Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or anything from other series, just the OC's for my story.

Instead of updating my other stories, I have gone off track and decided to write a new story and just when I was making good progress on my existing stories. I do not own Code Geass just the OC's. This story is inspired by "Code Geass R1: Chaos and Change" by Red Prince of Ruin, as a result similarities, especially the ideas I really like from Chaos and Change, will be inevitable but I will make sure to make it my own unique story. I'm quite ambitious about this story as my plan is to incorporate as many concepts and characters as I can from other Code Geass media such as the novels (the parts that doesn't contradict canon anyway (unless I hate canon events) as the novels has its discrepancies but I'm one of those people who considers materials that doesn't contradict canon to be canon as long as I like it), manga series, side stories and games.

"There comes a point when a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream."

-Frances Farmer

Dying is far from peaceful, in fact it's a pain in the ass, especially if you die young and the cause of your death is a thug sticking a knife into your gut.

When I became conscious, everything was dark, very dark, was this heaven? Hell? I knew I was in some kind of afterlife at least, but the idea of spending an eternity in an endless void was not a very appealing thought. I tried to move my body but to no avail as I couldn't even feel anything, I tried talking, yelling, screaming, make any sort of noise but no sound came out. I then started to panic.

Was I really going be stuck in literally the middle of nowhere forever!? What do hell did I do to deserve this!? I knew I wasn't the most caring, compassionate individual but isn't this too much!? If this is where we all end up after dying I would prefer it if souls and the afterlife didn't exist!

As I continued to despair for a while, I suddenly see a light. Yes a light! I moved towards the light or more accurately it was as if some mysterious force was pushing me towards the light but I didn't care as I was getting out of here. It was a slow process but I was getting closer and closer and when I finally reached the light, a bright flash engulfed me.

Next thing I knew I felt giant hands holding me up and heard people talking but I couldn't hear well enough to make out what they were saying. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't as the light was too blinding, I try to move my body but my muscles felt so weak, I then try to speak but only the sound of heavy breathing came out and finally I try to scream but only a high pitched shriek came out.

Seeing as I was completely helpless I did the one thing that I or anyone could have done in this situation. I panicked, cried, screamed and wailed.

12 years Later, September 2008 a.t.b.

"Would you like more tea, Zechs?" a little pink haired girl asked as she gently lifted a plastic teapot with a rose decoration.

I nodded and smiled "Yes please. May I have some madeleines Euphie?"

Euphie giggled, "Of course but make sure to leave some for Nunnally and Lelouch." she said as she poured some iced tea into my teacup, Euphie wasn't allowed to handle hot tea yet by Cornelia and their mother for her safety.

I was currently having a tea party with Euphemia li Britannia in her room who happened to be my younger half-sister. Yes I repeat my younger half-sister is Euphemia li Britannia, a situation I still had trouble believing even after all these years, it was all too surreal to me.

I was reborn into the Code Geass world as Zechstein el Britannia, the 4th prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the younger brother of Schneizel el Britannia, the 2nd prince and future prime minister of Britannia. A world where racism, betrayal, corruption and violence is practically everywhere except for maybe Australia but as absolutely no hint of Australia's internal situation and government is ever given, who can say?

I was currently a 12 year old prince who was tall for his age and like Schneizel I had short blonde hair and violet eyes and quite handsome to boot. No, I am not being narcissistic, as a plain looking person from a previous life, I can objectively identify if someone is handsome or not, including my current self. I looked like a young Zechs Merquise from the time he was a cadet at Lake Victoria base studying under Treize Khushrenada in the Frozen teardrop novel. Hmmmm, I have the name Zechstein, I'm called Zechs and I look like Zechs...looks like some higher power of this world has a sense of humor, all right. While the world I lived in is mostly the same as depicted in the anime there are a few major differences.

