked is similar to – "Juvia Lockser?"

The woman looked up and their eyes met. "Rogue Cheney," she murmured with wide eyes.

A smile formed on his lips. He's right. It's Juvia. Metalicana's stepdaughter. "Hi. How are you? I didn't know you're back in town. I thought Gajeel said his little sister's in Magnolia."

Her face suddenly darkened and he had no idea what he did to sullen her mood. Well, Juvia was not actually the bubbliest person he knew but her reaction was quite odd. "J-Juvia transferred back just recently."

"I see," he said just so he can say something as he observed her expression. Something was really off about her. They're not really super friends but he knew her brother and they kind of became friends over the years since their family knew each other well and he can't help but to be concerned. "Well I hope you're doing well here." He won't ask anymore because obviously she's in a bad mood already but he can still subtly fish for any hint on why she's looking so down and lonely.

"Juvia's fine," she said almost only to herself. "Uhm. Juvia have to go now. It's nice seeing you again Rogue-san," she politely smiled and bowed before dashing away. Obviously she's not comfortable with the way Rogue scrutinized her with those penetrating crimson eyes of him.

Something is definitely odd about her, he thought but quickly dismissed the idea. Maybe it's just because they don't usually see each other that's why she seemed different. Maybe he could ask her when they bump to each other again. He'll be around the university for few more times for the research his team from the Neuro Lab were working on anyway. They'll meet again.

A cough caught his attention from following Juvia's fading figure with his eyes and his gaze shifted to a dark haired woman standing few feet away from him. "Dr. Cheney, you're already five minutes late," she said.

The smile on his face almost reached his ears when he faced the most beautiful woman in his eyes. "Hi wife," he greeted Kagura. "I didn't see you there."

Kagura's face contorted. "Maybe because you're all eyes and too focused with another girl."

"Huh? You mean Juvia?"

"So you do know that girl. Who is she?"

"Juvia Lockser."


"And what?" he innocently asked back.

"And of course she's not just Juvia Lockser. You don't usually talk to strangers," Kagura huffed.

"She's Gajeel's sister."

"I don't like her," his wife broodingly said before turning her back on him.

"Why was that? She's nice and –"

"She looked too nice that's why I don't like her. She looked like an innocent angel in distress and you looked at her like you're really glad she's in front of you. Like you want to know what's bothering her so you can be her hero who will lift her burden. Her knight in shining Lab coat," she said with an undertone that he's very much familiar with.

Rogue chuckled and walk towards his wife who started walking away from him. "Are you jealous?"

"Why would I be?"

Yes, she's jealous. It's very much clear in her tone. "Hey wife," he called out to her walking faster so he was standing on her side in no time. He smiled sweetly when she scowled at him. "I love you," he said and quickly pecked on her lips. His smile widened when she blushed. She really is beautiful. He stopped walking and grabbed Kagura's elbow. When she stopped he knelt in front of her four months baby bump. "Hey there little buddy, can you hear me?"

Obviously there's no reply from her tummy but Kagura smacked Rogue's shoulder. "What are you doing? People are looking at us."

He ignored her and continued talking to her baby bump where their child is. "Kiddo, will you please remind your mommy that your daddy only loves her, she should never be jealous." His gaze moved up to look at her directly in the eyes. "I only love you and no one else..."

Rogue blinked a few times to brush off the train of memories. Whenever he look back in his past it always lead to a memory of the woman he don't really want to remember and it's giving him an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. Thinking about her only reminds him of the pain he felt when she left.

But come to think of it, Kagura has always been jealous of Juvia and here he was practically living with Juvia and made his son believed that she was his mother.

Maybe Kagura was right to be jealous back in the past after all. She's jealous because maybe deep inside she knew Juvia was someone she could never be in his and Ryuu's life. An ideal wife and a wonderful mother.

A commotion from the other side of his closed office door pulled him out of his thoughts. He could hear his secretary's voice trying to stop someone from barging inside his office. At first he thought it might be the woman he was just thinking about but the face he saw when the door opened with a bang wasn't the face he used to love seeing every morning when he wakes up. Nope. He would never wish to see Gray Fullbuster's face first thing in the morning.

