Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI

Possible a New Member of the Family

Jackie had just gotten the kids to bed when the doorbell rang one evening. Nick was pulling a double at the lab and Jackie was glad it was Friday, she could sleep in tomorrow.

Since it was still light out thanks to the time of the year she peeked out the window to see who was at her door.

It was her neighbor's daughter.

"Hi Cheryl, come on in." Jackie greeted as she opened the door.

"Hi Jackie, thanks." She said as she entered.

"Want some coffee or lemonade?" Jackie asked.

"Lemonade sounds great thank you." She responded as she followed Jackie into the kitchen.

Jackie poured two glasses and then sat down at the table.

"Jackie the reason I stopped over is because I have a question for you."

"Ok, what is it?" Jackie asked.

"Well as you know my mother is getting older and she isn't doing very well so she's going to be moving into an assisted living facility. It's a very nice place with a lot for her to do but there is just one problem."

"What's the problem?" Jackie asked.

"They don't allow pets, and I can't take Skittles because I rent an apartment that doesn't allow pets either, I know that your kids love Skittles and I was wondering if you guys would like to take her, I would hate to have to send her to the pound, she's such a sweetheart but I don't know of anyone else that would take her. Would you be interested?"

The question threw Jackie off guard.

"Um, I don't know, I'd have to talk to Nick about it, how old is Skittles?" Jackie asked.

She didn't want to adopt Skittles, have her kids get super attached to her and then have Skittles pass away from old age that would devastate her kids.

"She's, let's see here, five." Cheryl answered.

"I'll talk to Nick and get back to you." Jackie promised.

After that the two women made small talk about other things.

When Nick got home a few hours later he was exhausted.

"Hi honey, we need to talk." Jackie said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the couch.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked.