To Protect One's Own

He couldn't believe this. This was all his fault; he should have been paying better attention but how could anyone have predicted this? Maybe he should have, after all the Hunters weren't like the Outcasts or even the Berserkers pre-joining the Outcasts. Nope, Hiccup thought he had everything covered even after the last time Ryker pulled such a trap on them. The big difference this time was that they weren't in an ice mountain but an actual one with no Snow Wraiths or even a handy Whispering Death within the mountain let alone on the entire island. So when the cave in happened this time care of the Hunters and a series of boulders smashing into the rock face when the riders dove into the cave for cover there was no escaping. They were effectively trapped and it was all Hiccup's fault for thinking he had discovered another Dragon Eye lens.

The dragons tried blasting the entrance open but that failed, the cave in far thicker than anticipated and each blast only succeeded in causing more rocks to fall on top of them. So they tried searching for an exit, feeling a cool draft of air in the opposite direction. They lit torches, something most kept in their saddle bags in case of emergencies, and followed Toothless deeper into the mountain. They walked for hours until their feet hurt and journeyed to a fork in the path then searched one and then the other. Both led to dead ends with nothing but the barest cracks to the surface that allowed just the barest hint of fresh air.

"I guess we're making camp," Hiccup announced when everyone began slumping onto the rocky floor, too exhausted to go any further. They had previsions for one day, it wasn't unusual for them to camp out for a night or two while investigating a new island for dragons. Emptying the bags they passed out a fair portion of food to each other and some water. They took their time with the provisions trying to make it last while their figured a way to escape.

That was four days ago. Four days in the darkness, Four days trapped underground and trying to figure a way out. The food only lasted less than two days when they finally came to the conclusion they weren't getting out any time soon and started taking the tiniest of bites to try and make it last. It wasn't only the riders that had to eat but their dragons, too. The water didn't last much longer. By the end of the second day the riders and dragons experienced their first night on an empty belly and thirsty. The cave was also cold and the dragons did their best to keep a fire going and cuddle up to their riders.

The third day hope of escape was fading but they still had enough strength to try searching for a way out. Everyone was hungry and tempers began to flare. Snotlout, as usual, was the most vocal and complained almost constantly. He placed all the blame at Hiccup's feet for hunting after the stupid lenses when they no longer had the Dragon Eye. The others agreed with him, even Astrid, but they only grumbled about it without lashing out like the Jorgenson boy. Hiccup couldn't help but agree with them. It was his pride that put them in this situation and he should have known better than to lead everyone into a cave. He should have gone in himself and then everyone would have been safe and someone would have been able to save him. He admitted to that but it still hurt to have everyone turn against him as they did. Sure they were all still friends and all still cared about each other it just stung in ways that he couldn't quite explain. He did his best to try and keep spirits up but without food or water…well it didn't take a genius to know that it was only a matter of time before they began dying off or worse, instinct took hold of their dragons and they began pecking them off. It was something no one voiced but each knew to be a very real possibility.

The fourth day they knew they were in trouble. Everyone was starving. Everyone was thirsty. And everyone was tired. Time had no meaning. They didn't know it was day or night, if it was indeed four days or five. It felt like forever until the mountain suddenly shock with such force the dragons and riders dove toward each other and huddled together. Was it an earthquake? Was the mountain volcanic and awakening after being dormant so long?

Fresh air came like a rush and bringing with it warmth. Hope filled Hiccup as be broke away from the group to look toward the faint stream of light. The shaking had stopped and the sound of voices could be heard in the distance. "Dad?" he breathed, his throat dry and voice cracking. "Dad!" he tried, his voice not getting much louder but hope suddenly filling him. He should have known his father would come searching for them when their weekly dragon mail didn't reach Berk. He gave a choking cough as he stumbled toward the light, the rest of the riders slowly following. "Dad?"

He blinked as dark shapes blocked out what little light there was but he knew immediately it wasn't his father standing before them. Nonetheless he squinted at the men, trying to make them out as his mind raced. Did he send his weekly report to his father? Maybe. He couldn't quite remember.

Bright lanterns appeared and the riders shielded their eyes as the dragons growled warningly but even they didn't sound as fearsome as they usually were.

"Who's there?" Hiccup tried, stepping in front of everyone as he tried to make out who the men were. He had a bad feeling but ignored it. There was an opening and they could escape.

"Hiccup Haddock the Third," a deep familiar voice called to him.

Hiccup's stomach filled with dread. "Yeah?" he called back with growing anxiety. He glanced toward Astrid who was trying to hold Stormfly back, the dragon squawking and rumbling in anger but the dragons were no good to them right now. Without food or water their flames had extinguished. They were defenseless and the Hunters would take them down without so much as a fight. None of them could fight right now.

"One time offer boy," Ryker called, his voice more recognizable now. "Viggo is willing to free the lot of you and give you water but only if you agree to come out alone and meet with him."

That brought about mumbling from the riders, some telling Hiccup to do it while others, namely Astrid and Fishlegs – although the latter was whining slightly – whispered it was a trick and that they would kill them regardless what Hiccup choose. But there was light that way and Hiccup could see water sacks in some of the men's hands when his eyes finally adjusted to the light. Even if they had no food water would at least give them a few extra days. "If I go to him you won't harm any of our dragons or riders?" he called back.

"I told you he'd try negotiating," Dagur's voice could be heard somewhere beyond the light. "There's always a catch with him."

Hiccup held back a groan. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Dagur.

"Yes," Ryker agreed, ignoring Dagur. "My men will watch over them and make sure they and their dragons have plenty of water. Food will come only after you agree to Viggo's terms."

"Hiccup, no…" Astrid breathed, grabbing his arm but Hiccup had no other choice, it was either go see Viggo and hopefully negotiate their freedom or let everyone die and he couldn't do that. What sort of chief would he make if he let his people die rather than swallow his pride and face Viggo?

Toothless moved to follow him as he limped toward Ryker, his prosthetic foot causing his left leg a lot of pain after wearing it for so long. He stopped and turned toward the Nightfury, his hands raised. "No, bud, stay here with the others and don't do anything to anger these guys. I'll be back as soon as possible, okay?" He brushed his hand over his dragon's snout and offered a small smile that never met his eyes. "Everything's going to be okay, I promise."

The dragon warbled but did as he was told and lumbered back to Astrid with a grumpy whine.

When Hiccup reached Ryker every part of him hurt from fatigue. He barely acknowledged Dagur with anything more than a glare as the Berserker chief gave him a big happy grin, obviously sensing victory. Hiccup fought back the urge to punch him. He was in no condition to fight anyone and he would never win against Dagur. He might get a few good hits in but ultimately Dagur would beat him. Ryker grabbed Hiccup's arm and dragged him along while Dagur followed, causing Hiccup to stumble and trip, his legs unable to keep up. The bald man only stopped when he noticed Dagur following them.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ryker demanded, swinging Hiccup around as he turned on the young chieftain.

Dagur looked a little confused. "With my brother. He belongs to me. We agreed…"

"We agreed to nothing. Viggo wants to see the boy. What happens after that is up to him," Ryker growled, a murderous look on his face that had Dagur backing down if only a little.

"No one hurts Hiccup, do you understand? No one but me. If you so much as…"

"Yes, I've heard this before, you'll 'wear my rib cage as battle armor'. Careful, boy, or it'll be you who will have their ribcage worn as battle armor," the older man warned.

