I'm back to torture our two favourite Ghouls.
Set during Tokyo Ghould :re. No recent spoilers.
Touka sighs. She can see Haise hanging back as his squad gathers their things and readies to leave. She already knows how this will go. It seems like every time Haise comes to :re lately he finds reasons to converse with her. Obviously that's more difficult when he's here with his squad, but she thinks the slim short-haired one with the eye patch has picked up on what's going on and he seems to find reasons to usher the others out in order to give Haise time alone with her.
The café is relatively quiet right now and she's the only one serving so she can't avoid him. Nishiki is sitting alone at the counter and she's tempted to ask him to take Haise's money, but she reasons that will only raise more eyebrows.
She watches Haise approach from the corner of her eye. He's obviously nervous and Touka almost wants to slap him. He reminds her so much of him when he acts like this.
"Em, hello?"
She takes a deep breath and turns to face him, her trade mark "Haise-smile" firmly in place. "Hello Sasaki-sensei. Was everything to your liking?"
He smiles at her. but she thinks she seems him wilt a little at her formal tone. "Yes, thank you. Everything was great… as always."
She bows her head a little as she rings up the bill but doesn't try to engage him in conversation. It's better that way.
He doesn't take the hint. "So… eh, quiet recently?"
"A little." She goes back to washing mugs. She can't encourage him. "It'll get busy soon enough with Christmas and winter festivals."
"Ahh." He drums his fingers on the counter. "You… eh, you'd probably want to take some time to do something fun before… before you're too busy to take time off."
She nearly drops her mug. Is he trying to ask her on a date? She's not an idiot. It's obvious he has a crush on her but she thought she had been subtle enough at dropping hints that she wasn't interested. Clearly not. Her throat goes dry. No, no, no! She doesn't want to hurt him but she cannot go on a date with this stranger wearing his face.
"Well," She glances over her shoulder at him. God, he looks so hopeful. "I was looking forward to being able to… to relax… by myself."
His face falls. "Ah." He quickly regains his composure and smiles at her again. "Spending time alone can be fun too." He looks embarrassed at the awkward recovery.
"Yeah." She sighs. Don't encourage him. "Have a nice day, Sasaki-sensei."
"You too, Kirishima-san." He gives her one last longing look before turning and leaving.
"I think I'm going to be sick."
Touka rolls her eyes and glares at Nishiki. "Go away."
"Can you not cut the guy some slack and actually let him ask you on a date before you reject him and destroy his soul?" Nishiki slides along the counter to mock her at a more convenient distance.
She pulls her hands out of the sink and dries them before rubbing her temples. "He was not going to ask me out."
"Eh, I think at this point he's ready to ask you to marry him." Nishiki snickers at his own joke but becomes serious when he catches sight of the tears in her eyes. "Ehhh, sorry."
She sighs and wipes her eyes. "Why does he keep coming here?!"
Nishiki sighs. "I think that's pretty obvious." He looks at Touka knowingly. "What's more confusing to me is why you won't just go out with the guy."
Touka sighs and leans against the counter. "Nishiki-"
"Hear me out! He likes you, you like him… It's not exactly rocket science."
"I don't know him." She busies herself with making a coffee.
"I'll have another." Nishiki makes himself comfortable. "Seriously though, he seems the same to me. Well, not quite the same. He's not nuts like Kaneki towards the end… he's more like he was when he nearly killed me. Annoying. And nice. And polite."
She hands him his coffee and sips her own to avoid commenting. He might seem the same but he wasn't truly Kaneki, was he? "When I said he was better off out of the Ghoul world, I meant it."
"How noble." Nishiki mocks. "Just fuck him then."
Touka chokes on her coffee. "What?!"
"Seriously, you both look like you need to get it out of your system."
She regains her composure. "You're disgusting."
"I'm telling you. One of the best remedies for this kind of love sick crap is actually having sex and realising how bad it is."
Touka wrinkles her nose at him. "How bad?"
Nishiki pauses to sip his coffee. "Yeah, seriously, you're both so awkward. You'll do it once and all the magic will be gone." He takes another sip. "And you're both virgins, right? It'll be awful." He makes an obscene gesture and grins at her. "You'll never see him again."
Touka snorts in disgust. "Shut up, idiot."
Nishiki grins.
Touka glances up as the bell rings.
"Ah, good evening Kirishima-san." He stumbles over her name.
"Good evening Sasaki-sensei." She feels her cheeks burn as Nishiki's 'suggestion' comes front and centre in her mind. "The usual?"
"Yes. Thank you." He takes a seat and pulls out some files.
Touka takes a deep breath as she prepares his coffee. Don't think about what stupid Nishiki said. The pervert has no idea what he's talking about. She hangs back a second hoping her blush will fade before she goes to his table.
He has files and note pads strewn across the table. He doesn't hear her approach until she's right at his side.
When he finally notices her he scrambles to make room for the cup. "Sorry, I'm not a very tidy worker."
She smiles at him and puts the cup down. "Alone tonight, sensei?" She feels her heart race. Did that sound suggestive?
"Yes. Just me. We have a, eh, big day tomorrow. I need to concentrate." He smiles sweetly at her.
She can feel her cheeks pink. She needs to leave. "Enjoy."
She returns to the counter and tries to distract herself with arranging the flowers for tomorrow.
Don't think about what Nishiki said… Don't think about what Nishiki said… Don't think about what Nishiki said…
She watches the minutes tick by. She didn't think it was possible to dread his visits more than she had before but now that Nishiki put those perverted thoughts in her head it was impossible to be around Haise.
How on earth would having sex with him help? She was already so confused about her feelings for Kaneki, that would just complicate things, wouldn't it? But what if Kaneki was really gone? She'd spent so much time missing him. Pining for him. When he stepped through the doors of :re all those months ago she thought she might faint… but then he hadn't recognised her and it was like she had lost him all over again. Was Kaneki really gone? Forever?
She glances at the clock and starts, realising it was almost ten minutes after closing. She grabs the keys and makes her way to the door. After securing the door, she flips the sign and turns back toward the counter only to run into another body.
A cup clatters to the floor as Touka screams despite herself, shocked that someone was still in the café. She raises her fists and assumes a fighting stance before recognising Haise standing shocked before her. "Haise!" She flushes at her instinctual use of his given name.
"Pardon me, Kirishima-san!" He crouches and begins picking up the pieces of broken china from the floor.
"It's ok." She kneels next to him.
"That's ok." He tries to block her from picking up the broken cup. "Let me. I'm sorry I startled you."
"It's fine." She begins gathering cup slivers. "It's my own fault. I was distracted." She inhales as a shard pierces her palm. Nothing happens for a fraction of a second, then a thin line of blood gathers at the wound before it begins to bleed heavily.
"Touka!" Haise gasps when he notices her stalling.
Despite herself she feels her stomach flip at his use of her name. "It's ok. Don't worry about it." She examines the cut. It will heal in no time, quicker if she has something to eat.
"That looks pretty bad." He moves forward and takes her hand in his.
She flushes crimson as he rubs her fingers gently while examining the cut. "I told you, it's fine."
"I think you should get it looked at in the hospital." He looks at her earnestly.
"I get cuts like this all the time." She pushes herself to her feet. "I can take care of it."
"Well then," He gets to his feet too. "Let me help. I have a lot of experience with first aid."
She knows she should tell him to leave, that letting him help her is dangerous, but she finds herself agreeing to his offer.
She leans back against the counter as she directs him to the location of the first aid kit. He opens it next to her and holds his hand out for her.
She looks away from him as she lays her hand in his. He brings it close to his face to examine it and she bites her lip as she feels his breath ghosting across her palm.
"You might be right." He dabs at the wound with a sterile swab. "It doesn't look as bad as it looked initially."
Touka hopes he doesn't pick up on her ghoul healing abilities. She swallows, not knowing what to say. He's so close to her, she can see the light freckles dusting his nose… his dark eye lashes. She forces herself to look away. "Good." She winces at how thick her voice sounds.
Out of the corner of her eye she sees him glance at her. He swallows heavily. "It should be fine with just a bandage."
He moves away momentarily to get some antiseptic cream. Gingerly, he wipes it across the wound. Touka tries to suppress a shiver as his finger lightly rubs along her palm. He moves again to grab a bandage before gently wrapping it around her hand. He turns her hand over to check on his handy work, then looks up at her, a soft smile on his face. "Done."
Touka's breath catches in her throat. He's so close to her, holding her hand and gazing in her eyes. She should push him away… say something abrasive, but instead she finds herself leaning forward and pressing her lips against his.
Haise inhales sharply, freezing in place momentarily before dropping her hand to slip his around her waist.
Touka whimpers as he steps forward, pressing her back against the counter. Why the hell has she pushed him away for so long? She arches against him as he licks at her bottom lip. He cups her face with one hand as he deepens the kiss and Touka feels light-headed.
She presses her hands against his back, pulling him closer. Her injured hands stings but she ignores it as Haise pulls away from her lips and nuzzles her neck. Touka cannot suppress her moan and grinds against him, thrilling when she feels the distinct outline of his erection against her hip.
Haise inhales sharply, pulling back to rest his forehead against hers. He chuckles nervously. "Sorry, eh, I'm getting a bit carried away."
Touka looks at him confused. "What?"
He gazes at her endearingly. "I promise I didn't have any ulterior motives in coming here tonight. I really did have work to do."
Touka sighs, her hands still pressed against his back. "I didn't think you did."
"I thought you weren't interested." He brushes her hair back and stares at her. "I've been trying to ask you out for ages."
She feels her stomach drop. That's not what this is supposed to be about. She's just getting him out of her system.
She doesn't know what to say so she just kisses him again. He hesitates for a second before kissing her back.
Her fingers tremble as she slides them along the waist band of his trousers. Haise inhales sharply, pressing her back against the counter and kissing her deeply. She is fumbling with his belt when he pulls back panting.
"We don't have to…" He blushes looking down at her.
She rises on tip toes to kiss him again but he pulls back once more.
"You've got a big mission tomorrow right?" She drags her lips along his neck. "We might not get another chance."
