He's been on ships before, some of them impressive others just got they're job done, this ship was neither. Ace looked around noticing other children chained up just like him and his brothers, he knew some of them from around the village and the others he didn't recognize he guessed they were from other villages that were ransacked. he turned to his right and saw Sabo looking around and occasionally glancing at his chains, he looked at his right and saw Luffy, who had his had down with his straw hat covering his eyes. Ace hadn't seen Ellie around, fearing the worst for her and for Luffy, those two were as close as you could get. Sabo, Ellie's parents and himself would tease the two of them about getting married...those times seemed so far away now. Really far away. with a sigh he looked around again hoping to at least spot Ellie or any sign of her, a part of her face, her hair, anything really.

Nothing. He found Nothing.

"Damn it." he cursed

"Don't worry Ace, she's still here. I found her with my Haki." he heard Sabo whisper to him

Haki! Of Course why didn't he think of that...idiot. Well at least he now knew that Ellie was indead here with them and she was alive, that's all that mattered she was alive. Now all that was left was to go the bad guys secret base, beat them up, free all the kids, and return home...

But there is nowhere to return to, everything was burned down, everyone dead, Everyone. No matter they had lived on their own before and they'll do it again, just only this time Ellie will be with them and...

'Oh Kami does Ellie know about her parents!' thought Ace

Ace gritted his teeth in anger, these bastards would pay for everything, for Taking away people important to them, for taking away their home, and worst of all for her hurting Luffy and Ellie. The room or whatever they were in began to heat up, some of the children began to whimper and tear up, the cuffs around their wrist, necks and ankles began to burn them. The sweat would fall off of their bodies, beads upon beads of sweat dripping on the grimy floor.

"Ace, Ace stop it." whispered Sabo, "Ace, stop."

Snapping out of his thoughts Ace realized that he was was emitting a high amount of heat to the kids around him, taking a calming breath he stopped the flow of heat. Sending a apologetic glance at Sabo, Ace closed his eyes and hoped that this would be over soon.

Sabo felt the ship slow down to a crawl, he knew what that meant that they were going to be docking soon. Good, the faster they got off the ship and in to where ever they were being taken to, the faster they could rescue everyone. Glancing at Luffy, who still had his head down, Sabo hoped that his little brother would be ok. That he would go back to being his happy go lucky self once this was all over, hopefully.

A half hour later, all the kids were led off the ships and the first thing that that noticed was the large incomplete tower straight a head. The smell of death perforated the air, the dirt beneath their feet was dark and hard. The cuffs and chains rattling against each other was the only sound that was heard. Everyone was silent.

Then Laughter.

The guards were laughing at them, some began to wipe tears off of their eyes. A gust of wind passed ahead of the group picking up sand and carrying it away, as the wind travel it howled as it passes between two man-sized boulders.

"Welcome to your new life kiddies." said one guard

"C'mon move it!" said another

A slow walk across the barren landscape towards the tower, some of the kids were sniffling others trying to put on a brave face but failing. Sabo looked towards his two brothers, Ace looked forward undaunted by it all. Luffy on the other hand was hard to read, the rim of his hat shadowed his eyes and he was eerily silent. Sabo tried to look for Ellie, but he couldn't find her near them focusing on his Haki, Sabo found her 7 feet behind him. Breathing a sigh of relief, hopefully this would all be behind them soon.

They were throne into a cell, surprisingly all 4 of them were in the same cell together. Ace, Sabo, and Ellie smiled at that Luffy however remained silent and showed no visible emotion. Hearing a noise in the room besides them the 4 of them turned to look to were the noise originated and found 5 other kids looking at them. each of them had a unique look to them, one kid was thin and had black short hair with blond eyebrows jetting out at the sides, and his most noticeable feature was a long hooked prominent nose in the middle of his face. Seeing as the new 4 kids in the cell were looking at him, he stepped forward.

"Hi, my name is Sawyer." he said

The only girl among the 5 children stepped forward, she had short white hair, the sides of her hair stopped at her shoulder while her bangs covered her eyebrows. "H-hi m-my name...Sorano."

A tubby looking kid, with curly orange hair and thick lips steppes up next. "I'm rich...Richard."

The tow remaining boys looked at each other deciding who of them would go up next, the effeminate looking boy with jet black hair and blue covered lips stepped forward. "I'm Macbeth."

The wind howled.

"And-and i'm Eric." says the last one of the group, he has a tan skin tone with an upward styled maroon hair, he also had a small purple snake on his right shoulder. Eric point at the small snake, petting it a bit as the snake surprisingly smiles and hisses in delight. "And this is Cubellios."

"Nice to meet you, I"m Ellie and these are my friends Ace, Sabo and Luffy."

"How long have you been here?" ask Ace

"I don't really know, a long time i guess." answers Sawyer

"Well don't worry, we'll get you all out of here. Isn't that right guys?" Sabo exclaims

"Right!" responds Ellie and Ace

"How?" Ask Sorano

"Simple with magic." repsonds Ace lighting up his fist and the face of the other kids on the room except for Luffy.

Sorry for the hiatus but i will be updating my stories again so check out my other stories if you haven't already

One of which is about The Avengers as part of Fairy Tail the main characters are Steve, Tony, Hulk, Thor, Logan, And Peter

So check it out if you are interested. And Remember to Review Follow/Favorite

Have a good day guys.