Help I'm a Fish !! Part 13

The Celery Stalks at Midnight.

" Time to hit the hay, " X announced, later in the evening, as the group was getting ready for bed. "Un... Bass you need a pair of PJ's ?" he asked the blonde bot, standing in the hall way.

" Na.. I sleep in the nude." the red eyed boy grinned , walking passed him.

"EEEPP !!" X gulped, trying to rid his mind of the horrific images it was suddenly being plagued with.

Blues walked up behind him, heading for Rock and Roll's room. "I'd be careful going to the bathroom," he grinned. ".... he sleep walks."

X was left alone in the hall, vainly fighting the deluge of horribly images his mind presented him.

"And that's when he took out his flame thrower, and announced in a jolly voice, "Merry Christmas to you're all gonna die !! " Blues cried flinging his arms wildly.

Rock and Roll, sat huddled together shaking in each others arms. Watching as their brother finished his rendition of the night Santa went crazy.

"Ok, now you two have a good night sleep..." Blues smiled, "And remember, no getting out of bed to peek for Santa cause you know what will happen if he catches you...?"

Rock and Roll looked at each other, then Blues.

"" Rock stammered.

"HE'LL TRACK YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU!!!" mwahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Blues screamed, twisting suddenly and jumping up onto the bed between his two siblings.

"AAARGGGHHHH !!!" the two small bot's cried, ducking under the blankets, whimpering.

Blues smirked as he tuned of the lights. "Sweet dreams."

Good night Forte" Blues whispered snuggling under the blankets, next the his companion, and turning off the light.

"Aww love you Pooh bear" Bass crooned.

" you too" Blues replied nuzzling under his collar.

"Love you too what?"

"Huh?" blues asked

"Don't you have a pet name for me?" Bass asked , sounding hurt.


" gotta have one, come on think of one...come on come on"


"No Blues, has to be cute!" Bass snapped folding his arms at the indignantly.


"Blues attempt" he sighed.

"um...Mr. Hankey?'

"NO ! are not naming me after a singing piece of shit!!"

"Hey you named me after a mentally challenged bear!!"

"Come on Blues, just think of something that comes to mind when you think of me"






"NO!!..............? actually think of Jigglypuff when you think of me?!!!"

"When your singing in the shower yes" Blues laughed as Bass gave an unamused glare. ":Your singing seems to have the same effect too"


"Put's me right into a coma" Blues laughed.

"This scares me...." Bass sighed.

"Well do you think of a demented bear when you think of me?"

"NO!! I think of someone warm to hold, of soft and tender embraces from someone who loves me" Bass replied dreamily.

"Oh gag me with mush!"

"Blues!" Bass folded his arms and pouted.

" about muffin?"



"Un uh"




"Blues I'm not edible !!!"

"Says you" Blues crackled.



"Excuse me?"

"Eggplant. You know they are kinda cute in a certain light."

"No Blues.. just..................just no"

"I wonder if eggplant's know their going to get eaten?"

"Blues..try and stay with me here"

" I know how about fishy wishy!'

"Ok..that does it I can handle only so much' Bass jumped out of the bed. "Where is my stress ball!!?...I need, I need !!!!...fishy wishy....ughh" (shudder) .

"Where are you going..?" Blues chuckled.

"I'm sleeping on the couch." Bass muttered, walking out into the living room, and plopping down in a huff. "Hmph...fishy wishy...."

Bass groaned shifting on the couch.

I'm bored.....he sighed, glancing around the room for something to catch his eye.

"Hmm" the blonde bot got up walking over the hallway





"Heh heh heh ...light goes on light goes off. light goes on light goes off. light goes on light goes .......

BASS !!" X screamed, coming out from his room " cut that out , you delinquent monkey ! " he batted Bass's hand away from the light switch. "Go to sleep..."

"I can't.." Bass whined.

"Then find someway to amuse yourself ....quietly.........................and safely.." he grumbled shutting the door to his room again.

"Hmmm" Bass made his way into the kitchen. A smile spreading to his face as he grabbed some items from the counter. amusement ahoy




"Die... arrghgh no ..."Bass giggled to himself as he flushed marshmallows down the toilet.

"Save me !!!" he cried in a high voice, and he dropped a large pink marshmallow into the water, and watched it get all gooey.

"Never fear, I will save you!" he hissed


A large slab of fruit cake slashed unceremoniously into the basin. Bass began to make car sounds as he started to steer the fruit cake like a hydrofoil.

"Look out Turds ahead! Hard starboard captain!" He flung the cake against the seat.

Mayday, Mayday, damage report..."

Oh she's going down...!!" Bass laughed as he flushed the toilet.

"Arrghgh whirlpool, we're done for.....arggghh.............ah..?" Bass watched as the cake almost disappeared from view, only to become jammed in the bottom of the pipe.

"Uh no...she's gonna blow !!" Bass yelped running into the living room and covering his ears .after a moment he listened....nothing.

"Ah well all's well that ends well I guess." He went into the kitchen, to make himself a snack, perfectly oblivious to the bathroom, and the puddle leaking from it as the water began to spill out over the bowl.

Bass peered carefully into the fridge. "Ooooo..." he said grabbing a large cabbage from the shelf. "Hello...?" he stared lovingly at the mound of pale green. "I will name you Cabbie, and you will be mine. And you will be my Cabbie.....good Cabbie..." he smiled patting it softly.

"!" Looking down he grabbed another veggie and then shut the fridge door. Turning from one veggie to the other. "Ok guys, lets go say hello to Blues !!" he smirked.


Mmmmm" Blues groaned rolling onto his side.


"Who is it.." he mumbled.

"This is your your eyes...we need to talk.."

"Unnn...wha.." Bleus, cracked open an eye, looking down at the foot of his bed, to see

A stick of Celery...?

Blues blinked as he watched the stalk sway in front of him. " ohhh God...." Blues groaned covering his eyes... "I'm having that weird talking vegetable dream again..........what was I smoking..?."

"Wake up Blues...."

Blues sat up, "I am awake......uh...I am awake..?" he turned to the foot of his bed. "Arrgghghghgghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's talking veggies in my room. My conscience is a celery!!! (that might explain a few things..) Help!" Blues snapped as if a thought had suddenly occurred to him.

Leaning over the bed, he watched Bass for a moment, before he grabbed the stalk and chomped it in half.

"Arrghhh !! Blues you killed Herman !!!" Bass jumped up from the floor. "What do you have to say for yourself..?"

Blues, belched leaning back, "Herman was pretty tasty." he grinned.

"Unngg" Bass gasped. "Of all the"

"Who's your other buddy..?" Blues asked pointing to the cabbage Bass had clutched in his other hand.

"Stay back, you may have gotten Herman , but Cabbie, is not to be harmed.

"Oh come on Forte, geez, get into bed, you're gonna be exhausted tomorrow ..."

"I can't trust you might eat my friend..!!" he hugged the cabbage to his chest, pouting.

"All right I'm sorry I killed Henry.." Blues shrugged

Herman !!" Bass cried.

Fine whatever, Herman," Blues sighed.

"He was a good celery....never hurt no one...and you ate him.."

"I'm sorry I ate him ok......he started it.." Blues snapped.

"Oh that is just low...blaming your crime on the victim....really.."Bass hissed

Blues blinked " why am I having this conversation with you. It's 2:00 in the morning I'm going to bed Forte....goodnight.."

Bass huffed folding his arms across his chest, "Sleep well if you can !" he hissed.

"Forte.." Blues whimpered "Go to sleep."

Bass climbed in beside him, making sure Cabbie was safe on the edge. He lied down coving himself with the blankets.

"Good night Forte.." Blues said.

Bass was quiet for a bit before turning to glare at Blues


"Just remember Blues...good food never just goes bad.... sweet dreams" With that he turned back and fell asleep in an instant.

Meanwhile , Blues was kept awake long into the night worrying about the workings of a vengeful veggie mind.

the Celery Stalks at midnight....he gulped..

To be continued..............................