Behind Gray was his secretary looking at him with obvious distress. "Dr. Cheney, I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him but he won't listen."

"It's okay. You can leave us now," he said dismissing her. When the door closed again he gave Gray a bored look. "What are you doing here?"

Whatever Gray's reason for being there he's pretty sure it's not anything that he would like to hear. And he was right about that when Gray angrily threw some papers on his face. Rogue glared at the man standing in front of him before looking at what he threw at him.

His eyes narrowed a little at what he read. So the guy was actually doing everything to help Juvia regain her memories and he dared to test the medicines he was giving the bluenette. "What about these?" he casually asked.

The answer he got was a hard fist connecting on his jaw when he tried to look at him again. The punch was well aimed and he found himself on the floor a foot away from the chair he was sitting at just a moment ago.

"Damn you, Cheney!" Gray hissed through gritted teeth "I don't know what you are trying to do. If what you are doing to Juvia is some sort of experiment or you simply want her not to remember her past, I won't let you."

"I'm not doing anything to her."

"The he'll I'll believe you! You're giving her those forgetting pills. She wants to remember and you're sabotaging her!"

"Am I sabotaging her or am I sabotaging you?" he retorted pulling himself on his feet. Damn. The guy did punch him pretty hard. He'll surely need an ice pack later. "More than anyone else you're the one who wants her to remember. You just want to believe that it's what she wanted too."

"What the fuck are you blubbering about?"

Looking at Gray he wanted to pity him at some point. He actually doesn't know the guy and it's their second time to have a conversation and it's not a polite one. What he knew about him was based on what Juvia and Gajeel told him. It's a three version of him from three perspectives; one from a grumpy Gajeel who hated the guy and two from Juvia. A wounded and hurt Juvia and an in love Juvia perspective. Based on those he summed up that the guy was a complete jerk and looking at him now made him recounts his prior assessment of his character.

Maybe in love Juvia was a bit right about him. He's cold, indifferent and a bit hard to deal but he cares. He could see it in his eyes. He's angry because he truly cares about Juvia not because he's trying to stop her from remembering him.

But what he thinks of him had nothing to do with what he has to do. What he promised he would do in the name of friendship.

"The Juvia you met after years of being separated wants to remember you. She truly does but how about the Juvia who left you years ago? Do you know what she wants? Do you have any idea if what happened to her was something I did to her or something she wanted to be done to her?"

Confusion flooded Gray's eyes and there's no way to conceal it from Rogue's sharp and intelligent eyes. "I knew that you hate me, Fullbuster, and the feeling is mutual. There's no point in pretending that I didn't do anything. Actually I did more than anything you think I did."

"What else did you do to her?"

Rogue shrugged as if not caring about anything but he's quite amaze at the amount of anger Gray was showing. It's dripping through his every pore. He could actually feel that he truly wants to kill him by the looks of it. The only thing stopping him is the information only he could give him and they both know that.

"You see, the human brain is very complex and hard to understand but once you get the hang of it you can do a lot with it. And memories are the most interesting. Mixing chemicals and such to certain DNA can do a lot of wonders to memories," he paused to see if he's paying attention. "Just so you know," he added acting nonchalant.

"Since you did a good job investigating and running some test on the medicines I gave to Juvia I'm sure you knew what it can do." He took out a pencil and a blank paper as he spoke. He doodled lines and circles on it. "If you are good you can alter memories and at some point completely erase them and replace them with new ones completely covering what had been there before," he added as he started to erase what he doodled on the paper. "Just like this," he said showing it to Gray. "I am good with what I do and that's what I did to her. I wiped her brain of everything that happened in her past. It's not her accident that erased it. It was all my doing. I erased you in her memory; I told you I can build a life with her without you in the picture if I wanted to. But you see, if you look closer, there are still traces. The memories are not completely gone. You just need to trace them back, trigger the memories by redoing it and that's what you're doing but I won't let you do that. That's why I'm giving her the pills. I'm erasing you again in her life. It's only a matter of time before her mind turn back in nothing but a blank slate."

