You're probably getting tired of Robin's misery and self-loathing. If it's been too much, then it's probably just me overdoing it because I hated the Marian-Zelena storyline so much in how it hurt Regina. I PROMISE this is the last chapter where he is soooo depressed. This second half of this chapter is the turning point for the story.

If you're still reading my little fic, hold on for more. It gets better - almost done - after this chapter. AND please leave a review. Like? Dislike?

Chapter 6: Tears Turn to Truth

After the funeral, Robin was at a loss. He felt heavy, like a rusted iron bucket filled with the paltry, decaying waste of his unwanted remains. Utter isolation offered him peace, but the silence offered him a warring mind.

Everyone else in Storybrooke leaned on each other in this confusing time. They shared a certain amount of loss – if not grief – after having lost their mayor, their rock that had held the town together for decades. What will we do without her? Even though some still remembered those days when they and their loved ones had been terrorized by HER and her Black Guards in the Enchanted Forest, they now wanted to remember her for all the good things she had been in the recent years. did Snow. The epitome of personal strength, she valiantly pressed through her personal grief in order to give the Queen her day. With Emma and (discreetly) Robin making it known to Snow their-and most likely Regina's-wishes to have a dignified, quiet funeral, Snow was forced to channel her dreams of extravagance into another outlet. Having swiftly taken care of the funeral preparations, Snow planned a second memorial. She and her band of cronies had spent the last week planning for the "after party." And a PARTY it was, fit for a queen!

A bizarre mix of 80s music and women empowerment ballads wafted through the room. Children chased each other, weaving in and out of the sea of people. Leroy entertained the stragglers with gossipy goodness centering on the mayor's indiscretions and misadventures during the Curse years. Granny stood behind the buffet line, serving up lasagna with Regina's signature kick of red pepper flakes. Ruby huddled beside her, ladling out cups of cider – spiked as the Mayor had liked it. The centerpiece of the room was the dance floor. Tinkerbell and Katherine and some other princesses swirled about, bobbing and flailing and joyfully teetering. But what stopped Robin's heart was the duo who stood at the center. Not dancing.

Emma and Henry were wrapped around each other. Not slow-dancing and not hugging. They swayed gently and somberly. Robin could make out a tear that tracked down young Henry's face. Emma herself had eyes glittering with tears yet to fall. The blonde mother soothingly brushed her son's face, drying his face, and whispering unknown words of peace. Robin felt a sense of momentary calm, as this is what Regina would want. She would be happy that this tragic loss of her had not permanently hardened her son, as Robin had been worrying since his last encounter with the young man. Regina would need to know someone was holding her boy when she herself could not do it anymore, and thankfully, Emma had stepped up to the plate.

As much as he wanted those reassurances to lift his spirits, it was not enough. Robin felt so sick of himself for being sick of himself. He was twisted up in knots, trying to decide if he should be repaying his debt to Regina and Storybrooke through his volatile emotions – or if he should save his mental and emotional health and just latch onto the good things about this day. He wished that he could find comfort in the words of her loved ones, clinging to them as they would talk about her fondly and remembering the firebrand that she was. But Henry and Emma needed this time to themselves. They needed only each other – certainly not the villain he had proven himself to be.

So now, Robin stood around like a lost child – being consumed by his own personal hell and keeping to himself in the shadows. Yet he savored the moment because all he could do was think that he was grateful for Snow White.

What a gorgeous way for his love to go out! The Town Hall had been clean and transformed into what looked like a white winter wonderland. It was the most breathtaking, ethereal vision he had ever seen – outside of Regina, of course. Ornate glassy tables seemed to be floating at waist-level around the room, carrying precious platters of all of Regina's favorite foods. White trees lined the edges of the scene, mimicking the likes of Rystomere – the twin kingdom to Arendale. Gauzy, white fabric swooped down from the ceiling and hovered in the air, like a piece of the heavens had been stolen. Even the walls were caressed by some mysterious sort of material, with a fluid-like grace to steal one's breath away.

"I can't believe we pulled it together!" Snow sighed with relief and a tempered happiness.

Robin turned just his head a bit and found that the woman had sneaked up on him.

"You certainly did a good job," he mumbled.

