Chase started listing every regret that he had at that moment. He regretted ever allowing Jack Spicer to live in his home. He regretted giving drawing lessons to him. He regretted letting his warriors get attached to him. He regretting getting attached himself. He regretted taking him in as a mate and he definitely regretted to agreeing to teach the klutz how to fight.

A vein popped out on the warlord's forehead from irritation as Jack, yet again, fell ver in an attempt to kick the training dummy that was set up in front of him. Jack was supposed to be a genius, at least that's what the young man claims to be, then why was he having such a hard time grasping such a simple concept?

"For the fifth time, Spicer, you have to balance on the opposite foot?" Chase stated.

"I am!" Jack protested.

"Then why do you keep falling over?" Chase asked.

"You're the teacher, not me." Jack huffed, patting his hands against the floor since he had yet to get off of the floor.

"Do it again." Chase ordered. "And do not grunt at me." He added before Jack could make a sound.

"I wasn't going to grunt." Jack muttered as he got up, adjusting his t-shirt since Chase made him remove his usual trench coat, saying that it would get in the way and prevent him from seeing his body movements properly.

"Sure you weren't, now do it again." Chase repeated.

"Fine." Jack blew out some air and readied himself. The young man let out a little yell and kicked the dummy, ending up on the floor again. "Damn it!" Jack cursed and slammed his fists against the ground.

"Really?" Chase sighed, it had taken him this long to realize what Jack was doing wrong? "You're over kicking."

"I'm over-what?"

"You're kicking much farther than what's necessary." Chase helped Jack to his feet. "You're aiming to stop here." He pointed to the empty area beside the dummy. "When you need to aim to stop right when you hit the target." The warlord kicked the dummy to show what he was talking about, keeping his foot up in the air and pressed against the dummy. He waited a second before lowering his foot and stepping back. "Now you do it." Jack nodded his head and repeated the action, keeping his balance and managing to stay standing as he lowered his own foot.

"I did it!" Jack cheered. "That was so cool! I should get a reward or something for that." He added, thinking of an ice-cream treat or a pudding cup.

"I guess a reward would be appropriate." Chase said, a light smirk on his face as an idea popped into his head.

"I think I have some pud-" Jack stopped when Chase suddenly grabbed him and gave him a quick kiss. "Not...not the reward that I was thinking of, truthfully."

"Are you complaining?" Chase asked.

"Not at all. I'd appreciate more, though." Jack chuckled and leaned in for a second kiss, letting out a 'meh' of protest when Chase put a hand on his face and held him back.

"You must earn those types of rewards." Chase stated.

"Are you joking?"

"I don't joke, Spicer."

"Warthog War of eighty-four?"

"That was a special occasion." Jack let out a loud groan and made his body go limp, forcing Chase to either let him fall or hold him up. Thankfully he went with the second option.

"But the first two times that you kissed me, I didn't have to earn it."

"Again, special occasion." Chase said.

"Why do I like you again?" Jack muttered.

"The wit, the charm, the looks, the power, the hair." Chase listed.

"It was a rhetorical question, asshole and did you really say your hair?"

"I did. I have received many compliments on it, so I figured it counted." Chase chuckled.

"Don't forget to add your large-ass ego to that list." Jack huffed.

I'll make sure to do that." Chase winked, making Jack groan again and remove himself from the warlord's hold.

"You're impossible sometimes." Jack said.

"As you say, but you're the one who agreed to being my mate." Chase pointed out.

"Like I had much of a choice! You're the one who made me like you." Jack pouted.

"And I didn't even try." Chase smugly added.

"If I didn't know that you could literally snap me in half like a twig, I would have slapped you for that comment." Jack said.

"Would another kiss make you feel better?" Chase suggested, proud to have found a way to stop Jack's whines without his warriors.

"Maybe." Jack murmured, unable to hide a small smile on his lips.

"Come over here, then." Chase gestured with a hand. Jack let out a soft laugh, hopped over to the older man, wrapped his arms around him and felt Chase put his own hands on his hips. The two were about to kiss when a loud beeping in Jack's pocket went off without warning, sending the genius into a flailing fit and almost slapping Chase across the face.

"Seriously!?" Jack snapped as he pulled out his phone, the beeping coming from that. "There is no way that a second Wu is being carried into his area with such little time after the last one." The young man started playing with his phone. "Seventeen miles northeast...isn't there a lake there or something?"

"Correct." Chase confirmed. "Perhaps the animal or person that was carrying the Wu dropped or threw it into the lake."

"Explains why it's moving around so fast." Jack started to wander off. "I'll need to get my actual Wu tracker since I modified it to be a lot more accurate than my phone." He said, heading for the door.

"Hold on." Chase stepped in front of Jack, making the younger man bump into him.

"What? Why are we waiting? The Xiaolin losers'll get the Wu before we even get there if we don't go now." Jack protested.

"Who said we were going after the Wu?" Chase asked.

"Dude, it's Wu! Don't you want to know what it is?"

"You do realize that I have an orb that allows me to see any part of the world whenever I please?"

"You have a what?"

"Did I not mention that? How did you think I found your home?"

"I...oh!" Jack held out the word, remembering what Chase was talking about. "That orb!"

"How could you forget about that? I thought you were supposed to be a genius of some sort." Chase sighed.

"But that ruins the surprise." Jack said, ignoring Chase's comment. "Now, let's go." Jack grabbed Chase's wrist and tried to walk off, but stumbled a little when Chase stood stronger than a wall. "Stubborn mule." He muttered, releasing Chase's arm.

"I heard that."

"Good." Jack flinched when Chase turned around and glared at him. "Please, can we go?" The young man asked. Chase took in a deep breath. He let out a chuckle a moment later and started walking towards the exit as well, stopping to rub the top of jack's head, earning a half-attempt at a protest and an even weaker attempt to remove his hand.

"Fine, we'll go." He said and continued on.

"Yes!" Jack pumped a fist before following Chase.