I'm not an expert at writing. I just like to write.
Chapter 1
(Squall is in his dorm waiting for Rinoa. She gets ready for one of her classes)

Squall: Wow, girls do take a long time in the bathroom

(Rinoa gets out)

Rinoa: All done! Don't I look beautiful!

Squall: Yes you do, come on I'll walk you to your class

Rinoa: Goodie! (Kisses Squall slowly on the lips and then grabs his hand and they go off)

Squall: I love it when we kiss...

Rinoa: Come on

Squall: So after your class and some more time together, I want to bring you somewhere just to relax.

Rinoa: That's very sweet

Squall: (smiles)...

Rinoa: I love you too

(Rinoa goes to class)

Squall: Love comes in so many different forms... so many different ways....it comes when you least expect it... it's a feeling...a strong feeling... a great feeling... Or maybe a painful feeling...u don't know love till you've been burned by it... Till you've actually experience it...and when you do it's a dream come true...

Selphie: Sure is...

Squall: Hey, didn't see you

Selphie: Valentines is two days away, got any special plans for Rinoa~?

Squall: Not yet but I'll come up with a good one

Selphie: Want to come with me to the Cafeteria? Zell and Irvine should be there

Squall: ok

(So Squall spends his time waiting for Rinoa in the Cafeteria)

Zell: You waitin for Rinoa right?

Squall: Yeah

Selphie: Zell don't talk with your mouth full

Irvine: Yeah, you're getting mustard all over me!

Zell: Gesh... (Gulps down his hotdog) Rinoa's class now should be with Xu that's why I asked. Here they both come now.

Xu: Hello

Zell: Miss me?!

Xu: Sure did

Rinoa: Awww!

Squall: Rinoa shall we go?

Rinoa: Lead the way

(Squall takes Rinoa at Edea's house in the flowery fields. They sit on a blanket with Squall holding Rinoa. They watch the sunset)

Rinoa: You did it again Squall

Squall: What?

Rinoa: (Looks at him) surprising me, making me love you more

Squall: (Blush) I'm happy to do it

Rinoa: If you can do things this nice, I wonder what you'll do on valentines

Squall: You'll have to wait and find out (Hugs her closer)

Rinoa: (Giggles) I love you

(After the sun goes down, Rinoa falls asleep on Squall's chest. He picks her up and gets back to Balamb Garden. He tucks her in bed and lays down next to her watch how beautiful she sleeps)

(Squall thinks)

Valentines Day... Two days away
You'll be so happy on that day
I trust you with my heart and soul
I will never intend to hurt you
To see you in pain will cause me to be in pain
To see you happy brings a smile upon my face
But it's not always this way
At times I just pretend to be happy
I don't want to bring you down

Squall: If out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met you. Hope your dreaming of me because I'll be dreaming of you.

Rinoa: (Says in a mumble)... Squall

Squall: You're thinking of me. People say when you talk to someone sleeping they hear everything and helps create a dream. And when you dream you seem very happy so I'll talk to you all day and all night.
I want to be with you, I want to hold you, I want to kiss you, I want to look in your eyes, I want to be next to you, I want to be able to wipe your tears away, I want to be able to bring you sunshine, I want to be yours forever......
I need you by my side, I need you to hold me tight, I need to see the love in your eyes, I need your warm embrace because I luv you

(Squall talked and talked till he fell asleep. And dreamt about Rinoa)

(His dream...)

Squall: Where are you?

Rinoa: I'm everywhere you want me to be

Squall: Where are you? I don't see you

Rinoa: Look above

Squall: My Angel

Rinoa: Take my hand

(He grabs her hand, pulls him close and kiss a very passionately. He falls back as he holds his arms out to Rinoa)

Squall: I don't want to go (Says upset)

Rinoa: shhhh....I'm with you

(Squall turns and sees Rinoa lying in bed injured. He runs to her and it fades. He turns around again and sees Rinoa on a balcony; Rinoa looks at him and smiles)

Rinoa: So many memories....
Never kiss a girl unless you love her, never say "I love you" unless you mean it, never hold her hand while walking unless you're planning to walk with her forever.

Squall: I love you

Rinoa: Then you will walk with me forever? Yes?

Squall: yes, forever

(What Squall said was true. For Rinoa was awake talking to him)

Rinoa: Lost in a dream
Confused by his words
Hypnotize by his personality

Happiness he brings
Sadness he conquers
Confusion he fixes

Arms of warmth
Words of comfort
Kisses so sweet
Touches so soft

Love he gives
Love he shall receive...

When you sleep you have a innocent smile on. (Giggles silently) Your so cute and have the qualities of the best of men. Although you might be shy I don't mind.

Remember to always keep in mind
Somewhere there is someone who dreams of your smile
Someone who finds your present worth while
So when you lonely always remember that
Someone somewhere is thinking of you

When I fall asleep
I think of the times you kiss me goodnight
Your gentle lips I can hardly feel
Putting blankets on me to keep me warm
You stay quiet so you won't wake me up
Whispering in my ear "I Love You"

When I cry
You wipe my tears away
You hold me tight
And don't let go till I'm alright
Now it's my turn (She pulls her self close to him, kisses him and brushes away his hair, and takes the blanket on her and pulls it on him)

(Whispers in his ear)
I Love You ...goodnight...