A Glass Shoe

Because Tsuna deserved a night at the ball, and he would be damned if he let his stepmother have her way. (AU R27)

Chapter 13

Once upon a time, there lived a prince from a not so far away kingdom. Born heir to the throne, he was taken away from his rightful place for protection. He was reborn as a son of an advisor and his charming wife. Though cruel fates fell upon him, it shaped who he was, who he would become. The fates loved him as much as Mother Nature did. Thus, for a happily ever after, more trials and tribulations would await the lost prince, for the fates could not but help their favorite child.

Life required balance after all.

Tsuna felt hands—cold, clammy hands, roaming his body. As if a ghost of a touch, it left him feeling hollow. Empty. Dirty. He felt sullied, the grime on his skin wouldn't, couldn't, come off. Please, no, it's his his his—


He woke with a start.

Vision blurry, he fluttered his eyes as it adjusted to the light. He blearily reached out to the familiar voice; it was not the voice of home, yet it was familiar. Grey locks of hair framed a tan, heart shaped face. His vision slowly cleared, "Ha-Hayato?" Tsuna coughed, his throat feeling like sand paper. His body yearned for water as if it was its holy grail.

A cup was pressed to his lips and Tsuna greedily gulped what he could. Water dribbled down his chin, but Tsuna made no move to wipe away the coldness that soothed him.

"I'm going to go call the doctors, Tsuna-sama please rest!"

Tsuna-sama? When had Hayato called him by such formalities?

Tsuna blinked and eyed his surroundings with clarity. Where was he? What happened to him— a haunting chuckle rang in his ear and a cold chill made its way down Tsuna's body. Perhaps he was better off not knowing… he knew he was safe now, for Hayato would never be far from Reborn.

He closed his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts, fearing to bring up ghost memories once more.

A knock on the door broke Tsuna from his peace. Carefully balancing a tray in her small hands was young Yuni accompanied by Luce. Tsuna's face softened—while seeing Hayato was comforting, Yuni and Luce were closer to his heart than the assistant.

"Tsu-nii, you truly are awake!" Exclaimed the young girl. She looked ready to jump on the bed; instead, she walked faster to set the tray down. Yuni leaned along the edge of the bed and reached for Tsuna's hand.

Luce sat on the other side of the bed and brushed Tsuna's bangs away from his face. Her voice soft, she spoke: "You had us all worried there, Tsuna. We're thankful to have you with us…" Though her voice trailed off, Tsuna did not have the courage to ask her what had happened just yet. He wanted to bask in this moment of normalcy, the calm before the inevitable storm his intuition warned him of.

"Have some porridge, my mama especially helped!" Yuni proudly brandished a bowl and Luce helped Tsuna sit up.

"Your daughter is here?" Tsuna questioned Luce as he thanked Yuni for the soup. Hot to the touch, the warmth of the porridge settled somewhere deeper than his empty stomach. Something about the soup spread throughout his body and Tsuna felt at peace.

Luce smiled serenely, "Yes, my daughter was called to service for the kingdom." Nodding slowly, Tsuna let Yuni and Luce's idle chat wash over him as he finished the porridge.

The doors opened once more to reveal a group of people: a man in a white coat, a woman who looked far too similar to Yuni and Luce, and the love of Tsuna's life.

"Yo," came the man in the white coat, he seemed to be picking earwax from his ear and looked unkempt. "I'm Doctor Shamal, I usually don't heal people like you, but you can't exactly deny the Prince of Italia when he calls you to service." Shamal shrugged and loosened his tie before nearing the bed. He fussed around Tsuna while Tsuna watch Yuni jump into the lady's arms. The adorable scene softened Tsuna's face and then he met Reborn's eyes.

They were stormy—darker than liquid night skies with raging emotions. Reborn's hand were in tight fists; the man opened his mouth to say something, but instead snapped it shut and turned around, walking right out of the room.

Tsuna wanted to reach out to Reborn's shrinking back, why was he leaving him behind?

"Everything seems to be in good condition," Shamal commented airily, "Your wounds were already healed with strong sun flames when you arrived, your body just needed rest and recovery after the constant invasion of different flames."

Tsuna nodded along, not fully understanding the odd doctor. His mind drifted off to the dark, older man that left with Tsuna's heart in his hands.

"Thank you for your service Shamal, I will take it from here."

With a low bow to who he assumed was Yuni's mother, Shamal walked out with Yuni and Luce following.

"Hello Tsunayoshi-sama, I am Knight Aria of the Round Table." She stood at his bedside; her ash black hair was the beacon of darkness in the lavish room. There was a tattoo of a dainty, yellow flower under her eye and he couldn't help but wonder if it was a birthmark that all the Giglio Nero ladies had. Her words slowly began to register in his head… She was not just any Knight of the Round Table; she was the Sky Knight, the leader.

Tsuna scrambled with whatever power he could gather to sit up properly, "My apologies, Knight Aria, thank you for your service."

Her light and airy chuckle filled the air, reminiscent of her mother Luce. "Thank you, Tsunayoshi-sama. I know you must have many questions, but please listen to my explanation to the very end."

Nodding slowly, Tsuna wondered what business a Knight of the Round Table could have with him.

Her silk voice echoed throughout the chambers: "Once upon a time…"

Knight Aria left him alone to rest… laying his head against the headboard his mind swarmed with millions of thoughts.

Him, a prince? It was absurd, it sounded like something right out of a fairytale. He was just Sawada Tsunayoshi… nobody special. He lived his whole life with the barnyard animals as his friends and books his solace, and now they were telling him he was the lost prince of Nippon? His father took him because he was the son of the late king; if Tsuna had been born in any other family in Nippon, he could have already been dead. If Tsuna had been born in any other family, he was sure impending throne ascension would not be a worry.

Though Knight Aria had told him to heal above all else, he feared what would come next. He wasn't fit to be a prince, let alone a king.

And that brought him to his next train of thoughts—his blood father was King Giotto, the very man Tsuna looked up to. Tugging the silver chain around his neck, his fingers encompassed the ring, Knight Aria's word echoing. This ring symbolized his lineage… both of his fathers intended Tsuna to come back to Vongola, why else would Iemitsu and Nana always ensure he had it? He had no doubt that Iemitsu and Nana loved him like a son… after all, he truly loved them as his parents. Where did that leave King Giotto in his life? Though the man was deceased, the king did all he could to protect Tsuna, and Tsuna would not take that for granted.

Then there was the Estraneo: the very kingdom that led to his predicament. Apparently most of the trials had passed while he was asleep, the remaining captives stuck in murky waters. His head could barely wrap around the captives being both victims and villains. He buried his face into his hands—he had forgot to ask about Chrome.

Tsuna was still on orders of bed rest, but he was beginning to become restless in the empty silence. Loneliness crept and settled into Tsuna's heart, where was Reborn? Why hadn't he come to see him? He fisted the blankets, he understood the man had some sort of responsibility to the kingdom and that he shouldn't be selfish, but a small hello would have waved away the darkness brewing in his heart.

Sighing, he decided to sleep it off. Orders were orders, but he would not let himself be tied down any longer.

The lights in the room were dark. The sun had set, but the kingdom was still in mayhem over the rediscovery of the lost prince, Estraneo's rise, and the Round Table's emergency meeting. Rubbing his forehead, Renato released a stressed sigh as he snuck into his lover's chamber. He needed an escape and Tsuna had always provided that for him. Though the said man was sound asleep, Renato thought it was better off this way—he was not ready to face the newfound prince.

Guilt consumed Renato at every reminder of Tsuna: it was his fault that the man had been captured. If it weren't for Renato insisting Tsuna to attend the ball, for even bringing Tsuna into the kingdom politics, Leonardo would have never found Tsuna.