Snow noted the archer's distance but quickly set it aside, as it seemed natural for the quasi-widower. "It was the whole town. I started on Monday, only told Ruby and David about what I was doing, and suddenly, the rest of the citizens reported for duty on Tuesday. But really, the magic," Snow gestured to the liquid-like, glassy walls, "was all Emma."

Robin subconsciously bristled at the name. Whenever he thought of the Savior, he thought of Marian. Marian returning made him think of Regina sad. And Regina sad made him think of her devastated. How she died without him. Without anyone. And Robin could not accept that. What a Savior she is! It is all HER fault!

"Robin, stop it right now."

Robin jerked his head, snapping back to reality. "What in Sherwood's name are you talking about, Snow?"

"I know what you are doing Robin. You cannot blame Emma," Snow stated matter-of-factly.

"I was not blaming her. I—"

"No. No. Don't try that noble blather with me," Snow shook her head and pinned Robin with the stillness in her eyes.

Who knew this flittering, motherly woman could be so intimidating? Right, she was once a bandit…

Snow continued, softening with a hand resting comfortably on Robin's arm, "I know how this grieving game works. I should resent you for burning with a hatred for my child… But you see, it's not real. I know you don't really hate Emma. Because you know she's not at fault."

Snow could see the glassy but harsh glare in Robin's eyes melting away. It fascinated her; he had looked like an angry drunk, ready to punch someone but not quite sure what direction he was going or whom he had intended to punch. But her words were starting to sink in – like a cold shower. The depth of his awareness could once again be found in his eyes; he was haunted by his demons, and those were ones he must live with and could not pass on to another.

"Robin," Snow gently called him. "Robin, you know Emma saved your wife's life. You love Marian. You know Emma did the right thing. You also know you made a choice, and in turn, you broke Regina's heart."

Robin winced.

"I don't say that lightly or to be cruel."

No, Robin did not think she did. He knew, even by Regina's own confession, that Snow possessed the softest of hearts with usually the best of intentions.

"Robin, you did what you thought was right. You put back together your family. Many people would commend you for that and praise your bravery. The problem is that you were a coward because your choice only ended up hurting two soul mates that needed each other. The brave choice would have been to let your wife go, as she had been dead for decades upon decades, and to choose love, choose Regina despite the odds, and choose a bright future for yourself. I know you eventually told her you chose her after that one night…"

Robin looked up at Snow alarmed.

"Yes, I know about that," Snow threw Robin an amused grin. "The day after that, Regina had rushed over to the loft with her shirt amiss. Anyway, you chose her cheaply – after you slept with her. And then, two minutes later, you chose your wife again and left Regina in the dust. I was so angry with you all those months when you were in New York, absent, and I had to take care of Regina. She needed you, not me. Not even Henry, by that point. Oh, but she defended you constantly to me, saying that she knew you would have been there for her if you could. That you were gone out of necessity. That you were doing a valiant thing by protecting your wife in an unknown world to which she was not familiar. I just didn't buy it. And I hate that you chose your wife twice, making Regina feel she was rejected by you while she had to, first, watch you play house and then later, wonder about you when you were gone, away from her. She got the crumbs of your love only after some sex, and then you immediately revoked your soul mate bond and traipsed over the town line."

Snow huffed. Then she stopped. Then she looked shocked. She stared at Robin with abject horror written across her face.

You're right, Snow White. As much as it hurts to hear… I did do all those things, Robin thought. "Snow, do not feel bad. You just told me the truth."

"Robin, those were my opinions. But they were also the truth. I do not want to pain you more when I know the loss of her is already enough. She would not have told you any of that, nor would she have even thought some of those things. She believed your choice of her – even if temporary and momentary – was genuine and not just about the sex."

"Snow, it was most definitely real and true. My choosing her was not temporary or momentary. Fate put our souls together, and I met the most wonderful, strong, and beautiful woman. I never stopped choosing her. It's just that I felt I had no choice. I admit, once I had been in the land of New York for a bit, I had started forgetting. I tried so hard to forget Storybrooke and the Missing Year in order to provide for my family and be the husband Marian deserves and the father Roland deserves. But I never forgot Regina. I never could."

Snow offered him a weak smile. Robin's impassioned speech did something to her heart. "At least there is that. Thank you for telling me, Robin. It makes me feel much better to know Regina's love for you – your soul mate connection – was worth fighting for. That she did not die in vane."

