Chapter 10.

Skylar's POV.

We were lead to right outside of a run down building.

"Is this it?" I questioned as I looked up to see it just got taller.

"Yeah. Ok, remember the plan?" Bree asked.

We nodded slowly as we went inside.

"Ok, we need to split up and find Chase." Kaz whispered.

"There are twenty floors, so we each take five. When one of us finds Chase, we get the others." Oliver explained.

"Wait. How did you know there are twenty floors?" I asked, baffled at his knowledge.

"There is a elevator right there and it shows the floors on it." He pointed, making me embarrassed.

"Ok, Bree, take 1-5, Kaz, 5-10, I'll take 10-15 and Skylar, take 15-20."

We all nodded and I ran through the floors with my super speed just as I heard struggling on floor 17. Stopping outside of what looked like a storage closet, I opened it and got into a fighting position only to see some mice.

"Oops." I smiled, embarrassed, as I closed the door before starting up again, only to stop on the final floor where I heard a familiar scream.

Bursting into the room, I saw Chase screaming, grabbing at his leg, while blood was pouring out. I immediately ran to his side.

"Chase?" I asked gently.

"Sky?" He whispered, pain clear in his voice and eyes.

"Yeah." I smiled before sighing and ripping off part of my mission suit.

"Sky-" he started, but was cut of by a moan of agony.

"Shh. Let me bandage you up so we can get you home. Where's Roman and Riker?" I asked gently as I started, making him hiss.

"They abandoned the place. But Rodissius is still here. He'll call them and-" Then he cried out in pain and I hesitated, but put my hand on his mouth so we weren't caught while I finished.

"Can you stand?" I asked as I held his hand, making the normal butterflies come back, but they were short lived as he grimaced when I helped him up. "Easy, easy. Just use me as a crutch. Do not use that leg."

He nodded before we started walking out of the room, then Bree came over to us and hugged Chase for a minute before Oliver yelled.

"Skylar look out!"

Then he pushed Chase and I to the ground and froze Rodissius, who was behind me, about to hit me in the head. Then he outstretched his hand.

"Are you ok?"

I nodded before grabbing on and having Oliver pull me up. Just as I was about to grab Chase, Roman and Riker showed up and started blasting at us, then all of a sudden, a bright orange force field came up, and I realized I was holding it.

"Skylar?! What is that?!" Kaz yelled.

"I have no idea!" I yelled in shock, suddenly feeling a rush of energy course through my veins. "Bree, get them out!"

"What about you?!"

"This is my battle."

Bree nodded and sped out with Oliver, Kaz and Chase. Then my eyes narrowed as I launched several balls of electricity at the two, making them fall to the ground. I kept launching, not even giving them a chance before I looked to see my body was encircled in a ball, shocking Roman, Riker and the frozen Rodissius. After seeing they were clearly unconscious, I suddenly felt that rush of energy leave, and I fell to the ground, hitting my head and falling into darkness.

Oliver's POV.

Instead of leaving with Bree, Kaz and Chase, I stayed outside of the building, ready to go save Skylar if needed because...she's my friend. Not my girlfriend, my friend. She'll never be more, no matter how hard I try, so I might as well accept it. And if she wants Chase, then I'm happy for her. So we may not have our happy little lives together forever in a space castle, but if she's happy, then I'm happy. I was snapped out of my thoughts by seeing the building start crashing down. Without second thought, I flew in at lighting speed and started looking for Skylar. When I finally found her, she was mostly fine from what I could see. Bruises, scratches and she looked absolutely drained, but she'll be ok. I grabbed her waist and flew out of the building, straight to the penthouse where Kaz and Bree were sitting upstairs, and I was immediately hugged by Kaz.

"There you are! Don't EVER scare me like that again!" He yelled.

"What happened to Skylar?" Bree asked as she came over to me.

"She must've gotten drained or something." I replied, putting her on the couch. "Where's Chase?"

"Douglas is operating on him now. We just have to wait." She sighed as she and Kaz both sat back down.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle just as Skylar started waking up.

"Skylar? You ok?" Kaz asked.

"Where's Chase?" She asked as she sat up, before grabbing at her chest and letting out a cry of agony, making me immediately freak out and put my arm behind her back and easing her back down.

"Shh, calm down. He's getting surgery."

She nodded before Bree ushered Kaz and I out of the room.

Bree's POV.

I pressed my hand down gently on Skylar's rib cage, making her hiss and spring up a little in pain while looking at me with sad eyes.

"Skylar, what happened?" I asked gently as I stood up and grabbed the portable X-ray and scanned it over her body.

"As soon as you guys left, I felt like I got this huge rush of energy, like when you chug coffee (A/N, I've actually done that and the next thing I knew, there was a gigantic orange ball around me, like a huge force field, and it had lightning coming out of it and shocking anything it could."

"That sounds really strange. You should talk to Mr. Davenport about that. Meanwhile, you broke four of your ribs. I'm gonna have to get Douglas to set them after he's done working on Chase." I explained just as Oliver and Kaz came back down.

"How is she?" Oliver asked.

Before I could answer, Skylar answered for me and then Douglas came upstairs with a smile on his face.

"I'm guessing that smile is good." Bree smiled.

"Yep. Chase will be fine."

"Great. Douglas, Skylar broke her ribs." I told him.

Douglas looked at her before saying.

"You didn't need to use the infirmary until after I got here. Now that I'm here, you are hurting yourself right and left." He face palmed before he told us to bring her to the infirmary. Oliver lifted her into his arms and we all went down to the infirmary.

"Oliver, bring her into here. Kaz, Bree, you can go see Chase if you want, but he's still asleep, so I would just wanna stay out here." He explained as he and the tall brunette disappeared behind the large metal doors.

Kaz went upstairs and I went to Chase's room to see him slightly stirring before opening his eyes.


"Chase! How are you feeling?" I asked, stroking his hair.

"Tired and sore. Where's Skylar?" He questioned.

"She broke her ribs, but she's alright." I smiled as I squeezed his hand gently before he yawned, making me smile as I kissed his forehead before whispering. "Sleep." And left.

-Time skip-

Skylar's POV.

After Douglas set my ribs, Oliver was helping me get around, and we went to Chase's room, where he was sleeping. I sat down and stroked his hair, and Oliver spoke up.

"You really like him, don't you?"

I smiled slightly.

"Yeah. I do. Your not mad?"

"I was at first, but as long as you are happy, I am also." He smiled.

"Friends?" I held my arms out for a hug.

Oliver licked his lips and smiled before hugging me.


The end.

Review responses!

TheUnknownBlock: You do? Ok, I'll go warn Kaz to go hide... *whispers* I'll puke on you. Here is your update!

Aliqueen16: Yeah poor Chasey. Oh boy...Skylar and Kaz have to hide

Alexis05: Me too.

LoveTheLord: From what happens, you can see that he didn't. They did, thank goodness!

Bionichope (guest): Thanks. Here is your update.

Dirtkid123: Ohhhhh I know!

ADayWithNoLaughterIsADayWasted: Here it is!

Rulers Of The Games: Yeah, but it didn't make the final cut.

Guest 1: Thanks here is the final update!

Guest 2: I did!

Here is the last chapter, hope the title didn't scare you Skasers too much. Thanks for reading!

Over and out.
