Disclaimer: Polarspaz from tumblr created Spidey Pete and I give full credit to the awesomeness.

Chapter 1

Wad's hand cupped Peter's cheek as he made out with his handsome boyfriend.

Yep! Boyfriend! Wade Fuckin' Wilson aka Deadpool, was totally doing New York's finest piece of ass, Spiderman aka Peter Parker.

Peter moaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Wade's neck

The two had been dating for around two months now and in a few more days, it will become three months

Wade broke the kiss and looked up at his cute boyfriend. Peter had the softest brown hair and his smile was stunning. But Peter's ultimate weapon was his eyes. Those beautiful hazel eyes could be used to make Wade do whatever Peter wanted. The slightest tinge of green mixed with the brown made Wade want to melt on the spot and throw himself at Peter's feet. Wade also appreciate the ass as well, though the spandex covered booty was fine, underneath all that it was even finer.

For some unknown reason, Peter found Wade attractive. It has become a game of sorts for Wade to tell Peter that maybe he is the crazy one for dating someone who looks like him, but Peter shups him up with a few kisses and diverts his attention elsewhere. It always worked and that is what he loved about Peter.

Those beautiful hazel eyes, they were the only eyes that looked at Wade without fear, disgust, or hate. Those eyes held nothing but love and compassion for the mercenary.

Wade gently pulled Peter up so he could kissed his lover's neck and possibly leave a few naughty hickies. Wade began to suck on a tender spot on Peter's shoulder when there was a blare of police sirens from down the street. He sighed and kissed Peter's cheek. "It's the Spidey signal," He whispered.

Peter kissed the mercenary back. "You know it. I gotta go. It's probably just a stolen car or something."

"Why not let the police handle it? We finally found a day for you to relax without worrying about school, your jobs, or most of your major enemies. We deserve an 'Us' day. Besides, it's not like you are getting paid."

"It's the…"

Wade cut Peter off, knowing what he was going to say. "It's the right thing to do, I know all that superhero bullshit. Just hurry up, okay? I'll get us some chimichangas and a movie from red box so we can continue this date night properly. Oh! I'll get some churros too."

Peter laughed. "I would like that very much Wade."

"Hurry up and get that Spidey ass back here."

Peter laughed and put his mask on. He opened the window of Wade's apartment and dived out.


Peter swung through the streets of New York, following the cop cars. He came to a warehouse by the Hudson river which was surrounded by cops. He landed on top of a police car. "What's the situation?"

A female cop smiled at the masked hero. "It is reported that Doctor Octavius is holding 15 people hostage within the Oscorp facility."

"Alright. I'm going in."

"We got your back, Spiderman."

Peter leaped into the air and swung, crashing through the window of the warehouse and startling Doc Ock.

Spiderman attacked the Doctor who tried to fend off the hero. As the usual fight with Doc Ock, Peter was thrown around much more than he would have liked. Peter tried to tangle the arms, but and just about succeeded when an arm shot at him and he dodged as it impaled within a machine, blowing it up.

An alarm sounded and a countdown voice said, "Radiation levels at 41%."

Doctor Octavius cursed Spiderman for screwing up his plan and grabbed a device before trying to leave.

Peter attacked him, but like a bug, Doc Ock swatted him to the side.

"Radiation levels at 55%."

Peter worked quickly freeing the hostages and getting them out. By the time Peter was saving the last scientists, he could hear the alarm saying, "Radiation levels at 86%."

Peter felt sick. He got the woman to safety and took off before the paparazzi came or the police who had a vendetta against him. He swung through the city, but quickly grew dizzy and fell. He thankfully caught himself using his web to break his fall, but he still fell pretty hard. He felt sick.

He stumbled all the way home. Ever since he started attending college, he lived on his own in a little hovel. He made it back to his apartment and flopped onto his bed.

He didn't bother taking off his spider suit, it was too much effort. He weakly pulled out his phone and looked at the picture he was using as his background of him and wade smiling with sombreros on. Wade's sombrero read, 'Birthday Boy'. He opened his contacts and Wade's number popped right up. He called it and Wade answered immediately.

"Did you know that the new Star Warz movie is out? Oh, by the way I got Frozen. Get ready for all the damn, 'Let It Go' puns tonight."

"Wade," Peter said weakly

Wade stopped joking and grew serious. "What's up Baby Boy?"

"I don't feel so good." Peter muttered.

"Were you shot? Because I swear, if some mother fucker shot you, I'll…"

"No!" Peter interrupted Wade, he could basically hear the mercenary getting his guns ready for action. "I just feel a little sick. I might have the flu or something. I don't want you catching it."

"I'm fucking Deadpool, I can't get sick Baby Boy, so give me a real reason why you don't want me to come and check on you."

"I am tired. I want to sleep this off, Wade."

Peter could hear Wade on the other side consider it.

"Alright, If you say so. More chimichangas for me!"

Peter laughed. "Okay. I'm sorry for ditching you tonight. I will see you tomorrow."

"Alrighty, Oh! And Baby Boy, I love you."

Peter smiled, "I love you too."

Wade hung up.

Peter felt horrible, he slowly closed his eyes and rested his head. It did not take long before Peter drifted off to sleep.