'I told him to stay away.

I told him, didn't I?

Was I… not clear?

Did he misunderstand my words?

I warned him.

I told him.


Why did you come…?'

"Ooooh, look at this! Hisoka has made his way to the center of the arena and stands menacingly! It appears he's searching for Chrollo…! Ladies and Gentleman, I ask you to please remain in your seats, panicking will only make things wo- EHG! Hisoka's been sucker punched by a mysterious flying fist!"

'I didn't see it coming,

I was stunned- for the moment,

Not because of the sudden hit,

But because it was your warp punch.'

"A new contender is facing off Hisoka! Is he also under Chrollo's manipulation?! Why… it's none other than Leorio Paradinight! A zodiac! Where did he come from? Oh no, Hisoka does not look happy!"

'You glared at me,

Eyes seeming to hold so much hate,

And fury.


They were so full of fear

And turmoil.'

"And again, Hisoka lets himself get hit! What is he doing down there? Why won't he fight back? And where is Chrollo?!"

'You continued to come at me,

Left hook,

Right hook,


All I could do is accept the hit,

Dodge a few,

Even talking sense to you was futile.

You were gone,

Far too deep,

Under the Spider's complete control.'

" –Break Hisoka-"

'And before I could restrain you,

Prevent you from getting hurt or hurting anymore –I knew you wouldn't want that-

You were out of reach,

Out of sight.

Pushed back by the brainwashed audience.'

"What is this? The audience… have they gone crazy!? Crowds and crowds of them…?!"

'I was quick,

I tried,

I made due of the crowd around me.

Killed them,

Dismembered them,

Got them out of my way,

But I still couldn't find you,

You had disappeared for the moment.

I lost my left hand,

My right foot,

But I couldn't care less about the little things.

The sane audience screaming,

The announcer spewing nonsense,

The groans of the Manipulated from under me,

Nothing mattered.

All I wanted,

Was to see you…

When I finally spotted you,

When I finally saw those brown orbs,

I was falling from the sky.

You were in the middle of the awaiting crowd.

Arms out stretched,

Hands reaching out to me,

And I could have sworn,

For the moment,

You were out of Chrollo's control.

I was happy,

I smiled,

Regardless of my- our awaiting death,

I would gladly go into the other world

As long as I'm with you…


I can't let the Spider go,

Not after harming you.

It's his fault,


He took your free will.

He took your future.

He took you away from me.

He took my happiness away,

My beloved,

My life…?


Kill the spider.

I know what I must do.

Destroy him.

Take away his happiness.

End the spider.

Hisoka's eye's snap open, met with a bright, blinding light. He gasps harshly, bringing air back into his burning lungs, and coughs out a large amount of blood. He jolts forward, standing to his shaky feet. His eyes dart left, right. He isn't sure where he is at first, room being surrounded by lockers, benches, and a large mirror. Oh, he's in the arena's locker room.

"Yo, machi~" Hisoka acknowledges the other's presence, recognizing the spiders aura right away. "Was I… Really truly dead just now?" He asks, relaxing his hand's tight hold over his heart. No longer feeling the need to protect it.

"Dead as disco. Thoroughly and utterly dead," Machi answers, going back to her regular features. Hisoka coming back to life stunned her momentarily.

"I see." Hisoka chuckles. "Ah, I guess fighting someone of Chrollo's caliber while being swarmed but other opponents was a bit more then I could chew…" He looks at himself in the mirror. He isn't as badly hurt then he thought he'd be. Aside from his ripped up flesh around his neck, messed up wardrobe and hair, and lack of nose and upper lip, Hisoka looks okay. "Reality sure knows how to give you a wakeup call..." Hisoka pulls his hand back from his chest, wanting to inspect if it's equally as bad as his blown up one. That's when he noticed the ripped up, black, fabric fall from his palm

"Well, If you've learned your lesson from this, then next time make sure to choose your opponent and the location you fight in more carefully," Machi advices. She rests her hands on her hips, watching Hisoka's eyes widen as he stared at the fabric on the floor. Her brow raises. "Say," she starts as she bends down to pick up the fabric Hisoka keeps eyeing, "Why didn't you fight back?"

"Why… Who knows?" Hisoka mutters. More vivid memories of the arena came to mind. Leorio was there in ridiculous attire -an oversized green jacket with a black shirt and pants complete with a turban. He was watching the match, probably cheering Hisoka on. "I guess I was lost in thought," Hisoka chuckles. He reaches his hand out towards Machi, silently asking for her to give him the fabric.

Machi hands the fabric over, placing it respectfully on Hisoka's open palm. She didn't miss the way Hisoka's hand trembled nor did she miss the small arch of Hisoka's missing brows. Machi can see, Hisoka is more than affected by the man he fought hours ago. "Sit down, I'll stich you up," Machi offers, being the least she can do. Not sure how to bring comfort to the other or how to offer words of sympathy.

Hisoka stares into her eyes, reading the uncomfortable sympathy in those deep blue. "No Thanks, I'm fine~" Hisoka assures, both in his injuries and his loss. He manipulates his gum to stop the bleeding of his wounds, and with the fabric of Leorio's shirt, Hisoka places it on his neck. "The parts that were destroyed can be reproduced~" He explains, smoothing his hand over his ripped up skin and brown fabric. With the use of Texture surprise, Hisoka can make his skin look as good as new, almost like he's never been in a death match at all.

