Greetings. I am Vultarian01. Welcome to Canterlot Carnage Pro Wrestling. I know that some of you already thought the old story (CCPW) was fine, but I honestly couldn't keep writing it. I didn't like the way it turned out, and I wanted to "rewrite" it. I use parentheses around rewrite because, for a fair part of the first 17 chapters or so (I can't predict honestly), it will be relatively the same material with some differences put in for improvement. I looked at my old story, and I really did enjoy writing it, but I knew I could do better. So, this is my improved version of CCPW. I hope you enjoy. Danke.

Disclaimer: I do not own MLP or any of it's respective characters.

Chapter 1

Two months ago…

The Main Six had decided to delve together into their favorite sport: Professional Wrestling. They could make their own matches and wrestle each other for fun. After a couple months of planning, they had everything set up except for a place to do it. That's when Rainbow Dash suggested that they could use the abandoned building that was located outside of town. Rainbow Dash said that the city used to own the building, but it eventually got condemned and everybody just seemed to forget about it. So, they planned to regroup there after school was over and a quick lunch.

When the six friends arrived, they saw that the outside of the building was square and looked rather small. However, when they went through the hallway entrance, stepped inside and flipped the light switch, it looked completely different. The inside was still small, but not too small, as it looked somewhat similar to a sub-standard gymnasium. The lighting was dim, but it seemed bright enough to show the entire room. There were bleachers on each side of the room that could probably hold about 900 people each, maybe? The middle of the room was large and spacious; perfect for a wrestling ring. In the far back of the room, there was a wide door that looked almost like a pair of double doors, but it turned out to be a sliding door. The door led to a narrow hallway which led to three more doors at the end. The one on the left led to the girl's locker room, the one on the right led to the boy's locker room, and the door at the end of the hallway led to a small office complete with a bookshelf covering the back, a wide desk, and three chairs facing it. It was the perfect. However, the place was filthy and was in dire need of some renovating. But that was okay because they had help.

After a couple days of preparing, the girls, and a few of their relatives, came by to begin the creation of their wrestling company: Canterlot Carnage Pro Wrestling. They started by cleaning the building from head to toe until it was at least somewhat presentable. They built the ring with the necessary supplies given to them courtesy of the Apple family for having so much leftover junk in their shed. The mats were laid down around the outside of the ring that they got from the large storage closet in the gym, and they also put up the barricades at the base of the bleachers. But what's the point of having barricades and guardrails if you don't have an actual audience, right? Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie got that covered. They used their rather large assort of stuffed animals, and set them up in the bleachers. Meanwhile, Twilight installed recording devices inside most of the stuffed animals. Using a small remote control, Twilight or any of her friends could activate the recording devices in each of the stuffed animals with a volume adjuster and two basic settings: Cheers, and boos. They would use the lighting equipment they had installed in the middle of the ceiling to light up the middle of the ring, but would keep the lights in the bleachers really dim, almost turned off even, so they couldn't see the stuffed animals very well, thus creating the reasonable illusion of a live audience. A few of the stuffed animals would also have bulbs tied to a strap around their neck which, when remotely switched on, would give off bright, periodic flashes to mimic cameras taking pictures just to give it that extra bit of realism. They also put up some beam lights and pointed them toward the red curtains covering the entrance to the hallway which is used for their "grand entrances" as Rarity called them. Rarity personally made the curtains for the grand entrances of each wrestler (after removing the door of course). Rarity also took the liberty of making the entrance themes (with the input from her friends), the wrestling attire, and the red carpeted runway from the curtain to the ring. Rainbow Dash helped making the commentator's table and movies it in front of the bottom center of the bleachers from the right side building entrence's perspective.. They brought five microphones for them to use for announcements and stuff, as well. But what's a fight to start without a bell? Luckily Pinkie Pie kept a bell in her hair just in case of bell emergencies like these. Pinkie Pie also organized both locker rooms and (with the help of Twilight) organized the office at the end of the hallway that they can use for meetings.

They were nearly finished; their work almost done. It was time for the finishing touch. In the middle of the white canvas ring, they painted their logo. It was a simple design, but it managed to pop out reasonably well. They painted a large, goldish-bronze circle with the paint they had on hand. Within the circle they painted C.C.P.W. in purple, the left side of each letter outlined with gold; and similarly, the out and insides of the circle thinly outlined with purple. The girls and the others who have worked hard to make this happen, each took a moment to step back and take it all in; the fruits of their labor.

"You know… if you look at the logo and squint your eyes a bit… it kinda looks like we smeared peanut butter and jelly on it," Pinkie Pie observed, "And you could say that the white ring canvas is the white bread that holds the PB&J together… which is much tastier than using yucky wheat bread. Unless it's honey wheat, then I guess its okay."

"Eeyup." nodded Big McIntosh.

After almost two straight months of non-stop work, they were finally finished. The Main Six were grateful for the help of their families, and that they actually went through with it. It wasn't anything dazzling or sumptuous, but it was still theirs; their own ring, their own building (so to speak), their own company (also so to speak). Amazing what a group of people could accomplish if they worked together.

The day was near its end, and they were weary from their labor. They all went home with their minds eagerly contemplating what would await them at their first official meeting at Canterlot Carnage Pro Wrestling next week. Were they ambitious in pursuing this? Yes. Will they have to work through some tribulations? Most likely. Did they have any regrets? No. They had a passion for professional wrestling, and even then that was not what held them together. It was their friendship and loyalty to each other that did. And no matter what they will face, they will stand tall and face the darkness together. Putting aside the overly dramatic ambiance, this was going to be the best times of their young lives. Lots of fun and lots of laughs will be had, no doubt.

Anyway, it's just pro wrestling. What could go wrong?

I laugh evilly in my room, stroking my cat (I don't have a cat). Until next chapter. Arevoir.