Title - Written By The Victors
Chapter title - The End
Author - OblivionsGarden
Genre - Romance/Adventure/Friendship/Drama
Disclaimer - I do not own the Uncharted Series in anyway shape or form. I only own the plot points surrounding my oc's, not recognized from the games. For this chapter I own, Penny Kingsley.
Chapter Word Count - 1603 words.
A/n - Please leave a review, I'd greatly appreciate it. Hope you enjoy, xx (:
At ten years old the twins were becoming more insistent on being allowed to tag along with their parents whilst they were working. As long as nothing would put them in danger and all of their school work was done, Sam and Penny Drake had no issue with it. In fact, they encouraged it.
So when they found themselves deep in a Guatelmalan jungle, the parents loved watching their children run and explore, excitedly running back whenever they found anything. Sam loved that Avery, who was exactly nine minutes older, would help Bonnie climb into trees as high as they could so they could scout which direction they should be going next.
"Guys, be careful!" Penny called as she inspected a strange carving in the base of a tree.
"That's the sixth one we've seen so far, we must be going the right way." Sam murmured as he ran his fingers along the grooves in the wood. "Hey, Sully?" He spoke into his two way radio, turning to watch his children army crawling through an overturned log. "We're heading toward the eastern side of the river, alright?"
"Alright, I'll try and find somewhere to land over there."
"Dad!" Bonnie's loud whisper caught his ear and Sam jogged over, kneeling beside his daughter as she pointed just a little ways ahead of them.
"Oh wow." Sam grinned. "Do you know what they are?"
"Monkeys." She smirked and he chuckled, pulling Avery to his side. "They're howlers aren't they?"
"Mantled howlers." Avery corrected his sister as they watched the monkeys.
There was a group of them, some lounging, some eating leaves. Penny crept up to her family, kneeling by their side to see what they were peering at. With a smile she took a quick picture before stepping back to take one of Sam with each arm around his children. As she did, she noticed another of the marks on the trees either side of them. And then more furthur on, creating a circle around where the monkeys were sat.
"Honey?" She called. "Come look at this." She waited for Sam to reach her side before pointing out each sigil. "I think those monkeys are in our way."
"Alright, stay with the kids." Sam instructed before moving forward.
"Is he insane?" Avery hissed as he watched his father creep forward. He was an intelligent boy and he knew that the monkeys probably wouldn't hurt him but even so, it set him on edge. "Mum, is he goddamn insane?"
"Ave, I've told you about using that word."
"Sully says it all the time."
"Well when you're his age you can say it too, but not now." Penny gave him a pointed look and the young, red headed boy stayed quiet. "And your dad's just going to scare them off. This is where the entrance should be."
"Oh." Avery paused, glancing at his dad desperately trying to shoo the monkey away. "Why doesn't he just shout at them?"
"We don't want to startle them, they might attack."
"I think a twelve foot man might startle them, mum." Bonnie giggled and Penny had to bite her lip.
"Just, stay here and don't move."
Penny headed over to her husband who had only managed to get some of the monkeys to move up into the trees. She placed her hand on his forearm, stopping him and gesturing to the floor in the centre of the clearing.
"Let's just go for it." She shrugged. "They aren't bothered by us clearly."
"Maybe they've seen humans before." Sam sighed as Penny produced something from her bag. "Which means someone had been here and tried to open it before."
"They wouldn't succeed without this though, would they?"
In her hand was a beaded necklace with a feather situated in the middle. She brushed away the dirt and leaves to where she's spotted the same sigil that was carved into all of the trees. She placed the necklace down, stepping back when she felt the ground shake, sending the monkeys off into the trees.
Sam turned when he heard his children rushing over to them as the floor rose up into a tower, not too much taller than Sam himself. He held his children behind him until the rumbling stopped and the jungle returned to it's usual silence. Penny checked inside and gave him the nod to say that it was clear.
"Alright," Sam moved his children infront of him so he could cover the rear. "Who know's what this is and where we are going?"
"The home of the Quiche tribe." Bonnie smiled, running her fingers along the wall as they descended the staircase that was inside the tower.
"Good job, sweetie." Penny smiled, using her torch to light the way now that no daylight could reach them. "Why don't you tell us the story?"
"But we know the story!" Ave sighed, rushing ahead of his sister only to be stopped by his mother.
"Refresh my memory please."
"Guatemala used to be home to the Indian tribe of the Quiche." Bonnie began. "Their leader, Cacique and his wife had a son, Quetzal."
