(Hello everyone! It has been some time since I have been on here to post something like this. I am so sorry to all those people who followed this story, but never saw it go past two chapters. Today, the wait is over! I do hope that this was worth the wait, it has been in the works for some time after all. Disclaimer: I do not own or have control over any part of the Halo universe and franchise. I claim only my character and the plot. Hope you enjoy!)

Chapter 3

As we stepped out of the broken building, my memories kept flowing through my mind. Showing me pieces of the, seemingly, two different lives I lived. It was so bizarre, but what seemed more so was going outside like this. In both set of memories, I didn't seem to go outside much. I know that, with the memories I grew up with, I just didn't like going outside because besides; food, water, and work, I just didn't like to talk and interact with others. It's just how I grew up really.

Yet, in the other set of memories, I cannot see much of the life before being found and put into the cryo- tube. The whole experience is hard to wrap the mind around. Definitely not something I should be focusing on.

The facts I should be focusing on is that I'm really in the Halo universe! The fricking Halo universe! It feels so real, the grass, the air, even the gun. Speaking of which, how the hell do I know how to use this thing!? I never used one before this, yet I just can use it like I know what I'm doing. I mean, I know that shooting is not difficult from what I have seen from the games I have played, but still!

Breaking out of my thoughts, I hear from Master Chief, "Slow down. I am seeing motion up-ahead."

Following him, I knelt by a log that was laying off to the right of the path. I looked over the log and saw figures that looked like those enemies from earlier in the game, I believe they were called Prometheans, along with the Covenant. But I thought that they were enemies…

"Cortana, see if you can't scan their radio waves to see why the Covenant are not fighting the Prometheans." Chief spoke, watching the area in front of us.

It was a few moments before she spoke, "Chatter mostly, but from the best I c-can tell is t-that they-y are be control-led by the Didact-t"

The Chief pauses and looks down, "Just hold on Cortana."

Finally making my presence known I asked, "What's going on? Is Cortana okay?"

The Chief looks over to me, "Cortana is not okay, she is slowing going crazy due to being in service longer than she was meant to be. In short, … she is dying."

I gasp, thinking to the first game when she was introduced to the Master Chief so long ago.

"However, I am not going to let that happen on my watch. I need to get back to Doctor Halsey on Earth, she may know a way to help her" Chief added, looking back over the log at the enemies.

This is new info, or maybe it was something I already knew but forgot, damn these confusing memories! Either way, with this and all the memories from the old games I knew I couldn't let her die. Knowing how much both had gone through and with more still to come, I knew Chief would need her just as much as she would him.

"I will help you heal Cortana, Master Chief. You have my word." I gazed at him as he turned to face me. He nodded his head before looking back. Cortana's then said, "Right now, we need-d to foc-cus and get past t-these ene-emies, there is a ship-p that touched down no-ot too fa-ar from here t-that we need to g-get to re-regroup with."

"How are we going to do that? That's a large group out there, should we split them and take them down in two parts?" I asked, not wanting to separate from Chief.

"Divide and conquer, we don't have the man-power to take them head on. Pick off the ones round the edge and go from there." Chief replied.

Nervous, I check my ammo and waited for Chief to give the go to start killing. However, my mind was going to the fact that I never in my life before killed something that wasn't in a game. Plus, before I didn't need to worry about dying, video games always let you start over. Either through saving or starting a new game, you always had a restart/refresh. Now, …



Now, I don't. And it terrifies me.

I am not a soldier, not a killer. Not someone who wanted to go into the military, wasn't made to fight others. I am just a man who likes playing video games and helping others.

This is tough to believe, but now is not the time to freak out. If there is one thing that I learned from playing games, is that freaking out can get you killed quick. In order to get through this, I must focus.

Making sure I am ready to fight; I check my gun again. I have 12 rounds, and no extra ammo on me. I look to Chief and ask, "Sir, I only have one clip and its in the gun. Do you have any extra ammo for this on you?"

Chief quickly pats himself down before grabbing two extra clips and handing them to me.

I silently take them and pocket them, now I have two clips and 12 in the pistol. Hoping it will be enough, I look to the Chief and nod. He nods back and turns back to the enemies over the log.

