Chapter 29
Jeff Tracy rotated his shoulders as he strode through the hospital corridors. Superb pilot that he was, landing the Tracy jet in the middle of a raging snowstorm wasn't the easiest thing in the world. It had actually taken both his and Alan's hands on the yokes to keep the small jet from doing cartwheels down the runway. As it was they did a few spectacular 360's on the runway before rolling to a stop. It almost took them as long to drive the 10 miles to the hospital as it did to fly from home to the mainland.
"Gordon Tracy. I'm his father." Jeff said with quiet authority to the nurse on duty.
"Room 204..." she began, and then noticed she was speaking to the man's back. The young blond following him shot her a quick smile and followed on the abrupt man's heels.
Jeff Tracy pushed the door open of the room. He took in two steps and stopped. He took in a deep breath. It wasn't that long ago that he stepped into an ICU to see Gordon's broken body. He let out his breath in a relieved hiss. Despite heavy bandages on his arm and torso and some rakishly placed butterfly bandages on his face, Gordon was only hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor beeped regularily in the background. As if expecting company, the patient moved restlessly.
Alan's hand on his shoulder gently reminded Jeff of his other son's presence. He came closer to Gordon's side.
"Mmmm..." Gordon groaned and tried to blink.
"Gordon? Son?" Jeff leaned over the restless young man and took his hand in his. Alan went to stand at the foot of his brother's bed.
"F-fath -er?" The golden eyes lit up in recognition. "Wha..."
"You were in an accident." Alan read his brother's confusion correctly.
"Oh..."Gordon's brows furrowed and he winced in pain as cuts pulled uncomfortably. "Truck...I...." His eyes closed and a tear wandered down his cheek.
"We know about, " Jeff couldn't put his tongue around the name. "Your...wife."
"Oh man Gordo." Alan breathed.
"" Gordon said with growing strength, "...right..."
"Gordon." Jeff began sternly.
"She's dead." Gordon interrupted him and another tear dribbled down his cheek.
Em splashed more water on her face and faced the mirror warily. Dark circles surrounded eyes red from crying and lack of sleep. Her hair hung limply around a pale face. The fashionable dress was mere rags underneath the green doctor's scrub shirt she was given. A quick finger comb was all she allowed herself. Taking a deep breath she stepped into out into the hall to go back to Gordon's room. The doctor seemed sure that her young man would be waking up soon.
She walked in on two men with Gordon. Her sleep deprived mind thought that they were doctors.
"Uh oh sorry...I..." she went to back out of the room.
Jeff Tracy turned and saw the redhead standing diffidently by the door. "You!" He snarled and stood defensively in front of his son.
"Who?" Gordon asked weakly.
"Gordon?" Em stepped forwards.
She was blocked by Alan who decided to run interference. "Hold it Charlotte."
. "Charlotte?" She spun around to look behind herself. "Where?" She turned back in confusion when there was no one there.
"Charlotte?" Gordon echoed his sight blocked by the broad back of his father.
Jeff took a step forwards and then cocked his head in confusion. ""
Em Jones swayed on her feet. "Mr. T...and my God! Big, big Al." She stared up at the strapping 6 footer.
"Em!" Gordon yelled weakly from the bed and made a good effort to get up.
"Martha?" Jeff had one hand on his struggling son and another towards the pale redhead. "Alan." he warned.
"Got her." Alan had seen what little color disappear from the young woman's face and with practiced ease caught her as she fainted in front of him. "Em Jones. Well, brother looks like you finally got the right sister."
Chapter 30
Em was ensconsed in a chair next to Gordon's bed. She was sipping a cup of hot soup under the stern supervision of Jeff Tracy. Gordon had his eyes fixed on her. Jeff and Alan were also sitting in chairs next to her and the bed.
"You disobeyed my orders." Gordon's voice was stern. His free hand gave a gentle tap on her arm.
Alan hid a small smile behind his hand. Gordon sounded just like Father or even Scott. It was almost scary.
Em shrugged. "Just as well I didn't stay in the car. Under the circumstances, I did what was best." She darted a quick look to Jeff Tracy. "Right Mr. Tracy?"
"Don't pull me into this." Jeff raised his hands in defense.
"C'mere." Gordon beckoned the redhead closer.
Em warily put the cup on the bedside table and leaned closer to Gordon. He pulled her into a kiss. "And that is for getting out of the car." He said huskily.
"So. I was right." Em kissed him lightly on his cheek.
"Yeah. Well. Yeah. Darn it Em, you need looking after." Gordon complained as she sat down again.
"I ain't the one in a hospital bed!" she shot back and yawned.
Gordon's shifted his gaze to his younger brother. Years of experience in working in International Rescue had made them able to communicate with just a look. Alan responded with a small raise of his eyebrow.
"I got us a couple rooms in the hotel across the way. How's about a nice nap?" Alan smiled at Em who was looking like the nap was going to be about 24 hours long.
Em stood up on slightly unsteady feet only to find Alan at her side supporting her. "I do feel kinda tired." she admitted and shot a look at Jeff Tracy and then a wan smile at Gordon.
"Don't you worry about Gordon. He's been through worse." Alan was saying as he led her away.
"Worse? When the hell was that? Why didn't anyone tell me...?" Em's angry words were cut off as Alan dragged her out of the room.
"Oh man, trust Alan to let that cat out of the bag." Gordon groaned.
"Speaking of cats out of bags, I'd like an explanation for this escapade." Jeff said sternly.
"Well, you see Father it was never Charlotte. It was always Em." Gordon leaned back as if this explained everything.
Jeff Tracy was silent for a moment and then nodded. "Yes." he said slowly. "I can see that."
"You can?!" Gordon was surprised that he was going to get off this easily. "She's great,isn't she?" His eyes began to blink and he felt sleep tug at him.
"You are serious about Em." Jeff stated the obvious.
"Yes Father. Very serious." Gordon shifted the cast to a more comfortable position and yawned widely again.
"Good. I like her. She's good for you Gordon."
"Is this some kind of reverse psychology?" Gordon asked suspiciously. He'd expected to have to put up a fight for Em.
"No. Son. I like Em. I suppose she will be alone for the holidays well, you... invite her to Tracy Island for Christmas?"
"Can I Father? That would be terrific!" Gordon looked like a ten-year-old presented with a new bike. "I can't wait to show her Thunderbird 4! FAB!!"
"I thought that turned out pretty well." Charlotte snuggled up to Oliver.
"You are so devious." Her husband of two days said admiringly. "Sending the invitation to Tracy for the funeral was so daring."
"Oh? Is that why you married me?" She pouted at him charmingly.
"Well, it wasn't for your inheritance. Only the house seems to be of some value."
"Yes, well a shame about Mommy's jewelry, but somehow I'm not surprised."
"And your sister gets Gordon Tracy. He is a millionaire's son. I'm surprised you passed him up for me."
"No excitement. Think of it! He is still living at home and working for Daddy. Poor Martha always wanted adventure in her life and she's ended up with a lazy rich boy. I'll give them six months, before she realizes how dull he and his life, and his family are."