"When he was old enough to become a Quiche warrior they had a celebration." Avery took over the story, taking his sisters hand in the dark when he saw the worried look on her face. "Their wise sage gave him a necklace with a feather and told him to always wear it because he would live forever with the Quiche."
"Will you live forever since you had the necklace, mum?" Bonnie asked.
"No, sweetheart." Penny smiled. "I never wore it, plus I didn't have a Quiche sage to tell me it was my destiny."
"Anyway, Quetzal's uncle, Chiruma was jealous because he wanted to be the next leader. So he waited until Quetxal was asleep and stole the necklace."
"And shot him with an arrow the very next day." Bonnie took over from her brother once more. "But Quetzal rose from the ground as a beautiful, red and green bird because like the sage said, Quetzal would live forever with the Quiche."
"You guys are good at this." Sam smiled, ruffling his sons hair. "You make your old man proud."
The family explored the hidden land of the Quiche, looking for nothing in particular. They liked to take the children to the places that didn't necessarily have a financial gain to come. Sam no longer held treasure and riches over everything, he had more important worries and wants. They found little trinkets here and there, some that the children wanted to keep and some that Penny wanted to send back to the museum. She may not speak to her parents but she did it occasionally in honor of her grandfather, since the museum was his pride and joy.
During their trip, Bonnie was certain she'd seen Quetzal in his bird form flying around them, watching them explore the place his people used to live. Penny wasn't sure if she had or if she was just tired. They settled and had lunch in what they figured would've once been a camp, perhaps where Cacique and his wife would've lived or where the warriors would've stayed. They didn't head back to Sully's plane, bearing trinkets and stories, until the early hours. Avery was fighting sleep, insisting he was fine and marching ahead of them. Bonnie however was on her fathers back, slumped over one shoulder and drooling slightly onto his shirt.
Whilst the kids slept on the plane back home, Sam and Sully decided that it was about time they headed back to visit Nate and Elena. It was coming up to Cassie's fifteenth birthday and the twins hadn't seen their cousin or their aunt and uncle in a while. They'd been travelling around so much recently they'd barely stopped to catch their breath. They knew how much the twins loved to tell stories of the trips and loved to hear of Cassie's too. Penny and Sam hadn't told them that Cassie had been on the cover of Adventure Life yet, figuring the teen should be able to tell them herself, despite how modest she had been about it on the phone.
Penny smiled as she leant against her husbands shoulder, listening to the excitement in his voice as he planned the trip to see his brother. He wrapped his arm around her as he spoke, pulling her in close and pressing a kiss to her hairline. Sam ran his fingers along her arm until she finally fell asleep, him and Sully slipping into a comfortable silence.
It was times like those, in the night when it was quiet, as he looked at his family that he knew he'd done good. Despite his childhood, despite his years as a thief, despite Panama and despite his mistakes in Libertalia, somehow he had come out with the perfect woman who had given him the perfect children and the life he'd always wanted. He knew his kids would never have to run away, live rough on the streets or learn how to steal from innocent strangers. He knew that his little brother was happy, had his perfect wife and child, had settled down like he'd always wanted. Somehow, despite every shit thing that had happened to the Drake brothers they both got what they'd wanted, both got their little slice of heaven. As he got older, Sam questioned it less and appreciated it more and he knew that somewhere, if there was an afterlife, Cassandra Morgan was proud of them.
"Love you." Penny mumbled in her sleep, hand fisting into Sam's shirt.
"Love you too, sweetheart."
A/n - Urgh, talk about the cheesiest damn ending ever. I suck at ending fics, I know, I'm sorry.
Anyway, that is the end of Written By The Victors. *Insert sobbing gif here* HOWEVER, I am doing two new stories, more info below...
1. Sam Drake/ OC - This story will begin when Sam and Nathan are in the orphanage and the OC will be a girl that they befriend there. It will follow hers and Sam's relationship through their teens up until the Morgan's become the Drake's, how they reunite, Sam's 'death', Sam's return, Libertalia and so on and so forth. So, it should be fairly longer than this one and I will be uploading it here to .
2. Rafe Adler/Reader - This story is just a smutty mini series I've had the idea for, for a while now. I'm probably going to post it on tumblr, but I may post it here too, I'm as of yet undecided. But it will probably be around ten or so chapters, most of which will include smut.
So, that's just a heads up incase you're interested. And I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has faved, followed and reviewed this story. You're all awesome and I really, really appreciate it. LOVE YOU! 3 xxx Also if you want the full story of Quetzal just google 'The Ledgend of Quetzal'. xx