Master Chief then said, "Go"

Jumping up, he took out a plasma grenade and threw it between two squads of brutes and grunts. Opening fire as the grenade exploded, Chief rushed the nearest enemies made of Prometheans crawlers and Covenant brutes.

I watched in awe, as for the first time in my life I see the legend of Spartan 117 fully come to life in front of me. How did the game even capture such abilities and action of him? Watching him duck, dodge, and weave out of enemy fire as well as returning said fire by masterfully using enemies blind spots, tactfully hiding in the foliage around him, and when using bullets weren't enough he would use the knife on his chest plate and stab them from where he could. It was like art, not many want or could do but almost beautiful to view from an outsider perspective.

As I'm observing the fight, I forget the fact that its my fight too and do not hear the sounds behind me. Just as I was about to ready myself, I heard in my head, "Move now!" Startled, I jumped away from where I was hiding just in time to hear a concussion blast, throwing me through the air thanks to the low gravity. I hit a tree and fell to the ground, my ears ringing and bleeding a little. Looking up, I see a brute chieftain with a gravity hammer running at me with some grunts following him.

Knowing if I were hit by it, I would be a pile of mush, I run towards Chief. I hear Cortana's voice as I get closer. "Chief, Rou is bringing some to us. Look out behind you!" Not knowing if she was just talking with Master Chief or not, I felt the need to jump. As I did, I heard and felt the swing of the hammer just as my legs left the ground. Flying over the Chief, I smashed into the nearest tree. My body ached all over, pain flared up and down my body as I tried to stand again. My ears heavily bleeding now from the second blast and my body bruised, I see Chief trying to handle the new enemies.

Knowing I couldn't match Chief in combat, I look around for anything near me that was better than this pistol. I see plasma rifles, pistols, repeaters, and other types of weapons littering the ground. But I did not know how to use them… in games, all I had to do was pick it up and the character knew how to use it already. This wasn't a game; I couldn't just pick one up and use it.

Could I? Daring not to hope against hope, I crawled over to one and touched it. My mind exploded with information about the weapon in detail.

Weapon name: Plasma Rifle

Ammunition: Plasma Cartridge, infused in weapon. Non-reloadable

Features: Heat sink – offers for a way to vent heat from overheating the weapon

Rapid fire – paired with the heat sink, allows for the use of firing in a variety of ways

Modes of Fire: Single shot

Burst fire

Rapid fire

I shook my head, trying to alleviate the pain as I wondered where this came from. Did it come from the other life's time with the Forerunners? Is this some of the knowledge that was put into my head from another lifetime?

Either way, I knew what I needed now.

Picking up this weapon, I got behind some cover and lay down return fire to help keep some of them from the Master Chief. The Brute with the hammer used the grunts around him as a meat shield while trying to turn Chief into the same paste I would have if I were hit earlier. Knowing that by shooting at the brute, it gave not only Chief time in between each blow, but it also thinned the enemies more and more. Trying to not let the rifle overheat as I shot was different then it seemed when I just was playing the game, more tedious and less fun then I remembered.

Pushing that aside, I kept up the fire as more grunts and brutes were killed by either me or Master Chief. Finally, when my weapon was empty, I chucked it at the closest grunt and grab another from the ground. It did not flood my mind again with the information, so I did not need to stop and shake off the pain. Finally, it was just me and Chief with the damn Brute Chieftain with the hammer. It saw that we were the only ones left and decided to change targets and come after me again. Not realizing why that was a bad move, as soon as it was ready to strike me, it fell over dead with Chief hopping off it is back with his knife.

"Good job, that fight went easier with two people instead of one. "Chief said, sheathing his knife and reloading this rifle. "Come on, the ship is close." With that, he started walking off. I just felt a little stunned after all that. Master Chief had told him good job, THE MASTER CHIEF! I could not believe what he had said, but it happened. With a smile on my face, I shook my head and grabbed a new rifle before hurrying after him. In the back of my mind though, one thing did stick out…

..This was only my first fight..

…Master Chief is known for ALL the fights he has won…

…. This was not over….


…. Not by a long shot….