That time he was prepared when Gray charged towards him. He was able to dodge his punch. "Damn you, bastard!" he seethed. "Who the hell are you to do that to her. Why did you do that to her!? Why are you doing it to her?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he smirked provoking him to show more of his rage and trying to dodge his attacks. "I won't stop you from trying but remember that I will never let you succeed. And if ever you manage just remember that you should prepare yourself for the truth. I did what I did because I was asked to – no – I was begged to. Only you can answer all the questions in your head. You only need to know what you did on the day of the accident Gray Fullbuster. It was all because of what you did!"

"Stop bullshitting with me!" Gray roared, burning rage running through his veins. His eyes full of hate. "You will regret what you did and what you're doing! Once Juvia knew about it she'll surely hate you! I'll tell her everything."

"I'd like to see you try and let's see who she is going to hate. Me or you just like the way she hated you years ago!"


Rogue tiredly sighed after Gray left his office. He stormed out just like the way he did when he came in. he felt so drained after the confrontation plus his jaw throb painfully where Gray hit hm. He could feel it starting to swell and he also got a cut on the side of his lips.

"Looks like you're having a rough day," a silky voice came from the door Gray left open. He didn't need to look up to know who it was. He's very familiar with Kagura's voice. "I saw your mistress' boyfriend left. Did he smacked some sense it your head?"

Just exactly what he needs. A headache after another headache. Can't he just have a little break from people coming back from the past? "What do you want?" he asked not trying to hide his annoyance. "I'm not in the mood for whatever shit you have in store for me. You can leave now if you're here for some non-sense."

"Touché," she jeered walking towards his desk. "I'm just here to see for myself how well you are handling things concerning your little blue haired siren. Such a lucky bitch," Kagura grimaced. "A stupid – weak bitch."

He glowered at her when she flopped down on his visitor's chair. If there's anyone acting like a bitch it's her and no one else. She's a handful when she's in the mood to be annoying. "You know what dear husband, I changed my mind about wanting to be with our little Ryuu," she said in a way that irked him. She's talking in that cute little way that makes her look so damn alluring with her left hand playing with the stray strands of her hair while the other one was on top of his desk. "I no longer want to be with just him," her eyes met his. "I want to be with you again too."

"Like I'll ever want you back."

Kagura chuckled as she toyed with the paper weight she got from his desk but her eyes remained looking at him. "You might not want it but I'll make sure that you'll need me more than you can think of," she said her voice dropping very law. It was sultry and smooth for his liking. "I want you back and I will have you back."

"How can you be so sure?"

She smiled sweetly and for a moment Rogue saw the glimpse of the woman he loved. "Because whether you like it or not, you belong to me the way I belong to you, Rogue. I am the only one who can fulfil your every need. No one – not even your Juvia – can really replace me."

"I have to agree with that," he muttered. "No one can be as heartless as you are," he added with tone laced with anger and hate.

Just for a fraction of second he saw pain crossed her eyes but Kagura blinked it away. "Say what you want to say." She stood up and leaned towards him, her lips hovering just an inch away from his. "But I always – always get what I want."

He knew what she would next but he did not move away. When her lips touched his familiar sensations washed over him. The tingling feeling of having her so close and her scent sent his senses into frenzy of emotions. He shut his eyes and gave in. he's really tired and he got no strength to fight with his own body. It had been too long and he has to admit that physically he missed her.

He groaned when she bit his lower lip and her tongue slithered over the cut. His hand moved to her nape to pull her closer as he slipped his own tongue inside her mouth, tracing its familiar sweetness. They were in a very awkward position but that didn't matter as he felt he soft hands playing through his hair. Those sinful hands and her luscious lips, both reminded him of the good old days they shared together. The bittersweet feel of the love she gave him which he returned whole heartedly never suspecting that one day he would wake up with her no longer on his side.

He would like to see how far she would go for him and their son. What things she can do to win her family back.


Done! Raw and no edits so please bear with me!

I hope you guys like it. I know that maybe some of you really don't care about Rogue and Kagura but I actually like them and I want to give them some moments so let me know what you think about them by dropping a review below.

And please let me know if you want to read their story and if you want to know what happened to them how much they are involved with Juvia's life and what is the awaiting them at the end. I'm planning to write a side story about them and I already have the draft.

Maybe I'll add some teaser on my next update…

You know I love you,

