Her dark angel

Chapter one: The first meeting.

I remember metting him on our first c-rank mission. We were escorting a bridge builder named Tazuna back to his home in the Land of Wave, where he was going to build a bridge.

Sakura p.o.v:

"Kakashi sensei I have a really bad feeling right now." I whispered

"I know Sakura. I feel it too." Kakashi whispered back

Right after the finished talking to ninja came out of a rain puddle. One went for Kakashi, the other went for the Tazuna.

"Kakashi sensei!" We all yelled

"Protect Tazuna." He yelled while fighting the first ninja

That was when I noticed the second ninja headed for the Tazuna. I ran in front of Tazuna with my kunai ready.

Before I could react Sasuke was in front of me deflecting the ninjas attack.

"Sasuke why did you do that?" I asked

"Because we both know you're to weak to do anything." Sasuke said

When he said that something inside me just snapped.

"You know what Sasuke I have had enough of your arrogant attitude, you think you're better that everyone else and everyone is not as strong as you, and that everyone is below you." I screamed before smacking him across the face and storming off.

"Way to go teme." Naruto said

With Sakura:

After storming off I wondered around and eventually found a clearing with a beautiful waterfall.

"Stupid arrogant Uchiha." I muttered

I looked around and saw a beautifull sight. A crystal clear waterfall leading to a crystal clear blue lake. At the ledge of the lake was a small crimson bridge leading to a small island in the center of the lake. On the island were two large cherryblossom trees. Two large branches one from each tree held up a swing.

"Wow this is amazing." I said

I walked across the small crimson bridge and sat down on the swing.

I was so deep in thought about being the weak link in my team, that I almost didn't hear the footsteps coming towards me. I thought it was either Naruto, Sasuke, or Kakashi coming to tell me to come back to camp, so I didn't look up when the person stopped in front of me, I realized it wasn't my teammates or my sensei. That was when he spoke in a child like voice.

"Tobi sees pretty lady with pink hair." He said

I looked up at him. He had spiky black hair and a spiral mask with one eye hole. He also wore a black cloak with crimson clouds printed on it.

"Tobi's name is Tobi what's yours?" He asked

"Sakura Haruno." I spoke

"Why is such a pretty lady all by herself?" Tobi asked

"I smacked my teammate and ran off." I said

He sat down next to me with his legs crossed and his back against the tree.

"Why did you smack him?" Tobi asked

"Because I'm sick of him calling me weak." I said

"Why does he call you weak?" Tobi asked

"Because I am, but its not my fault." I said

"What do you mean?" Tobi asked

"Sasuke is the last of the Uchiha clan, Naruto has the nine tails in him, and Kakashi is known as the copy cat ninja because of his sharingan eye. But me all I have is my knowledge, how will that ever help me." I said

"Your sensei doesn't help you?" Tobi asked

"No all I learned is water walking and tree climbing, in his eyes I'm not as important ass the sharingan or the nine tails." I said

"Tobi thinks your sensei is a jerk." He said

"He is Tobi." I told him

That was when we heard Naruto calling my name.

"I have to go Tobi." I told him

When I didn't get the answer I looked over and he wasn't there anymore. He was fast very fast.

"Sakura chan!" Naruto yelled

Naruto came through the trees with Sasuke, Kakashi, and Tazuna behind him.

"Wow this place is amazing." Naruto said

"I know right." I told him

"Sakura." Kakashi said

"What?" I asked

"Sasuke has something to say to you." Kakashi said

I turned to Sasuke and nearly fell over laughing. He looked like he swallowed a lemon, his lips were puckered into a pout. He was obviously forced to push aside his pride and say sorry.

"Don't worry Kakashi sensei, I don't want a forced sorry I want an honest one." I said

We made camp where we were. I kept thinking about Tobi until I finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

Little did I know I would be seeing him again. And the dark secret he held behind his mask.