About three things I was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was really creepy.
Second, there was a part of him – and I don't know how dominant that part might be – that liked stalking teenage girls.
And third, I was completely and extremely weirded out by him.
Chapter 1
My mom is driving me to the airport so I can catch the plane to Forks, my dad's (and my new) home. Forks is the rainiest town in all of America; a sharp contrast to my old sunny home in Phoenix. My mom left my dad behind in Forks when they separated. I used to visit when I was younger but now I'm going there after three years.
I don't really like Forks but my mom has a new boyfriend and I don't want to third-wheel their relationship. It'll be like hanging out with my best friend and her boyfriend, only worse because mom and Phil are middle-aged.
At least I'll save money on sunscreen now.
Mom and Phil deserve their happiness and so does my dad, which is why I'm going to live with him for a change. Dad picks me up at the airport. I'm happy to see him. He's a bit awkward around me, understandably so. Living with your teenage daughter you only see once a year for the first time can't be easy on anyone.
He tells me he's bought me a truck, a Chevy. He bought it from his fishing partner, Billy Black. I'm touched by the gesture. Dad drives me home silently and I spend the journey marvelling at how beautiful Forks is. There are huge trees everywhere. Moss, ferns, undergrowth – it's a Pepe-coloured town.
We reach dad's house. My new truck is parked out front – a sturdy red vehicle. Dad's got a second hand computer and phone line connected in my room, the same room I've had since I was born. He removed the Winnie the Pooh stickers from the wall, thankfully.
I go to the bathroom and smile at myself in the mirror. My fair, dark haired reflection smiles back at me. Tomorrow is my first day at a new school. A new school, a new chance to make friends. A chance to reinvent myself.
It takes me some time to fall asleep that night. It always does in a new place. But the steady sound of rain pattering on the roof finally lulls me into a peaceful sleep.
When I wake up it's still raining. The sound is jarring at first; it barely rains in Phoenix. Then I remember I'm in Forks and today is my first day at Forks High School. I'm nervous but excited too. I want to make a good impression.
As soon as I reach the school – much smaller than my high school back in Phoenix but hey, it's a small town – I head to the office to get my paperwork done. The woman at the desk shows a hint of recognition when I tell her my name – Isabella Swan. Gossip travels fast in a small town; no doubt people are intrigued by me, anticipating a spoilt-girl-big-city attitude. I'm determined to prove them wrong. I take the papers she gives me and thank her.
My first class is with a Mr. Mason. It's English literature, and I've already read everything on the reading list. Good, I think. My assignments will be well done, I can help others out, and read fanfiction during class. At the end of class, a black-haired boy named Eric offers to walk me to my next class. I'm grateful; I could use all the help I get.
A short girl, Angela who I have a few classes with, walks me to lunch and invites me to sit at her table with her friends. I'm surprised by how friendly and welcoming everyone here is. New kids are usually ignored at best and bullied at worst. I half-expect someone to chuck some food at my face and yell, "Sike!"
My eye is suddenly caught by this group of pale-skinned people sitting at the end of the cafeteria. They're all very pallid and are sitting there with rigid looks on their faces, not eating anything. Strange, I think. Looking pale, pained expressions, uneaten food – they're showing all the signs of severe constipation.
Just as I'm considering getting up and offering them some laxatives one of them looks at me. He has bronze-red hair. He looks away quickly. Is he the nervous type? I ask Jessica, the girl sitting next to me about them. "They're the Cullens. Well, the Cullen-Hales. They live with Dr. Cullen and his wife," she explains. She rattles off a few odd names.
As I watch, one of them, Alice, gets up and throws her food in the trash. All of it. Uneaten. "Did no one see that?" I ask, shocked. "She didn't even eat anything and then she just threw it!" I protest.
"I know," Angela says in an understanding voice. "I've told them before that children in India are starving but they don't seem to care. Like, if you don't want to eat don't take any food in the first place. They're like aliens awkwardly trying to blend in."
The bronze-haired boy is picking at his bagel. He's probably going to add his own contribution to world hunger in a few minutes.
"What are they even doing?" I ask, as I watch them smile at the walls with blank eyes.
"No idea," Eric says. "We all kind of ignore them. They act like undercover cops, but really bad ones."
The one called Edward looks at me again. Undercover cops? Am I a suspect? I raise my hands in surrender to let him know that I haven't brought any drugs from Phoenix but he just gets frustrated and looks away. Maybe he doesn't like honest confessions.
My next class is Biology 2. When we get there I notice that the only empty seat is next to Edward Cullen, a maybe undercover cop and definitely constipated person. I sit next to him and he makes an odd face, like he really wants me to sit somewhere else. Well, I think. Everyone here is too nice. Someone had to break the stereotype.
Throughout the class he sits there with his nose scrunched as if he smells something bad. I'm pretty sure I remembered deodorant today but he still looks like he's sitting in a sewer, not a classroom. This guy is seriously weird. Did someone fart? I wonder idly. Then I decide to quit the mystery of what's-up-Edward's-ass and focus on class.
As I note down the specifics of cellular anatomy, Edward sits stiffly on his stool. I can't stand it anymore. I open my purse, pull out a laxative and slide it towards him. The poor guy is obviously so uncomfortable. But he looks up at me angrily and then knocks the pill off the table and onto the floor. The teacher doesn't notice. That's the last time I help him, I think.
Class ends and Edward leaps up from his seat and out the door. Probably finally going to answer nature's call. A cute blonde guy called Mike happens to be going to gym, the same class I have. We make conversation and I ask him if he knows what's up with Edward Cullen. "No idea," he says. "They're all pretty weird."
After gym I return to the office to give the receptionist some papers but Edward Cullen is already talking to her. Asking for directions to the nurse's room, I hope. The receptionist is talking to him now. Recommending he gets the help he needs, I hope.
I hand the receptionist the papers and head home. Not a bad first day. Everyone seems nice enough. (Except the Cullens of course, but I don't plan to talk to them anyway.) I go home happy, knowing I'll have people to talk to and go to lunch with tomorrow.