A/N Thanks for sticking with me guys. You are awesome...Here's the final chapter! Enjoy :)

Two hours later… five hours until dawn

"Hey look there's Diantha." Bonnie pointed from the window of the lab. A pretty lady in white short dress and cropped gray hair was being helped down by Alain from his Charizard.

"Alain has told me what happened. Where's Zygarde?" she didn't bother about niceties. Her deep gray eyes were tense and her voice of forced calm.

"It's where the team flare left it. We've six more hours to find Xerneas and Yveltal. Team flare won't reveal their location and Zygarde will trust humans again only if we present both the legendaries before it" Ash offered concise summary.

"Then we must find them. Is there a way to do it by dawn professor?" Diantha turned to professor Sycamore. He looked at Ash.

"This young man tells me you and your pokemon gardevoir can sense where each other are. Can you sense other pokemon?" Sycamore's voice was grave and everyone looked at Diantha, hanging onto her every word.

"I don't know. We've never had to sense anyone else…" The champion was worried. The task seemed impossible and the time short. Find Xerneas and Yveltal from wherever they are.

Ash had an idea. "The fairy aura. Xerneas has a fairy aura… Gardevoir is a psychic and fairy type…Can she try and sense the fairy aura?" He exclaimed.

"Please Diantha. You're our only hope." Serena's blue eyes were earnest.

"Well Ash, I will give it my best shot." Diantha was still uncertain but she took out her pokeball. "gardevoir, I need your assistance"

The elegant green and white humanoid pokemon materialized before them. "gar…devoir" she responded in her grave voice.

"Gardevoir, we need to find Xerneas and Yveltal. I want you to concentrate and sense Xerneas's fairy aura" The champion asked. There was only hope and determination in her expression. She never let her pokemon know how unsure or terrified she feels sometimes.

"Gar…devoir" The elegant pokemon closed her eyes and brought her slim green arms together. Her figure seemed to glow faint silver…

Few minutes passed. Ash had another brainwave. "Hey we once found Xerneas in Allearth forest! How about we go there and try this?"

"But how can we get to Allearth forest? We hardly have four more hours now!" Clemont scratched his head.

Diantha turned to him and actually smiled a little. "Relax Clemont. My gardevoir can teleport us there." She continued, "Since we don't seem to make much headway from here, how about we try where Ash says."

Allearth forest

They stood eagerly in Allearth forest. Gardevoir's eyes were closed as she tried to feel fairy aura.

Finally, after what seemed ages later, she opened her eyes. Diantha didn't need words to understand her pokemon. They often communicated wordlessly and perfectly.

"She's found it. Well done Ash. If it wasn't for you and your smart thinking, it wouldn't have been possible." Ash was embarrassed at being complimented by the champion herself. Serena looked at him proudly, her heart beat faster.

"Oh thanks Diantha but your gardevoir was the one who did it". They all thanked gardevoir.

"Let's move. Gardevoir, teleport us to Xerneas." Gray haired Diantha was the one to act fast.

A strange sensation grasped them as they felt themselves appearing from one place into another.

As they saw the place, they saw why this was a perfect place for a secret base. The forest was completely isolated with no sign of life whatsoever and far away from all cities and towns.

A small building was protected by few grunts and their houndooms. Houndooms surrounded them supervised by grunts, ready to capture whoever that found their secret base.

"Greninja I choose you" Ash yelled before grunts had so much as moved a muscle.

Greninja took fighting stance as he noticed multiple opponents.

"Sylveon, come on out" A cute pink pokemon appeared from Serena's pokeball and wrapper her ribbon like feeler around Serena's hand. The ordinarily friendly pokemon's body tensed as she readied herself for a battle.

"Luxray.. Come out old friend" Clemont shouted then he whispered to the champion, "Diantha, please go and get Xerneas and Yveltal while we occupy the grunts." From the corner of his eyes, he saw her nod slightly.

Grunts weren't able to receive orders from their boss. Their communication system was broken by Zygarde's wrath in the Lumiose city nor did they know about Lysandre's arrest. Clemont decided to tell, "Listen to me. Team Flare in Lumiose city is finished. Each and every member has been arrested by the police. It would be better for you to surrender. You cannot win against us, especially since we're here with Kalos champion Diantha" He gestured to Diantha as he spoke.

Grunts were disbelieving about everything he said. One decided to call an attack.

"houndoom, flamethrower." A lasso of fire speeded towards Luxray.

"Luxray dodge" Luxray ducked out of way and the flamethrower hit houndoom behind him. The houndoom was annoyed by the attack, he growled and ran towards the first houndoom. Both grunts attention was diverted as they fought to get their pokemon under control. Clemont was excessively pleased with this development since he noticed Diantha and gardevoir teleport into the facility.