My presence aside, the main difference between the anime and the life I currently live in right now was the art. I was actually seeing everything as though it was actually an anime although the people here did not look like the anorexic stick figures drawn up by CLAMP, not that I minded as that was what I disliked about Code Geass the most. That along with Suzaku's changing the system from within nonsense, his self righteous attitude, the stupidity and gullibility of the Black Knights in R2 and many more but that's beside the point. The sheer aesthetic beauty and detail of the scenery compared to the anime was nothing short of astounding, the anime did not do Pendragon's breathtaking view any justice in the slightest. If it wasn't for the fact that Pendragon and every Britannian settlement was built on the profits made from the exploitation and blood of non-Britannians and more than a few innocent Britannians, I would have completely fallen in love with the beautiful estates belonging to major nobles houses including the palace my mother, older brother and myself lived in.

My mother was Mathilde el Britannia, a beautiful, blonde and tall woman. Apparently beauty, blonde hair and height runs in my mother's side of the family. She was a warm, caring woman who wanted the best for her children, a stark contrast to the emperor who can't be bothered to show even a little concern for his children even when their lives were in danger and actually died. She was one of the few imperial consorts who didn't scorn the vi Britannia family and actually seemed happy whenever I spent time with them or maybe she's just happy that I'm actually interacting with people instead of studying and training most of the time.

My relationship with Schneizel was a complex one, on the one hand he was what anyone would call an ideal older brother: he genuinely seemed to be interested in how I was doing, what I was doing, gave me helpful advice and patiently and clearly answered whatever questions I had but on the other hand this could be the same sociopath who had no qualms about kicking Lelouch while he was down, nuking Pendragon and leaving Nunnally to die while he escaped so I took his attitude with a grain of salt. I was always cautious whenever I was around him and careful not to be drawn to his charisma like many others as even when he was young he was able to charm almost anyone, including me when I was younger. It would just start as a simple conversation but before I knew it Schneizel subtly gained complete control of the conversation and by the time I realized he got the best of me the conversation was already over. I wanted to kick myself every time that happened and I became more resolved not to be swayed by his silver tongue in the future.

My father the emperor ugh, calling someone like him my father leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, was a nonexistent and frankly, meaningless existence in my life, the only time I ever see him was in court or when he was making some grand speech about how amorality was Britannia's greatest strength and key to progress which ended with an all hail Britannia. Not that I cared about my relationship or lack thereof with the emperor, I knew from the beginning that he wouldn't give me the time or day to notice me and I had no interest in gaining his favor or acknowledgement. I had no desire to impress the old bastard who subtly encourages his children to war with and kill one another, nope I will live for myself and my own happiness. I had better things to do with my time than waste my life for him and the creepy blonde midget.

As a prince of Britannia I had a busy schedule of lessons involving everything from school subjects to learning proper etiquette. I started my private tutoring earlier than most blue blood children after my mother caught me reading textbooks. I amazed her by demonstrating a good understanding of the contents, as a result she arranged for my private schooling as soon as possible. I excelled in all my subjects mostly because as a former college student it was just a review of what I already studied along with spending most of my time studying on my own. History and especially etiquette however proved to be tricky: history because of the facts I learned in my previous world and Britannia's fondness for historical revisionism, my policy regarding Britannian history or more accurately, propaganda was to treat it as fiction; etiquette was for a lack of better term a royal pain in the ass, I mean there were so many types of utensils to use for each type of food and there was a specific way for royals to act even for the most mundane actions everything from walking to the proper method of getting out of a car.

However, children can soak up information like a sponge and if you combine that with the patience, concentration and mind of an adult I was able to perform the role of the dignified graceful prince quite well and as more time passed it was slowly becoming second nature to me. Inevitably, I was praised as a genius and a prodigy by my tutors and by the time I was 8 there was nothing left for my tutors to teach me which left me with a lot of free time and so I continued with my independent studies and put myself through a rigorous training regime of martial arts, marksmanship and other physical exercises.