Hiccup looked between the two in surprise. He knew Dagur was a little obsessive when it came to him but he had never actually heard him threaten anyone over him before. He couldn't help but stare at the Berserker in open mouth awe before he was yanked in the other direction and ushered out of the cave. There was a camp set up at the base of the mountain and Ryker dragged Hiccup all the way to it as he yelled orders to the men to watch the cave and make sure the kids had water but not to let anyone out of it and if anyone caused trouble to bring the whole thing down on their heads. Hiccup struggled when the man said that but he was no match for Ryker. The man simply threw him over his shoulder and continued on his merry way until he reached a large tent made of multiple dragon skins. There he was dumped ungracefully on another skin before a table that Viggo sat behind studying the Dragon Eye. Hiccup inhaled sharply at the sight of it, his hand automatically going to his pocket where he kept several of the lenses.

"Ah…Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third," Viggo purred, not bothering to look away from the Eye. "I gather your stay in the mountain was enjoyable. Oh, don't try talking, you must be parched." He nodded toward Ryker who shoved a sheepskin into Hiccup's hands.

The youth couldn't help it; he was dying of thirst and immediately pulled back the cap and drank his fill. The cool water washed over the back of his throat, easing the burn that had begun the day before. He drank until it was empty, knowing it was foolish and may make him sick even if it wasn't poisoned. When he was done he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and struggled to his feet, feeling vulnerable sitting on the ground. "My friends," he whispered before swallowing and trying again, his voice a little stronger now.

"They'll be given water as well," Viggo assured even though Ryker had already ordered the men to do just that. "I'll also make sure they and your dragons are well fed and freed as long as you agree to my terms."

Hiccup already knew he wasn't going to like this but he would do anything to save the others right now even at the cost of the wild dragons. His head bobbed up and down in understanding. "We won't try freeing anymore dragons," he promised although his mind was already working on ways to get out of such a promise.

Viggo gave a small laugh and looked up from the Eye with sudden interest. "Ah…now if only I could believe that." He gave the boy a charming smile as he stood. "No, my boy, I'm far more interested in the lenses you're hiding in your pocket there." He nodded toward Hiccup's hand that was still clasped self-consciously over his pocket.

The boy sighed and fished them out. Well it was a small price to pay for his friends' safety, he supposed. Handing them to Viggo he glanced past the man to eye the Dragon Eye. Maybe if he played his cards right he could save his friends and steal the Eye back and…

Viggo studied the lenses for a moment before turning his attention back to the Dragon Eye. "An interesting artifact, no?" the man drawled as he took it and the lenses and locked them in a large heavy trunk. "I bet you and your friends learned a great deal from it, haven't you? No doubt you'll do just about anything to get your hands on it again, wouldn't you?" He strolled back to Hiccup, his dark eyes never leaving Hiccup's. "I'm going to make you a very generous offer, Hiccup, and a smart boy would take it."

"Alright…" Hiccup said softly, taking a step back when Viggo invaded his space only to bump into Ryker. He gave a startled gasp and glanced up at the large man.

"No one's going to hurt you, Hiccup," Viggo assured, moving no closer. "Or your friends. All we want is a little of your time."

"For what?" Hiccup asked, his insides twisting in premonition. Ryker's large hands curled around his shoulders.

Viggo smiled as he lifted a hand and ran a lone finger down Hiccup's cheek. "Well I suppose that would all depend on you."

"I wanted that little blonde friend of yours. The one with the big mouth. I was going to give it a better use than her sass," Ryker rumbled in Hiccup's ear.

The boy's eyes widened in sudden understanding. "You want me too…with you?" he breathed in shock. He shook his head, certain he hadn't heard them right or that he was delusional and still trapped in the cave with his friends and this was all some strange and twisted nightmare.

Viggo gave his brother a look that clearly said to "drop it" as if they had had this conversation many times before. Then his focus was entirely back on Hiccup. "No one will harm ANY of your friends as long as you do as we say," he promised, his finger still slowly moving up and down Hiccup's cheek. "Is one hour of your time not worth the lives of five riders and five dragons?"

"One hour?" Hiccup repeated, playing it out in his head that was still spinning from days of thin air and lack of food and water. One hour didn't seem so bad. He bit his lower lip. Maybe if he had something to eat he could think a little more straight but he couldn't and all he knew for sure was that his friends were counting on him.

Viggo nodded. "One hour. Think of it as future training. A chief protects his own, no?"

The boy nodded. One hour. He could do one hour.

"That's a boy. Now let's get you out of those filthy clothes and cleaned up. Once we have what we want I'll give you something to eat," Viggo promised as he took at a hour glass and flipped it over to the sand slowly spilled to the bottom.

That did it. Hiccup was so hungry he couldn't think past the idea of food. He knew there was a catch to it some where's, that the Grimborn brothers were up to something but one hour seemed like nothing after days in the darkness. But that darkness suddenly returned when Viggo insisted on wrapping a blind fold over his eyes. Momentary panic consumed him.

"Relax," Viggo purred. "You're perfectly safe. We're going to undress you now. Then I'm going to tie your hands above you."

"Why?" Hiccup couldn't help but demand. He really didn't like this idea.

He felt Viggo's hot breath against his ear. "Because I'm asking you to trust me…for the sake of your friends. I promise no harm will come to you."

The boy shivered but stayed still. He didn't stop the men when they began to undress him, both being oddly gentle yet seeming to make sure to touch and caress his flesh as it was bared to them. While it was a little disconcerting and Hiccup probably would have been running away screaming had he been in the right. It actually felt nice when warm wet clothes touched his chilled flesh. He felt cold, grimy and sweaty, and fatigue was eating at him. He couldn't tell who was touching him, all he felt was the clothes and hot hands. When a rope was tied around his wrists he nearly pulled away but stopped at the last moment and regained a little self-control. He didn't speak. He didn't trust his voice not the crack or quiver in fear. Instead he took several deep calming breathes and tried to school himself to be as impassive as possible as his arms were risen above his head. He was stretched out until he was balancing on the tips of his toes. Once again the edge of panic took hold of him.

"Relax…relax…" Viggo cooed, rubbing his arm. "You're alright. Take a deep breath and calm down. We'll wait."

An hour. This would all be over in an hour, Hiccup told himself. He was pretty sure ten minutes had already passed, maybe longer with how thoroughly they had washed him. It took a few minutes – at least he thought it was a few minutes – to calm down but once he was he let out his breath slowly. "I'm okay," he breathed.

"That's a boy," Viggo said with what sounded like pride as he patted Hiccup's right bicep. "Do you want us to remove your prosthetic or leave it?"

"Leave it…please." Hiccup cringed. Oh Gods, he sounded so weak even to his own ears.

"Very well. Now we're going to gag you."

"I thought…"

"You won't be harmed, Hiccup," Viggo reintegrated. "However there are somethings we'll be doing that may either frighten you or cause you to make a noise that we don't anyone hearing. And the last thing you want is to draw attention to your present state of undress and it will save you from biting your tongue."

It sounded reasonable but the youth didn't like it. It meant another thing he would have no control of…not that he had any to begin with. He kept telling himself he was doing this for his friends, that if he did what Viggo wanted that they would be free and their dragons safe. Toothless would be safe. It was only for one hour, less now. "Alright," he conceded before opening his mouth and allowing one of the brothers to place a ball gag in it and tie it behind his head. This went way beyond his personal boundaries. He prayed no one, especially Dagur, walked in on this.

Large fingers stroked down his cheek. "Now only one last thing," Viggo spoke gently. "You see to truly appreciate what we're about to do you need to lose access to the things you rely on most; sight, ability to speak, and your hearing."

Hiccup jerked when fingers ran over his earlobe.

"I know, I know…we rely so much on them that we forget our most power sense…the sense of touch. I want you to focus on that, Hiccup. Only on that." Viggo brushed his lips over the sensitive lobe before gently nibbling it. "Trust me, Hiccup, you're going to be learning a whole new side to yourself before the hour's up."