He sighed once more and settled in the bed beside the sleeping prince. The only light came from the moon's reflection and it beautifully illuminated the brunette's soft features. Tsuna's thick mane of hair was sprawled across the silk sheets and Renato held himself back from running his fingers through the tufts. He chose to cup Tsuna's quivering hand instead—Hayato had warned him that nightmares occupied the man's dreams, and it broke his heart to see Tsuna so vulnerable.

"I'm sorry," Renato whispered into the night.

Tsuna shifted, bringing himself closer to Renato. "I'm glad you're here."

Alarmed, Renato sat up, disentangling his hand from Tsuna's. Tsuna quickly grasped Renato's hand tightly and cradled it with love.

"You are awake?"

"Why did you leave earlier?" He almost missed Tsuna's small voice… Renato didn't realize that in his wallowing he had left his most important person behind.

He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. "I couldn't dare face you, after everything I did."

Tsuna rested a palm on Renato's chest and he wondered if the young prince could feel his heart beating wildly out of his chest.

"What did you do—"

"Meet you."

Though his response was short, Renato knew Tsuna would understand what he meant.

Tsuna's quiet laughter rang like wind chimes; it was the same sound of home. It tore at his heart to even think about separating himself from the younger man.

"Then I suppose we are both at fault?"

Renato felt something lodge at his throat; it was being a prince that led to cause Tsuna grief. "You were captured because of me. I led the Estraneo right to you—I am the Crown Prince of Italia."

Tsuna sucked in a breath.

The hand of his chest felt further and further away… Renato didn't want it. He hated it in fact. He wanted Tsuna to stay right where he was, to keep his hand over Renato's beating heart.

Another airy laugh escaped Tsuna, "I am not as surprised as I thought I would be."

"So you must be Prince Renato, I guess it was obvious seeing as rinato translates to Reborn." Tsuna burrowed himself into Renato's chest and inhaled deeply. "You smell like home, and feel a whole awful lot like it."

Renato smiled into Tsuna's hair, he was thankful the man was no longer recoiling from his touch. "I was thinking the same thing about you."

They laid together in the peace and quiet, the moon as their witness.

"It's still not your fault," Tsuna spoke after the comforting silence. "If it wasn't me, it would be some other child on the street. At least I had you to come and rescue me."

Like a spell, something waved over Renato as if all his worries dissipated. Tsuna had a way to his heart that no one else did.

"Rest. We can talk more in the morning," he whispered gently. The two snuggled closer and finally Renato felt at home.

There was something hovering over his face—Tsuna could feel a playful shadow above him. Wearily opening his eyes, excited dark eyes blinked at him.

"G'morning Tsuna!" grinned Takeshi.

Groaning, Tsuna sunk deeper into the bed and wanted to cuddle with Reb-Renato longer. "Shh," he whispered, "Renato's sleeping still."

Sleeping with Renato gave him the sense of tranquility. He felt pure, clean, the ghost of vileness pushed to the back of his mind. Something about sleeping in the man's large arms rejuvenated him and gave him power to move. Smiling adoringly at the other prince, Tsuna giggled at their sleeping arrangements. Despite his cool and collected exterior, Renato was a big puppy—Tsuna fell asleep hugging the man, but woke to Renato cuddling him like a large teddy bear.

"Would you like breakfast?" Tsuna nodded and slowly untwisted from Renato's hug. Renato didn't look like one to sleep in, but he supposed the stress of everything was getting to his love.

"Can we eat somewhere else? I would like Renato to rest as much as he could."

Takeshi guided them to the parlor next door. Maids immediately set breakfast and Tsuna flustered at being served. "Um, thank you," he stuttered nervously. He wasn't a prince; truly, though his blood may run pure, he was raised like a servant himself.

They ate in a companionable silence. Tsuna's head was filled with thoughts and he missed Takeshi's worried looks.

"What's on your mind, Tsuna?"

Pausing between bites, Tsuna hesitated. "You must have heard by now, who, what I truly am…"

Takeshi smiled gaily and nodded, encouraging Tsuna to continue speaking.

"I don't think I am fit for this role. C'mon Takeshi, me, a prince? I lived like a servant for years, how could I be a prince? Vongola deserves someone more than a dimwitted king with no training."

