I do NOT own Harry Potter or any of the characters. I claim only the right over this writing. J.K Rocks!

I just reread this story after a long absence and... it requires some editing. So, chapter by chapter I will try to improve it.

Disclaimer: Language, boyXboy.

Chapter one: Not even human

Draco Malfoy always stayed up on the fourth of June, and he did again this year, 1996. It was an old habit that remained from his childhood, when his mother would pounce on him at the stroke of midnight; she hadn't done that for several years though. Despite that, Draco stayed up, sitting by his window sill and looking at the clouds covering the moon. He always searched for his constellation but on this night, he couldn't have found it.

He heaved a sigh as his grand-father cloak tolled the witching hour of midnight. He was sixteen now. Sweet sixteen they sa-

-and strike! Draco felt a pang in his gut and there was nothing sweet about it. He doubled over, nearly banging his head against the window. The pain was much like a stab – and he knew that well – right into his stomach; but at the same time a shiver ran over his spine making him tremble. His vision blurred for a moment and his world was covered in a layer of pure white smoke. Then he got a push, like the world suddenly came to a halt, and it stopped.

He looked around him but there was nothing to be seen; no smoke, no attacker, nothing. He looked outside with his hand on his stomach, wondering what in Merlin's bloody beard's name had happened.

Draco slept soundly that night; in fact not only the night, for the morning saw no young Malfoy up and about. Finally after twelve, Narcissa looked into his room and found him sleeping soundly, which was unusual for her son. She had let him sleep because Lucius was away and he was finally allowed to stay in bed. She sat by his side and nudged him gently.

"Draco," she called, "Draco honey, it's past lunch time."

Finally his lids fluttered and grey eyes opened to the sun shining brightly in the sky. He frowned and framed himself against the light. He let out a sigh and flopped back onto the bed, saying, "I'm still tired, and I'm not hungry. I'll come down later."

Narcissa nodded and kissed his forehead. "Happy birthday, Dragon," she whispered as she got up. She hadn't even left the room when she heard Draco's breathing slow down to a sleeping rhythm.

He slept on till the sun set. He woke up by himself, at last upon smelling a fragrant odour reaching his nostrils. He still felt tired, all energy had been drained from him, but his stomach demanded food and he knew the tradition. It was his birthday and the house elves knew just what he liked. He went downstairs in his pyjamas knowing his father away and joined his mother at the table.

"Evening Dragon, do you feel better?" she asked with a polite smile.

"Much, thank you mother," he lied swiftly.

They ate comfortably with an easy flow of conversations, as was often the case between the pair. Draco felt appeased. He sensed the headache and discomfort leaving his body as it absorbed the food. After dinner they both sat in the living room, continuing their discussion; and though polite and considerate that he is, Draco couldn't help but fall asleep again. Narcissa smiled as she observed her son and carried him – magically of course – to his bed.

The next morning Draco was still in bed when Narcissa came to see him at lunch time, but he wasn't comfortable. She saw him fidgeting in his sleep, a frown deeply embroidered over his eyes and pearls of sweat trickling down his cheeks. She felt his temperature and her heart stopped, he was burning up. She immediately ran downstairs to call upon a healer.

Draco woke in the mean time, clutching his stomach as his body was shaken by coughs and sneezes.

The healer made him sit up as she examined him. She frowned and took Narcissa aside but Draco would have none of it.

"It's all about me," he said. "So you tell me to my face."

Healer Fray turned towards him. "Very well," she started, "Your biological code is being rewritten, from what I can see."

"Sorry, again," Draco asked with a frown.

She sighed and sat down on the chair in the corner of the room."Your biological code is being rewritten," she repeated. "Your genes are changing; which explains how tired you were, your body is using up all its energy to change the combinations. The coughs and sneezes are simply because while your genome is changing, your immune system is failing, until the new sequence is complete that is." She paused.

Draco simple stared at her, trying to keep his nose up in a disdainful fashion, just as his resolve was breaking around him.

"It can happen sometimes," she continued. "It's what happens to a werewolf for instance. Seeing as you have no bite and it's evidently not a full moon, we can rule that out. It was your birthday yesterday, wasn't it? In that case we call it inheritance. It happens in some families who have mixed blood. I won't judge your family but it would appear it's not as pure blood as expected. Now I can't tell you which inheritance it is, that is something you will have to find in your family's history."

Draco stopped dead in his tracks, the wheels in his mind turning round like a race car. Finally he said, "So... you are suggesting that I'm not a pure blood Wizard?"

Healer Fray got up. "For at least half of you, Mister Malfoy;" she replied, "I'm suggesting you are not even human"

Draco sent his mother away after that, he needed to think. He found that whenever he closed his eyes to think – a habit of his – he'd fall asleep, which, after an internal fight of many strenuous minutes, he finally did.

Narcissa on the other hand could not rest. She knew that if there was a flaw in the purity of her son's blood, it must have come with her. She also knew that if one day Lucius found out, Draco would be disowned and she would be Narcissa Black once more. So she went looking in old archives searching for a clue, a text, a confession, anything. She perused her family's history, passing every single name in detail. And there it was, written in blue print, right next to Perseus Bredge: Married to Hylda Black, species: Veela.
