The Doctor is Out

Now Complete



Disclaimer: I forget. Do I own Castle? Trick question. Rating: T Time: After season eight.

To her surprise, Rick came into the office with a cup of coffee. "I figured that without your caffeine fix that you'd be climbing the walls by now."

She smiled at him and gratefully took a sip. "Hey, this is pretty good coffee."

"It's the doctor's coffee. They don't share with anyone else. At least until now."

"Okay, babe. Thanks, but you should leave now. Dr. Davidson is my next suspect to interview and he probably won't react well to seeing you here with me."

Rick pulled a chair over to sit next to Kate. "My thoughts exactly. And if he loses his temper, he might just say something he'd regret."

Kate gave him a long look. "You are devious, Mr. Castle."

"I learned from the best, Captain Beckett."

Josh Davidson came in and glared at both Rick and Kate. "So, you're still sniffing after the millionaire writer."

Rick smiled and held up his left hand, showing his wedding ring. "We're married. So I guess that makes us the millionaire writer and the millionaire cop."

Josh sat down and looked angrily around him. "So, you didn't have to settle for the surgeon. You won the lottery."

"We had no future, Dr. Davidson. I realized that, but apparently you never did."

"Dr. Davidson? Remember, bitch, I used to fuck you."

"Neither Rick nor I were virgins when we married. We both knew that, and I've found that I like making love with a man more than I liked being fucked by one."

Josh turned red. "If you brought me here to rub my nose in your newfound wealth, it isn't going to work. Castle, I know you were fucking her while she was supposedly with me, and probably long before that."

Rick laughed. "We made love the first time about a year after she broke up with you."

Josh laughed nastily. "Do you really expect me to believe that? How stupid do you think I am?"

Castle just smiled. "Do you really need an answer to that? Like I said, we didn't make love until a year after she broke up with you."

"She broke up with me? Like hell. I dumped the little slut. And I don't believe a word about you two not fucking since the day you met. I know your reputation, Castle. You never met a woman you didn't try to bang. And that skinny little skank is no better. Don't expect her to be any more faithful to you than she was to me." Josh smiled. "How did she hook you, anyway? Did she tell you that she was knocked up and you're the father? Better have a DNA match done on the kid."

Rick shot to his feet. "She's not pregnant and I know what we did a lot better than some serial sexual predator."

Josh got up, balling his fists.

"Dr. Davidson, sit down!" Kate yelled, breaking in before things got totally out of hand.

Josh glared at her.

"I am going to interview you in connection with a murder. We can do it here, or I can have a pair of uniforms put you in handcuffs and take you back to my precinct in full view of everyone in the ER and the hospital. Which will it be?"

Josh glared at her for a few seconds, then sat. "I didn't do a damned thing."

"You threw a punch at Dr. Gregg earlier, didn't you? Would you like to tell me about that?"

"I lost my temper for a second. That was it."

"And you threatened to kill Dr. Gregg?" Kate added quickly.

"I said I lost my temper and that was it. I was with a corpse. I have no alibi. So you can try to pin this on me to satisfy your ego for when I dumped your skinny ass, but it won't work." Josh shot to his feet. "And I'm not saying another word without a lawyer present." He turned and walked out the door.

"I don't feel as jealous as I did." Rick said. "He's an asshole and he never deserved you."

"He was a huge mistake. The more so because I was with him and not you."

Rick leaned over and kissed her cheek. "All that matters is that we're together now. Always."

Kate looked at the notes she had taken. "I'll get Espo, Ryan and Lanie in here and see if we can break anyone's alibi."

"Do you mind if I sit this one out?" Rick asked.

"Too much like boring police work?" Kate teased.

"Something like that."

Kate and the rest of her team went over what they had for over an hour, but found nothing that would help. Kate decided they should head back to the precinct.

"Ready to go, Castle?" She asked as they left the office.

"Don't you want to arrest the killer first?" He said with a wide smile.

"You know who it is?"

"Of course, my dear Captain. Of course."

"Okay, let us know." She stepped closer to him and whispered in his ear. "But don't gloat."

Castle turned one of the computer monitors around Kate and the others could see it. "I was looking through the security camera footage when I noticed something. You can see here at about 2 AM, Anderson has a large dark spot on the back of her shirt."

"We had a man who'd been in an industrial accident come in. His hands and arms were all greasy. He put his arms around me when I helped him off the gurney. That's all." Anderson said quickly.

Castle nodded. "And when you went out of the view of the camera in the middle of our kill zone, you still had the greasy shirt on. But not when you came back." Castle paused the video to show that Anderson had a clean shirt on.

"This is a hospital. We're supposed to stay clean." She snapped at Castle.