Despite the force and near crack on the table from Takeshi slamming his fork down, a shark grin stretched across his face. "I think you fit the role far more than you would like to admit. You would make a great king—it doesn't matter where you came from or even if you didn't have royal blood: kindness runs through your veins. Courage, wisdom, humility, those are all traits of a good person. And that's all it takes to lead a kingdom. You can change Vongola, you can bring it back to Nippon."

"You won't be doing it alone either, the villagers here love you. You have all of us by your side."

Tsuna smiled tenderly off into the distance. "Thank you… If anything else, I owe it to the villagers who raised me as their own when my parents passed." He would try. His father, both blood and not, served this kingdom to their fullest and loved it with all their hearts. Tsuna too learned to love this kingdom and its inhabitants as his own; he would not fail his important people.

As the elephant in the room was addressed, Takeshi steered the conversation while Tsuna listened along dreamily, thoughts wandering.

"—They will be the last bit of trials."

Looking up, Tsuna met Takeshi's eyes. "Trials?"

"Just three more investigations and this whole thing will be behind you."

"Can you take me to see the survivors?"

Takeshi eyed Tsuna carefully, his eyes sharpening and softening faster than Tsuna could notice. "Okay, let's go right now!"

Tsuna smiled thankfully at his old friend, Takeshi helped him feel a bit of normalcy in this mess. There was no doubt Renato was a great comfort to have, but Takeshi was more willing to let things wash over than delve deeper.

As they walked down the corridors of the castle, Tsuna was in awe at the grandiosity of it all. The castle was previously ruins of the Nippon Kingdom, yet it still rose and stood tall as a castle for the Vongola Kingdom. He prayed that one day it would become home once more for Nippon.

Takeshi pushed the doors open into the castle's infirmary. Their entrance did not interrupt the silent bustle and the two stealthily went bed to bed, greeting each survivor. Tsuna thanked them for their bravery and made sure to have a conversation with all who were awake.

Finally, they reached the bed of a familiar face. Pineapple like hair spiked in defying gravity movements bobbed upon their arrival. "Prince."

He sat at the edge of the bed and Takeshi hovered at the foot. "I'm glad you're safe, Chrome. Your kindness will not be forgotten." The woman in question played with the edges of her blanket, the whiteness of the infirmary and bed shrouded her in a veil of innocence.

"I know," she hesitated, "It might be impossible, but please your highness, please help me save Mukuro, Ken, and Chikusa." Tears pooled in her single eye but dropped from both. Her hands shook as they gripped the blanket, "They aren't bad people. They wanted to protect me, protect all the people taken as lab experiments by shouldering the burden. The-they don't deserve a punishment like Leonardo's."

"Okay," he said simply.

"Tsuna—" protested Takeshi.

"No, Takeshi, this, this I can try at least. If I were to become king, now is better than never to begin trying. While I cannot to remember much of my time at Estraneo, I do remember that Chrome was a light for me there." Facing Chrome, he continued, "Thank you, Chrome. Your passion is my inspiration, I will try."

King Timoteo looked as he did years ago, only with peppered hair and soft wrinkles. He was a grand figure, daunting in his royal clothes in ways that Tsuna did not remember. Tsuna had always seen him as a grandfather, but he was stupid to forget that this man was king of one of the strongest kingdoms.

"Tsunayoshi! What are you doing out of bed?"

He had to be brave now. He had to show them the same feelings Chrome did. This was his first test if he were to become king, for himself, for his father. "The remaining three prisoners, please, they're innocent—"

"Innocent?" came a scoff from one of Knights. From his hazy memories of childhood and academy, he surmised she was Knight Lal. "Did you see the destruction they caused? Mukuro himself was Leonardo's right hand man!"

"Yes," he agreed, feeling braver as his anger grew. "But those were under the orders of Leonardo! With the threat of danger to the rest of the survivors, they had no choice but to follow Leonardo. My father led with justice and compassion, we have to adjust when things are grey. There is no clear black or white situation here, if you talk to the survivors, they would tell you the same thing. While Mukuro, Ken, and Chikusa may have done awful deeds, they did it to protect what they could."