The boy would have objected but he was suddenly shut out from the rest of the world. Warm wax was balled and placed inside each ear effectively cutting off his hearing. It was like being trapped in the cave again but this time there was absolute darkness, no one to hear him cry for help and no sound save for the frantic thumping of his heart. He tried breathing through his nose, hoping to calm down but he couldn't. For the next few minutes he was left alone, not one touch, nothing. For a while Hiccup thought he was alone and slowly he allowed himself to relax. A moment or two later he was gasping around the gag.

Freezing cold suddenly touched his chest. It was so cold that felt as if he were on fire which was a strange feeling indeed. His toes curled and he grasped at the ropes trying to keep his balance. A path was trailed from just under his right arm, over his pecks to his right nipple where it seemed to move in slow patterns around it, hardening the nub before moving on to the next one. Then it moved down his front, over his taunt and sunken stomach, down further still until it was just over his pelvis. No, no, no… he silently pleaded. If it went any lower he might lose control of his bladder and as embarrassing as thing was that would be so much worse.

"Shh…it's alright…it's alright…" Viggo cooed as he watched Hiccup's every reaction. The boy was a true beauty. Slight of build and freckled from head to toe, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third held a certain appeal that few Vikings had. In this state they could do whatever they wanted to him and no one would be able to stop them. But rape was not part of the plan. No, this was a test of the boy's limits. Teenagers were such interesting beings. Their emotions swayed so quickly and their bodies were not always theirs to control. He moved the ice back to Hiccup's chest. The boy was trembling like a leaf, obviously not accustomed to such touches. No doubt Hiccup had yet to be touched by anyone sexually yet. Perhaps he had a girlfriend amongst the riders but teenage love was nothing compared to the knowledge of a grown man, namely someone like Viggo.

He lowered his face to Hiccup's chest and took one perk nipple between his teeth. His tongue flicked the sensitive nub before gently suckling it. Hiccup sucked in a sharp breath around the ball gag causing Viggo to grin around the flesh in his mouth.

Ryker came up behind Hiccup, his large hands stroking Hiccup's sides. "You're right, three days trapped with no food or water has made him extremely sensitive." His fingers slid upwards to caress the youths under arms to play with the little auburn curls of his armpits. "Or perhaps it's a teenage thing." He pressed his nose into the curve of flesh and nipped at the skin before licking it better.

Every nip and bite made Hiccup jump and try to pull away but never getting more than an inch or two away. Ryker chuckled and nipped his way all the way down until he was kneeling behind Hiccup and admiring the round globes of his ass. The boy's whole body was tense now, his hands balled into fists and struggling to keep from losing his balance and hanging from them. Ryker licked his lips as he took hold of both butt cheeks and pulling them apart. "It's been a while since we enjoyed someone so young together," he noted, eyeing the ring of muscle around Hiccup opening.

"Our tastes don't usually coincide," Viggo agreed as he reached for a candle merrily burning on the table. He lifted it in its holder with one hand and took another chunk of ice in the other then turned back to Hiccup. His fingers splayed over the boy's chest for a moment. "Ready?"

Ryker adjusted his grip so that he was holding Hiccup's hips. "Do it."

Slowly Viggo dripped hot wax over Hiccup's damp skin. The boy jerked back toward Ryker who nipped his rear causing him to jump forward once more. Viggo immediately swiped the ice over the wax, cooling it before it could truly burn the youth. He did it again, dripping hot wax, causing the boy to jerk away only to meet Ryker's hands, mouth and teeth, then quickly cooling the wax. He did this for only a minute of two to increase Hiccup's level of sensitivity and slowly moving downward, making sure to drip wax over the boy's taunt belly and over his groin, allowing a few drops of wax to even splatter on his limp cock and taking care to cool it quicker than the rest. By the time he was done Hiccup was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, his hands knotted around his ropes and kneels shaking so bad they threatened to give out from under him. Small sounds escaped him, something between a whine and a sob. Viggo left the flakes of candle drippings where they were and put his tools away.