My seemingly prodigious talent at a young age was a source of pride for my mother and Schneizel, my family couldn't stop saying good things about me which made me feel more than a little awkward, embarrassed even. I wasn't used to receiving such praise from others and it also made me rather worried for my future because if word of my capabilities spread, wouldn't such a thing inspire jealousy amongst my half siblings, their mothers and their allies? Enough to plot an "accident" in the future? If you take into account the history of the Britannian royal family lying and murdering each other along with the existence and power of the geass, the geass directorate, the OSI, and the fact I could sworn that I caught a glimpse of a certain woman with light green hair, it wasn't a matter of being paranoid, it was a question of being paranoid enough.

So far it didn't seem like any of my extended family or their posse was plotting an "accident", "suicide", "incident" or "illness", which did not do anything to reduce my paranoia. Betrayal often came from those who acted the friendliest and the fact that I had little to nothing in common with the majority of my large family and nobles caused me to create an outer wall, a shell to protect myself from any potential scoundrels. I treated strangers, both commoners and nobles, with polite professionalism, took care not to form any personal attachments, and never went out of my way to get to know others except for a few family members.

Aside from my immediate family, I got to meet, interact and learn more about my half siblings, such as the li Britannia sisters who considered me to be their unofficial middle brother.

Cornelia was a strict older sister whose affection toward blood relatives ran deep. Her affection for Euphemia was over the top, but she loved even her half-siblings as well; an attitude that was in the minority amongst royalty. She acted as an older sister whenever Schneizel was away on business. She wanted me to be the best I can be and let me know if I was slacking or slipping in any way. We would play tabletop war-games together in which she had more victories due to her time in the military academy and her experience in leadership as the head of security at Aries Villa. Unfortunately she lacked a sense of humor as she gave me a heated glare when I called her Nellie one time.

Euphemia was every bit as adorable and cute as I expected her to be when she was a small child. I mean she was a girl so sweet that I felt like I would get cavities and diabetes just by being near her. She looked up to me and would frequently invite me to her tea parties, or rather, force me to attend her tea parties. I wanted to refuse but then she would pout and use the sad puppy dog eyes, oh god those wide puppy dog eyes, if it looked like I was going to refuse and if I tried to avoid eye contact and remain silent she would make sobbing sounds and start to get all teary-eyed. Everyone knew that if you made Euphemia cry then Cornelia would at the very least make you cry and not only that, their mother would also make your life difficult. So here I was in Euphemia's room having a tea party for the nth time with a little girl whom I swear at times has a hidden, cunning devious side to her.

While I wanted to train and plan for the future, the iced tea and the assortment of confections prepared for the tea party were delicious and Euphie was cavity inducingly sweet and adorable as ever. I wondered if my interactions with Euphemia or any of my siblings for that matter, would result in the butterfly effect? Which would be disastrous for me since my knowledge of the future is my biggest asset.

I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the sound of the door knocking. Euphie got up from her chair to answer the door and when she opened the door-

"Euphie! We're here!"

I heard the adorable voice of a certain little girl. I turned to the source of the sound and the opened door revealed Nunnally vi Britannia and the prodigal son himself, the main protagonist, the future symbol of anti-Britannia rebellion and one of, if not the most, well-known siscon in anime of all time and unlike Euphemia or Nunnally who had no air of arrogance, here was an 8 year old Lelouch vi Britannia in all his egotistical glory.

"Nunnally, Lelouch I'm so glad you two came. Come in, Zechs is already here."

"Zechs?" Both Nunnally and Lelouch repeated with surprised faces. Euphemia gestured towards me.

I waved at the vi Britannia siblings.

Nunnally perked up.

"Zechs!" Nunnally exclaimed, as she ran towards me and gave me a hug.

Nunnally at this point in time still had the functions of her leg and her large wide eyes were sparkling with joy and exuberance. She was a delightful bundle of energy who just couldn't sit still, at least whenever she wasn't around the typical haughty, arrogant, empathy-deficient nobles, such as the majority of the imperial consorts and their posse who held commoners and non-Britannians in contempt for existing. She was a pure innocent child kind and empathetic to all those around her, a complete opposite to Carine who happens to be a spoiled selfish brat who will only become worse as she grows older.

Which made it all the more sadder and harder for me to know as I knew she would lose a lot, all because the emperor and Marianne wanted to preserve their cover story and cared more about completing the Ragnarok Connection than the well-being of their children. Ironically this made all the insults and disparaging remarks by the other Imperial consorts and nobles towards Marianne well-deserved all along, albeit for the wrong reasons as the main source of the pejoratives was her commoner heritage and to a lesser extent her occupation as a Knightmare pilot. Whenever I met her or she was brought up in a conversation I was forced to pretend that I admired and respected her as I didn't want to be hated by the vi Britannia siblings or anyone who looked up to her, that and I didn't want to be compared to those haughty parasitic nobles.

Sigh.. but like Euphemia, Nunnally also loved having tea parties and playing house along with constantly bugging me to take part in it and using the puppy dog eyes technique. Just one of them was adorable but whenever they were together the cuteness and adorableness became algebraically squared, of course that meant that the impact of the dreaded puppy dog eyes was also magnified; when both girls pleadingly stared at me, Cornelia and Lelouch, it was an hyper lethal combo that was unbeatable by normal means. I can never say no to them whereas I'm gradually improving on not being swayed by Schneizel's charm.

Why is it that little girls love tea parties, dress up and playing house? Most of all, why do my sisters keep insisting on making me join them?

"Look Lelouch! It's Zechs!" Nunnally said excitedly.

Unlike Nunnally, Lelouch didn't share his sister's exitement and looked rather uneasy at Nunnally's display of affection towards me.

"Nunnally you shouldn't run off so suddenly like that." admonished Lelouch.

Nunnally paid little heed to Lelouch's complaint and continued to hug me.

"Nunnally, It's wonderful to see you, How have you been?" I said, hugging her back and stroking her hair.

"Good!" Nunnally beamed.

"That's good to hear" I looked past Nunnally to see Lelouch with a troubled expression "And how have you been Lulu?"

Lelouch's expression turned to that of irritation. "Don't call me that!" The raven haired prince shouted.

"Why not?" I inquired, genuinely curious as to why he didn't like me calling him Lulu. He didn't have any problem letting Shirley or Marianne call him by that nickname.

"It sounds like a girl's name!" Oh if you only knew how good you look or rather will look in a dress...Luluko.

"But you let Lady Marianne call you 'Lulu'?" I smirked triumphantly knowing that this would definitely elicit an interesting response from Lelouch.

Lelouch's reaction did not disappoint as my words had the desired effect as his smooth pale skin turned tomato red in seconds and his expression was that of embarrassment.

"Tha-that's be-because!" he stammered while desperately trying to come up with an excuse. In addition to being a siscon, Lelouch at this point and time is quite the momma's boy.

Nunnally, Euphie and I just stared at Lelouch and did not say anything at first-after a few seconds all three of us began laughing together.

"Aww, your stuttering and your face is all red Lulu. Right now you're at the peak of your adorableness~."

"He's right, you really do look absolutely adorable right now...Lulu" Euphemia giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Me too! I also think Lulu is adorable!" Nunnally replied with enthusiasm.

"WHA?! Nunnally! Euphie!" Lelouch protested indignantly.

The two girls and I continued to laugh at Lelouch's expense while I felt Lelouch's glare drill a hole into me. Perhaps he was actually hoping that his glare had the ability to cause me harm judging by the intensity of his glare combined with his still somewhat flushed face. Too bad for him, it would be another 9 years before he gained the power to do harm with his eyes.

After we had enough laughs the four of us continued with the tea party. We, or rather, Euphemia and Nunnally passed the time by talking about what they've been doing during the time the two haven't seen each other while one little boy was quietly sulking in his seat. Since I felt bored just sipping tea and eating sweets, I decided to make a conversation with him.

"Cheer up Lelouch, it was all done in good fun, you shouldn't sulk over it"

Seriously you really shouldn't considering you'll go through much worse in the future.