"I went back to the dirty clothes hamper in back." Castle pulled out a dirty shirt with a large grease stain on the back. "Oddly enough, this one also has a blood stain on the front. A small one, but I'd bet it's Dr., Gregg's blood."

Anderson shrugged. "Maybe it is. We all checked Dr. Gregg and I helped put him on the gurney. That doesn't prove a thing."

"But both Doctor Semmes and Nurse Hayes say that you had his feet then."

"I still say I must have gotten the blood on me when I helped move him. What would my motive be?"

Castle smiled coldly. "For that, I needed the assistance of Nurse Hayes." He bowed slightly towards the busty nurse. She bowed back, but bowed so much lower that Kate was afraid her boobs would fall out of the front of her top. "And the good Dr. Gregg's phone, of course." Castle held up a phone. "There are lots of photos of naked women and Dr. Gregg. One in particular is interesting. This young lady. I'd guess she's part African-American and part Asian. According to Hayes, it's your younger sister. A nursing student at Hudson University."

Anderson stared at her feet, her shoulders drooped. "I told her to stay away from that bastard but she wouldn't listen to me. He slept with her and dumped her. Then she thought she was pregnant when she was late. She wasn't, but she stupidly told her fiancé. Then he dumped her. She was heart broken. She dropped out of school, just sat around the house crying and even talked about killing herself."

"So you decided to kill Gregg." Kate said.

"No!" Anderson said forcefully. "I followed him around. I got pictures of him screwing a couple of married doctors here at the hospital and two married patients of his. Having sex with a patient is a violation of medical ethics. When I left the station, I confronted him with the photos. I told him I wouldn't let the hospital sweep this under the rug. I'd post the damned photos on line if I had to. Do you know what he did?" She looked angrily around.

"What did he do?" Kate asked.

"He laughed at me. He said neither the hospital nor the local medical association would do no more than give him a slap on the wrist. After all, it was his first offense, he was a well known humanitarian and the sex was consensual. He laughed and walked away."

"And you stabbed him." Kate finished for her.

Anderson looked at Kate. "I want a lawyer."

Kate pulled out her handcuffs. "Turn around and put your hands behind you. Josie Anderson you're under arrest for the murder of Edward Gregg."

Two weeks later, Castle walked into Kate's office and gave her a quick kiss. "Anything interesting happening?"

"As a matter of fact, I got a call from Janet Hayes, the nurse at St. Jerome's."

Castle laughed. "I can guess. The orgy is at her place. Bring your own sex toys?"

"That was subtext. She had some news about Dr. Davidson. It seems both Drs. O'Day and de Gaudet did get pregnant by him. They both sued him for child support in their home countries. Since Davidson didn't bother to respond, they got all they asked for. Quite a lot of money."

Castle frowned. "But can they collect in the US? It isn't easy to collect child support from a deadbeat dad with a court order in the US. It must be harder for someone in Europe."

"They both complained to Doctors Without Borders, who were quite upset. They told him that if he wants to continue to work for them, he'd better pay his child support promptly and in full."

"Ouch! I bet that hurts. What with his overseas work and pro bono work in the US, he doesn't make that much money. For a doctor, anyway."

Kate smiled. "And there's more."

Castle leaned forward. "Oh, tell me more, Captain Beckett."

"They've decided that it would be better if Davidson didn't have temptation put in his way. He's been told that his next assignment will be in southern Saudi Arabia. A refugee camp for people fleeing the civil war in Yemen. It being Saudi Arabia, the camp is all male. Not just the refugees, but the staff as well. The female refugees are a good fifty miles away. And in between are the Saudi religious police to make sure that there is no mixing of the sexes in any way."

Castle thought for a second. "But all he has to do is leave Doctors Without Borders and he's home free, right?"

"Except that there are already rumors about that he's some kind of sexual predator. Oh, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of NGOs that could always use a doctor, but who knows if any of them would hire him with his reputation now? Apparently he's decided not to push it and be a good boy, pay his child support and go to Saudi Arabia."

"Poor Josh." Castle said, and laughed and laughed.

Kate laughed as well. "Poor Josh, indeed."

Castle sat back in his chair and smiled at her. "You know, Captain Beckett, the orgy is at my place tonight. It's bring your own sex toys."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Mr. Castle."

Author's note: Interrogation of a Vampire is finally done. It's a crossover between Castle and The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice. The female leads in both were played by Stana Katic. So, can Kate and a sexy vampire who looks like a younger Kate track down a killer vampire in New York? We'll have to see. Plus, there's a surprise guest at the very end.

I have to read over it and do a bit of last minute polishing, but the first chapter should be up next week, the Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.