(Read the first book THE SAVIOR first to understand this one. Enjoy!)

"It just the begenning"

It's been three weeks since I found myself back in my real world.

First week I've spent in the hospital and my mom was visiting me every single day. While I was there, I found out that I've been unconscious for just couple hours, but it didn't make sense to me. How is it possible if I've spent the last month in a completely different world?

One day, I woke up and started to think that I probably dreamed the journey I had in TVD because who known what kind of dream you can have after you crushed into the tree.

When I got home for my first time after I haven't been there for awhile or at least I thought I haven't, it suddenly felt unusual to me. I guess I started to get use to the life I had in Mystic Falls. If I had it at all.

I even started to feel sad, when I couldn't find any prove to my residence there. How could it be just a dream? It felt so real and too good for my imagination.

My mom came to me one time, trying to figure out my weird behavior, but I lied by saying that it's just an affect after the accident and I'll get better soon. I hope so.

I also felt bad for my mom because I could see her blaming herself for what happened even that it was not her fault even a bit.

The TVD world did affect me, I guess…

"Hello… Get back to the earth, Ann", I suddenly noticing a girl from my class, Samantha, waving with her hand in front my eyes. She was a girl my teacher picked to teach me all that crap I missed at school. "Are you even listening to me?"

"What?" I immediately looked at her after she interrupted my thought, "Y-Yeah.. Just keep talking. I'm listening".

We were sitting at the picnic table outside the school with all the students. It was one of the hottest days since I came back and it's all because we were so close to the summer.

"No, you're not", She rolled her eyes and closed the book, "Are you sure you wanna do it today? I mean, we have three weeks until the finals, so we can wait until you'll be ready".

If to be honest, I couldn't stand that girl since forever because she was too smart for me, but she is not that bad. Samantha was very sweet to me in the last few weeks and probably the only person who didn't fake her kindness.

"No, I'm fine. Just…" And then I realized that maybe she's right. I do need a nap right now because my brain is getting on fire after all the information she filled me up today, "You know what? I think we did enough for today".

"Look", she said and leaned a little bit closer, sitting on the other side of the table, "I know you sick of all the people who are pretending to be nice to you after the accident, but… Are you sure you are okay?"

I can't say I was not surprised by her sudden care, but she was right. Ever since I came back to school, even people who used to not even notice me, suddenly cared the most about how I am doing.

Come on, guys, it was just a little accident! Not a big deal.

"I'm fine. Really" I nodded, "Please don't be one of these overreacting people" my voice sounded begging.

"Okay, okay", she said,laughing, while she was packing her things into the bag, "But can I at least offer you to come with me to eat somewhere? I'm starving".

I have to admit, I'm starving as well.

"Yes, why not?" I said and stood up, hanging my bag on the shoulder.

Samantha drove us to a coffee house. I was not allowed to drive yet because my doctor recommended to me wait until she'll be sure my head is alright after I hit it during the accident.

This place actually reminded Mystic Grill because it is exactly the place where most of the people of the town, especially teenagers, were hanging out at.

We ordered some fries and a soda, and it was unusual for me to not hear Carоline's speeches about how we all need to eat healthy, even if sometimes she was finishing all the fries by herself when she was in a bad mood.

God, I miss her…

"So, does it happen to you a lot?" Samantha asked me and put one fries into her mouth.

"What?" I asked, not understanding what she was asking me about.

"You use to get lost in your thoughts a lot" she says, "Is there a reason?"

To be honest, she was not the first person who told me this. My mom also noticed and my teacher, but I didn't.

I laughed, trying to hide the fact how uncomfortable I felt at the moment.

"Sorry. It'll not happen again"

"I hope so" she looked down at a plate and said, "Well, I think I want more. Do you want some?" she asked and I nodded.

I'm not the person who can say no to fries or to food.

"Okay, be right back" she stood up and went to the stand to make our order.

I was sitting, checking notifications on my phone, until one guy came to our table and stood beside me.

"Excuse me?" I looked up at him, "Someone wanted give it to you".

He pointed somewhere, but I didn't look to the side because I was too concentrated on a little box he was holding in his hand and gave it to me.

"Thanks" I smiled politely at the guy and then he went back to his group of people.

The box was tied up by a bow and I opened it slowly. I was too curious to know who asked this guy to give me it, but my curiosity increased when I saw what was in this box.

It's impossible.

I looked around, with a fear, trying to find the person who gave me the box, even if I didn't know who to look for, and then looked back at the thing I saw in the box.

The necklace.


THE SAVIOR is back and the sequel will be much longer than the first, so we hope you'll enjoy it and please keep to comment because it's really important for us to know what you think ;)