Haise groans, dropping his head to kiss her again.
Touka sighs, all ridiculous talk now left behind, she returns her attention to his belt. Efficiently she opens it and then drags down the zip of his slacks.
He hisses in response, once again kissing and nipping at her neck.
Touka slides her hand against his length and thrills as Haise swears against her neck. She teases him once more, then ducks her hand inside his boxers. Haise pants against her neck. She strokes him twice before he slips his hands under her legs and lifts her onto the counter.
He kisses her messily as he glides his hands up her thighs. Touka squirms against him, trying to get more contact. He cups her with his palm and Touka throws her head back, banging it noisily against a cupboard. Haise sighs as he strokes her through her panties. Touka wraps her legs around his back, dragging him against her. He slips his hands under her ass, lifting her up so that he can pull her panties down. He steps back for a second to give them space to pull her underwear down her legs. Touka doesn't care where they end up as Haise embraces her again. She pushes his slacks and boxers down and wraps her legs around him again. Touka groans as he presses against her.
"Touka-chan, are you sure?" He breathes into her ear.
The endearment nearly shocks her out of the whole situation but she's already gone this far. She needs to prove to herself that this whole thing with him is just some bizarre messed up infatuation. She needs to scratch this itch and be done with it.
She doesn't trust her voice to answer so she grabs his face to kiss him and arches against him.
He groans into her mouth, wrapping his arms around her back as he enters her. Touka inhales sharply. It hurts a little but she wants him too badly to care. Her shoes fall to the ground as she meets him thrust for thrust. She clutches at his back as she begins to feel a pressure build in her groin. Haise drops his head to her shoulder, clumsily kissing and licking at the bare skin.
Too quickly, Touka feels the pressure begin to peak. She can feel Haise losing control too. He slips one hand around her waist and the change in angle is too much for Touka. Her orgasm crashes over her and she cries out. "Ka-!" She bites her lip, quickly cutting herself off.
"Touka!" Haise grips her with an inhuman strength and shudders against her. "Oh fuck, Touka!"
They remain wrapped in each other as they recover. Haise trails kisses up and down her neck.
Touka is coming out of her lust fuelled haze. What the hell had she been thinking?
"You're so beautiful." He kisses her cheeks, brushing her hair back from her sweaty brow. "I've never met anyone like you before."
Touka looks at him quizzically, unsure what to say. He's looking at her expectantly so she kisses him to stall any response he expects from her. They just spent the past twenty minutes having sex but somehow this kiss feels more intimate. Haise holds her face gently and kisses her softly. She feels tears tingling in her eyes and squeezes them shut to stop herself from crying.
He presses his forehead against hers and strokes her face with his thumbs. "The first time I saw you…" He sighs. "I'd never seen someone so…" He laughs quietly. "It was like… like love at first sight."
Touka inhales sharply. No, no, no! This was not supposed to be happening! It was just supposed to be sex. She doesn't want to hear this from Haise, in Kaneki's voice. He clearly feels her stiffen against him. She hears him struggle to continue. She sees him swallowing nervously.
"Haha, what, what I mean is… I… would like to spend more time with you." He pulls back and looks her in the face.
Touka can see the fear in his eyes. He can tell something has shifted, that her barriers are going back up. She bites her lip.
They both jump when his phone suddenly shrills to life.
"I'm sorry." He pulls away from her. "I really have to get that." He pulls his phone out of his pocket and holds it against his face with his shoulder, freeing his hands to tuck himself back into his pants.
Touka slides down off the counter. She looks around for her panties finally spying them on the floor in front of the sink. She retrieves them and stuffs them in a pocket in her apron. By the time she stands back up he has finished his phone call and is putting his phone away.
"Sorry." He shrugs. "Like I said, big day tomorrow."
Touka smiles stiffly. "I won't keep you."
He frowns at her and she turns away from his sad eyes. "Do you… do you want to get coffee some time?"
Touka feels her heart race. This is not how this was supposed to go. "Em"
He moves behind her and runs his hand along her bare arm. Touka cannot supress her shiver. "It doesn't have to be coffee. You're probably sick of coffee. We could-"
"Ok." She needs to get him out of the café and reflect. He fills her mind too much and she can't think straight.
He slips his hand into hers and squeezes. "Great."
Touka glances back at him and cannot help but smile, even as her heart aches.
"Can I get your number then?" He looks so innocent and sweet.
She knows she should give him a fake number but she finds herself writing her own one anyway. He takes the paper from her grinning.
She needs to unlock the door, so she walks him out. He almost forgets his papers and has to go back to pack them up. He chatters nervously the whole time, not seeming to notice how quiet Touka is.
Finally, he is ready to leave. He stands in the doorway awkwardly, looking down at her. Touka looks up at him shyly, despite the deeds of not twenty minutes ago. He bites his lip, then leans down to kiss her cheek. He moves back slightly and gazes at her again before kissing her softly on the lips.
"So, I can call you then?" He brushes the hair from her face so gently.
She gazes back at him and lies. "Yes."
More torture to come... #thatshowIroll