"WHAT do you mean? DIE IN VANE?! You make it sound as if she died for me! I know I caused her heartache and that I hurt her so very grievously, but it was ultimately the tumor! What do you know that you're not telling me?!"

Like a light switch flipping on and off and on again, Robin lost his self-loathing and went back to donning his armor of anger.

"Talk to Rumpelstiltskin, Robin."

Snow turned and started to walk away.

No! Regina is gone. I need answers! If I cannot have her, then I will bloody well figure it all out! Know everything I can about her. Stay close with all of her loved ones. Snow WILL tell me this secret.

"Wait! You must tell me!" Robin had grabbed Snow's arm, exclaiming with such urgency.

Carefully extracting her arm, Snow calmly replied, "I do not owe you anything. Nor does Henry. Nor does Regina. But you do need to know – just not now, when everyone is celebrating her life. Talk to Rumpelstiltskin. He has the answers you are looking for."

I must speak with that imp! What has he been hiding from me now? I will get it out of him. I must.

"Oh, and Robin…" Snow called, just before Robin left the Town Hall.

Robin looked back expectantly.

"Regina loved you with all her heart. And she was the most forgiving person I know. I ruined her life… I take responsibility for that now. I know my father and her mother played parts, but I know the secret I should have kept but didn't cost her the one light in her life back then. She lived so much of her so damaged and broken and angry. But she was able to forgive me. I like to think we were on the path to one of the greatest friendships of all times. Anyway, I still don't know if I can stand you for what you did to her – because I loved Regina – but I will try to like you because she loved you. So talk to me whenever you need to."

"Open up! I know you're in there!"

Robin was willing to bang on that hard-as-nails glass door until his fist bled – if that is what it would have taken. Fortunately, the door swung open a second later.

"Trying to steal from the Dark One again, huh, dearie?"

"Let me in. You have answers that I need."

Robin's tone was so forceful, so unlike his usually gentle demeanor. Rumpelstiltskin could tell that Robin meant business, so he quickly stepped back before Robin busted his door in.

"Whatever is the good outlaw here to see me about? And on the day of the funeral for his soul mate? You know even I do not have the power to resurrect the dead. Even magic has its limits."

"I need nothing magical from you, Dark One." Thank goodness! Robin was loath to ask the Dark One for any kind of help, especially of the magical variety. Even Regina's magic had, at times, worried him and put him on edge. "I just need to acquire some information. I would prefer not to make a deal with you, but if that is what it requires, I am willing to pay."

Make a deal? With the Dark One? The good archer must be coming unhinged! The human side of Rumpelstiltskin felt unsettled. The magical monster that he was, however, shook with gleeful mischief at Robin Hood's misfortune.

"What is it that you need to know?"

"I was speaking with Snow, and she insinuated that Regina died for some reason – outside of the obvious physical afflictions. What do you know of this?"

"Never could keep her mouth shut…" The imp mumbled, biding his time.

Rumpelstiltskin may have been driven by the Darkness and played tormentor to the Evil Queen, but he also shared that Darkness and torment with Regina. They had long battled the same internal foes on a daily basis, so he felt some sort of loyalty and kinship to Regina. Now that she was gone, and the outlaw was asking some vital questions, Rumpelstiltskin had some big choices to make.

"I don't have time for your sodding games, Dark One. Tell me the truth!" Robin yelled, becoming rather irritably impatient and choosing to step further into Rumpelstiltskin's personal space.

"I will remind you, dearie," Rumple sidestepped the archer and his fury, "that you are in my shop asking me questions. That means you must take a step back and cease threatening me – if you want your answers, that is."

"I apologize." Robin rubbed his head, trying to let the tension unfurl and be released. He had to play nice with the Dark One so he could hopefully gain some peace of mind.

"Now, you asked about little Snow White and Regina's reason for dying?"

Rumpelstiltskin just stood there. Clearly, it was not a rhetorical question after all.

Finally, Robin complied with the game, saying, "Yes."

"Good. Now where was Regina having problems?"

"You should know, Dark One! You were the one who told me!" Robin's arms flailed in the air as his intolerance once again peeked through.

"Temper, temper, dearie. Where?"

"Her heart."