Knight Lal opened her mouth to argue but Knight Aria silenced her. "Thank you, Tsunayoshi-sama. Your courage to stand for what you believe in will not go unnoticed. As the Sky Knight of the Round Table, and thus the governing body of all kingdoms, I leave the three in your hands. But do not forget, Tsunayoshi-sama, all eyes are on you now. As Crown Prince, this nation trusts you to lead and guide them, how you move from here will always have an audience. The kingdom must come first, you must work even harder for the lost time."

Tsuna swallowed and bowed; he knew he was doing the right thing, but Knight Aria's warning seemed to go strike a chord deep within him The ease that she gave the three prisoners up did not escape him—she must have known that the three did not deserve any worse fate as well.

"Thank you."

"Tsunayoshi," King Timoteo called as Tsuna brushed the handle of the door. His eyes pierced into Tsuna's, and Tsuna knew the older king could see into his very soul. "You will make a fine king one day."

Tsuna only smiled beatifically back.

However, as soon as they were far enough, Tsuna nearly collapsed on himself. His heart hammering from his chest: he had just stood up to some of the most powerful bodies of the world and succeeded.

"I just did that, oh god, what did I do?"

Takeshi laughed good-naturedly, "You did something right for a poor woman and for three men who were wronged by the people who should have protected them. "

"Can you take me to them?" he paused, "To the three gentlemen?"

"Of course, my prince," joked Takeshi as he completed a clumsy curtsy.

The two began their trek, stopped by bowing maids and butlers. Tsuna's head began to spin at the amount of twists and turns it took to get wherever they were headed. Soon, they took a stop outside a large wooden door, thick locks adorning it.

"Are you sure you're ready, Tsuna?"

He furrowed his brows, "Of course."

But when Takeshi unlocked the door leading to a darkened staircase, he realized maybe he wasn't. The dewy smell and stonewalls brought nauseous memories; although he could not pin point to what exactly, each step further in raised his hackles. Phantom touches feathered his open skin and Tsuna knew in that moment that it would take a long time until those ghost memories went away.

The two came to an end in front of dungeon cells. Tsuna shivered; he didn't think there was a chill in the dungeon, something else rattled at his bones.

"Ken?" he tested, "Chikusa, Mukuro?"

Seemingly materializing out of the darkness, the three men all appeared to the bars of their individual cells. Shackles bounded on all of their appendages, but they did not look worse for wear.

"My, my, my, the little princeling decided to grace us with his presence," the spiky haired man all but purred. His midnight blue hair was just like Chrome—just like the man he saw in the village with Luce.

"You must be Mukuro then."

Mukuro flipped his hair and laughed haughtily, "What of it? Come to brag?"

Tsuna stepped closer to the cell, the torch along the walls lighting his face. "No, I come to administer your punishment."

A slight whimper came from what direction he knew was Ken.

"For the next year, Ken and Chikusa shall serve as guards for the survivors of the Estraneo experiment. Mukuro, you will begin training for a trade ministry position to serve as a liaison for the village and castle. Any questions?"

"What!" spluttered the animalistic man, "We're not getting killed? Exiled? Beheaded or burned alive?"

Chikusa sighed and pushed up his glasses. "Do you always have to be such an idiot, Ken? We should be thankful with this alternative."

"Why are you sparing our lives?" The voice was venomous—Mukuro's mismatched eyes were hidden in the shadows of the dark.

"Not sparing," Tsuna decided to answer simply, "Giving you a chance you were never given."

and that completes chapter 13! The next chapter will be the last official chapter omg can you believe it :O chapter 15 will be an epilogue/extras + a long author note hehe!

i replied to all the reviews from the previous chapters via PM, so thank you once again to all of you who took the time to do so!

see u all soon ;)

guest reviews

Giggle123: thank you! tbh, a lot of the plot just wrote itself, despite the outline i had created (oops)