Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Harry Potter.

AN: Thanks for the reviews I will try to update as quickly and often as I can.

Professor Snape should have known by the insane grins on the golden trio's and Neville's face that they were up to something, but he was much too busy criticizing Seamus's potion to notice.

"Professor Sevie will you sing me a lullaby?"Ron asked, in a childish voice. "Because I'm sad and that's what my mummy does if I'm feeling sad."

"FRIED LOLLIPOPS WANT MY FIREBOLT!" Harry shouted, making Snape's left eye twitch. The boy in Snape's opinion was lucky that he Lily's son otherwise he'd hex the little twerp and face the consequences of his actions.

"Mr. Potter do not shout in my classroom. Mr. Weasley hell will freeze over before I sing you or anybody else a lullaby," Professor Snape declared, with annoyance in voice and eyes. "Miss Granger, and Mr. Longbottom why are you pretending to sword fight with spoons?".

Hermione looked at Snape as if he had just asked her the most insane question on the planet.

"The important question here professor is why aren't you pretend sword fighting with a spoon?" Hermione asked while Neville was trying to balance his spoon his nose.

"SEVIE DOESN'T HAVE A SPOON" Harry shouted, then started laughing maniacally and clapping his hands.

"Potter shut it before I put in detention until you graduate, Granger the reason I'm not pretending to sword fight with a spoon is because I'm not a two-year-old now explain why you are pretending to sword fight in my classroom" Snape demanded.

"Because I'm two and a half and I wanna" Hermione responded, grinning proudly.

Every student could see Snape clenching his jaw as if it would magically make all the students vanish from his classroom.

"I WANT A PONY" Harry screamed.

"That's it, Potter go to Dumbledore's office. Granger, Longbottom put the spoons away and Weasley stop staring at your hands as if they just magically appeared" Snape ordered daring anyone to argue with him.

Harry opened the potions classroom door before he walked out of it and slamming the door he screamed a farewell to Snape: " BYE SEVIE I HOPE THE TROLLS EAT YOUR UNDERPANTS".

It was unfair, nearly every time Ron and the others pulled a prank she'd miss it all because she was a year younger than him.

Ginny liked to prank people just as much as the twins did and if she couldn't be involved in Ron's and the others pranks she'd pranked alone.

Ginny decided to pull her first prank in charms because she knew Professor Flitwick would be less likely to put her in detention.

Ginny cradled a tattered teddy bear wrapped up in a blue blanket," Go to sleep little Blinky , Go to sleep and fetch me a donkey" Ginny sang softly her voice drawing the whole class attention.

"Miss Weasley why are you singing to a teddy bear?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Voldemort asked me to take care of his teddy bear Blinky and who am I to argue with a murdering nut job" Ginny said while trying to soothe the teddy bear as if it was a baby.

Professor Flitwick was torn between wanting to ask what Ginny was on about and not wanting to have to go through a completely random discussion.

"Miss Weasley I'm sure when He-Who-Must-Not- Be Named asked you to take of Blinky he didn't mean you had to sing to the bear" Professor Flitwick said feeling like a complete idiot for agreeing with the girl.

"You're probably right Professor I'll just put Blinky on table, continue with the lesson my green Professor" Ginny said placing Blinky on the table.