"Correct. What does that tell you?"

Robin was puzzled and at the end of his rope with the Dark One. He did not come here to be questioned. They were getting nowhere! But he had to play along… "I do not know, Dark One. What are her heart problems supposed to be telling me? I know nothing of this land's understanding of the body, nor do I understand why you're asking me this! I asked you to tell me if you knew about Regina's death, pertaining to anything NOT obviously physical."

"Watch yourself, Robin Hood. I am doing you a favor. If you continue questioning my methods and wielding your anger about this shop, I will be forced to ask you to leave. Usually I like a good spar, but my wife is in the back, and I would like to go home."

Robin had been chastised and finally understood that if he did not shut up, then he would be left with no answers. "Fine. I will comply with your little riddles."

"Oh, but they're not riddles! Everything will make perfect sense shortly. But I will help you with the last question. What does the fact that Regina supposedly died from heart problems tell us? It tells us she died from HEART PROBLEMS. Literally."

Rumpelstiltskin gave the other man a moment to grasp what he just said. He could slowly see as Robin's face went from pondering to understanding to shock to bewilderment.

Slowly, Robin responded, with all the heaviness in his heart, "You are saying that Regina died of a broken heart? Because her heart ached? Did she die because of me?"

Rumple gazed upon a broken man. He would not draw this out any longer.

"Not a broken heart, dearie. Regina's exact condition involved an abnormal growth on the heart – a tumor. Heart conditions speak to exactly what intangibly ails the person's heart. If her soul mate connection or true love bond had been violently shredded, then her heart would have been broken into two pieces. If she had gone through a trauma, such as a loved one's death or a prolonged removal of her heart, her heart would have become lackluster in appearance. This tumor is a product of the pain that grew and overtook her love – presumably the love she shared with her soul mate. You."

Did Regina really die BECAUSE OF ME?! "Please, Dark One. I do not understand! You are telling me that because I caused her so much pain, that this tumor grew on her heart and killed her?!"

"I am sorry to say, yes."

"I killed her? I. KILLED. HER?! You must tell me… what could I have done differently? How do you know all this? Are you sure? Did Regina tell you anything? I must know it all!"

Robin raved like a mad man, overtaken by his shame. Although everything he had felt in the last week had been awful, it had been nothing compared to this. He really had killed her, his love, senselessly.

"I don't know that any of those answers would be helpful, dearie. I know this is hard to bear, but we all do what we must." This could not go on. Robin would always be fixated with this horrible thing that he had been done. So it was best that he, the Dark One who knew all about regrets, nip this in the bud.

"You're wrong, Rumple."

Both men whirled around to see Belle emerging from the backroom.

"Belle, what are you doing?"

"Rumple…" Belle shook her head, as she released a dismayed sigh. When would this man ever learn that though he was the Dark One, he should not lord things over people?! "Robin needs you to tell him all that you can. You may not think he needs to know, but he does. Even if it causes more pain, don't you think that is better than the unbearable pain of not knowing? Maybe if you tell him, Robin will be able to move on from all this and be happy again. Some day, maybe."

"All right, Belle." In a rare display of semi-public affection, the Dark One brushed his librarian's face in a gentle caress, offering her a slight smile. Turning back to the miserable outlaw, decked out once again in a pall of dark grimness, Rumpelstiltskin began to reveal his truths.

"To be blunt, a tumor started growing on her heart the day that you rejected her. The day that you turned your heart from her. As evidenced by the fact that her heart did not break in half, the tumor shows that neither her love for you nor your love for her truly went away. I would hazard a guess that your attempt to forget Regina and begin loving Marian again fully triggered the tumor's growth – sort of like a mask on her heart's ability to function biologically just as you attempted to mask your love for her."

I really did do this to her… "Tell me, Dark One! Could this have been stopped?! Could she have lived even after the tumor had begun growing?" Please tell me no! Robin did not think he could handle the situation if he had not only failed his love by causing her tumor in the first place but also by not stopping its murderous rampage on her heart for the number of weeks she slowly died.

"I could not have stopped this. Just as True Love's kiss is the only thing that can break some curses, only you could have obliterated her tumor. It's hard to know what exactly would have healed Regina; I have never in my centuries as the Dark One encountered such a tragic case as this. Perhaps if you had come back to Storybrooke… If you had spoken to Regina of your renewed love for her… Maybe it would have all been reversed if you had only said I love you to her once again."