"...I'm not sulking." Lelouch grumbled rather unconvincingly and turned his head away from me.

I can only sigh at my younger brother's bad lie. He's such a sensitive little boy and so I took it upon myself to cheer him up.

"Avoiding me are you?" I sigh dramatically "And here I was thinking about telling you more about Schneizel, or rather his strategic preferences and skill sets for you to use as a reference for any future chess games but since you don't want to talk to me it seems that I can't share it with you. Too bad." I said shaking my head and placing fingers on my forehead.

Lelouch paused, and then he slowly turned his head and looked like he was about to take my offer before suddenly pausing narrowing his eyes.

"You don't even like chess." Lelouch bitterly said.

Oh for-! Not this again. It seems that the raven haired brat...errr, I mean, prince still held a grudge of sorts against me ever since our first chess match. It all started when Lelouch challenged me to a game of chess in order to add me to his list of victories but I rebuffed him. While I knew the basics, I never really enjoyed chess and since Schneizel and Lelouch are amongst the best chess players in the world, I saw no point in trying to get to their level. However my refusal did not deter Lelouch from constantly badgering me. At first I sought to distract him by making fun of his nonexistent athleticism and by calling him Lulu, which Marianne overheard, found it delightful and also refer to him as Lulu. Unfortunately despite making him angry, he just simply pestered me even more and practically stalked me whenever I happened to be close by, so I ended up agreeing to a match.

At first I was just going to randomly move my pieces without any planning or foresight in order to lose the game as fast as possible and continue on with my business but then I remembered the first episode where Lelouch started a game by moving his king first. My curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to play by staying away from his king just to see what happens. Surprisingly I lasted much longer than most people even though I had little experience in playing chess but being the chess master he was, Lelouch managed to reverse the situation and had me cornered. In that situation I did the only thing I could have done.

I knocked over my white king and forfeited.

To say Lelouch was shocked was an understatement. After snapping out of his shock and confirming that my action was not an illusion, he went absolutely livid. He went on to claim that I couldn't do that despite the fact that there was no rules against forfeiting and demanded I play the game to the very end but I refused, which angered him. The fact that I referred to chess as 'just a game' that was nothing like real warfare and Cornelia, who happened to watching the chess match, agreeing with me hadn't done anything to lessen his anger.

"I don't. How you, Schneizel, and Clovis can actually feel any sort of enjoyment in a game like chess is something I will never understand nor do I want to understand. Like I said before, chess is just a game, a boring one at that." I responded flatly.

Lelouch's eyes twitched and his body trembled. It looked like he was ready to explode.

"Chess is not a game! And it is not boring!" Lelouch yelled out, causing Euphemia and Nunnally to stop talking with surprised expressions and look in our direction to see what the commotion was about.

Lelouch, being too engrossed in our conversation did not notice.

"Chess is the ultimate representation of higher thinking in strategy and tactics, a way of life that can be applied to everything! It-"

Oh no, Lelouch is in his chess lecture mode, I'll have to apologize and make it up to Euphemia and Nunnally later for accidentally unleashing this boredom.

By the time Lelouch finished nagging me about the importance of chess in our lives, it was almost mid-afternoon and time to go home. After saying goodbye to my siblings, I left Aries Villa and headed for home, in a limousine of course.

Thinking about the tea party, I couldn't help but feel that it was times like these that almost made me forget that I lived in an awful world...

It was a good thing that we didn't meet often, because as the day of Marianne's assassination grew closer, I couldn't bear to look either Nunnally or Lelouch in the eye.

-Don't forget to rate and review. Feedback is important

-Does anyone have any info about the maelstrom of libra SNS game? Like a more detailed description of the game's story and bio of the characters. I want to add characters from that game if possible like Laila la Britannia, Clovis' younger sister.

-Also does anyone know where I can find all of Sayoko's diary entries. It's hilarious!

-Don't expect regular updates.