Hiccup was given a moment to catch his breath before the men assaulted him again. Hands, lips and teeth touched, kissed and nipped at him. Ryker's ran his thick tongue over the crack between Hiccup's ass cheeks, lapping at his whole and nipping the ring of muscle. He worked the opening with the tip of his tongue, slowly moving it inside. A surprised sound escaped Hiccup and he tightened all around that tongue but Ryker was on a mission and paid it no mind. His tongue darted in and out of Hiccup and swirled all around the opening of the cavern while Viggo gently rolled the boy's balls in his hand.

Hiccup was completely lost. His breath kept hitching either in pain or sudden unexplainable pleasure. He had no clue who was doing what to him or even why. His whole body tingled but it was near impossible to focus on only one thing at a time. A tongue, he was sure it was a tongue by the way it moved, was licking the inside of his ass. It disgusted him but felt oddly good at the same time. He tried to jerk away but was held firm as that tongue went even deeper inside him. As if that wasn't strange enough but the other man was touching his testicles while gently chewing on the juncture between his neck and collar bone, his hot breath sending shivers down Hiccup's spine. Oh Gods! Hiccup didn't know what to do. There really wasn't anything he could do. He was trapped and other than flexing his legs he really couldn't do anything else. He whimpered behind the gag. He didn't want this. He didn't want any of this. All he wanted was to go back to his friends…back to Toothless.

His body didn't quite agree with his mind.

Pleasure filled him as the tongue in his rear repeatedly flicked over something inside him and the hand on his balls moved to his length and gently squeezed and stroked it, every now and then giving it a little twist. Blood seemed to drain from Hiccup's head and descend to the organ in response to those touches making him hard with sudden need. The boy whimpered again and tugged on the ropes in an attempt to free himself. Stop, he mentally pleaded, fearing he may lose his mind as pleasure began to overtake him. It felt good, so good compared to a few minutes earlier when all he knew was hot and cold and jolts of pain mixed with pleasure. Now everything simply felt good, too good - until something else worked its way inside his rear.

The boy was wet enough now to work fingers into without tearing him. Normally Ryker wouldn't care if he hurt a whelp like Hiccup but since Viggo had future plans for the boy he agreed to take his time and break Hiccup slowly. So he twisted his fingers inside the rider, finding the bundle of nerves that was his prostrate and gently teasing it. The reaction was near immediate. Hiccup tightened around his fingers, two deep, for several long minutes but it didn't last long. Viggo was teasing the boy's front and had knelt down to taste the boy's weeping dick.

"An hour can be a very long time," Viggo mused teasingly to the youth even if he couldn't be heard as he drew back Hiccup's foreskin. "Especially when you can't tell the passage of time." He licked the tip and breathed against the slit, coaxing it to full hardness. Then he held up a thin ribbed rod with a small ring at the end. "I think our young friend would benefit from a delayed orgasm. Perhaps learn a measure of self-control?"

Ryker grinned widely and continued stroking Hiccup's prostrate, his movements a little harder and deeper as a distraction while Viggo expertly inserted the rod into the boy's urethra. The rider squirmed again, his muscles once more tightening as noises of objection escaped his gag. Ryker inserted a third finger, pumping them in and out until they moved smoothly and the rod was completely inside the boy's perk. Then Ryker stood and began untying his trousers. The fabric felt confining and his cock ached with need. He took enough time to coat his thick, long length with lube before positioning himself at Hiccup's entrance. Taking the boy's hips firmly in his hands he pushed in while pulling Hiccup onto his length. Viggo helped by pushing Hiccup onto him as he licked and nipped at the big vein under the young man's now hard length. The boy cried out around his gag but could do nothing to stop them. With only a few small thrusts Ryker was deep inside him, filling him to the core. He gave Hiccup only a few moments to adjust to the foreign object within him then he began moving. Now this was Valhalla. Ryker closed his eyes and thrust deeper, alternating between fast and slow, gentle and soft, needing to loosen the boy for what was to come next.