Rumpelstiltskin, against his usual nature, almost hurt for the thief. His human nature momentarily spoke to him, as he envisioned what it would be like if he were in this situation with his Belle.

"You mean I could have save her if only for one second sooner…"

Robin's whisper shook any remaining peace that existed in the room. The human ear would have missed the enunciation of such a statement in its low volume, but Rumpelstiltskin and Belle heard the mournful statement of the beaten down man loud and clear. His emotions did not even need to be spoken. The words sounded like the roar of a wounded beast, but the visceral pain of the man rolled off him in waves. As much as courage and honor had been nearly visible pieces of his identity for most of his life, his deep-seated loss and bitterly empty love for a woman senselessly dead cloaked him in a black aura.

Robin fought the overwhelming revelations. He clawed at his brain, trying to piece together memories and truly decipher what the Dark One's words meant. One image fought to the forefront…



[New York City, several months ago]

He had done it. He had just slept with Marian. My wife, he reminded himself.

For weeks, Robin had agonized over renewing their intimacy. It was only right. He should be able to make love to his wife. That's what married people did.

But those are the married people that are in love, a traitorous voice would whisper.

But you are in love with your wife, Robin had answered back. All lies.

This moment, Robin was awake. Naked and lying in sweaty sheets. Listening to the soft purring noises Marian made in her sleep. Staring at the ceiling. Laying on his back on the side of the bed, as far away from his wife as possible. Trying to keep calm and feel okay with what he had just done. Trying to understand why he had spent the last hour making love to Marian, reconnecting for the first time since her return to the land of the living, but he had also spent the whole time tamping down feelings of love.

Robin remembered how his heart had pounded that hour. The thumping had surpassed the normal rhythm of that biological function, requiring him to pay it some attention. It was distracting – just as much as his intangible emotions. The ones that swelled in his chest and threatened to hurt him.

Robin had kissed and touched and moved in sync Marian but he did so with some forgery of love. His actions were an effort to show Marian what he had not been able to for months. He truly was grateful she lived. He was grateful she could see Roland grow up. Despite his verbal affections, Marian could feel his distance. So earlier that night, he had decided to try to become husband to her wife again – in every sense.

Except it was a lie. His heart pounded as a reminder. His emotions were a betrayal, a reminder. Even the dark hair that shimmered in the dark was a reminder. But it belonged to the WRONG woman. Regina was nowhere to be found, and his soul called for her. His wife had come back to claim her family, but her husband was nothing without his soul mate.

So he talked to himself: It does not matter. My family is back together, and I must be strong. Do the right thing. Hold us together. Even if I could do the happy thing, the selfish thing, I really cannot. I am stuck here in New York.

Despite his words and his decision, he knew the truth. I love you, Regina. You would say that I am being so stubborn. You'd be right. But I hope that you can understand my decision. Even if you cannot, I hope you feel my love all the way in Storybrooke. I hope you are okay. I wish to see you again some day.

He lay in silence, but his heart was not silenced. I must move on now. It's not fair to Marian if I cannot love her. I have to try. I love you best though, my love. Be it right or wrong, you are first in my heart.

Goodbye, Regina. I must stop loving you. Fate forced us into each other's lives, but now I must live my life. You must live yours. I release you to be happy.

His heart stopped ringing in its internal loudness. He could not feel a thing. A sudden pain grinded in his chest, just as it had when he and Marian had been making love. Then it subsided just as quickly as it had started.

With that, he was at peace – as much as he could be. He felt so hollow and devoid of something. What was it he was missing? Maybe he'd never be fully be happy again. Not in the way that Regina and Henry had made him. The second chance was gone, however, and he had to make do. Tomorrow would be a new chance to play with Roland and get to know Marian again and see the wonders of the foreign land.



Although that memory was one of the worst of his life, Robin was sorry to feel it leave his immediate consciousness. Both this time he had enacted death in his soul mate and the time he had said those three words a moment too late, letting Regina die in her sad, little hospital bed… They had been hopeful moments. Those were moments he had done the wrong thing. They were also the moments he had felt the right thing. Moments when Regina had still been alive, and he had loved her in silence but with everything he had.