A lively battle was taking place on Ash's end.

"Greninja, water shuriken" two star shaped shuriken of water speeded towards the fire and dark type houndoom.

"FLAMETHROWER ON THAT SHURIKEN!" Grunt yelled. Houndoom's flamethrower evaporated the first shuriken, however the second one hit him right on head. Houndoon shrunk back as the water hit him when Ash called for cut.

A silver sword like shape materialized in Greninja's hands as he charged towards houndoom.

"Houndoom dark pulse NOW" Greninja didn't stop even as he was hit by purple and black dark pulse. Sword shined in the dark pulse and struck his opponent. But Greninja has tad taken damage from a direct hit up close. He looked at Ash and nodded.

Next, grunt was astonished as a giant tornado of water surrounded Greninja when he transformed into Ash-Greninja form. The water went as high as ten feet and spun like a tornado while greninja's body glowed and changed to resemble Ash. As the water resided, the water surrounding him became a huge star shaped, shining shuriken and rested itself on Greninja's back.

"Greninja, show them the fight is over. WATER SHURIKEN!" Ash shouted. Greninja moved so fast it was a blur. He took out that massive star shaped shuriken, aimed it at houndoom and fired straight. It was unstoppable by the dark pulse houndoom used. It hit houndoom through the dark pulse on his head and knocked him out.

Meanwhile Clemont and Serena were just about to finish their opponents. Both shouting encouragements to their pokemon.

"Very good Sylveon. Finish them off with your fairy wind." The houndoom on her end was blown away when a horizontal whirlpool of silver fairy wind hit him. The grunt ran away, just in case what the gym leader said about arrests had been true, he didn't want to be there anymore. Only one grunt left.

Luxray had flinched when a houndoom had used dark type move bite on it. It was an after effect of the move. Grunt grabbed the chance to use dark pulse. Poor Luxray couldn't get out of the way in time.

"You can do it Luxray" Ash cheered which was echoed by Greninja, now back to his usual self.

"Go Clemont. Go Luxray" The blond haired Serena encouraged. Sylveon waved her ribbons in support.

"Thanks guys. Luxray are you okay?" Clemont didn't want to push him. "Luxxx" Luxray pulled himself up and poised to attack.

"Very good old friend. Shock your opponent with THUNDER" Clemont's shout was followed by a huge bolt of electricity that didn't stop at houndoom but paralyzed its trainer too. The grunt and his houndoom both fell down at once.

"All right! Way to go!" Ash and Serena cheered when Clemont smiled."Now lets go find Diantha.

"No need to find me. I'm right here." That voice belong to a pretty gray haired lady in short white dress. She was followed by Xerneas and Yveltal. "They were hurt by team flare but I have healed them. They know our situation and are ready to help us". She explained. One can't be the champion without knowing how to heal pokemon and Diantha had a gift of understanding their feelings and communicating hers. She had earned the trust of both the legendaries. They were all impressed and thanked her, Xerneas and Yveltal for everything.

"We still have… One hour left. Let's get a move on. Ready gardevoir?"

Lysandre Lab

Zygarde was still in 80% form, not ready to trust humans yet. Squishy was anxious. It had the best time with Bonnie and wasn't willing to attack humans. However z2's case was strong and squishy could only hope Ash and his other friends bring back Xerneas and Yveltal in time.

Just then, with little sunrays behind their back, Ash, Clemont, Serena, Diantha walked into the garden with Shining Xerneas and broody Yveltal in front of them, the former walking elegantly, the latter floating. Zygarde was glad to see them safe and free.

Zygarde's cells started leaving his body as the sun rose. There was no need for the 80% form now. The condition was fulfilled. They had proved that not all humans were bad and it is not a mistake to trust.

Squishy jumped back in Bonnie's welcoming arms as z2 watched. It didn't say anything. Just turned transparent and vanished, to monitor the ecosystem it valued.

Xerneas took a good look at the destruction, the dead trees and flattened bushes were everywhere. It used geomancy. Rainbows of lights emitted from its body and flew in all directions, restoring life as they went. The trees stood back and the gardens bloomed again. Yveltal vanished towards the mountains somewhere to sleep.

As Zygarde and Yveltal returned to their own places, rainbows engulfed Xerneas one more time, covering it completely and blinding everyone. When they opened their eyes, there was a tall beautiful tree in front of them, some of its branches shaped like the legendary pokemon's antlers.

Everything was normal again, well, as normal it can be in the pokemon universe.

The end.