"You're doing so well, Hiccup," Viggo cooed as he stood. He pulled Hiccup's head forward a little and kissed the other side of the youth's neck. "Much better than I thought." Undoing his trousers he fished out his dipping length and coated it in lube as well. Even though Hiccup couldn't hear him, Viggo felt the need to assure the youth that he was alright doing good. Other than the odd gasp and trembling, Hiccup had done very well at keeping his composure. "Now," he told Ryker.

His brother stopped his movements long enough to grasped the boy's legs and lift them up so that they joining was on full display. Viggo slipped between Hiccup's legs and pressed the tip on his length against the boy's opening and pushed in alongside his brother.

Hiccup let out a cry, his head falling back against Ryker's shoulder, as he was stuffed so full his stomach felt as if it would explode. They moved as one, pushing in and out, bouncing him on their lengths while fingers caressed and stroked his chest and pinched his nipples. Lips brushed over his face and neck. It hurt at first, being so full, but soon the pain subsided and a jolt of pleasure rode up his spine until he was panting and trying to push back. He had absolutely no control. His thighs were being held to his chest and his arms were still bond. All he could do was shake his head or fling it back when the pleasure became maddening. He needed to cum, he realized, his hips pumping forward as the pressure in his groin becoming unbearable. He tried to speak and make the men understand that he couldn't take this anymore but they were too consumed in pounding into him while littering him with kisses and nips to care. Something hot shot up inside him and filled his stomach, causing a strange bubbling sensation, but neither of the men stopped moving. If anything their movements began erratic and forceful.

His hearing suddenly returned when one of the men removed the ball of wax in one of his hears. The gag was removed next and he panted for breath.

"Do you want to cum?" Viggo purred in his ear, his tongue running over the lobe.

It took a moment for Hiccup to find his voice, his mind numb as it warred with his body. "Y…yes…" he whimpered, his voice not sounding like his own.

Viggo looped one finger through the ring at the end of the rod. With his other hand he grasped the back of Hiccup's head and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Both men began thrusting even harder into the boy, slamming against his prostrate as their orgasms were nearly upon them. When they came Viggo pulled the rod from Hiccup's manhood allowing him to cum along with them. The boy screamed into Viggo's mouth, his body jerking and thrashing as his orgasm consumed him. His insides squeezed around their cocks, milking their juices from them. His seed spilled into Viggo's hand as the man stroked his length, coaxing him to spill every ounce of cum within him until Hiccup had nothing left to give. He slumped between the men, his chest heaving as he fought to catch his breath. Slowly, the men pulled out of him and his legs were lowered back to the floor. Hiccup was never so happy to have his arms tied above his head – his legs were too weak to hold him up.

"Very good…very good indeed," Viggo assured him, a hand trailing down Hiccup's front.

"Why…" Hiccup tried, his voice choked and confusion filling him.

"Shh…" Viggo whispered.

Warm wet cloths washed him down again, erasing every trace of what had just transpired. The men were thorough, more so than last time. His ass was flushed, warm water cleaning his inners and opening wiped clean. Then he was dried and redresses before his arms were finally freed. Hiccup was at a loss for words and couldn't bring himself to look at either man.

Viggo led him by the arm to the table where food was prepared and sat him down in the sole chair. "The hour is nearly over, eat," he instructed as if what had happened was a normal occurrence. It very well could be.

Hiccup knew nothing about these two men, at least not as much as he should have. He stared at the food. His stomach felt twisted and he wasn't sure if it was due to what had just happened or if he was still hungry. He truly had no idea what he felt anymore. He felt lost and like a small child before two strangers being offered something forbidden.

"Is something wrong with the food?" Ryker demanded, making Hiccup jump.

Hiccup jumped and looked up at him but he couldn't answer. He couldn't find the words. He wasn't hurt, he knew that. His body tingled and he felt drained but Viggo had kept his promise. He caught Viggo's eye and saw the little challenge there as if demanding Hiccup to ask a question and discuss what had just happened. "I'm not hungry," the boy answered, surprising himself as his stomach gave a little rumble but the mere thought of eating made Hiccup sick.