But Regina did not know that, did she? Did she really know you loved her? She did not deserve to have lived out her life GUESSING!

His mind twisted and turned at the mere thought of her dairy entries. Regina. Lying in her bed. Chest pains. Panicking… TOO MUCH. TOO MUCH. TOO MUCH.

Wisely, Robin decided to escape. He wanted to be alone – for the foreseeable future.

"Thank you," he choked out. "Dark One. Belle."

He barely heard Belle's placating, sweet platitudes.

Running out the door, he gasped, forcing his weight onto the side of the building as he gasped for air.

Heavens! The revulsion at his own actions boiled to a frenzy within the depths of himself. Robin became sick, releasing his ill feelings onto the sidewalk, only for those feelings to reemerge with full force. Can I ever wake up another day in my life not feel so sick and unclean? How can I ever forgive myself? How will I ever be worthy to be a father? I ruin lives!

The door of the pawnshop opened loudly with the clang of its bell.

"Just one more thing, dearie…"

This was it. The moment of truth was here.

Robin took one last calming breath before he stuck his key in the lock, pushed opened the door, and entered the New York apartment. Marian was waiting for him.


She surged forward and embraced him, encircling her arms around his neck and pressing herself against him. Pulling his head down with great enthusiasm, she proceeded to kiss him vigorously.

Seconds later, Robin backed away for air, as did Marian. Keeping her arms looped over his shoulders and her fingers combing through his hair, she peered up at her husband with an inviting, playful smile.

"I've missed you terribly, husband. Welcome, home!"

"My trip was definitely a sad one but very enlightening. As much as I love Storybrooke, it was time I came home and settled some things."

Marian grinned, very pleased with Robin's statements. Maybe now he is finally done with Regina, once and for all. It's about time he focused on his real love!

"As I said, it hasn't been the same without you here. It didn't feel right going to bed without you." An award-winning pout quickly morphed into a seductive stare. "Did you miss me, Robin? Hmm?" Marian trailed her finger teasingly from Robin's collar and down his chest.

"Marian." Robin halted her hand's progress. "I needed to come home, but it certainly was not for you."

"What a terrible thing to say! I'm your wife!" Marian's face became bright red and seething, taking on an expression wholly unknown to Robin.

"Of course, I miss my wife…"

"See!" Marian cut in. "You just had a momentary lapse. Take me to bed, Robin, and this whole unhappy moment, your unpleasant little trip to Starrybank, and all that mix-up with that evil tart can be forgotten."

"No. I will not forget Regina, and you will not call her 'evil.' You will not speak of her AT ALL! As for you, it's time we laid our cards on the table. I said I miss my wife. I loved my Marian, whom I fell in love with at a young age in Sherwood Forest and with whom I had the brightest spot of my life Roland. I still love her memory and all she stood for. I-"

"I am still here, Robin!" She declared, jabbing him in the sternum.

Robin barreled onward. "But even she, that perfect young maiden whom I loved deeply, is a part of my past. I have grieved her and mourned her and let her go. YOU, however,are not her – are you, Zelena?!"

"Took you long enough…" Zelena let loose a string of chilling cackles, as she slowly transformed into her native skin. "Meet the real me, darling."

Robin drank in the sight of the monster with whom he had been sleeping. What should have been the physical beauty of a goddess – long, sleek lines, ample curves, and fiery red hair – made him disgusted from the inside out. Feeling as though arsenic was slowly sliding down his throat, he gulped and girded himself for war.

"You're right. It took me much too long to figure out the truth about the vile person that you really are. Do you even care that your very own sister DIED from all of your petty, hateful efforts at revenge?!" Robin screamed of a devastation that reverberated outward from his tired soul and through the airwaves of the apartment.

Gold had fully informed Robin about Zelena the night before in his shop. Added to the information he had already gleaned about the Wicked Witch from encounters in the Enchanted Forest during the Missing Year, Robin should have been prepared. But in that moment, he was not prepared – not by a long shot.

"You act as if 'sister' is some kind of badge of honor that means something! Pfft! You naïve little woodsmen – how charming…" she drawled lazily. "Regina and I… We were sisters, once upon a time. She stole my life from me! The selfish little vermin took it all for herself – Mother, Rumple, a decent home, every coat, every frock, every banquet in her honor… It all belonged to ME! IT ALL SHOULD HAVE BEEN MINE!"

