Ordo Ab Chao


Unknown time, unknown location

A shadowy figure moved silently through the darkest corners of an alleyway. The figures eyes scanned every nook and cranny before moving from one shadow to the next, making sure nothing was ahead or behind. Eyes checked left then right and the figure dashed towards a dumpster easily springing on top of it and leaping from there to a fire escape ladder that was pulled up too high for the average person to reach.

This was no average person.

The figure climbed the ladder and then the stairs until reaching a window and pausing as if listening. After a moment or so the figure slid the window open and went inside the dark apartment.

A light turned on.

The figure paused for a brief second and then reached up and removed his hat then turned around. A second figure was seated in a corner and buried in shadows. "Didn't expect you so early," the first figure's gruff voice said while placing the hat on a rack then removing his trench coat.

"When I make an appointment I make sure I'm early," a feminine voice replied.

"I shouldn't be surprised really. So I assume this is an off the books briefing or something?"

The figure didn't reply.

"Well alright then. Excuse me if I get comfortable. It's been a hell of a case." The man reached up and sprayed something onto his face then began peeling away strips of flesh revealing his true identity beneath the faceless mask he usually wore. The Question breathed in deep and then flopped down on a couch adjacent to the figure seated in the corner. It wasn't very often during the job that he got to take off his mask and get some fresh air so he relished when he did.

"What happened out there?" the woman asked.

"Nothing I didn't already put in the report. I was on a case following leads and whatnot when I ended running into John Constantine. I'd heard of him through A.R.G.U.S reports and my own personal investigations so I knew he'd be able to help me with this. Believe me, I was in way over my head, I just didn't know it at the time."

"What does Constantine know?"

"Nothing," The Question stretched his arms.

"Good. We can't have a vagabond of a man like that knowing the truth."

"It wasn't hard really. He doesn't ask many questions and I don't offer many answers."

"I have another mission for you if you're ready."

"What is it this time?"

"You'll be going to Santa Prisca to do what you do best. I'll be sending a Task Force X team to the island and they'll collect all the Intel you gather before their arrival. Once you make contact and the exchange is complete your mission and time on Santa Prisca will be over."

"Do I have a choice?"


"Alright then Waller." The Question sat up. "When do I leave?"

Amanda Waller and the Question continued their conversation in the secret A.R.G.U.S safe house for a while. It was an off the books black site building that Waller used for meetings such as these, with agents that weren't bound by normal A.R.G.U.S rules or regulations. Vic Sage aka The Question was one such individual. Waller allowed him to chase after whatever conspiracy theory or cult plot he wanted in exchange for information and the occasional mission.

This was one of dozens of meetings they'd had since she had convinced him to take employment with ARGUS. Nothing had ever gone out of the ordinary and nothing would tonight. Nothing that Waller, Sage or any of the dozen ARGUS agents watching over the building would notice that is.

High above the building, standing in the windy night sky was John Constantine smoking a cigarette. He had secretly tagged The Question with a little spell that allowed him to track a person's movements and location. Once he followed the spy here another simple spell allowed him to listen in on the Question's little meeting that was currently going on.

Constantine finished his cigarette and tossed it away. Several questions were going through his mind at the moment. Who was Amanda Waller? What was A.R.G.U.S and what was on Santa Prisca?

They were questions for another time he decided. He'd followed Question to see who the man worked for and was reporting to and now he knew. He would do a little digging on Waller and A.R.G.U.S but he wasn't one for the world of espionage and spy life. His job here was done. Mission a success. Faust had escaped but they had prevented whatever he was trying to do and restored the balance back to magic. Constantine liked things simple, good old fashioned possessions and secret cults sucking up magic for psychotic occult rituals.

Yeah...that's what Constantine liked.

He lit up another cigarette and began walking away.

During the final confrontation

"This isn't over!" was the last thing the three figures head before Faust closed the portal closed behind them. They stepped out into a room adorned with many lavish chairs, bookshelves lined the walls and a few tables with lamps were set up nearby.

"Who the hell was that?" The first figure removed his hood revealing Malcolm Merlyn, now leader of the League of Assassins titled Ra's Al Ghul.

"His name is John Constantine." The second figure revealed himself to be Vandal Savage.

"Well, he ruined my ascension to immortality." The third figure was Maxwell Lord and he didn't look or sound pleased.

"Calm down, Mr. Lord they didn't ruin anything. The spell was a success," Faust assured him. "However, immortality is a bit of a stretch. I would say you have a few hundred years at best,"

Lord's expression went sour.

"There is always the Lazarus Pit." Ra's Al Ghul reminded him.

"I'd rather not have to risk my mind to return," Lord snapped.

"Sacrifices must be made to reach greatness," Savage quipped. "Ordo Ab Chao."

"You told us you could handle John Constantine!" Lord pointed at Faust and all eyes turned to him. "You told us he was nothing to you but he shrugged off your power like it was nothing."

"You do not know anything about magic so do not presume to speak to me about it!" Faust snapped. "Constantine was held off as promised and the spell was a success. He was more prepared than expected but it will not happen again."

Lord didn't have anything to say so he changed the subject. "Do you think John Constantine knows it was us tampering with magic to give me a longer life?"

Savage shook his head. "No. He will think it was Faust and has no clue who we are. He is a bug in a sandstorm. He has no control over anything." With that Vandal Savage turned to Felix Faust and smiled broadly, "You've proven yourself Mr. Faust," Savage opened his arms. "As has everyone here and those that will come later."

"Speak plainly, Savage." Faust said impatiently.

"Very well," Savage looked displeased but continued. "Felix Faust, I'd like to show you the Light."



Whelp, thanks to those that read & reviewed the story & even more so to those that left constructive criticism. This was my first time writing a story that wasn't action based and more about intrigue and plot twists. I had a lot of fun bringing it to you.

The heroes & villains story will continue in the Arrowverse I'm writing read along to find out what the villains are plotting in the shadows.