If only she hadn't wrecked Will Solace's flying chariot.

Annabeth didn't have any choice in the matter when she saved three demigods from the clutches of some wind spirits, but she could use some kind of useful transport right about now to help her cross the US states with plenty of time to spare.

It had been five days at this point since Percy went missing, and she made no progress whatsoever in finding him.

It was now the middle of the night, and she was now sitting at the foot of the Gateway Arch in St Louis, Missouri, her blonde hair in a dishevelled state, dirt streaked across her face and clothes. Her journey had not been easy.

She shivered in the nightly chill.

If Percy's disappearance wasn't worrying enough, it was the increased monster activity that had been occurring. She had plenty of experience when it came to monster-slaying so she knew how persistent they were, but this was pushing it. Not only had they become more restless, but she swore that some of them had re-spawned faster than usual. Monsters could take little time to regenerate themselves, that was for sure, but less than a day if she were lucky? That was not right.

No food (except for a little ambrosia; she didn't think she would take this long), sleepless nights, ridiculously stubborn monsters and still no trace of the guy she loved but who she felt like punching.

"Looks like it's not just yourself that you got in a tight spot now, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth grumbled.

He may be the hero of Olympus, but gods, was he hopeless!

She looked over the Mississippi River, at a loss of where to go next. She at least hoped the gods would leave a sign, some indication as to where Percy could possibly be.

She went to the riverside and threw a few drachmas into the flowing water as an offering to the local naiads. They weren't servants of Poseidon's court, but they honoured him. Hopefully, they could provide some information on his son's whereabouts.

"O, great patrons of this river," she said "Please accept this offering, and answer my prayer."

A few moments of silence.

Then, the water rippled gently and out of the currents came a serene-looking woman dressed in green silk, with radiant emerald eyes. Her flowing hair was black, although Annabeth couldn't help but notice streaks of brown mixed within. Was that a Pepsi can stuck in there as well? Annabeth stifled a laugh.

"State your intent" said the disgruntled naiad.

"Great river spirit. I have been looking for so long, but I can't find Percy anywhere. You remember, the guy who fell in your river five years ago? Do you know where I can find him?"

The naiad looked at Annabeth with a fixed gaze.

"Regrettably, there is no trace of Perseus Jackson. His location is obscured, and even Lord Poseidon himself is too preoccupied to find him."

"Why? What's going on with Poseidon?"

"The whole of Olympus is in the same situation, as you know. Zeus forbade contact between the gods and their demigod children."

"Why? What is the Sky Lord's problem now?"

Annabeth ignored the rumbling grey clouds gathering in the sky.

"Something is about to happen, Annabeth Chase. Something greater than the Titans themselves."

"What is?"

Instead of answering, the naiad's gaze shifted, and she seemed to be looking over Annabeth's shoulder.

"Beware the sorceress, daughter of Wisdom," she said suddenly "The witch seeks retribution."

With that said, the naiad promptly vaporized into mist.

Annabeth frowned, and turned to look at what the river spirit was talking about.

In the distance, standing at where she sat before giving her offering to the river, was a woman of striking beauty (Annabeth noted this strictly from a girl's perspective, of course), dressed in a purple and black dress, with hair of a similar colour, albeit braided with threads of gold. She had piercing green eyes, and was adorned in a way Annabeth never saw on anyone before, yet she seemed strangely familiar.

Annabeth drew her bronze dagger, and stepped precariously towards the woman who was possibly the "sorceress" the naiad was referring to.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

The woman pouted somewhat mockingly at Annabeth.

"You don't remember me, child? You hurt me so."

Annabeth faltered. Why did she feel like she had seen her before?

"Perhaps I could jog your memory a little," said the woman, who then smiled mischievously "Although, it has to be said: your boyfriend made a cute guinea pig."

Annabeth froze.

"Circe!? But…how…?"

"As much as I love to explain, daughter of Athena, I have revenge to enact."

She immediately raised her hand, and a bright flash erupted from her extended palm.

Annabeth had only a second to curse herself for lowering her defence before leaping sideways, accidentally dropping her bronze knife.

The spell missed her by an inch – thank the gods for her agility training – and sailed over the river before smashing the wall on the opposite bank.

Annabeth looked up at Circe, and proceeded to pick up her knife.

It was then that she realized she lost her invisibility cap, which she haphazardly put in her jacket pocket.

"Sorry, Seaweed Brain. Looks like you'll have to wait a little longer. I have a sorceress to beat."

Circe sneered.

"I wish you the best of luck, demigod. Did they ever say you cannot destroy a goddess?"