Zelena exploded with fury, picking up a dull dinner knife from the table that had already been set and stabbing it into the table. The wood splintered with a deafening CRACK!

"Regina stole nothing from you. She had nothing to do with you being sent away. That was all Cora. Cora is the monster who abandoned you! What does that say about her? If she was willing to send away one daughter, what did she do to the one that remained? Regina lived her own personal nightmare with Cora, day after day having to face her wrath and abuse and torment. Your mother physically, verbally, and mentally brutalized Regina for years! Then Cora killed Regina's love Daniel. She forced her own daughter to marry a lecherous king old enough to be Regina's grandfather. She shoved Regina into that marriage bed for endless nights of Leopold forcing himself on Regina – when Regina was only 16 years old! We could keep going on about what Regina was forced to endure – versus the paltry neglect you endured in comparison – but somehow I do not believe you deserve to know one thing more. Regina would have welcomed you with open arms, but after the way you attacked her over and over and tried to ruin all of the people she loves, you do not deserve her."

It was a battle of the wills. Robin's eyes hardened until they were sharp and cold. Never blinking, his eyes followed hers. He would not relent until he knew she understood or until he killed her. He could care less if she died or if he never saw her again, but she had to be made to understand exactly what she did to them. To him and Regina. Although Robin and his lethal choices had ultimately killed Regina, she could have been spared had it not been for Zelena's treachery.

"Bravo, Thief! Bravo!" Zelena smirked, knowing that the use of Regina's title for him burned.

With lightning speed, Robin grabbed the redheaded witch by the throat, dragged her across the room, and pinned her to the wall.

"Let's get this straight. I am a thief, and that means I know how to not play nice. You have crossed one too many lines. How dare you use something special between Regina and me as a joke! A manipulative tool! You will not speak of her! You will not breathe her name! OR I WILL END YOU."

Robin gripped her throat with a sudden tightened restriction of her airflow, which required all of his might. No, although he was tempted, he would not breach the boundary that separated him from evil and the inescapable Dark path. He let go.

"My, my. Wasn't that brave? Then again, we know you are too much of a coward to really punish me. Don't we? You weren't man enough to choose Regina, even though you bedded me day after day for months. Maybe you didn't really love her after all. Soul mate connections… So fickle! You weren't man enough to save her from death either. In the end, your flawless honor code would never allow you to kill me – even though you killed Regina. I guess I'm just the better sister, huh? What a pathetic excuse for a man…and a soul mate!"

Don't go there, Robin! The hurting outlaw forcibly pushed back his intoxicating weakness – his internally debilitating self-loathing – and let his anger burn from red to white and blue. He was no longer volcanic. He was feeling silent and deadly, controlled and ready to dispense with the poor excuse for a human being.

"Leave, Zelena. There is clearly no chance you will change. I can see you don't want to. Regina is gone, and there is nothing else you could possibly want from me. Go, and never visit me or Storybrooke again." Robin's commanding voice rang out with finality.

"One thing you are correct in saying is that I have won against your dear, sweet, perfect queen." The redhead's simpering delivery taunted Robin. He couldn't decide if it pained him, as Regina was not here to defend herself, or if he was just plain angry. Zelena continued, "The oh-so Evil Queen is DEAD and never coming back, while I am eternal in my power. You are wrong, however, in thinking you have any authority over me. I will do and say what I please. I will leave now, and you will see me again. But just as a souvenir for the road, and a little reminder…"

I am going to die, he thought.

"Payback is here. And her name is Witch," she sneered. "That's me."

Robin barely saw Zelena's lightning fast movement, as she whipped her arm through the air – a jarring motion meant to strike the fear of Dark Magic into the hapless archer.

He felt as if his life force was utterly being knocked out of him. An asphyxiating force, more intence than the chokehold he had moments ago performed on Zelena, grabbed a hold of Robin's breathing from within. Like a vacuum, it sucked from within so as to deprive him of air. Without the ability to access his lung reserves and his breath, Robin was rendered speechless.

"Ta-ta!" With a wave of her fingers, her long red locks flew. Zelena had left the building.

And hopefully, she has exited all of our lives. For good.