"I see," Machi's brows arch as Hisoka molded a brand new hand and foot out of bungee gum, both appendages back like nothing's happened. The man before her is truly remarkable. "Then you don't need me, do you…?" Machi turns her back towards Hisoka, "I'll be heading back." She takes a few steps forward before taking a pause, "And about that man." She turns slightly towards Hisoka, "I'm sorry… for your loss." She wasn't at the fight, knowing how reckless her boss can get when he's in battle mode, but she did watch the match being broadcasted. She's never seen Hisoka make such a sorrowful, angered face, and she knew that if that man was able to bring such an out of place expression to a person like Hisoka, then he's bound to be a special person to the Magician.

Hisoka says nothing, just taken aback by those words. He never thought he'd hear them, and over Leorio. "Oh~" Hisoka chuckles, "Think I'm going to break into tears the moment you exit the room, Machi?"

"I know," Machi continues, eyes looking ahead, "The feeling of losing someone special." Pakunado's smiling face came to mind. Machi sighs, "It's an annoying feeling that won't really leave, one you learn to live with." Machi walks towards the exit, "I don't have any more words to offer, just to keep those you care about safe."

Hisoka hums, "I suppose this applies to you?" Hisoka asks, knowing the female spider considers the phantom troupe to be her family.

"Think what you want, Hisoka,"

"Machi…" Said spider pauses, one foot out the doors threshold. "I've decided to make sure it's my opponents who can't decide who it is or where they'll have to fight, that way…" Machi can feel Hisoka's being creeping from behind, "That way no one special can get in harm's way?"

"Whatever makes you happy-" Machi flinches as two strong arms wrap themselves around her. She remains still, waiting for Hisoka's next move.

"Thank you," Hisoka says sympathetically. Machi relaxes, nodding in response.

Once Hisoka releases his hold on her, Machi tenses up once again. Her body is being restraint, she can't move her arms or make a step. She looks down at herself, instinctively using Gyo. She's being held down by Hisoka's bungee gum.

"Would you pass this along to all the spiders for me…? That as of now," Hisoka casually walks around Machi, crazed orbs staring into betrayed blue ones, "No matter where they go or whoever they're with… I won't stop until I've killed them all~"

"Don't you dare fuck around with me!" Machi growls as she tugs at her invisible restraints. "I'll kill you myself right now!"

"I'll take that as a yes~?" Hisoka chimes as he made himself out, ignoring the venomous threats spewing out of the spider's mouth.

'He took your free will,
he took your future,
he took you away from me,
my happiness away,
and now…'

It's close to midnight, the moonlight beaming at the bloody scene before it. The animals around the area had long but scurried away, the deadly, powerful aura had scared them away. The scent of blood lingered heavily in the air, it won't take long before the smell would be replaced with the scent of rotting meat.

Hisoka picks up the still ringing phone, getting blood all over it. He hangs up on the number frantically calling –Machi- and begins to dial a differen't number.


"Hey, this is Leorio, sorry you can't reach me right now," Hisoka remained silent, listening to the other's masculine, gruff voice. He smiles softly, resting his head on the chain of the swing he's sitting on. Leorio takes a pause, seeming to do something on the other end of the line. Hisoka closes his eyes, imagining what the other could be so busy with at the time. By the sound of it, Leorio probably dropped some important papers and is annoyed trying to pick them up, Hisoka can tell by the huff and angry muttering that can also be heard through the phone.

"I'll try to come back to you as soon as I can, for now, leave a message after the beep… Oh, and if this is Hisoka, I'm actually, legitimately busy! Just wait for me to call you back this time!"

Hisoka chuckles once the voice mail ends with a beep. "It's me, Leorio~" Hisoka says with a pained sigh, "The match… didn't go as well as I planned. You should know, you were there," Hisoka chuckles. "Oh love, I'm sorry… so, so sorry," Hisoka shakes his head before standing to his feet and stalking over to Shalnarks dead corpse. "Well… I guess it's a little too late for apologies now… you really should have stayed home, this is your own fault to be brutally honest," He reaches down, grabbing Shalnark by the hem of his shirt neck and effortlessly drags the corpse to the swing. "But I guess it's my fault too, I should have been clearer, more firm with you,"

Hisoka sits Shalnark upon the swing and bound his hands on the swing's chains with bungee gum –until he finds something to tie him with. "But don't worry, Love, I won't let things stay the way they are," Hisoka smiles toothily, "I'll take away what Chrollo's worked so hard to make, I'll start with the legs before going for the spiders head~ Don't try to stop me now, I've made up my mind."

He hangs up the phone, crushing it in his palm before letting its remains fall to the earth.

'He took your free will,
He took your future,
He took you away from me,
My happiness away,
And now…
I'll take away the very thing he's worked hard to create,
The phantom troupe.
I'll start with the legs of the spider,
starting from their weakest,
And work my way up from there."

"Even if it kills me… I'll end the spider."

"Stay home, under no means do I want to see you at the match, Leorio. This one is… unique… ha ha, don't worry much about it, Love~ I'll come visit you as soon as I win~"

"Fine… You better come home, or else, I'll go to hell personally to give you a good beating for losing."

"He, he, doubt my strength, Leorio?"

"… No, I just, have a feeling…"

"I'll stay safe, Love~"

"For your sake, you better hope so…!"

"I love you~"

"Yeah, yeah… ditto."

Author's note*

This was just something I cooped up after reading the latest hunter x hunter chapters :^)


Please ignore the mistakes, i will get to them eventually


to those waiting for me to update anymore Hisoleo stuff

PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH ME. IM TRYING TO WORK ON THEM. Trying to get to a certain number of chapters before posting them. I don't want you guys to end up waiting months for an update and such. So be patient. I'm working on them! XD