"Nonsense," Viggo countered knowingly. "You've gone days without food."

"It's not too late to force feed him," Ryker taunted, his gaze leering as he eyed Hiccup.

"Hush," Viggo ordered as he strolled back to Hiccup and placed a hand on his shoulder. He knelt down to eye level and made the boy meet his gaze. "What happened between us will stay between us. We won't tell anyone and I suspect you won't either. You have nothing to fear. Take a few bites and gather your strength. If you wish to discuss it at a later date I'll be more than happy to do so but not until you've recovered."

It sounded so odd yet Viggo sounded sincere. Hiccup didn't know what to do but he did know one thing. He couldn't eat. Not right now. Not in front of them. And he couldn't bring himself to discuss what had happened either. All he could do was stare at Viggo as his mind raced with thoughts that made no sense and fear ate at him. He had been afraid before for many different reasons but never like this. This was a type of fear completely foreign to him, especially with how causal the brothers treated what had just happened as if it meant nothing to them. He opened his mouth to say something, anything to try and get some answers but nothing passed his lips.

"Eat," Viggo encouraged.

"I can't," Hiccup managed but that was all he could say. He tore his gaze away from Viggo to look at the hour glass, thankful when the last of the sand feel to the bottom. He got to his feet unsteadily and stepped away from the table, Viggo copying his move. Hiccup stumbled back, not wanting the man to touch him again. "I…I need to go," he stuttered, unable to hide his nervousness.

Viggo simply watched him, his face pleasant and calm.

Hiccup gasped when Ryker grabbed his arm and tugged him out of the tent and out into the day light. Like before Ryker said nothing to the youth but he kept a firm hold on the boy's arm as they walked back toward the cave. They had gone no more than a few dozen steps when Hiccup suddenly felt lightheaded. He stumbled and was only saved from falling by Ryker's tight grip on him. He was yanked back to his feet none too gently.

"You should have eaten something," Ryker reprimanded. "If Viggo had followed my advice you would have."

"I'm fine," Hiccup insisted, trying to pull free only to be caught by someone else. He pretty much face planted into an armored plated chest. Blinking, he straightened to his full height, his backside aching and mumbled an apology that quickly fell short when he came face to face with Dagur the Deranged. "Dagur…"

The Berserker studied him for a moment before looking at Ryker. "What's wrong with him?" he demanded, reaching to grab Hiccup's arm only to have the younger boy pull away.

"I'm fine," Hiccup snapped, shaking both of them away from him. He made a pained sound as he staggered toward the cave on his own.

Dagur watched him with confusion before turning toward Ryker. "If you hurt him I'll gut you and Viggo."

Ryker gave a snort. "You're always welcomed to try," he answered before following the rider.

When they reached the cave opening the rest of the guards brought out the rest of the riders, all of which had been well fed and given plenty of water. The dragons had been fed as well.

"Hiccup!" Astrid called, pushing aside one of the Hunters and running toward him. She was quickly followed by the others. She stopped before him, her bright blue eyes regarding him with worry. "Are you alright? What happened? What did they do to you?" she asked, noting his pale face and dark circles under his eyes.

Seeing his friends all well and safe made the fear subside and relief filled him. He threw his arms around her and drew her into a tight embrace, needing to feel her warmth. "Nothing I wouldn't do again to protect you…all of you," he answered simply, burying his face in her hair.

The rest of his friends gathered around him, all asking what had happened and if he were okay. He wasn't but he wasn't going to tell them that. He was still too confused by what had happened to accept it let alone tell his friends about it. Not even Toothless or Astrid. For now all he wanted was to get everyone home safely and forget it.

The Hunters let them and their dragons go without a fight or fuss but Hiccup could feel Ryker's eyes on him as they took to the air and sure enough when he looked over his shoulder he spotted not just Ryker but Viggo watching him, a small smile on the younger brother's face, a promise that this was far from over.