A/N - Hey everyone! I have been recently re-watching Ouran High School Host Club with a friend, and she pretty much begged me to write a fanfic for between an OC and Kyoya. This is my first fanfic for Ouran, and it's kind of gonna follow the plot of the manga, but I'm not really. Tbh, I'm typing this at 2 am, so who knows what the story's like? Anyway, then next chapter is gonna be the full summary of the story because I really don't know :P So, I hope you enjoy the story, and please no harsh criticism. Nobody likes that, mkay? Ta-ta~! And I unfortunately don't own any of the characters except for the ones that I created (but I would love to keep Kyoya for myself hehe~)

PS - The dialogue is kind of weird and choppy (or is it just me?) because I'm not used to writing dialogue for more than two people. If the "he said, she said" is getting a bit repetitive throughout the story, it's because I just want to make sure you know who is talking at the moment. I don't want people to be confused about who's speaking.

How did I even get into Ouran? I still can't believe that they're still accepting honour students this late into the year. At least Haruhi will be there. Looking at herself in the mirror, Mitsu sighed as she realised that she was not going to be able to buy a uniform any time soon, and settled with what she picked out for herself, making sure it did not draw the attention of others. She headed out the door before her mother could stop her. Or tried to at least.

"You're not gonna give your mother a kiss before you leave? How mean."

"Sorry, mom." She went to kiss her and rolled her eyes as her mother studied her. "Don't nag me about make-up. It's not gonna happen."

"But, first impressions are everything, especially at Ouran. I know we're not nearly as wealthy as any of those people, but I want them to see you as a force to be reckoned with."

"Mom, I really don't care about them. I just wanna go there and study."

"I know. I swear, you and Haruhi are like two peas in a pod. One day, Ranka and are gonna have to stage an intervention and have you two become the women that you were meant to be."

"Oh no."

"Oh, yes. Now, I've kept you for too long. Go to school. And say hi to Fujioka for me."

"Alright. See you later."

"Oh, and Mitsu?"


"Join a club, please. Do something after school."

She rolled her eyes again, and chuckled. "Will do."

All eyes were on her, and she didn't know if she was going to faint or vomit. "H-Hello, my name is Fukumoto Mitsu, p-pleasure to m-meet you..." She bowed, thankful that she didn't make eye contact with anyone. She was also thankful for the fact that she was in the same class as Haruhi, but it was odd since classes were ordered alphabetically. Unfortunately, every seat near her, or him, was taken. She had to settle with sitting in the back of class.

Walking carefully, fearful that a misstep may offend someone, she made it to her seat, but not without feeling the judging eyes of her peers and the harsh whispers about her being a commoner. She attempted to shrink back into her seat, cursing her academic prowess. The lesson resumed, but there was a buzz in the room that everyone felt.

Haruhi felt the nervousness from her friend and she sighed, silently sympathizing her. No one told her that it was going to be easy being a commoner in a rich school. She planned to talk and comfort her after class because the poor girl looked pretty close to tears.

"So, how did you like the lesson," Haruhi asked.

"Not bad. But, these are top notch teachers."

"Yeah. How have you been?"

"I've been doing good. Nothing too exciting. You?"

"Same. But, in this school, there has to be something interesting."

"What about that host club?"

"It's fun, but do you really think it's all that great?"

"Good point."

"Haruhi!" a voice scolds. The two turn to a ginger standing with arm crossed and an expression of false offense.

"What would the boss think if he heard you say something so horrible," another ginger that shared the same face and stance as the other appeared behind them.

"Oh, shut up, you guys think so, too."

They gasped in unison. "We would never."

Mitsu giggled. "So, these are the devilish twins that I've heard so much about."

"Yup." She points to the one on her left. "That's Hikaru." Then, to the right. "And that's Kaoru."

"Haruhi," Kaoru began. "You talk about us to other people?"

"Not many. Mitsu and I go way back, so of course I would tell her these things."

Mitsu smiled at their astonishment. "She's really fond of you guys. And anyways, I know she's never mentioned me to any of the host club members, right?"

"Not a word," Hikaru chuckled.

"Your mom's still working at that shop, right?" Haruhi asked.

"She owns it."

"Are you serious? That's amazing!"

"She says it's meh. Oh, ans she says "hi", by the way."

"Of course. Oh! You should come to the Host Club after school. You can meet everyone, and you'll definitely have fun."

"Hmm...I don't know...that'll bring too much attention..."

"Oh, come on," Kaoru said.

"Yeah, it'll be great," Hikaru added.

"Besides," Haruhi smirked, "Mai-san told you to stay after."

Mitsu blinked at the brunette. How the hell did she know that?! "You're impossible, you know?"

"I know."

After her last class, she met up with the trio and followed them to their club room, a music room, which she thought odd to be the location of a host club. When they arrived at the door, she looked at her friend.

"I'm...I'm kind of nervous."

"Don't worry. These guys are a bunch of goofballs, anyway. You'll understand why I complain half the time." With that, Haruhi opened the door and Mitsu was greeted with the sight that would make any girl her age (and her mother) swoon. Young men, almost too beautiful to be real, looked over at the group. And then...

"HARUHI! How are you, my darling daughter?!"

Tamaki, she thought.

"Tamaki-senpai, let me go! You can't go clinging to people like that!"

His eyes welled up with tears. "Haruhi...you're mad at me?"

She groaned as she heard the oncoming whines and complaints. "Stop acting like a baby, especially when we have a new guest."

"A new guest?" He turned to look at Mitsu.


And his host persona was back. "Don't be shy, my dear. We won't hurt you. Welcome to the Host Club, where your dreams will always come true."

She quirked an eyebrow at him. "Wow, how original." This earned a giggle from Haruhi.

"Alright, senpai, go away," she said.

"But, she's a guest from outside the school. I must show her our best hospitality."

"Actually, she's a student here. She just transferred here today."

"Ah, yes. The second honour student," another voice said.

"Kyoya, always on top of things," Hikaru mumbled.

Mitsu looked over to find a young man, the same age as Tamaki, scribbling away in his black notebook. She knew his face well, considering that her mother often worked for his father, and she would bring her along as extra help. "Miss Fukumoto Mitsu, correct?"

"Yes." Upon hearing her answer, Tamaki instantly brought his face close to hers, wide eyes being all she sees. "You're a commoner, too?! Do you know Haruhi?!"

"Yeah, we're best friends. We've known each other since we were kids."

"Wow, I've never met any of Haruhi's friends, except for Arai-kun!" She looked down to find another blonde staring at her.

"You must be Hani-senpai."

"You know my name?"

"Of course, and that big guy over there is Mori-senpai. Haruhi talks about you guys."

"Really," Tamaki asks. "What does she say about us?"

"Differs from day to day. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. But, in the end, she always holds a note of fondness towards you guys."

"Awww!" the twins squeal, and nearly tackled her to the ground. "We love you, too!"

"Hey, get off me! Way to go, Mitsu."


"Since you know Haruhi, then you must know Ranka-san," Kyoya said.

"Of course! He's like the dad I never had! I practically grew up with them."

"Then, you must have a whole lot of cute stories about a little Haruhi!" Tamaki grinned, his hopes seeming to be rising.

She blinked at him, trying to make sense of what he said, but failing. Instead, she turned to Haruhi. "So, this is the Host Club?"


Mitsu stared back at the group of boys, then back at her...

"I am so sorry."

Haruhi choked back a laugh as the guys tried to figure out her meaning behind her apology.